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#946876 NaruSaku Fanzine

Posted by kirabook on 21 August 2017 - 04:53 PM

The blog to keep up with the zine is now active:


#946618 NaruSaku Fanzine

Posted by kirabook on 18 August 2017 - 03:37 AM

Hasn't been posted here and it's a pretty big deal so, here it is from Tumblr:


Hello everyone. Today I wanted to discuss a long term annual project the NaruSaku fandom can come together on once a year. 

I propose NaruSaku artists and writers alike create a zine once a year that is released for April 3rd of every year. 


What is a zine?

A zine is a self published booklet, usually of art, by fans or just because. 


What would a NaruSaku zine look like?

I propose that our zine be full of artwork from various NaruSaku artists, as well as short one shot stories from our NaruSaku fanfiction writers. I think zine come in standard sizes, but hey. If there are enough entries, maybe the zine will transform into an artbook. If we get enough participation, maybe extra goodies like custom keychains, posters, or other small merch can be included. It all depends on the participation. 


How would you participate in a zine?

If you wanted to participate in the zine project, you would pledge to complete 1 or 2 NaruSaku artworks/fanfiction for that year and submit it to be eventually published and distributed in the zine.


What would be the rules?

There aren’t many rules. Just that the art must include, Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, or the NaruSaku family. We would probably have to strictly exclude other pairings to avoid creating drama with a few exceptions (MinaKushi, for example)


But if these artworks are already online, what is the point?

I would ask that all contributions to the zine be brand new. If the artist wanted to, they could even make their art pieces zine featured only, or delay posting them online if they wanted to. It makes our zine all the more special.


What if my art/writing isn’t good enough?

I don’t want to be the judge of who gets in the zine and who doesn’t. If this zine becomes a real thing, the best option might be to gather a group of NaruSaku fans who rate which art and writing pieces they most prefer and the top # gets into the zine for that year. Seem reasonable? If you have other suggests, reblog and let us know. 


Would I get paid?

Short answer: Yes?

Long answer: Any money made is going to go in the pocket of everyone who participates in the annual zine. That said, don’t expect it to be a load of cash. Your payout would depend on how many people participate and how many people buy the zine.

The purpose of this zine is not to make money and everything will be split absolutely evenly between all participants. If there are 4 participants and $100 is made, each person will get their $25.



I’ve made a few polls that I would like you to answer to gauge peoples interest in this project! Please answer them or reblog this post with your comments. Thank you


How much would you be willing to pay for a zine? https://strawpoll.com/br9dsp51

Would you ever consider purchasing a zine? https://strawpoll.com/esdzke8d

Would you create a NaruSaku piece once a year exclusively to be published in a NaruSaku zine? https://strawpoll.com/rkbkr2wg



NaruSaku Zine Project: Update #1

. So, we have some early results from the 3 polls I created:

How much would you be willing to pay for a zine? https://strawpoll.com/br9dsp51

Would you ever consider purchasing a zine? https://strawpoll.com/esdzke8d

Would you create a NaruSaku piece once a year exclusively to be published in a NaruSaku zine? https://strawpoll.com/rkbkr2wg


How much would you be willing to pay for a zine?

So far, less than $10, $15, and $20 are tied (remember to take into account currency exchanges). I spent much of yesterday researching different printing companies and what we can get done for how much.


Currently, the most competitive price I’ve found is 1 book with 20 pages for $6-$10. I assume this option will be quality very close to or slightly higher than magazines you might see in a grocery store or on the corner market. It is 8.5×11 in (22×28 cm) in size.

If we decided to make art books (hard cover super high quality paper), well, that is certainly more expensive starting at about $30 for one 20 page book. Yesh. 

These prices do not including shipping, which will vary depending on where you live. We (the people running this blog), would have nothing to do with that. Also, the more pages, the more expensive the book becomes. And we MUST have a minimum of 20 entries.


Would you ever consider purchasing a zine?

Majority voted yes so far, so I hope you stick around. ;) As I mentioned in the previous post, what’s in the zine all depends on how many people participate. In fact, I wouldn’t mind commissioning a few artist to make a guest artwork just for the book if it comes down to it. 

Any participants in the book are also free to offer charms, stickers, or posters to be included in the purchase to make the zine more enticing. (I haven’t worked out how to do that yet other than offer a coupon to get said item)

There will be at least 20 pieces of artwork/oneshots. Heck, maybe even both. ^_^ Imagine one spread where it’s a picture on one side and the short oneshot on the other. That’d be cool. 


As for price, it was already discussed above, but it looks like it’ll probably go for at least $10 excluding any shipping you may have to pay. We could make “special editions” where you could get art book versions of the same book if you’re willing to pay that price. 


Would you create a NaruSaku piece once a year exclusively to be published in a NaruSaku zine?

So far, 18 people have stated they’d be willing to contribute an art piece once a year for the NaruSaku Zine. That’s already almost the minimum of people we’d need! 


Other Updates!

The Rules:

I’ve had a little time to think about the rules and they will stay. The pieces must contain either Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, or the NaruSaku extended family. That includes Minato, Kushina, Mebuki, Kizashi, and even Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune. Of course Naruto and Sakura can be pictured with their friends, but other pairings are strictly not allowed (except for their parents, for example). This is because it’s a NaruSaku Zine, the focus is 100% NaruSaku. Sorry.



I mentioned people should should contribute 1 or 2 pieces per zine, but hey. If you come up with 5 or 6 and the other zine contributors would like to include your stuff in it, should it be allowed? Your thoughts? 



As I mentioned before, profit is not the goal here. Whatever money is made will be split up between whoever participates. Here is a new issue I realized though. What if someone contributes more than one art to the zine? Will they still only get a set cut of the profits? Please reblog or let me know what you think about dividing up any profit made by how many of your pieces are included in the zine instead of divided by how many participants



I considered providing themes and ideas for people if they don’t have any ideas themselves. The book could be divided into 5 sections. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, and General. It is a yearly zine so artwork from the various seasons would be cool (and of course, a section for non-season related stuff. If the book ends up being 20 pages, then I believe each season would have 4 or less artworks. Even if there aren’t enough artworks or stories for the seasons, the general section can fill in all the blanks. Your thoughts? 


Book Cover:

I have an idea of what our cover will be, but once people have signed up, I will will share the idea. 


More News and Info:

A blog will soon be up for people so that this information stays in a visible place, keep a countdown/due date, list participants, sneak previews, and people can sign up to start contributing! There will be a chatroom to discuss all of this and the details as well as decide what makes it in the the year and what doesn’t (stuff that doesn’t make it into the booklet can still be released as post cards or something else!)


The goal for the first NaruSaku Zine is April 3rd, 2018.

#946017 If Shinachiku meets Bolt...

Posted by kirabook on 11 August 2017 - 10:17 PM

Of course. Not being able to relate doesn't mean you can't understand or sympathize.


Key point being the differences between their fathers give them different perspectives of them. As others mentioned, Shina would probably pity Burrito a little bit given their family situation compared to his own.


When I think about the entire scenario, I kind of feel like Shina wouldn't want to be involved in the "other" family at all.

#946005 If Shinachiku meets Bolt...

Posted by kirabook on 11 August 2017 - 06:29 PM

Naruto of Shina's world is not like Naruto of Burrito's world. Shina could not become like Burrito because of that. That's not to say Shina's Naruto isn't busy, but he certainly isn't avoiding going home, coming home drunk, or sending clones home in his place. We all interpret it the opposite actually. Naruto would gladly leave a clone at his desk to spend time with his family over work. Sakura the more reasonable adult makes sure he doesn't skip out on real work too often and balances home and work life.


This is why Shina and Burrito are so different in the first place, other than being two different characters that is. Shina could not personally relate to Burrito's situation because the relationship between his parents is different and Naruto isn't a borderline absentee father.

#945147 If Shinachiku meets Bolt...

Posted by kirabook on 03 August 2017 - 11:51 PM

*magically appears*


Wellllll, yes, on Tumblr, I think we all pretty much agree on what Shinachiku is like. As others said, he's similar to Minato.


- Shinachiku is not a genius, probably a B student that could be an A student if he worked more on his studies and not studying slugs

- Shinachiku is a chill dude for the most part

- He doesn't have a temper unless you make him real mad, his annoyance usually equates to high levels of mumbled sass

- Shinachiku really likes slugs

- Shinachiku has a little bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to the greatness and skills of his parents. So much so, he wants to prove himself by not really doing what they do (being Hokage, becoming a real medic even though he knows medical jutsu)


If Shinachiku and Burrito met, I don't think Shinachiku would like him very much at all at first, but Shinachiku isn't exactly one to pick a fight. He'd most likey side eye Burrito, roll his eyes, and eventually figure out what his deal is. Probably have some sympathy for him, but obviously their dads aren't the same person so it's not like he can reassure him. Depending on how deep the whole goes, maybe Shinachiku would create a plan with Burrito to change Burrito's dad to no avail. I don't really know Burrito, but he seems like the jealous type so I don't think they'd become good friends anyway.


*disappears into the ether*

#943200 Project: Rewrite

Posted by kirabook on 17 July 2017 - 02:02 AM

Some updates over the last few months. New characters, and making concepts of the sets


































#941508 Shinachiku the Movie

Posted by kirabook on 10 June 2017 - 04:55 PM

I've come up with my own possibility for a Shinachiku movie (with some pals), tell me what you think:


Based on fanon facts that you can read about below, I have come up with a possible worldwide conflict that Shinachiku and his generation encounters.


New Shinobi System

Hanami’s Dream

Hanami Character Analysis


To summarize, by the time Shinachiku is born and old enough to enter school, Naruto, as well as the other leaders of the shinobi villages have reformed how the system works. In times of peace, there is no need to train their children to be killers. There is no need for the state to push shinobi propaganda into the general education of their youngest most vulnerable citizens.


Becoming a shinobi is a voluntary process that children can’t truly volunteer to do until they’re at least 15. Even then, their true service only begins when they’re 17. Given the world they live in is still transitioning to peace, everyone is not 100% safe 100% of the time, but it still doesn’t call for 12 years olds or even younger to be trained to kill.


The conflict is simple, a rouge nation appears that still follows the old rules. Children as young as 6 years old are still being trained to become soldiers. Kids are still forced to fight each other to their possible deaths just to prove which one is stronger. Their older populations are still riddled with physical and mental scars from growing up in such an environment.


The reaction from people in Shina’s generation would surely be shock and disgust. How can the leaders of the village have child soldiers and send them to their death’s on a whim? At this point, they can’t even imagine being trained to do such things so young.


The reaction from Naruto’s generation and older would be even greater. That WAS their system not even that long ago. How much shame would some of them feel? Not Naruto’s generation really since they are the ones that fixed it, but the generations a bit older than them?


How can they resolve the conflict? I mean, wouldn’t this rogue village feel justified in their actions? This was the shinobi system for centuries and centuries. What right do other villages, who used to do the same thing, have to tell them what to do? Why is Naruto’s way the right way?


Conclusion, I find this interesting. Mostly because I so strongly believe the new gen won’t be brought up the same way as the older gens, so I want to see how they reaction to such a terrible thing (child soldiers). I want to see older people who have already adjusted to the new system look back at what they used to be and feel shame and disgust and a drive to continue to make things better.


Maybe this will be what the Shinachiku movie is about. Maybe this is the main event that drives Hanami to want to be Hokage.


#938422 Shinachiku the Movie

Posted by kirabook on 27 April 2017 - 05:38 AM



A few artists and I are sitting on the idea of making a Shinachiku movie of sorts (we have been for at least a year now). It needs to be set in a universe that is not our own universes we've created for Shinachiku. It'd be animated kinda like what you see above. It won't be a REAL movie movie, but more like animated panels. Music probably, sound effects. Y'know.


So, I'm just curious.

  • In your mind, how did the manga end plot wise, not just romance.
  • If there were a movie post ending revolving around Shinachiku, in your mind, what is the conflict that is taking place.

This can be a real thing, so please if you have any, splurge your ideas here. Or give a vague idea of what you would want it to be if you don't want certain people stealing your ideas. By certain people, I mean people who aren't NaruSaku fans. But anyway, interested in responses.


If you want some better grasp on Shinachiku's character fandomwide, his wiki page is very up to date (so is Hanami's):


#936633 Project: Rewrite

Posted by kirabook on 08 April 2017 - 02:48 PM

It's sorta an animated comic, but there's gonna be music and voice clips and stuff.


I don't think I require any opinions on anything yet, but as the project kicks off the group and chapters are released, I will constantly ask what people think about it. Not that I will change the story, but maybe I can add things I hadn't thought of previously



#936440 Project: Rewrite

Posted by kirabook on 05 April 2017 - 08:19 PM




#936439 Project: Rewrite

Posted by kirabook on 05 April 2017 - 08:19 PM


#936238 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by kirabook on 04 April 2017 - 03:05 AM

Happy NaruSaku Day! (by pumyteh and I)


#935381 Interview with cast Members “N” and “S” off the set of the recently c...

Posted by kirabook on 24 March 2017 - 11:32 PM



- Were you expecting this kind of ending? It’s quite a shift in focus compared to how the series was going before…”

N: Well actually, that’s a funny story.

S: I don’t think it’s funny at all.

N: (laughs) Well, you see, some years ago the writers made some weird changes to the script. Everyone was pretty disgruntled about it, but despite all the complaining they decided to keep the changes. And they kept making more changes too.

S: Some things are directly contradicting each other. It’s kind of ridiculous


- “Why the changes?”

N: I dunno. They’d never tell us that. We’re just supposed to act, you know?

S; I think it was an orchestrated effort to rewrite some of the series to make sure it can somehow continue with sequels. Isn’t that how it always happens?


- “Oh, so there’s going to be a sequel?”

S: Unfortunately…

N: Luckily the two of us were able to renegotiate our contracts to have less of a role. They hired a bunch of kids to take our place and that’s fine by me. I’m kind of ready to move on and start something new

S: Easy for you to say. I might as well just retire forever. People are ever only going to see me as “Pathetic Sakura in an abusive relationship!”

N: Ah come on….


- “Are you looking into jumping into another role right away?”

N: No. We both need some time off. The stress from these roles were kinda ridiculous

S: And now that the chaos of the end of production is over, we’re looking forward to staying home with our son now. He used to love the show, but now…

N: I think it might give him nightmares…

S: We aren’t going to let him watch anymore.


- “Anything you want to say to your fans out there reading this?”

N: Uh, sorry if we disappointed? We did our best. Actually, I think we played our parts really well. We were believable right? Thank you for watching! … if you watched it

S: We aren’t going away yet, but regardless, hope you look forward to seeing us in other roles! Thank you!



(Send in any questions for their next interview)

#932963 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 10

Posted by kirabook on 24 February 2017 - 02:02 AM

*randomly appears*


I'm annoyed at the seal usage and worried it was copied from Shinachiku quite literally since we came up with that 2 years ago


*disappears randomly*

#932579 Project: Rewrite

Posted by kirabook on 19 February 2017 - 02:33 PM
