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Member Since 16 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2017 01:47 PM

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In Topic: Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

21 January 2017 - 02:48 AM

You mean Ken and Touka :P She really somewhat do look like Rukia.

Yeah, I just can't believe she ended without Ichigo. The similarities, man. Rukia's rel. with Ichigo's like Sakura with Naruto. Both have lovey dovey quarrels and chemistry since day one but their main characters ended up with a big titted chick who had the naruto-kun disease.





I hope they will make a third season. I think they will.


We're talking about them above your post XD Yup, they're good.

Oh God, I'm readying myself to be dissappointed again with the Touken thing, having caught up in TG. I mean, Touka was reduced to a flower vase. I really hope Touka gets her talk with Ken. It's getting irritating how these two has less screen time compared to a fodder character's backstory. Seriously. When was the last time they sat down for a coffee? Obviously Touka chan has strong feelings for Ken. I hope they sort this out, when they get out of this mess.




Touka has most beautiful sad faces ever. That pang of longing and missing somebody is perfectly expressed through her face. That Anteiku meeting with Ken tearing up? Fkk. She's breaking inside but all she can do is smile. God she really fell for Ken. Lol. Big time.

It's war time between you and me for that first pairing!

Just kidding. They all have chemistry that stands out.

Lol I feel you, but yeah, Luffy had deeper connection with Nami, I personally like them both together than Boa, but the Pirate king and Pirate Empress is too perfect plot wise

In Topic: Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

08 January 2017 - 11:12 AM

The one eyed ghoul and the rukia chick from TG

In Topic: Why DO we like Narusaku?

08 January 2017 - 11:05 AM

Naruto was the sole reason why Sakura wasn't dead. He truly cared for her, saved her countless times only character in the series who has gone all out to sacrifice himself for his stupid Sakura-chan. God dammit Sakura why the kitten are you this blind

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

07 January 2017 - 03:00 AM

Longtime reader here but just made anbaccount after I read the whole thread. That's right right from the first page of this thread. And right up to the end of this topic, I still really felt empty, I know that it ended in like 2014, but why the fork does it still hurt.

It's like you were so in love with a chick, gave an arm and a leg but at the end she's still the one who got away. Sakura and Naruto's chemistry was just so undeniably good, but this spineless pos still sold his kitten out.

I've come across this fanfiction by swaggyrex,


which by far is the best fanfiction I've read involving naruto and sakura. The angst multiplier is x1000, naruto's hatred, sakura's realization oh god, so many angst it's so enjoyable to read. Basically reflected my own hatred and anger of the series. As much as Rex is a topnotch author, that kitten decided to have the hiatus virus on the most critical part of his story.

Well anyways, I hope this fandom and website will never, ever disappear. It's my safe haven for my sanity or what's lefr of it.

No, seriously, Naruto not getting the girl he loved and risked his life for, hurts until this very day. F you Kishimoney.

In Topic: Why DO we like Narusaku?

16 December 2016 - 08:01 PM

Naruto loves Sakura so much that he gave her up just to make her stupid pink head happy. Sakura is a prime example of a girlfriend who loves to be in an abusive relationship just for her own selfish reasons. Thanks Kishi.