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#819278 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 08 May 2015 - 03:45 PM


Kurapika on your sig   :excited: , he is the original and better Sasuke  :hehehe:


About Sakura vs Sasuke, well I think that she could have a  chance if she had the byakugou, didn't acted like a pathetic lost kitten near him, and Sasuke was in his Hebi phase


But yeah realistically speaking, she would lose because she simply can't think on her right mind near Sasuke for some stupid reason and Kishimoto never bothered to change it

Kurapika is amazing but Sasuke is better  :pimp:


Yeah, I don't know what drugs Kishi was on to make it so a blind already beaten Sasuke could grab Sakura by her neck and she does nothing about it.


Sakura is alot smarter than sasuke, remember that written chunnin exam?. Both naruto and sasuke cant answer a single questions only sakura can [and without cheating]. Brain/Intelegent "ALWAYS" beat power and speed. If for some god knows why reason sakura vs sasuke happen, my bet is on sakura because she is smarter. She is good at chakra control she even manage to save narutos life with almost zero chakra[The CPR scene]. Yes sasuke is stronger than her by power and speed, but sasuke easly tired especialy when using susanoo and amaterasu, remember when sasuke and edo itachi team up to fight kabuto?. Without itachi sasuke SURELY died. Itachi is smart while sasuke underestimate kabuto and got both of them in trouble. Well thats what i think.

Book Smarts=/=FIght Smarts, she has a terrible fighting style and nope Brain doesn't beat power and speed, you think Shikamaru could beat Madara or Gai? All Sasuke would have to do is fire one Susano'o arrow or use Amaterasu and it would be GG.

#818627 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 07 May 2015 - 03:20 PM

you know i tried to ignore the whole ss fans only care about sex thing, but this http://41.media.tumb...qbgio1_1280.png


is just kittening stupid.

Pretty sure its just a joke.....


Was there ever any evidence in the chapter that he knew about Sakura? Because if not, then how are people so willing to put all the blame on Naruto? And even if there was, he is under no obligation to do anything for her, considering that the lengths that she went, with his help, to fracture their friendship. The way this series ended, it gave off the impression that they don't even have a friendship anyway, Naruto is under zero obligation to do anything for Sakura at all. She showed that she gives zero kittens about him, why should he care about her?

She saved his life, this is the same guy who fainted over someone who killed him and said he would die with said person, in CANON Naruto/Sakura are still "friends" and she healed him to the point where she was tired/almost-dead which means she does care for him.

#815836 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 03 May 2015 - 05:23 PM

Kabuto should have been the final villain. He was basically the anti-Naruto of the series. Wasted on on Itachi. Just another example of the sheer amount of wasted potential of this series.

Kabuto got pretty bad when he wanted to be a copy of Orochimaru before that he was awesome and actually acted like a true ninja...

#814487 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 01 May 2015 - 04:15 PM

It seems that maybe you didn't pay attention to anything related to Obito's backstory, else you wouldn't have missed all the times Rin was actually nice to Obito and actually supported him. So no, Obito had a reason to love her, Sakura did not have a reason to love Sasuke. Obito, even in his darkest hour, wasn't nearly as shallow as Sakura was. He actually loved Rin on virtue of how she treated him. Try again later.

Sure he had a reason to love her (More than all the other main parings) but that doesn't matter at all, Nina (From Code Geass) had a reason to like Euphemia but that doesn't justify her scary/creepy/unhealthy obsession with her. Anyway, can I ask why you excuse Obito going against Rin's wishes and destroying the Leaf but hate on Sasuke for doing the same thing with Itachi?  :confused:

#813979 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 30 April 2015 - 08:42 PM


I wonder if the push to wrap Naruto's story around Obito's backstory and redemption was a desperate attempt to recapture the spark and cohesiveness of the story at the end of the Pain arc.


There are lots of parallels. Part of the Pain arc involved revealing a big anti-hero that fans gravitated to, with Yahiko and Nagato. There was a big awesome battle, and it came at the culmination all the Akatsuki build-up. Then there was Pain's backstory, or rather the story of the three, with the redemption of Nagato and him using his powers for a good purpose in the end.


All of this is the same as Obito. Even the multiple names/personas of Pain/Yahiko/Nagat is repeated with Obito/Tobi/Madara. 


The difference is the whole Pain arc peaked and was resolved naturally. It wasn't forced. There was nothing contradictory in the story before, and the unveiling of the final twist (their identity) didn't involve any retconning. (Yes, the reset button with Nagato wasn't great, but people accepted it as a blind gift. Nothing they needed to pay an homage to.)


The difference is in Naruto and the reactions around them. Naruto was angry at Pain and said so. He never really let go of that, just accepted that people change, and accepted Nagato's token of redmeption which was to return life to everyone he could.


However with Obito, Naruto and even Kakashi go overboard to make Obito's life be the reason they have done everything, and that his years as a vicious, merciless, self-serving criminal were just a hiccup in his "cool guy" lifestyle. With Pain, there was some avenging purpose in the original formation of Akatuski. With Obito, it was only about revenge, never once reaching out for the truth that was right in front of him all along, instead making everyone else pay for his mistaken beliefs with their lives.


Kakashi's move to become Hokage (something he would never do) and the chopping off of Naruto's wild hair (something that was so much a part of his look, like Harry Potter's glasses) are both an homage to Obito. Kishimoto's still trying to justify Obito's role in the story by tying him to the two future leaders.


But Obito is awful. Just awful. His story was just Kishimoto's weak attempt to recapture some of the creative weight of the beginning of the story. And it's going too far to make him be the most impacting person at the end, instead of alllll the other people who truly made a difference in Naruto's life, who really did care and who were protecting the Leaf and who didn't have a hand in most of the murders of the last 15 years.


If anything, Naruto should have had Minato's hair. Or Jiraiya's. Or even Tsunade's!! lol! But never Obito's. 

I agree with everything but this. Naruto, who was supposed to be a "hardworker/drop-out" was a Child of Prophecy which of course contradicts his speech to Neji in the Chunin Exams and his talent-less backround.


Jiraya, was made into a kitten in order to connect him to Naruto. He is Naruto's "god-father' but didn't bother to save him or help him form the village.


In regards to the actual fight, it was very convenient that Guy or anybody worthwhile wasn't there but it was still a good fight. The thing that bothered me a lot was Pain, for some reason he felt the need to prove his ideas to Naruto, who was going to die soon, (He didn't even try to do the same with Jiraya, his sensei, in fact he ignored his questions) that he went to the extent of killing Hinata in front of him despite having knowledge that Naruto will turn into the Kyuubi and defeat him.

#810980 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 26 April 2015 - 05:34 PM

The Sakura bashing has always been ridiculous, there are far more characters that deserve bashing than her but the thing that pisses me of the most is when they praise Hinata simultaneously, I don't even like Sakura that much but she's a far better character than the likes of Hinata, that's why I stopped watching Forneverworld's videos because he's just a Hinata wanker and takes every opportunity to hate on Sakura.

#808772 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 24 April 2015 - 02:55 PM

The second Kishi decided to end the manga the way he did along with his pairing choices so he could have a next generation, was the moment he wrote himself into a corner. Now he can only rely on more trolling with the pairings and Sarada's parentage to try to keep fans reading, before he goes pulling pt1 all over again for his next crap-tastic movie. The only ideas left to him is useless, random kitten.

Yeah, I think its pretty obvious that he's trying his hardest to force a conflict, he pulled something about Sakura "fainting ever since she was a child" out of his ass so Sarada could find the picture of Taka and Sakura not able to explain. He should just show the characters that were missing like Kabuto, Orochimaru, Taka, and Yamato or fan favorites like Hinata and Kakashi.

#804225 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 19 April 2015 - 02:17 PM



Yup. God forbid Kishi spend any time talking about the legacy of the Uzumaki, who were just as involved in founding the village as the Senju and Uchiha. Forget delving into the differences between Kushina's and Naruto's experience jailing the nine-tails. Who cares about exploring Naruto's mental struggle as he comes to terms with his parents, the fact that his sensei never mentioned it, and the village concealed this from him. We can't afford to spend one second on that because it would take away from another Uchiha flashback.


lol, I don't know why Kishi made that seem like a negative thing, who wouldn't be mad?


1.) So? Naruto resembles Minato a lot, you think he'd throw Naruto some sort of bone. That's no excuse.

2.) once again, so? From the middle of part one Kakashi knew that the Akatsuki were after Naruto, and still didn't do a god damn thing for Naruto until midway through part 2.

3.) the sharingan isn't Kakashi's only ability, God forbid he pass another technique seperate from the sharingan down to his other students.

4.) actually, Kakashi abandoned Naruto long before he even knew Jiraiya was in town. He ditched Naruto and left him hanging out to dry during the chuunin exams. For all Kakashi knew, Naruto might not have been able to come up with anything on his own, he might have gotten slaughtered by Neji. Kakashi just didn't care. Interestingly enough, Kakashi only showed any ounce of concern for Naruto when he learned Sasuke had escaped.

None of the things you listed are acceptable reasons form Kakashi to abandon his students in favor of Sasuke.

I was just listing out the excuses that Kishi gave to justify Kakashi favoring Sasuke, it doesn't have to make sense  :zaru:

#801865 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 15 April 2015 - 06:26 PM


You didn't get it, SS and NH never had what Obirin had, Obito had legitimate reasons to crush on Rin since she was kind, supportive and believed in him, the only problem is that Kishi made Rin an integral part of Obito's life and forget to give a reason to this, I mean he could 've explained Obito was an outcast at the uchiha clan or something, nobody believed him or liked him, thus Rin became his only shining beacon. Explanations like this could've made his extreme reaction to her death more believable



Naruto cheered Hinata on in the Neji fight and helped her overcome her struggles, and Sasuke cheered Sakura on in the Chuinin Exams (Not as much as Naruto but still something) plus he saved her. I agree but he still had Kakashi and Minato who both loved him. 



But, Studio Pierrot are the ones that Convinced Kishi to make "The Last" happen in the first place.


I meant, if he wanted more money he should have done something that revolves around Team 7 as Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi are one of the most popular.

#801385 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 15 April 2015 - 12:10 AM

Because not one of that entire clan can actually stop and think properly for a second. If I remember correctly Shisui fought with Danzou, and he lost his eye to him, then he decides to kill himself in order to not start a war (don't remember exactly) but before he dies he gives his remaining eye to Itachi. Itachi is put in a bad situation where he has to choose between his clan or his village. He chooses the village and kills the other Uchiha, leaving Sasuke alone because didn't know what was going on and because he loved him. Then he decides to mentally torture Sasuke so Sasuke can one day avenge what he (Itachi) did. Problem with this is that this lead to Sasuke going all psycho on everyone. So Itachi's decision to leave Sasuke alive but torturing him was incredibly dumb, especially when we were told that Itachi's intelligence level was beyond everyone else's.


Itachi could've easily let Sasuke live without showing him what happened. Yes that would've lead to a life of ignorance for Sasuke, but sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Well as kittened up as it sounds, Itachi cannot forgive himself and feels like he should be punished for his actions, he entrusts that duty to Sasuke meaning Sasuke had to hate him (He does a pretty good job at making him). And he also wanted Sasuke to get stronger so thats why he tortured him, to show him the difference in strength. Sasuke only went psycho because Tobi told him the truth (Not apart of Itachi's plan).


Shisui wanted to stop the coup so he planned to use Kotoamatsuki but Danzo steals is eyes, he runs away and gives Itachi the other one and kills himself in order for his body to not be discovered (If he didn't Tobi/Kabuto would have stolen his body and won the war).

Not all the Uchiha's were evil (certainly not the children and civilians), and I don't think they can "think" seeing as how they are the most emotional and loss ruins them.

#800132 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 13 April 2015 - 01:22 AM

It was already ridiculous beofre the Pain Arc when we were given very few and shallows reasons for Naruto's obsessiveness for Sasuke but it became ridiculous and humiliating for Naruto after the Pain Arc (bowing to the raikage, letting Karui beat him and of course the pathetic hyperventilation) I don't understand how can a writer think that's heroic but hey that's Kishi for you and Kishi is full of kitten, Naruto part 1 was such an endearing and inspiring character I don't understand how he became this crybaby just because Sasuke left by his own accord.


Third member if he ever exists will most likely be the most interesting character out of the 3.


Did you miss the part when Naruto says he won't abandon Sasuke like Jiraya did to Orochimaru? Which was in Part 1.

Naruto's a orphan that was hated by everyone, its natural he would value bonds much more than the average person.

I will however agree that fainting scene was pretty bad, but the other examples you stated weren't, he let Karui beat him so she could take out her anger on him instead of Sasuke and begging Raikage was just him helping. You have to take into consideration that Naruto sees Sasuke as a brother/BF and his Nindo is quite literally "never giving up".

#794383 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 03 April 2015 - 09:15 PM

My favorite NS moment was in the beginning when Sakura blushed at Naruto, it showed the their relationship might not be as one-sided as it was before....

#792667 Sakura Hiden

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 01 April 2015 - 06:29 PM

Wait a second, wasn't there a rumor a long time ago that Sakura got captured in a genjutsu and Sasuke did something and she immediately knew it was a fake? Was that a reference to this? LMFAO Sakura knows its a fake because she knows Sasuke doesn't love her and never will :lmao:

lol, i'm done  :lol:

#791968 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 01 April 2015 - 01:11 AM

By design, naruto is stronger than sasuke.
By plot, both of them are equal.

And sasuke is avanger, the day he stop avange thing that's when his character done. And it happen after his fight with naruto.

And I despise kishi as writer/mangaka not as the person since I don't know him personally.


He stops becoming an avenger after the Kage fight but I agree.

Sometimes, when I lurk around different Naruto Forums/ Sites, I just feel like most of Naruto fandom is full of Absolute Idiots ......smh.

LOL, Naruto has the worst fanbase I have ever seen, I refuse to go on Naruto YouTube comments because of it.

#791190 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by WhyDoIWatch on 31 March 2015 - 12:34 AM

How I expect SP to write SH.

Sasuke realizes how amazing Hinata is and then becomes close with her and SP inserts a scene where Naruto gets jealous(again) seeing the two interact. It turns out that Hinata was the first person to comfort Sasuke when his clan got murdered. And Hinata was the only person Sasuke could confide to, and his friendship with Naruto started as a replacement from his relationship with Hinata because they became separate teams.

In the end, Hinata tells Sasuke to go home to his wife and Sasuke agrees. And Hinata comforts Naruto who was depressed and jealous that Hinata might have chosen Sasuke as a punishment of neglecting being his husband.

Happy End.

lol, sounds like Fanfiction TBH.