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In Topic: Naruto Gaiden

27 April 2015 - 06:12 AM


Me and Trang were talking about why this might be a while ago, and there's no clear answer, but what we came to see is this: women characters are judged differently than men characters. And that's a give, but it's how they're judged that stands out. Basically, if a female character is pretty and appealing with a nice calm attitude- fans are easily impressed with that character. But if a female character is spunkier and sometimes not so "visually" appealing- fans tend to judge that character harder. Now, sometimes these characters still gain a massive following, like Rukia or Morigana, but sometimes they become the fandom's number one hated girl- like Sakura, Chi Chi or Jericho. Then there's that mix- like Mikasa or Bulma, where half of the fandom worships her while the other half despises her.  


And that's why we have bullsh*t like "best girl" instead of "best character" because female characters are on a completely different spectrum from male characters. But this is usually only found in shounen fandoms, where women characters are screwed up anyway. And it doesn't apply to everything (One Piece). But it still exists.


Sincerely, I agree with you.

In Topic: Naruto Gaiden

26 April 2015 - 02:22 PM


The fandom's constant need to anthropomorphize these characters into something to be loved, idolized, hated or blamed as if they were human is the reason that this story was turned to kitten. You can't reasonably lay blame on a fictional character because they don't exist to take the blame.


Bashing the authors take or characterization of a particular character is one thing, but actually bashing something that's not real is just a waste of time. Whenever you do the former rather than the latter then you're always making sure that the blame is being squarely laid where it should be, with the author.


The destruction of the Naruto manga is completely the fault of two parties. Kishimoto and his studio partners. And the fans who's constant call for attention to their favorite characters caused the story to take a sudden and horrendous turn so that said characters got their happy ending. That is the reason why the first 2/3 and the last 1/3 of this manga reads like it was written one way then retconned the rest of the way.


Just my take on it.



I wish I can like twenty times this post. It's completely spot-on.


It's because this I always try not to make character-bashing. These characters are fictional. I can or can not like a character, but bash them? Nope.

In Topic: Naruto Gaiden

25 April 2015 - 08:01 PM



Somebody please explain this to me? How delusional are the Naruto SS fans to think that one panel with a forehead tap, was enough to vote them the most best anime couple. 


... What? Best anime couple? For that single scene?


Wow. Some people has LOW standards.



Sadly, this sort of opinion depends on your fandom.



I always keep thinking.. If we had won the pairing wars and NaruSaku was canon. We will be the ones enjoying all this pairing stuff that has been coming out since the manga ended. The Naruhina fans are the luckiest fandom.


If NS was canon, we will be in the same position NH is right now. SS is the only sh*tty pairing. The fact that there is still drama after 12 kittening years says something about it. I know things will ultimately work out for the Uchiha family but I have to ask all the SasuSaku fans....


Was it worth it?   :twitch:


I am glad Kishimoto did not make SS into the type of pairing all the SS fangirls assumed it would be. 


If my favorite couple becomes canon in an awful way I guess that I would take it anyway, but I would naively like thinking that I would be able to openly criticize the terrible execution.


Anyway I have not been following this Gaiden crap, but from what you are talking, it sounds real, real bad. And SS looks as pathetic and pernicious as always.

In Topic: Kakashi Unmasked!

25 April 2015 - 07:03 PM

You know, it is sad telling this...


... because one year ago I MIGHT have cared about this. Kakashi was one of my favorite characters.


Now? My only reaction is a "Meh. So what?" And maaaaaaybe a shrug.


It shows how indifferent I have become regarding Naruto nowadays.

In Topic: Fairy Tail

16 April 2015 - 12:12 PM



If you ask me, tsundere is a Shounen thing


Actually, shojo manga used the trope earlier than shonen manga. Rose of Versailles got published in 1971 (one year before Mazinger-Z introduced the first tsundere main character). And there are older shojo manga with tsundereish female characters.