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The REAL NaruSaku Dream

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#1 MoonDrop04


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:10 AM

Alright I'm kind of nervous since is my first time starting a thread so sorry in advance if I don't come out strong enough to convince you guys but I'll do my best!!! XD

Ok.......first things first before I get to my idea I need to make a statement:

The NaruSaku fandom was created and born from the expectation and hopes of the Hero and main heroine getting together from small beginnings to a bright future. We all held the sense of belief of a form of "Love" that could transcend beyond friendship and for the care of one person to another.

But since the end of the manga and the last movie coming out soon that portrayed not out form of "love" but another.......we have all been clouded by Sadness, Anger, and grievance. That anything we hear regarding Naruto or NS becomes like a Knife to the heart to us!!! And the Pairing wars or Canonship of NH and SS keeps everyone here from ever loving our ship even more!!!

But I'm here to tell you all that THIS IS THE PROBLEM!!!! That this whole notion of being Canon at the end of the manga was the most important thing for us in the whole world!!! BUT NO THAT IS WRONG!!! We in NS fandom all had one thing that was important to us.....more important then the pairing wars.......then canonship.......then even the story we came to appreciate the past 15 years........and it is this.....

In kishimotos words and views, what would it look like when Naruto and Sakura got together in the end?

That one aspect and thought was the main drive and core of our fandom ever since it was created and even after the end of the manga that one question is still the thing that is keeping us driving more forward!!! And it is because of that one aspect I was inspired by an idea.......and idea that still gives us hope......LEGITIMATE Hope of seeing that one question answered in the future.

Now I want everyone to understand that this idea will at first seem displeasing because it'll sound cliche or maybe to some of you desperate.....but I would like to ask you to step away from any thoughts about the end of the manga.....the last movie.....from kishimotos bad ending.....NH and SS....and just focus only on seeing NS actually happening for a minute. Now I will explain my thoughts....

To us after the end of the manga we feel that none of us, the fans of Naruto who would have liked to see him get together with Sakura, will never get to see what that would ever look like from kishimotos writing of them getting together. But where there is a will, there is way!!!

My idea is this........A special side story of What would happen if Naruto and Sakura fell in love with each other. An original work created by Kishimoto that would show his description of how Naruto and Sakura would get together if the main story took that direction.

Now I know just from reading that you would immediately think it's stupid and impossible and have tons of opinions of how it wouldn't work but I can tell you with 95% certainty that it is indeed POSSIBLE and for multiple reasons actually!!!

1: Development!!! Out of the whole story of Naruto anyone who has an IQ of a first grader and above who reads it would immediately think that Naruto and Sakura would get together in the end. No questions asked and everyone here and anyone who is neutral to love stories knows it. The development between the two through out the whole story, and along with all the hints to indicate it happening gives it enough support to be used in an actual love story. Kishimoto would have everything he needs to make an outside story if he ever wanted to.

2: Naruto fans and Kishimotos personal fans: there's is no doubt after the ending of Naruto Kishimoto lost many fans and supporters. If he has been doing a series 15 years straight then that tells me he has at least some compassion when it comes to his fans as whole. So in order to at least satisfy the fans he disappointed he can create an outside story for those fans that wanted it and hopefully appease them for their dedication of reading his story for the past several years.

3:Practice and Development for Kishimoto himself: Now I have heard that if and when kishimoto makes a new manga, it will be about romance. Now considering the fact after reading Naruto we can tell he Definetly needs more work in that department. Naruto The Last Movie may be a love story from kishimoto himself but it's a story that was forced to be made legit from the lack of development it had in the original work. Now if he made a story of how Naruto and Sakura would get together it would be more to his element rather then what he wrote for NH. If he were to write this story he would not only get practice and training of writing romance, but he would also get positive reviews of how he can handle that genre and it would make readers more curious to know what his next Work would be like.

4: finally.....Money: The main instigator to what most of us believe why Kishimoto chose the route he did. But if he really did it for the money then all the more reason for him to jump on this idea then because.......he would get more money!!!! Many fans of the series would love to see an outside story of Naruto and Sakura getting together and would jump at the chance to buy the piece when it came out. Any work involving Naruto and from kishimoto would be bought regardless of what it is involved so in the end Kishi would still be getting a lot of money from it. Also if everything goes well with the story and get good reviews then they can take it even higher and gain more money from it but I'll explain more about that in Part 2 of my idea.

All in all there would be hardly any reason for kishimoto not to take this idea because it would benefit him and it would appease his fans that were disappointed and left out. But I know there are other reasons that you will feel it still wouldn't feel possible. I will honestly tell you with the best of my ability why it it still is a hopeful idea with anything you guys think of!!! :)

So I'll take a pause here for you guys to collect your thoughts and opinions and continue on to part 2 once I finish with all your questions and thoughts >X)

Edited by MoonDrop04, 17 November 2014 - 12:42 PM.

#2 Princess Iris

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:23 AM

Well, I don't think Kishi will be making a new story for NS fans

#3 MoonDrop04


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:42 AM

Well, I don't think Kishi will be making a new story for NS fans

AHA!!! Not True X)

Ever since the beginning of the series up to after the Battle with Pain it's clear Kishi was going through With Naruto getting together with Sakura. Even beyond that point and after deciding to do NH and SS in the end he still showed hints here and there that he wanted his story to end with Naruto and Sakura.

There would be nothing stopping kishimoto to make an story for those fans and also it would appease himself as well because he would finish something he never got to write and complete. Now it is a definite that Kishi isn't considering an idea like this right now and probably for a long while but it is also true that before any writer begins a story they hear out suggestions from outside sources before they start anything.

If we generate enough buzz and spread the message around of wanting to see a story like this, eventually it will find it's way to kishimoto himself. There is always hope for something no matter how slim the chances of it happening are. It's up to us and anyone interested to increase those chances and making it true :)

#4 Princess Iris

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:02 AM

AHA!!! Not True X)

Ever since the beginning of the series up to after the Battle with Pain it's clear Kishi was going through With Naruto getting together with Sakura. Even beyond that point and after deciding to do NH and SS in the end he still showed hints here and there that he wanted his story to end with Naruto and Sakura.

There would be nothing stopping kishimoto to make an story for those fans and also it would appease himself as well because he would finish something he never got to write and complete. Now it is a definite that Kishi isn't considering an idea like this right now and probably for a long while but it is also true that before any writer begins a story they hear out suggestions from outside sources before they start anything.

If we generate enough buzz and spread the message around of wanting to see a story like this, eventually it will find it's way to kishimoto himself. There is always hope for something no matter how slim the chances of it happening are. It's up to us and anyone interested to increase those chances and making it true :)

well it will just enrage NH/SS fans

& we'll be the topic of criticism

#5 MoonDrop04


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:33 AM

well it will just enrage NH/SS fans

& we'll be the topic of criticism

AHA!!! Not True Again!!! XD

And it's all because of one simple fact.....

.....It's Because They Are CANON!!!!

My Idea isn't anything to concern with the main story or for my pairing to be the main ship anymore. It's from a fan of the series asking of a story from kishimoto himself how he would portray Naruto and Sakura together.

My idea wouldn't be associated in the main story or would even effect NH or SS in any way because it's a stand alone plot completely seperate from the main story. A what-If scenario if you will or something similar to RTN, hell you can even call it filler but as long it's a description from kishimotos point of view then that's all that would really matter to us lol.

Now you may be right there will be criticism from NH and SS fans of how desperate we may look to ask for something like this but what they don't know it'll also call for criticism right back at them. >X)

While they would be too busy criticizing us....other fans of the series, mostly neutral to the pairing war and maybe even a few from their fandom, would see them having no point in attacking us because they are already.....CANON!!!!

Why even bother continuing to mess with another fandom if your pairing is already canon to begin with?? And not only that that their idea wouldn't even effect your canonship or the main story to begin with?? Most people would then criticize NH and SS fans of bullying and negativity while we the NS fans are only asking as fans to see what it would be like if our pairing came true and aren't even harming a fly while doing it.

If a NH or SS fan ever criticized me for my idea then all I would need to tell them is just this...

"Why do you even care? Your pairing is canon already so why bother with me?? I'm only asking to see a what-if situation if Naruto and Sakura did together :) doesn't effect your pairing in anyway!!! Lol"

Hehehehe criticism is a double edged sword, you just gotta know how to properly handle the situation before you can effectively use it X)

#6 Princess Iris

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 09:34 AM

Do u think anyone will like it???
like an attempt to please fans for making more money

obviously NH/SS will criticize us

#7 MoonDrop04


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 11:07 AM

Do u think anyone will like it???
like an attempt to please fans for making more money

obviously NH/SS will criticize us

Totally!!!! XD Anyone would actually like it!!!

Just want do you think The Last: Naruto the Movie basically is!!! X) lmao
One part of the fandom that wants to see something for their pairing, buying into it no matter how weird it is, criticized by another fandom (Us for us Obvious Reasons :fu:) and wouldn't care because they got something in the end for their fandom!!!

What my "Idea" is is basically a reverse of that lol XD same situation different circumstances!!! No harm no Foul!!!

But what makes my idea stand out from the criticism of the NH/SS fandom is that no matter what they'll say I can always turn It back against them because of one.....simple.......word........CANON!!!!

No Matter anyone from that fandom will say about my idea I can always throw back at their face that they are Canon!!!
"Hey you are canon!!! So why do you care about what we are doing?"
"My Idea doesn't effect ya one bit XD lol Don't be scaaaaaaared you are Canon!!!"

It'll be like playing with their heads with the word canon over and over again till the point they get sick of it!!! >X) but from I can read it seems like you think I'm talking about wanting my idea to happen really soon.......I'm sorry for that misunderstanding because I'm hoping my idea to happen in the future!!! Most likely near or after shippuden is over would be best X) lol
And by then most people from the NH/SS fandom would be bored as kitten from lack of anymore development on their pairings so things would have cool down by then so we wouldn't be getting much kitten from them anyway!!! XD SO NO WORRIES THERE!!! Lol

#8 kidNinja


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 12:50 PM

OP is delusional.

NaruSaku...we believe in logic NOT fanfiction

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#9 MoonDrop04


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 01:33 PM

OP is delusional.

Sorry if I sound dumb for a second for asking this XD lol but what does OP mean again??

#10 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 01:43 PM

OP is delusional.

that's kind of a kittened up thing to say ain't it? Come up with something better then.


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#11 Askia31


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 01:54 PM

lol better off not knowing.



my opinion on that though, is that kishi can shove his alternate ending up his ass if he does one. I couldnt careless about something that its  only purpose is to gain the fans he lost back. id see that more of a trap than anything honestly. he wanted to go for the sh*tty fanfiction route for his original ending because money? Well stick with it. While ill take any ending from ladygt over any bs hes gonna give us.

Edited by Askia31, 17 November 2014 - 01:58 PM.

#12 MoonDrop04


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 02:27 PM

Oooooooooohhh He was calling me that!?!? XD lol Hahahahahahahaha ok my bad!!!

Hmmmm well I guess I understand if nobody wouldn't want to read anything from Kishi anymore because of how he ended Naruto. So I don't want to twist your arm or anything to make you go along with my idea :). Your are free to believe what you want!!! And Lady GT's work would be just as great!!! >X)

But for me to hear it from the original creator himself would be the thing I would want most of all :). Despite having writing that horrible ending and the story for "The Last", he is still the one who created all those moments and hints between Naruto and Sakura that we love so much in the manga. It ain't like I got complete faith in his writing skills but I know he could deliver something that would complete my satisfaction as a NS fan.

Hehehehehehehehehehehe Just Call Me The Most Craziest NS fan of all time!!! >XD lol

Speaking of which this crazy guy is freakin tired as hell and want to go to sleep!!!! XD lol I'll continue later to spread my message around the forum later and can't wait to hear all of your thoughts and opinions X)

Edited by MoonDrop04, 17 November 2014 - 02:41 PM.

#13 Aeria7Gloris


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 07:33 PM

EVEN IF Kishi proposed a NS ending, I don't trust him anymore. Think about it, NS in the pile of kitten that is the ending? NS in 700? NS like NH in The Last? It's not only the pairings that are wrong, WE GOT NO ANSWERS ON THE SOLE PROBLEMATIC OF THE MANGA! How to break cycle of hatred, how did Naruto become Hokage? How about Orochimaru, Team Taka, Kaguya, the Hyuuga Clan... He'll have to fix EVERYTHING and it's TOO LATE. Part 3 is coming so all that doesn't matter, we'll never have answers to those questions.


I trust fans more. Not kidding. We're not backed by anything. We don't have contracts, we don't have editors, biased assistants or studio.... And we have more respect for his characters and his story, we'd do it for SATISFACTION, not money.


Leave the man alone, he'll go on with his Bolt kitten, we'll do justice to Naruto.


#14 MoonDrop04


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 10:10 PM

Yeah I know X) i posted this thread a month ago and a lot of different stuff has happened since then lol.

This isn't the thread to which we will discuss recreating the ending and afterwards work on ideas of a part 3 :D. I will create one for everybody later I promise

#15 shisui


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Posted 13 December 2014 - 01:18 AM

Kishi made fun of the NaruSaku fandom by saying that it was a red herring. He would never do such an alternative ending or spinoff ending.

#16 MoonDrop04


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Posted 13 December 2014 - 01:56 AM

Kishi made fun of the NaruSaku fandom by saying that it was a red herring. He would never do such an alternative ending or spinoff ending.

Yeah I know I realize that now after this past month X) lol. That's why I've decided that me, a few other people and hopefully the whole NS fandom are gonna join in and fight back Kishi and SP with our own ending and Part 3 in the future!!!

Kishi's and SP's story now has so many inconsistencies with their own work now that if we do this right, we might just be able to make something that'll be known throughout the whole world and possibly more popular then their works!!

Now wouldn't that be funny.........getting back at the author and anime studio that ruined this great story by making something better and popular then what they make?? >X)

If you'd like you would be welcome to join in the thread I've created for the project :). Right now we are just discussing of how everything should be planned out before we start. I've figured it would be best to start the project around January 2015 since it's the holidays right now and plus it would give people time to think of their own ideas and versions of how the ending should be.

So if you feel like writing the "Justice" Naruto deserves come on over X)

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