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Member Since 18 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2013 09:15 PM

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The NaruSaku Characteristics

18 March 2013 - 06:16 AM

Now, I'm a very huge NaruSaku fan, but I will try to make this beginning statment as unbiased as I possibly can. Hinata is a very kind, caring, and strong woman, we can all agree on this. Now let's take it to the other side. Sakura is also a very kind, caring, and strong woman. In Sakura's case of being strong, she's not so much combat oriented, but she's medical ninja oriented and one of the best at it in Naruto canon universe.
For those NaruHina fans, I think the most reliable argument they can put forth is that she has loved Naruto and took pride in him since she laid eyes upon him. Unfortunately for NaruHina fans, Hinata coming in during episode 166 to fight Pain in a decent battle isn't actually canon. She doesn't last long at all. From my point of view, NaruSaku works the best, because Sakura shares the same persona as Naruto. As we all know, Naruto is a very dynamic character with a very eccentric attitude, he's very sporadic and playful. Now Hinata on the other hand, is completely the opposite, she's very shy and timid in most cases, which isn't bad, but isn't necessarily ideal for Naruto. Sakura is also another playful character, who time after time loves to tease Naruto, act playful, and show great sympathy for Naruto during his troubled times. This is a very key characteristic between NaruSaku. Take this for instance, imagine hanging out with a person, and you're in a joking mood and being playful, and the other person just sits there and shyly smiles the whole time. That's the kind of relationship Naruto and Hinata would have. However, Naruto and Sakura would be like being with your best friend, you're both very comfortable with each other, and you can be yourselves. Now during the Shippuden episode 44, Yamato clearly realizes that Sakura does indeed love Naruto, it's obvious he was going to say it before he got interrupted, it's practically common sense through inference. Now, the real debate truly lies upon who Naruto will fall for, we know as of now that he's always loved Sakura from the day he's met her.
I personally believe that Sakura is the perfect fit for Naruto, because she matches his persona almost perfectly, that's my honest opinion.