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awesome sauce dude

Member Since 09 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2015 04:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

02 December 2014 - 06:48 PM

I just realized Sakura did a lot of things for naruto before hinata did them. Sakura supported naruto before hinata, she was there for narutobefore hinata, Sakura saved naruto a multitude of times before hinata, Sakura held hands with naruto before hinata, and she kissed naruto before hinata, and you know where all of this is in? It's in the actual manga. Not a filler movie

In Topic: Assassin's Creed Unity

11 November 2014 - 03:50 PM

So kittening excited I can't hold it in. Absolutely love the ac series. Altair will always be my favorite, but from what I've heard arno is pretty awesome. I can't play it yet though, college is taking up to much time and its getting close to the end of the semester so I can't get distracted lol

In Topic: NaruSaku - The Build Up!

06 November 2014 - 02:07 PM

Oh my goodness. All this build up, all this interaction, development, foreshadowing, hints, logic, all just pooped on. This build up completely kittens on sasusakus. I can tolerate naruhina, but sasusaku, a pairing that was not developed at all, its just sad. Kishi has got to be the worst romance writer ever. If he saw all this I bet he would feel bad

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

06 November 2014 - 01:07 PM

Lol these last chapters were the epitome of bad writing. Kishi clearly doesn't care about his characters. And he apparently forgot it was naruto who made the forehead gesture to Sakura, not sasuke. This ending is not conclusive, it is terrible. He reverted sakuras development to nothing. Made naruto, the main character, give up on his love interest, when clearly throughout the story it was shown naruto always loved Sakura, and Sakura was developing feelings for naruto, while her feelings for sasuke were making her suffer. This terrible message kishi is sending. To me narusaku will always be the canon pairing at the end. Looking back at the manga I know we wereright. And we always will be. Kishi did not fulfill sakuras development nor did he give any of the canon couples any proper development. He did not give naruto what he set out to do in the beginning. Just a terrible ending to a great series. I'll probably never think about naruto again. I might occassionly think about narusaku and how much better it is than these ships, but from now on I'm only sticking to one piece and fairy tail

In Topic: DOn't f**king blame Naruto(character)

06 November 2014 - 12:57 PM

Exactly. I don't blame naruto, I blame what the creator didn't do for/with naruto. Throughout the whole series he talks about never giving up, and yet he gives up on Sakura at the end. After loving her for the entire series. And yet we don't get a confession or resolution. All the pieces were in the right place for kishi to have naruto get all that he set out to do in the beginning, and bring sakuras development full circle. But he didn't. It seems like he doesn't even know his characters at all. If anyone is to blame, it is kishi for kittening on his characters development.