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Member Since 23 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2008 11:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Sasuke, Who Should He End Up With?

20 September 2008 - 06:02 AM

Personally, I think Sasuke is going to die before he gets the chance to end up with someone. Not to mention given his personality, it's unlikely he'll see any female outside their breeding potential.

In Topic: Harems!

20 September 2008 - 05:58 AM

I like Harems if the author can do them right. Most authors just think it's a bunch of women throwing themselves at Naruto and him KB'in them into a pleasure coma. For the most part I perfer Naruto with one or two girls in a serious relationship.

However, I perfer crack harem stories mainly. Like 'I am not Submissive!' by Chronos Astral.

In Topic: Fanfiction Hates

20 September 2008 - 05:46 AM

First and foremost, the 'Beat the Demon Brat' plot device. Mobs with pitchforks, massive physical abuse on Naruto before canon starts. This is unsubstantiated, as canon has no evidence of this. You can make the argument for this, but it has to be reasonable. The Sandaime's law isn't just a set of guidelines, after all. Keep in mind that if Naruto had experienced this level of abuse, his mannerisms would be very different. Sasuke and Hinata are the only ones of the rookie nine to experience any form of abuse, mental or physical, and Hinata's is considered minor.

Second, 'Kyuubi attacked because ____ kill his/her kits/lover/pet/whatever' plot device. Kyuubi has basically been shown a nothing more then an animal with a whole lot of power and the equivalent of, if not greater then, human intelligence. Most likely it attacked because it felt like it or because it could. Although knowing Bakamoto, Madara probably had something to do with it using his Deus-Ex-Machinagan.

Third, Kyuubi being Nice/Helpful/Compassionate/HumanMaleForm/HumanFemaleForm/Etc. Kyuubi is a extremely powerful and very intelligent animal, a wild animal that's trapped in a cage. Nuff' said.

Fourth, Bad Guy Danzo. Danzo is a strong Nationalist with the best interest for Konoha at heart. A man who truly represents fighting for the greater good by using lesser evils.

Fifth, The Councilâ„¢. This is just a weak plot device, that is horribly abused.

Sixth, Sennin and Sannin. Sennin is used as part of Gama Sennin or Ero-sennin, which are for Jiraiya only. Sennin is not a rank and Tsunade/Orochimaru are not Sennin. The three of them together are the Legendary Sannin, I can't recall the word Bakamoto used for Legendary, or the Legendary Three Ninja. Jiraiya is a Jounin, Tsunade was a Jounin before becoming Hokage, and Orochimaru was a Jounin before becoming a missing-nin.

Seventh, Kages. There are five Kages, not one for every village.

Eighth, unrealistic romance. I don't know about you but, an average person doesn't just date one person and magically spend the rest of their lives together. People need to use some common sense when doing romance in fanfictions.

Ninth, the Clan Restoration Act. Seriously folks, this has been abused enough. Find some originality.

Tenth, Lack Of Creativity. Just because you want to give Naruto a sword but because your not creative enough to think up something original or can't mentally grasp the fact that not all ninja need a legendary chakra super weapon, doesn't mean it's cool to just give him a zanpakutō and have him learn Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū from Kenshin.

Eleventh, Japanese Usage. It's cool to use for jutsu, titles, and character names. However, if your going to use Japanese then do some research or ask someone in the know to check and make sure your using it correctly.

I'll probably add some more later.

In Topic: Your Favorite Crack Pairings

20 September 2008 - 05:12 AM


I'll also admit these are my favorite pairings, while I like NarutoxSakura for the Manga I like these three for my Fanfics.

Edit: I forgot I also like NarutoXKonan