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A Last Request to All of Heaven and Earth and NS

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#1 Inferno180


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 06:57 PM

So as all of us know, the end of Naruto is upon us, the finale of this series we loved so much is finally about to end, Naruto just got Sasuke back to the light side lets say, and for anything else, the only surefire thing to happen aside from the Genjutsu being released is the thing thats been a thing of both excitement and concern to some of us. But this is something I want to say and otherwise just give a little insight towards how others may feel NS has in the end despite the NHness of the movie.


This will be my last post until the finale.


Thats why I feel I should say this and otherwise make a request to the entire site, something I feel even the Admins will Respect.


Lets make this a pure experience, lets make this something one last time we can all enjoy.


Yes I mean all of us are mature to know, this is a fictional series, whatever the outcome lets be mature about it, even if its not the best of the intended from the authors writing.


So what am I asking for to be mature about?


Lets make this a good experience, lets make this something to remember, I mean like make this a pure experience in the end, no spoilers, no tags of occurrences when that last chapter thread comes up, lets make this something we all can enjoy.


I mean like imagine how much special this will be without the spoilers, try to ignore that temptation itself is hard but it will be so much better in the end to wait for the final 2 chapters to see the translationed stuff. I mean like even when that thread of the first poster finds it up and makes that thread, just put something in there like this is the end, the finale of naruto, etc.


Because this is the finale time we will be doing this at H&E here. As FoolishYoungling put up a while back, the whole thread of us to be mature, lets enjoy this as a finale that is special, as Naruto fans, as NS fans regardless of the outcome.


I can tell you, spoilers can be tempting, sometimes I was in a rush to see what happened after some chapters like 450 or 631, but I want to see the ending without suprise, I want to see it as it should be, my first experience in those final pages.


I can tell you guys that for anything you may have been excited for, spoilers can be a thing you want to know, you want to see how the characters turn out, Hell I was almost tempted to spoil halo 4 for myself but if I had, the moment I saw Cortana die in the end, that would have been a big spoiler to me, I mean this was a game series where you came to enjoy her company as she aided you, she was essentially the secondary character behind the John-117, now she is dead and the Halo series goes on, killing a main character wasn't easy and had many Halo fans shocked and saddened like how could you have Halo without Cortana? It boggles the mind to some even 2 years later. The fact I was able to ignore that spoiler temptation just made the end result that much more special and I feel, well, maybe we should all resist the lure of temptation for this finale.


So I ask everyone, please no spoilers or notions of what happens, I myself will follow this and not act until I see the chapter upon Mangapanda or the link to it from here like others have put up in the past.


So lets have one last ride and make it special shall we?


Otherwise I have a couple things about the movie to say, stuff that will just again, lets say put promise to NS.


We know how some have been worried about NH and the movie, the stuff just coming again and again, it seems like kishi just gave to bad writing and just wont do anything for NS right? Well thats the funny thing, because well, after looking at some stuff, looking at the past and the present, its just a deal that, there is well, promise in looking for reasonable doubt. Because reasonable doubt will be able to give some truth and this is some stuff I really think people will like.


I guess the first thing I should say though is even though the movie has a lot of NHness to it, its actually not the end, thanks to info from chatte, it turns out chapter 700 is an epilogue after the period of the movie, 699 will end part 2 while chapter 700 is the finale of everyone else.


So not to alarm anyone, but one thing is assured to happen in chapter 700:


NS or NH will be canon


But some feel that NH is just going to be canon because of the marketing or the showcasing, but again, just to help throw some stuff out there, its just that something feels off and well, I guess we can put it like this:


Each NS and NH you can say have stuff going for them, NS has the manga material in the past while NH has stuff implying its going to occur for the movie but to some this feels "unnatural" given the past and thats the thing to look at:


Look at NS and NH as they are now with the manga and the movie for one very special reason:


The last has been in production for over 2 years, this means everything kishi did with the movie, he still wrote the manga as it is, to this point, even with the promise coming forward in the end along with the NH impliedness of the final movie.


What this means is, well yeah, its a very good reason to question Kishi's writing because:


-The NS stuff in the past still exists, its still happened, it still came, the development, hints, the kushina foreshadow and parallel, its all there, at this point its it happens or its like well what was the point?


-The last seemingly NH oriented well, it doesn't either help the past of what NH missed, in that kishi had written this movie along with still the manga as we saw, ex: as we saw 631 and 663 occur as they did, kishi was still writing the movie as he was and so it becomes a question one would ask, what is kishi trying to do then?


Because looking at it, we can see a problem, one that is a curious factor, if kishi put so much on NS over the years, why suddenly go NH with a movie and just bring it out in 110 minutes, doesn't that seem like NS just becomes incomplete and NH still just seems rather rushed and unfulfilled? If NS went canon then everything done in the manga is everything merited by all logic, but NH though with a movie, seems like a shocker. So what can we get from this then?


That is where the promise of NS comes in, ironically, its exactly that, the promise made to get sasuke back so long ago and for this reason, this is really what I find ironic, the promise which was a very central element to NS, to see it needing completion in the final 2 chapters, ironically even in this time, NS may just surprise us.


I mean in regards to the movie, its still a good question: So much NS over the years yet NH in the movie? I am not going to say anything about marketing but there is one thing I really really find as a well, notion that may just be a better question:


If NH is this obvious to occur, then with the movie being advertised so much with the NHness, and chapter 700 confirmed to be beyond the movie, this leads me to 2 conclusions:


-1. That SP already spoiled the manga ending directly and this movie is to say "how NH occurred" if Nh is in fact the end pairing, but this still just again leads to many questions like well why not the focus in the manga and why all the kushina stuff?


-2. The manga ending may not be NH after all and because of the promise and preexisting NS stuff, the result in the movie may be something completely not shown, aka we could have a range of things from Hinata sacrificing herself or moving on from Naruto.


-Not a major reason but some have put out that Sakuras noted theme in this story is well, Life and fate, for others like Naruto having dreams, Shikamaru having morals, Sai having relationships, and Hinata having love, well then Sakura has fate so something should happen right? I mean even for a movie Hinata getting some larger role, Sakura, one of the most important in the series has to have some role right? I mean theres no need to worry about SS, I mean there is no basis for that now, Sasuke himself even from the movie.  Likewise some others have noted, we have not even seen much from sakura in this movie despite knowing that she has some role in the team to save hanabi, so obviously something should happen right?


But this is where I again, just find a curious point:


-The NS stuff in the past is the key to what may just lie in the end, mainly with the promise, we know this will be resolved, that it will be met, that whatever the outcome, NS will get some resolution, regardless of the outcome:


As love or friendship, there has to be a NS resolution.


And for all we know the final chapter may just suprise us because as I said before, if NH is that obvious with the movie than shouldn't we already be just expecting naruto with hinata in the end, or could there possibly be something else because as the manga is, there is something lying down there with the promise:


Naruto will mention some completion to that promise and well for all we know, chapter 700 could just as I said before, bring something that was hidden, all the NS stuff may just come forward if the movie is not what we expect.


Is it possible this is able to happen? Yes, otherwise I would be suprised for SP to just directly give away the ending like this and really well, there isn't anyway to see NH seriously just in a 110 minute movie after the whole manga passed without much for HInata nor Naruto changing away from Sakura or towards Hinata. I mean it seems, well just silly right?


Because at this point, it feels if NH happens, then kishi just went with commercial writing, the stuff that ruins the writing industry, stories just given a result because of money and fanfare over the integrity of the story, but again, this is just a funny notion because remember, kishi has been writing the manga with the NS stuff and the movie with the NH stuff over these past 2 years, so its a good question to say he either just has some strange idea in mind or maybe this movie isn't all its been seen as so far.


But as I said, its really a curious thing in this final stretch, rather than worry, I am well curious, curious because of all this.


The end result is just that, we have the manga, setup right here, Sasuke recently pulled out of his madness, Naruto can finally say to Sakura he fulfilled the promise so aside from confessing, perhaps chapter 700 will speak of something entirely different in the end right?


Then again, there is also the NH plastered stuff for the movie and for all cases, its again, a curious deal, is it just that expected to have NH regardless of the ending and story integrety? Because by that count then the manga ending in chapter 700 is already spoiled and this movie is nothing more than how NH happened.


Otherwise if its NS in the end, well then what is the movie for? Perhaps then it says something else but takes Hinata into account.


Whatever the outcome, I hope we can all enjoy the series as it has been, NS is safe no matter what, love or friendship (friendship is still a ship technically) I feel the only thing that we need to see for this final chapter duo is to see resolution for NS no matter the result.


I also hope we can all take this final Thursday as a special one, this is the last time we will have this together. I mean regardless the series was fun, we can still get that anime episode of 663, and even if we lose, well NS at least got the lions share.


I mean again, if we see NH in the manga, well then SP already spoiled it and the final chapter seems outta nowhere with Hinata in the end despite the promise this close and that the movie is nothing more than the thing to explain how it happened, but even then well if NH happened in the manga, technically the movie would be spoiled too right? I mean you wouldn't need to be surprised in the movie after seeing the manga. But if NS were to be canon in that final chapter, now that is something that would need to be seen considering the movie. If NS suprises us all, then the movie would be to say how Hinata is resolved and that on its own makes sense and makes for a reason to see what happens right? I mean you won't need to bother with the movie if you know NH occurs, the movie would be just to see how, but even then wouldn't it still feel unusual considering everything else in the past NS did get and NH didn't? If NH is the end result, then SP already spoiled it, no need to be surprised if it occurs, but if NS is the end result, then there is a big reason to see the final movie. A NS ending in the manga doesn't spoil the movie in anyway, but instead speaks well, how was Hinata resolved then? I mean just because kishi said it was a love story, he never said what results exactly with the love now did he?


All I know is, things seem, inconsistent, NS may just go through with the promise for all we know, and for anything else, I hope we can all enjoy this, spoiler free, and have one last good morning to remember, NS we can freak out and go into joy, NH comes, well lets just enjoy the ending like a mature group shall we?


I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday morning, lets see this amazing series end with a bang.

Edited by Inferno180, 02 November 2014 - 07:47 PM.

When people insult my OTP

Insulting a man’s ship, be worse than insulting his mother.

#2 NaruSakuNo1Fan


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 07:26 PM

Sounds good.


See you on the other side, guys. May NS be with us.

Edited by NaruSakuNo1Fan, 02 November 2014 - 07:27 PM.


Anji-chan loves NaruSaku <3   :w00t: 

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#3 narusaku256


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 07:40 PM

Inferno at his best :)


#4 Liu bie

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Posted 02 November 2014 - 09:46 PM

One request  do not hate Sakura and Naruto.



                                  Saintia Sho   :argh: The Gold Saints

#5 Iwantbuns


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 10:06 PM

Well said, Inferno ^^



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

#6 Keikaku


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 11:30 PM

That sounds like a lot of work.

(keikaku means plan)

#7 Havikinazuma


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:18 AM

Alright then... Time for the waiting game...


Me on Youtube:

Kdogcentral5ables: Ha. Your an idiot. Naruto is better than goku... No kitten. I would like to see goku power up an entire ARMY!

TakeshiInazuma:The way Goku gave Ki to Frieza, He's able to passed out enough power for a whole galaxy, and still have enough to power down to 1% and solo Narutoverse.

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