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Bail o' Lies

Member Since 06 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Today, 05:30 PM

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In Topic: Boku No Hero Academia

Today, 12:54 AM

It has ten chapters to set up its ending, more if they feel they need it. They do not want another Naruto ending on their hands.


Next chapter is deal with the Todoroki family. and it seems Shimura, Tenko is alive...my guess is when he got AFO's quirk his original quirk was returned to him. It was implied the super regeneration was originally his and the decay was a transplanted ability. Wouldn't be surprised if he has OFA and gives it back to Deku.

In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

25 May 2024 - 07:40 PM

i doubt he's actually gone... i don't even think neji would have been killed if naruto didn't need to fall for hinata  :dry:

Remember according to Derock, Neji was originally killed because someone that ran SP's online accounts would not stop whining about how much he hated him and needed to die.


Again, this boy was popular as far as I know, so rating boost? Also I think they were kinda limited on who they could kill for dramatic super mode awakening. Nail, Bolt, Cups, and Salad are in theory the main cast. The Clone is SP's character and they would have a fit. Fat Filler is Black, so someone could easily tell them Westerners would have a hissy fit over that. Shikamaru's son could have some impact since Shikamaru has been around throughout the entire story. Granted, Ino has also been in the story and is one of the few characters Ikemoto seems to care about; her morning over her dead son could be her 'oscar moment'. And there isn't really anyone else. So, he has enough importance to be known in order to have impact when he dies, but not really affecting the plot with his lost. The ideal sacrificial character.

In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

25 May 2024 - 11:49 AM

they actually killed off one of the kids?

We will see. He has a hole in his chest like Neji, but you never know. Also Inojin, the Blond Sai, at some points was the most popular next generation character even more than Salad. So they are either doing this for drama or back out of it.

In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

24 May 2024 - 01:43 AM

Well, now that we are Ten Chapters in let me give my impression of the manga so far.


But first lets go over the other spin offs of Naruto that have come out since the ending..


The Mirai gaiden was probably the best written of the non-Kishimoto spin offs as it does have a clear storyline. Also, had probably the closest to the feel and look of Naruto. What low standards. However, it felt like filler and was very dull. It got somewhat better by the end once the Naruto generation characters stop popping in for their episode.


SS gaiden. Felt like a fanfic and needed someone to proof read and edit it. Story events happened more because the writer wanted them to happen and often didn't make sense. They had dinos to try to make it more interesting but just broke the feel of the world. The art work wasn't as good as the Mirai's if you being very nitpicky but was overall fine.


MK one shot. Kishimoto at his strongest in both art and writing, and pulled from NS, nH, and SS so none could have a fit about MK.


Boruto The Never-Ending Prologue. How they treated Boruto is like how Disney treated Star Wars. With contempt. Believing they could make any dreck and it would sell because of how popular the IP was. Ikemoto made a generic story that would every once and a while do something out of left field to subvert expectations. He didn't have a plan for the story and was just play for time to milk the franchise for what it was worth. Art was an inconstant mess and you could tell Ikemoto want to do his own style that felt like an uneven uncanny unnatural mix of several mangaka art styles. Terrible slow pacing. 


Boruto 2BV. The companies patience ran out and order him to get a move on. He had no plan and only came up with a generic plot...with more holes than Swiss cheese. And has since been both going through his generic plot with very little passion while constantly having to reexplain something because the editor has gotten enough complaints about how the story doesn't make sense. The art had stabilized into completely mediocrity. The pacing has improve but apparently that is a bad thing for most people. As they had convinced themselves the slow pacing must mean they were building up to something. When that was simply never the case.

In Topic: Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

22 May 2024 - 01:01 AM

Boy you covered so much I'm wondering I even continue my post

Give it a go. My posts isn't infallible and their are gaps. You may find other views or points I didn't address.



Saw Therece lurking here for an hour or so. So, guess they are getting their friends to come up with a rebuttal.



This second video is for my first scenario.