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Member Since 17 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2014 04:50 AM

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In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 01:01 PM

Quite honestly, I am very disappointed in Kishimoto as a storyteller.


This ending was rushed, and there were so many random developments and pairings that had no build-up.  Some didn't even make any sense at all.  He also committed a complete character assassination of both Naruto and Sakura.


I will keep H&E running for as long as people want to post about NaruSaku, but I will not be reading any more of Kishimoto's work, nor will I be watching the Last movie.  It's just going to be Kishi's way of justifying the complete lack of NaruHina/SasuSaku development over the past 15 years.


This was indeed a shocking ending.  Shockingly bad.

This reminds me of a fan theory to explain what happened to "How I Met Your Mother".


The writers had the story for the first season, and how it would end.

The series became successful, so the writers had to let the characters develop and evolve to fill out the middle seasons. But they made the decision to stick with their original ending, so they had to ignore all the work that happened between the early and last seasons to make it fit.


That's how it feels for Naruto. Rather than decide to adjust his ending to be a natural resolution of all that has happened during Shippuden, it feels like he decided stick to to his initial (under developed) ending.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 12:51 PM

Sakura's story arc was that she grew more confident and responsible, to become better than she was.

And in the last two chapters, she reverts to the way she was: cleaning at home, not working at the Hokage's office... Ugh.


I didn't read this manga solely for the big fights and war. It was the character work and relationships that happened while the fighting was going on. And the manga totally ignored those to wrap up the fighting. Very disappointing. (I thought Orochimaru had some secret scheme going on... but I guess not.)


And everyone is peaceful now? I could see an *improved* system to handle the conflicts, but for the conflicts to go away?

Are we sure the Eye-in-the-Moon plan didn't work?


Whoever suggested that this might have been drawn and narrated by another man than Kishi could have a point. This is almost unrecognisable from the manga we know. 

I agree with this. These recent chapters are more like the anime filler writer's work, instead of the better stuff Kishi has done in the past.

In Topic: Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth

30 September 2014 - 03:20 AM

Two chapters posted at MangaPanda.


Chapter 35: Legendary Ninja!



Chapter 36: Adults!!


In Topic: Chapter 690

28 August 2014 - 02:13 PM

I still can't get over the fact that she really was limited in jutsus. Like wtf? lol so sad.

I thought her son the Hermit created most of the jutsus, while Kaguya was an insane amount of chakra.


In that case, she would be powerful in a heads-up fight, but could be outmaneuvered.

In Topic: Chapter 690

28 August 2014 - 02:01 PM

They've been fighting Kaguya for about 20 chapters. That's about as long as the epic Naruto vs. Pein fight.

It only feels abrupt because of how long the Madara fight was dragging out.

(I agree it feels "off", but I'm not freaking out about it.)


Has the World Tree gone away, or is that still active?


I still think the final fight will be Sasuke vs. Naruto.

And I have to wonder what Orochimaru has planned.