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In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

29 May 2011 - 05:48 PM

QUOTE (Paptala @ May 29 2011, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Of course Naruto didn't believe her - the minute she brought up Sasuke and the promise and forgetting them, Naruto knew something was up. It wouldn't have mattered the level of truth in Sakura's claims to love him, and this is why.

Naruto knew that she was lying about not caring about Sasuke, and that nothing happened to make her travel all the way to summit (her weird behavior was giving this one away). So when he hears Sakura telling him that she loves him, something that is hard for him to believe (he's stuck on the idea that she loves Sasuke), naturally he's going to think its a lie by association of the other lies he knows she's telling him.

Regardless, Naruto's blush during her confession, his response to her during their argument ("If you don't like me then just say so!" "It's just weird!" - he never denied liking her still), shows that he's still in love with her after the confession. Since that time, we've seen nothing to suggest that he doesn't still love her romantically.

Bottom line, whether or not Naruto believed Sakura is irrelevant - he's still in love with her at this point in time until we're shown otherwise in the manga.

You know, I actually agree with everything you said here (except for the last paragraph). I think it is relevant whether he believed her or not, because think about how awkward Sakura would feel if she had to re-confess to Naruto. She'd be scared that he'd doubt her sincerity again, which is why I say it is a big issue that he didn't believe her to begin with.

And are those the actual words that Kishi used (the "It looks like Sakura really loves Sasuke, but Naruto is close."), or is this another mistranslation?

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

29 May 2011 - 04:07 PM

QUOTE (rastaman @ May 29 2011, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not that he doesn't believe her. Naruto feels responsible for Sasuke's rage because he has not kept his promise.
That's why Naruto changes the subject to Sakura calling him a criminal. Sasuke is a hindrance and Naruto is confused. That doesn't count as rejection.

Can you please point to the panel where Naruto changed the subject or whatever, because I'm at a loss here as to what you're saying. Or aren't you referring to chapter 469?

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

29 May 2011 - 03:09 PM

QUOTE (Boom...Winning @ May 29 2011, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First off, let's cool it with the back-and-forths here. I've seen it happen more than once on this site, and it usually ends with awkwardness or one of the mods coming in.

Mary, you've brought up some great points, and I can tell from your posts that you're a true fan of this pairing. I also agree that we shouldn't have to put on "shipping goggles". I mean if we just flat out ignore arguments against our pairing, we're pretty much the same as a certain other fandom.
However, I do have to disagree with you on one point. Naruto didn't reject Sakura's confession. He himself didn't believe it was a sincere confession, so he wouldn't have been able to reject it. I've had this argument with SasuSaku fans on more than one occasion, where someone will simultaneously call Sakura's confession a "lie" and Naruto's reaction a "rejection". The fact of the matter is that it can't be both. If Naruto acknowledged Sakura's feelings as truth, then said he doesn't love her, or loves someone else, then his reaction would qualify as a rejection. But if he doesn't believe her feelings to be sincere in the first place, then how can his reaction be considered a rejection?
The best way to look at that scene is as confusion on both parties' parts.

That's an interesting way of looking at Naruto's "rejection". Sure I can buy that, if he doesn't believe her, he can't reject her. Still doesn't change the fact that he didn't believe her, which was the point of my whole little rant up there.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

29 May 2011 - 03:02 PM

QUOTE (Phantom_999 @ May 29 2011, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heh Heh, Pretty Cynical about NS for a NS fan aren't' cha? tongue.gif Not That I'm judging Or saying you're wrong but hear me out please; First off I know Sakura did not intend to tell Naruto the truth about the decision by the Konoha 11 to kill Sasuke in the first place, which in turn actually proves how sensitive she has become to his feelings and that, to some extent says she does love him already in some form or manner or she wouldn't be crying so much from guilt, I mean do you imagine a just a friend being that emotional for hurting you? though of course it also showed she was determined to change her self so as to not always rely on him for the rest of her life. Now We're not accusing that you don't like NS, but its does seem like you're arguing against them rather than for them, however I understand that you don't want to turn into something like NH or SS like, by being in denial of other possibilities and trying to be logical to facts as well and thats okay a_thumbs.gif Its GOOD to think like that, its only that we all care about NS and thinking about the "what if it goes down the drain" concept will just make it depressing for us, though of course we would not rabidly attack other shippings like those NH or SS Fans dry.gif

I am a cynical person, so of course my second favorite ship is not gonna get away scotch clean no matter how much I want them to be together. And thank you for finally understanding my motivation for posting those arguments, frankly I was starting to think you guys were acting like NH/SS fans (you know, turning a blind eye to events), and I was expecting a little bit more maturity from my fellow NS shippers, which is why I turned cynical. And why the hell are you worrying for? Everything that's happened in that manga up until now has only been good development for NS (even after the confession, didn't you see how the two remained as close as ever, while Naruto ignored Hinata after her confession?) There's no way we'll lose! You're worrying over nothing.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

29 May 2011 - 02:52 PM

Sorry, but I won't refrain from writing what I believe. And why do you keep bringing that whole "Naruto fairing" scene into the conversation? That happened after the confession. What does his fainting and whether he believed Sakura's confession or not have to do with anything?