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#609809 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Baiken on 23 October 2014 - 04:36 AM

I was honestly expecting something a little bit more...flashy/elegant. Hinata is looking good though, reminds me a little of Tsunade's attire. I know like 95% of you people on this forum hate Hinata's guts and only want her to be the clan leader so she can be preoccupied and out of the way of NS, BUT I legit want to see her be something more than just pairing fodder....As for that artwork, NH really does look miserable; doesn't seem right at all. When I look at NS, it just fits. NS clearly makes the most sense but.....Kishi has been shown to not give a crap about logic, so idk.

#608831 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Baiken on 21 October 2014 - 02:51 PM

@redrose3443 Yeah, it's sad. We haven't seen a single slug sage in this entire series. I can only imagine how incredible Sakura would have been if she mastered that thing. But this is Kishi, so I have no hope.



Naruto's movie design is a bit of a dispointment, he still doesn't look like an adult, he looks like an highschooler.

And Sakura looks like she's 14.

Too bad, because Kishi's sketchs of Sakura were good (except for the fat ass)


Y'know, I'm just gonna say a few words. When I was a little boy, I used to think a cute face and a skinny body (no muscle tone, no fat) was amazing. Then, I grew up and became a man. ...I'll leave it at that for now.



#605340 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Baiken on 17 October 2014 - 04:39 AM



She could always use her hair to attack:




I'm pretty sure Jiraiya could do that jutsu, right?


Also, Ino now reminds me of Millia Rage, and that is awesome.






Lastly, Shino looks stupid bai.

#554706 Naruto 687

Posted by Baiken on 30 July 2014 - 06:08 AM

Bout Time

#522138 Naruto 672

Posted by Baiken on 09 April 2014 - 08:41 PM

I don't think he knows what happened while he was almost dead. Just like when he woke up after Yamato's speech.

And I'm honestly tired of that kitten tbh...like the dude's completely oblivious to nearly everything Sakura does. Seriously doubt that's ever going to be addressed. Maybe it's for the best though; knowing Naruto, he'd probably end up making a joke out of the CPR, he seems like the type.  :hm:

#522058 Naruto 672

Posted by Baiken on 09 April 2014 - 03:14 PM

So Guy escapes death and Naruto is pretty much god now,oh...okay. More flashblacks with more parallels. Chapter was nothing special, but I'm looking forward to how Team Taka will handle Spiral Zetsu, if they decide to. I also wonder how the SA are doing and by SA, I mean the Konoha shinobi. Honestly I'm tired of these panels paralleling Sakura with Karin. Same goes for Hinata too. If Sakura gets a panel, there's always some....side chick juxtaposed by her. She's being grouped with pairing fodder, she's better than that, Kishi. As for what's next for Sakura, she won't play a part in taking down Madara imo; nothing in her arsenal suggests otherwise. Unfortunately, the only thing I see from her is healing up Guy and the others. Better than I can say for others because pretty soon I think anyone who isn't Naruto, Sasuke, or Madara at this point will not be the stars of this fight.

#494322 Naruto 647

Posted by Baiken on 17 September 2013 - 03:27 PM

Pretty dark chapter. Only two things I didn't like about this chapter: Naruto for the hundredth time losing/gaining hope from a few words, just....enough. And second, can Karin and Suigetsu die already? Or something? Their interactions are neither cute nor funny. It does nothing for the story and is just a waste of a panel.


And geez, Sakura is...really depressing, hope she doesn't continue to sit back and try to heal the Alliance. And since Katsuya can no longer do mass healing, what's left for Sakura? Moving on, I'm glad the 5 Kage+Orochimaru are finally on the battlefield, all that's needed is Kakashi. Since nearly everyone is on the scene, I'm expecting the SA to go balls out on destroying the God Tree. Let's see some action please. And Sasuke, say what you will about him, but he gets things done.


Also, I really liked the way Kishi drew Naruto in this chapter. THAT is a look of true despair.

#492498 Naruto 646

Posted by Baiken on 10 September 2013 - 02:19 PM


She looks like a demon to me :P


I immediately thought of the Shiki Fuujin:






My thoughts on this chapter:


Glad that the plot is finally starting to pick up. Did not expect Kishi to go in depth with the Sage and his mother's backstory. A little bummed that he wasn't an Uzumaki tbh. I mean, why couldn't the Sage just be a normal guy (normal for an Uzumaki) who ended up gaining (earning) the Juubi's godly powers? Instead, he was born with this power, just like Naruto, just like the Senju, and just like the Uchiha. I think it would've been neat if the Sage was just an ordinary guy who earned his way into god level status. Oh well.


And finally, death to the fodder! I can't imagine how Naruto is feeling right now. Crazy how forming the Shinobi Alliance to prevent the apocalypse is actually going to be the very cause of it.

#478977 Naruto Predictions!

Posted by Baiken on 26 June 2013 - 09:04 PM



You better believe KakaSaku is one of my top crack pairings. :hehehe:

#469895 Naruto 632

Posted by Baiken on 29 May 2013 - 11:40 PM

Lol, will this thread have even more pages than 631's? I'm at page 20 and just posting to say that I read this chapter and was pleased. Sakura, she just looked really badass in this chapter. Favorite panel:




It was awesome seeing Sasuke and Hashi impressed by that little monster. As for the last bit in the chapter, the "SS" moment, At first, when I saw that panel of her supposedly blushing, I thought, "after all this time and you're still that Sakura?", but then I figured it's really not a big deal, I mean we were expecting an SS moment...it could've been worse. Actually, I'm still expecting there to be a bigger SS moment. Plus there was that panel with Juugo questioning Sasuke's decision. Ulterior motives?


It was great seeing Sakura finally getting her time to shine, though tbh, I'm expecting more from her than just this one chapter. I tried and am still trying to keep my expectations for Sakura's power up relatively low (which was her obtaining the yin seal - or a slug summon), it's just good to see her kicking ass. Also, Hyagoku/Hyakugou? Wat. Is that some sort of variant of Tsunade's Seal? I wonder what will happen once Sakura releases it? Personally, I'm hoping it's neither Creation Rebirth or Byakugou. I hope it's something entirely new. At this point, Kishimoto can go anywhere with Sakura at this point. Hell, a slug summoning, a powerful genjutsu, or SSM could still very well happen.


Only two things I didn't like about this chapter:


1. As good as it was seeing Sakura completing the Yin seal, I just can't help but think this was all way too convenient.

2. Those random....Juubites coming out of the ten-tails was just a "Huh?" moment.


As for the reviews and other forums, I ain't even touching that s**t LOL. I can just feel the hate resonating from the other forums, let them talk.  :hm: missART's reviews are the only one's I completely enjoy viewing anyways. I'm just going to enjoy this chapter for this week and wait for the next.


Also, just saying I like the new layout for this site. Sleek. :yes: