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Member Since 16 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2013 03:22 AM

#474225 Naruto 633

Posted by slimsh4d3y on 08 June 2013 - 03:39 AM



633 was a consolation prize I felt, many haters basically said "Just wait till what Hinata unleashes, it will outshine Sakura, I mean she airpalmed the ten tails." This made me just go  :kukuku: I seriously did not know how to react, she had Naruto's power, many said Hinata would outshine Sakura again and that she was finished, no more powerups for Sakura, well 633 came, Hinata's boost was just a small gain, so Sakura takes out like 100 in one shot, Hinata barely takes out 1 with 64 palms?  :ohmy: Some great power boost that was,  :chuckle:  I bet many after seeing that were like, 'Well Sakura is done, nothing new for her." *They reached the end of the chapter* Summoning Jutsu! Many haters may have felt annoyed at that part.  :fan:

People are in denial. :facepalm: It's like the 5 Stages of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and ultimately Acceptance.


They can't stand that Sakura is the one helping to progress the story along, even though it's been long established that she's the main female. They refuse to believe that NaruSaku will happen, even though it's backed up by the ENTIRE manga - the gradual development of their relationship, the parallels between Kushina/Sakura and Kushina's speech, Naruto referencing his love for her multiple times and even calling her his girlfriend, Sai/Yamato commenting on Sakura's feelings for Naruto, etc. It's all there. Meanwhile, NaruHina only has Hinata's love for Naruto. That's it. Never once has Naruto seen Hinata in a romantic light; it seemed like it finally happened in 615, but that was shot down in 631 with the girlfriend comment. It is now clear as day that the handhold was purely to transfer chakra as well as give Hinata a boost of confidence. Romance was far from Naruto's mind at that moment. Also, no one has ever commented on Naruto's feelings for Hinata, because they're well-aware that he is in love with Sakura. Even people who don't follow the manga notice the NaruSaku moments, including the New York Times as well as this (found on Tumblr):




It's all deny, deny, deny at this point: "NaruSaku is only for comedic relief", "Naruto meant a friend who's a girl", "Minato does not know Hinata, otherwise he'd ask if she were Naruto's girlfriend", "Hinata had such a powerful moment in 633, so much better than Sakura's in 632 so Naruto is going to love her", etc. Once it's no longer possible to deny that NaruSaku will happen, there will be extreme anger. This is followed by bargaining ("Please Kishi just kill off Sakura PLEASE! Volume sales will go up so much if you just get rid of her - I'LL buy them all if you kill Sakura off"), then depression and eventually (for some) acceptance.


There is an article on Crunchyroll about shipping fanart....NaruHina featured and no NaruSaku, of course.  :glare: Funny (yet disturbing) to see so many comments on that article like "NaruHina was the reason I started watching romantic anime" and "I only read Naruto for NaruHina". These people are in for a rude awakening.  :P If they read Naruto purely for the ships, particularly NaruHina, that's just....sad. There is nearly NO development between them throughout the entire series; development for their individual characters, sure, but not in their relationship with each other. It just shows that people (our ship included, although I don't think we are as extreme) read each Naruto chapter with their shipping goggles strapped extra-tight over their eyes.


...That felt so good getting off my chest.  :smug: Is it Wednesday yet?

#473524 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by slimsh4d3y on 05 June 2013 - 10:09 PM


You're talking about the Cinderella archetype when a humble girl gets everything after tons of hard work. I hate that fairy tail. Nevertheless, oriantal societies prefer the submissive type too, marriage-wise. Actually, in Europe (including Russia) most women are neither quiet nor shy. And men just deal with that or fantasize about submissive dolls. Well, those boys have nothing in common with Naruto. 

Cinderella! I knew there was a name for it.  :P  Thanks.


I think the whole fantasizing aspect has to do with the Hinata love as well. A lot of guys, many anime fans in particular, would prefer a more submissive, shy girl over a loud and more in-your-face one like Sakura. Therefore, they cheer for Hinata. On the other hand, many NaruSaku fans look at the shipping situation from Naruto's perspective rather than their own: They know that Naruto has feelings for Sakura and that she might be developing feelings for him, rather than taking it in from a personal, "what would I want" POV.