i didn't watch the video, but if there aren't any naruhina moments in it then it clearly indicates that they're slowly killing the ship. since naruto is probably not very popular as it once were, they're hoping to get back the fans that left the fandom after the ending by not showing any more naruhina moments. it does look like they are finally coming to their senses. making naruhina canon clearly did not make the franchise more successful after the ending. instead everything went down spirally, losing a large portion of the entire naruto fanbase. it's a little too late for what they're doing now for most of the fans who left long time ago who are most likely never going to look back to this series again. naruhina is utterly distasteful and sasusaku is a lost cause. the only way this is going to be fixed is if everything in chapter 700 and after that was really nothing but a dream. because chapter 700 really looks like a badly written fanfiction by a naruhina fan that everything in the chapter almost feels like it's happening in a very powerful genjutsu. im very open to that idea, but kishi is really the only one that can turn this around who doesn't care anymore. although i wouldnt be surprised if the anime take on a new direction seeing as the ending was unsuccessful
Well in my opinion they are in the IT since chapter 611...