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Naruto Shippuden Episode 453

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#1 catsi563



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Posted 17 March 2016 - 10:12 PM

The pain of living

little sasuke runs over and hugs itachi who takes off his headband and contemplates it.


the next day he returns from a mission and sees his father talking to some other police members. he tells them hell discuss things later and walks with itachi commenting that they haven't walked together in a while.


itachi says hes a genin and has missions now so its not a surprise. Fugaku comments on how its been 3 years since the attack and the uchiha were pushed to the outskirts of the village. he asks if itachi is aware of this and how the uchiha are dissatisfied as well as how they want to regain their authority and respect.


itachi interrupts him by pointing out the other clans folk and how happy they are to see them. itachi comments on how fugaku is the face of the uchiha and hes proud to walk beside him with embarrasses fugaku who offers him his favorite treat on the way home. but the dumpling store is sold out.


Its then that itachi heres someone calling his name and sees Izumi the girl from the earlier episodes. the two go to the lake where they sit together. she apologizes for interrupting him and his father together but he says its ok. they talk some more about how its been a while since he graduated and she didn't get him anything. she mentions that her mom loves the tri colored dumplings but she doesn't think a genius like itachi would like them and proceeds to tease itachi by putting one near her mouth which casues itachi to turn a very funny color of red.


the two eat the dumplings together as she laughs a little at how silly he looked. she apologizes for teasing him and asks if theres anything he wants. he looks deep into her eyes and she realizes he wants to activate his sharingan but she apologizes because she cant do that for him.


his teammate one of the kids from earlier tells her to stop flirting and for itachi to come on they have a mission. she says she cant get itachi his sharingan but will pray he awakens it soon.


at the cat ladies place she asks if itachi is happy with the kunai she gavce him and he says he is and father thanks her.


tenma the kid from earlier complains about having to wear the cat ears and gets into an argument with their female teammate before the cat lady shuts them up saying they'll wake the little girl who thankfully doesn't wake up.


she explains theyre looking for a ninja cat and that the ears will help them understand cat language as theyre going into the cat den. the girl puts her ears on and goes doki doki over itachi who looks super kawaii with his ears on. tenma says itachi graduated top of his class and asks if he has no shame to which itachi says appearance has no place in the mission. the sensei heads off any further argument and shows them a picture of the missing cat.


shinko the girl talks to some cats while tenma the boy complains about the cat look. she teases him saying he looks cute in it. the pair are teamed up while the sensei minazuko and itahci team up to spread out and search.


after talking to the other cats itahci and sensei find the info they were looking for and head to meet the others whoa re waiting.


tenma comments on how the cat theyre looking for must be special. he says his dad is sick and the medicine for his illness comes from the cats whiskers. she says if he wants he should take some and as long as she doesn't know its ok. he ask her if shes really ok with it and she says no not really causing a face melt.


he asks her not to tell itahci but she jokes about him being jealous of itahci an underclassman surpassing him and skipping many grades graduating early. and how itahci sure is awesome


itahci of course hears all this from the next room. and telsl them they've found the cat and its time to go.


the team finds the cat drowing his sorrows in sake about being rejected by a lady cat. minazuko says hell approach first and tells them to wait. he approaches the cat and says hes commiserates with his sorrows and the cat says Oh your not popular with the ladies either huh? causing the team to snicker happily.


the cat offers to share some sake but the teacher makes the mistake of accidently insulting the ladies in question casuing the cat to give him a royal scratching he wont soon forget. Itachi and team leap into action to help.


the pursue the cat who runs around a corner as itachi leaps up onto some boxes. tenma runs around the corner only to face plant into a dead end knocking him silly. itachi continues to pursue until he hears Shinko cry out. he investigates and finds her with paw prints all over her face saying the paws were so soft and cuddly.


he comments on how the cats anatomy tail and whiskers help him move so quickly and agiley and tries to use the shurkien jutsu to take them off and or slow him down but the cat cannily avoids them.  he comments on how good itachi is but nto good enough.


itachi smiles and points up where his last 2 kunai fall down, one severs the whiskers while the othe rbonks the cat on the noggin koing him.


tenma chases the whiskers and leaps to grab them but as he catches them finds himself airborne over a large hole. itachi catches him though and saves him form a bad fall.


later on the cat lady thanks them for returning the cat to its parents who also thank them. she asks where his whiskers are and itahci tells them he did it to avoid excess fighting. she asks where the whiskers are but itachi says they blew away in the wind while tenma looks unconvincingly away.


the cat lady sighs and lets the matter drop though. she says next time itachi comes by shell have him take care of the uchihas debts.


as they walk home they talk about stuff while itahci thinks how everyone cares about their clans and what that means. tenma gets into his face and says he better not think that itahci saved him, but itahci blows him off saying he wasn't. Shinko bops tenma on the noggin for being a putz and says itahci is his friend to which both protest causing her to Swat both of them good.


she tells itahci to stop being difficult and tells tenma to thank itahci. tenma says hell make it up to itachi some day and shink swats him again asking why he cant just say thank you. this causes itahci to laugh as he thinks about them being friends.



later on itachi thinks on bonds and life and death some more and how he and tenma really were friends. little sasuke plays nearby but itahci thinks on darker things as he remembers tenma and his encounter with tobi who kills tenma in front of him.


as sasuke hugs itachi who cries at the memories he comment son itahcis eyes which now have a 2 tomoe sharingan. itahci hugs sasuke close and wonders to himself if sasuke will have the same eyes he does.


next episode shisuis request

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#2 Phantom_999


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Posted 17 March 2016 - 11:27 PM

*yawn* Not impressed :sleepy:


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