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Member Since 19 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2019 12:42 AM

#933127 When exactly did the fights start to suck?

Posted by Lid on 25 February 2017 - 07:48 PM

For me, some red flags actually started happening after the time skip. While Sakura had a great fight in the first arc, I was rather disappointed that Naruto had barely developed and the only thing he really learned was how to make a bigger rasengan.


Even the fight with the wind rasengan was a bit lame for me since it was Naruto just trying to do the same attack a few times. The fight with Pain, though, was pretty good to start with, showing a lot of variety. 

That was sort of a lone bright spot, I think. As the series got closer to the war arc, it started going more downhill. Then when the war actually showed up, it went completely off the rails for me.


The war, for example, all took place basically at once, in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of cannon fodder ninjas fighting reanimated dead. It got old so fast and there wasn't anything to latch onto in the action.


Then Naruto and Sasuke having god-like powers made it even more ridiculous. I always figured that the two would get to a really high level, but it went way too far.

#932148 Failing the Written Chuunin Exams Challenge

Posted by Lid on 12 February 2017 - 05:32 PM

Gah, okay, so because I'm super impatient and this idea wouldn't leave my mind, I ended up writing up a small fic for this challenge. 




It's not the best, but it's something haha. Just a quick oneshot of a possible outcome, but obviously doesn't go into much on what happens afterwards. Hopefully this will encourage more people to take on this challenge, so they can do this challenge justice! ^__^ 


Very nice little one shot. I've always been rather intrigued with the ideas of fanfics revolving around the Chunin exam period. So much happened during that entire arc (Orochimaru and Jiraiya introduced, Naruto and Sasuke becoming stronger, Sakura becoming braver, Sakura warming up to Naruto) that I feel just changing or tweaking a few things here and there can result in numerous, interesting paths.


Here's another fic during the prelims pertaining to NaruSaku, and in my view it's another example of how many ideas that arc can produce. https://www.fanficti...d-Preliminaries

#931369 new kishimoto interview 2017

Posted by Lid on 01 February 2017 - 12:30 AM

A lot of you have done a fantastic job in describing the flaws in his answer regarding the pairing, so I'll just say I agree with all of your posts on that. I wanted to put some attention on another piece of what he said.
Particularly this: "I didn't do it to bring her in as a special female character. She was at the same level as characters like Kiba or Shikamaru."
For a long time I think many of us have wondered why Sakura didn't end up with Naruto and also why she began to regress somewhat in the last third of the series. Many of us on this site were confused because of our belief that Sakura, the person who was side-by-side with Naruto through most of the series, his most loyal friend, and a student of the greatest medical ninja of all time, was the heroine of the story.
But apparently, according to this interview, Sakura wasn't meant to be a special female character? She was on the same level as Kiba? What? Your female protagonist who likely had the most screen/panel time of any of them is on the same level of Kiba. If he's really telling the truth here, then it's apparent why Sakura's character crashed in the final third of the series, because this whole time the writer really didn't care.

#929668 The annual NaruSaku New Years Party!

Posted by Lid on 01 January 2017 - 02:30 AM

All night, all day tomorrow, it's time for H&E members to get together and party!!!!


Wanna join in? Visit this link: http://xat.com/heavenandearthunite

#929272 RWBY

Posted by Lid on 25 December 2016 - 08:32 PM




#927907 Parallels: Naruto and Sonic the Hedgehog

Posted by Lid on 07 December 2016 - 01:01 AM

Sweet Merciful Crap.

Is there anyway to streamline your posts? They are so imagine and gif heave my computer take several minutes to load them. Replying (or even just looking at this tread) is a chore because every time I try to do a anything my browsers shifts because a new image of gif has loaded. I'm surprised anyone is responding because doing so is such a pain in the ass.




Sorry guys, I'm going to debunk the theory because as a Sonic fan, exclude some similarities (i.e. Sakura and Amy, though imagine if they ever meet, Amy will facepalmed Sakura's "future"), none of this makes any sense at all. One thing I can say about why I debunk it entirely because Sonic the Hedgehog is a franchise that experienced multiple mediums over the years and all of them are extremely different. Those mediums have different canons, so you cannot use a character like Cosmo because she's exclusive to the Sonic X series which is now irrelevant today. And I don't know why you use her to be similar to Hinata at of all people.  :huh:


Furthermore, most of the similarities doesn't make sense. How on earth Sonic is similar to Sasuke (the only possible similarity is their color scheme) and the relationship of Sonic and Tails = Naruto and Sasuke?! WRONG, very wrong here. There is absolutely NO similarity. Sonic is beyond a character that is SO different than Sasuke, its not even funny  :wallbash: . Sonic and Tails' relationship is the more brother/sibling type, way past better than Naruto and Sasuke's. Of course, Tails' character at the time was to become more independent and move out of Sonic's shadow (pun intended towards Shadow) but that had passed. Another thing is Tails is a sidekick, most of the time you'll see its either him being "the smart guy" to Sonic and friends, or hanging out with Sonic as they're best friends/brothers in all mediums. And there is absolutely NOrivalry between Sonic and Tails whatsoever, using Sonic Adventure as a source for this, bad idea.  :down:


I don't know how you gotten the theory that Tails has some romantic tones with Amy which they both clearly doesn't (in all the mediums they appeared, they are basically friends). Using Sonic X as a source is even worse because Amy's personality at the time was heavily flanderized. As for the other characters you chose, Kakashi and Silver...,  :headscratch: Tsunade and Vanilla?  :huh: (Don't know why you went that route because Vanilla is not important as a character other than being Cream's mother), Shadow and Itachi... wuh?  :huh:   :huh:   :huh:  Gaara and Knuckles?!!! HOLD IT! We're going to stop reading right here.


BestSasuHinaSupporter, please withdraw from further researching because it gives the Sonic fans a bad rap, and we already had a bad reputation over the years!


Also agreed.
I mean there's nothing wrong with pointing out similarities, it happens all the time with anime, games, movies. You name it. They might share art styles, character arc similarities or just your standard tropes.
But the op almost seems to argue that Kishi copied Sonic verbatim with Naruto, but all you really have backed that up with is "these characters have matching colors."
Sakura and Amy for example. Yes, they both have pink hair. So do a ton of other anime and video game characters. They also exhibit tsundere traits, so do plenty of other anime characters.
Then, Sonic and Sasuke, I really don't get. One is blue, the other wore a blue shirt for what, a third of the series? If you don't remember, he changed clothes in Shippuden. And they both move fast? Well, all Naruto ninja characters seem to have super human speed thanks to their chakra. That's even avoiding the biggest elephant in the room, though. If Sonic was like Sasuke, wouldn't he like, leave his friends to join Robotnic and become stronger or something?
Then there's Tails, how is Tails much like Naruto? Can you describe without talking about their color or the fact that Naruto has a fox demon inside of him? Their whole character arcs are for the most part incredibly different. Naruto is the underdog story, the tale of a guy who came from nothing, but was destined for greatness and made it there on hard work. Tails, on the other hand, has always played the role of the side-kick. He's there to help Sonic, he's there to be the smart one, that's about it.
Plus, you can't compare Sonic and Tails to the legendary CF that is Naruto and Sasuke. Once again, Sonic never abandoned his friends so Tails isn't really put in a situation where he has to try and either convince Sonic to come back or kill him. More than that, though, Sonic and Tails actually have had plenty of friendship moments. How many did Naruto and Sasuke have? Really. They had some moments where they helped each other get stronger, they had some sequences where they were somewhat nice, but I hardly ever saw them as being close friends. If anything, you could say that Yusuke and Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho were more like Sonic and Tails, since, you know, they were shown as friends.
Finally, I have to say, it's all well and good to want to discuss this fandom type stuff. There's nothing really wrong with it, even though we may disagree. However, it's really not cool to tell somebody that they have to go take a semester in college because they disagree with your idea on similarities between an anime and a video game.

#927904 Transformers: The Last Knight

Posted by Lid on 07 December 2016 - 12:32 AM

I think my average rating for the majority of the "Tranformers" series has been about a 2 out of 5. In my view it's a series that squandered a lot of potential.
I liked the first film in 2007. For 2007, the special effects were really impressive, and everything came together pretty nicely. Bay's brand of humor was there but it seemed to be kept in check and some of it worked. Plus, having Sam as a character to be the human element to introduce audiences to the Autobots was solid and all together his coming of age story was a good framework for the rest of what was going on.
Plus, the first movie featured Transformers that were actually memorable, Jazz, Iron Hide, ect.
The second movie, Revenge of the Fallen, is where I knew that there were problems. Bumblebee still couldn't talk. Why? It's never explained. There was also a ton more lame humor, such as the dog humping things, the pot brownies with the mom, John Turturro wearing a jock strap, that little robot spouting off nonsense, the two annoying robots, and one of the robots having clanging testicles.
On top of that, the movie seemed to, for whatever reason, want to keep focusing on Shia LaBeouf instead of the actual Transformers. Having Sam as a key character in the first film made sense since he was there to introduce us to the bots. Here, the movie should have been about them, yet we barely spend any time with the cool robots. All we do is spend time with Sam, his girlfriend, his annoying college friend and John Turturro's character. Arcee, for example, appears in the movie (as a motorcycle for some reason) and we don't even get to learn about her at all.
Maybe this movie could have worked if, after high school, Sam had joined the military and was the rookie in the Transformers task force. 
Then, in the next movie, Dark of the Moon, we have to follow Sam and his stupid drama AGAIN. I'm sorry, but I don't care about him trying to find a job. And him telling people that HE saved the world when he did like 5 percent of the work at most, what a joke. 
On top of that, more of the bad humor, such as having Ken Jeong play his character from The Hangover and yell deep wang a bunch of times, because you know, wang means kitten and that's funny. Not.
Then, in the next movie, they finally decided to get rid of Sam, but it wasn't much of an improvement.
The movie introduces an inventor played by Mark Wahlberg. Now, I happen to like Wahlberg, but I never really bought him as an inventor and his performance doesn't sell that, either. Wahlberg's character was a heck of a lot better than the supporting cast, though, lame comic relief Lucas, his dumb daughter and her disrespectful douche of a boyfriend. At least Lucas got killed.
I think there was a major missed opportunity to have Wahlberg's character actually be pretty smart but just overlooked. That way he could build the Transformers maybe some new gear or make improvements that they hadn't thought of. Instead Wahlberg just shoots a sword that happens to be a gun and drinks Bud Light.
Oh, and also, there was NO reason for this to be 2 hours and 45 minutes!
Aside from all those individual issues I have with those movies, I think there was a major problem with the movies overall. And that is, they aren't building to anything. All of the movies feel entirely self contained, there's a human protagonist down on his luck, the Autobots have a tense relationship with the government but need to spring into action to stop the Decepticons and there's usually a world ending threat. It's fair enough for a formula, but it doesn't BUILD on top of the next. Part II could have been a cliff hanger maybe, or at the very least have a threat looming that still needs to be taken care of.
It's something that the Marvel series, on the other hand, has been doing to a lot of success.
So, that brings us to this trailer. There appears to be another world ending threat (I'm guessing Unicron) and more human drama and more Optimus and the autobots being uneasy. I just can't get hyped for it.

#927750 Put a LID on it!

Posted by Lid on 05 December 2016 - 01:05 AM

Sup H&E peeps! Been a little while since my last post, but I did get a little busy, lately. Looks like this part of the forum got a boost from Black Rose, though, so that's nice.


Anyways, lately I've been watching my favorite football teams..... all lose.  :confused: Well, it's not all bad. Although the Minnesota Golden Gophers lost (AGAIN :bash:   :wallbash:  :cry: ) to Wisconsin, they finished the regular season 8-4 and got invited to San Diego! 




They're going to play Washington State University later this month in the Holiday Bowl! Hopefully they can cap the season with a win.


The Vikings, meanwhile, have less to celebrate. After starting 5-0, they're now 6-6, so if they want a shot at the playoffs they're going to need a great four game run. Season's not over though.


One area I"m more excited about is basketball! So far the Gophers are 7-1, which is a gigantic turn around from last year when they only won eight games.


A real bright spot for me, though, has been my alma mater's team, the Minnesota State University Dragons, going on a roll in basketball.  :dance:


Since graduating, (go figure  :arg: ) the team has won three division championships, one conference championship and a regional championship earning them a trip to the Division II Elite Eight. This year, they're on a winning streak again at 7-1. This was one of their wins: 



It's great to see because when I was going to school there, the word "championship" was the last thing on a person's mind.


Outside of watching sports, I've been watching movies and movie award shows! It's award season and that's really going to keep me busy. This weekend alone I traveled to the Twin Cities and watched three movies, here are the reviews:


Manchester by the Sea Movie Review


Loving Movie Review


Moonlight Movie Review


On another note:

RWBY Spoiler


So, on my last point, the best thing about waiting a while to do a blog post is that I get to share a whole bunch more bootleg photos with y'all!!!  :lmao:



Bort Sempsin  :hehehe:



Master Fighter, a masterpiece  :twitch:



Pet Elf Go, gotta catch 'em all  :chuckle:



Mamma Mia!  :sweatdrop:



Who needs Naruto?  :ninja:



If you liked Mario, you'll love Somari  :thumb:



The sequel everyone's been waiting for!  :eager:





These are my original characters Pasta and Pickles the Hedgehogs! Do not steal!  :rawr:


Allllright, I think that's about all I can do. 


Until next time! 


:rainbowsheep:  :rainbowsheep:  :rainbowsheep:

#927009 Thanksgiving 2016!

Posted by Lid on 24 November 2016 - 04:10 PM

My sister is in NYC for the Thanksgiving Day Parade! Check out the Pikachu!



#925579 RWBY

Posted by Lid on 06 November 2016 - 08:25 PM


The way I see it Weiss has never shown any romantic interest in Jaune at all. If she has never shown any interest in him before she's not going to start now. Besides Ruby has better chances with him right now in addition that they've been traveling together with Ren and Nora for six months and they basically have some development compared with Weiss. Though I don't have a problem with Jaune/Weiss I like the pairing but I don't see it happening. Also it looks like Jaune has gotten over his crush for her since he stopped bothering her after the dance, 


That's certainly true. Regardless, I think it will be interesting when all these characters meet up again and maybe there will be some interaction between the two.

#925577 RWBY

Posted by Lid on 06 November 2016 - 07:11 PM

Posted my thoughts of the episode on my blog, I'll share them on here again


Point A. I'm really glad that Blake is going to be stuck with Sun for a while. The two are certainly opposites in personality, but I think Sun is the type of person Blake needs right now to get her through this tough time.

Point B. Another RWBY episode, another heartbreaker. It really sucks seeing Yang so depressed right now  :cry:  and I'm really curious to see how the writers will navigate her character to recover and come back stronger. I was also glad to see she'll be getting a new mechanic arm. Hopefully it will get some custom abilities.


On a side note, as I've said before, I'm all for Jaune and Weiss. I think there's a chance they can get together, although, I realize that there's a chance for him and Ruby, too.

#924816 Konohakitten's artwork

Posted by Lid on 29 October 2016 - 02:42 AM

Konohakitten, your art rocks! Also, so happy that you like Luffy x Nami, I think it's such an adorable pairing! ^^

#924275 Halloween 2016! So Spoooky!

Posted by Lid on 24 October 2016 - 12:30 AM

Almost time for Halloween! What's everyone's plans for this spooky time of the year? Horror movies? Jack-o-Lantern carving? Decorations? Share them here!


Here's my carving I did tonight!




#923997 The Science Thread

Posted by Lid on 20 October 2016 - 08:30 PM

Hey everyone, want some good news from the world of science?

How about this story, where researchers at Stanford have discovered a new, more efficient design for solar cells that can outperform the current ones. According to the story, there's more work to do, but it's a good step for solar power.


Here's a link to the story:  https://www.scienced...61020142037.htm


Another interesting one comes from the University of West Virginia, where astrophysicists were able to better map out the Milky Way Galaxy. To me, the scope of that is just astounding. Think about it, we here on Earth, this single planet in a single solar system, are able to use technology to map out what our gigantic galaxy is like. 


Here's the article https://www.scienced...61019185009.htm

#923025 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by Lid on 08 October 2016 - 08:33 PM

Man, does this thread ever bring back memories. Back to when we were right in the thick of it. Back when we thought the ending would show a confident and powerful Naruto as a hokage who's able to balance that with being a kind, loving family man. Back to when we thought Sakura would be a strong woman and head medic while also being Naruto's wife and the one person who could snap him into focus when he needed it. 


Looking back at all of this, there seemed to be so much there, so many moments, scenes, panels. You name it. To have it all snatched away, really sucks.


As a result, I have to give a ton of credit to fans who've written fics and people who've made art to keep this pairing alive somewhat. It certainly isn't easy, but a lot of fans have shown what could, and what should have been.