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Member Since 31 Jan 2006
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In Topic: NaruSaku AMVs

08 June 2006 - 04:37 AM

Sometimes the freezing happens with some Divx codec versions, if it's indeed a divx codec try different version .. also you can try to disable some codecs from WMMaker (Tools -> Options -> Copatibility) uncheck the codecs that you don't need, WMM seems to have compatibility issues when certain codecs are enabled.
(uncheck divx alone first and check)

the best thing you can do, is to click the pause thing after playing start, and wait until it buffers the whole thing before playing ... it sucks I know sleep.gif , but at least it won't freeze when you play it ...

oh and the clips are nice .. :thumbs:
keep it up and soon we'll take over the world!

In Topic: All Naruto-related humor!

07 June 2006 - 12:15 AM

hahaha some were hilarious a_spaz.gif
(people can be so creative sometimes)

I had picture collection somewhere like that somewhere .. ah I have to find it

this is nice as well, some of them are really funny and entertaining
there's a lot .. pick and check
http://www.newground...ion/naruto.html biggrin.gif

In Topic: Your greatest failure at converting

06 June 2006 - 10:04 PM

well a "godlike" "Mary Sue" ?
you know, like watching from above or hidden somewhere, like all Mary Sue characteristics regarding other characters and the flow of the story ... like how they pack characters purely to eventually fulfill their fantasies ... it's not so hard to grasp I think ..

well about some people reactions.. I dunno, it seems just normal people "knee-jerk" shock reaction .. well maybe more than that, but definitely it's different from reaction to gays or being gay ..

people react to hentai (even the more 'clean' ones) with 'dirty' and 'sick', but still ... it's a normal reaction ... nobody make it emergency, actually hentai fans may boast about receving such labels ..

so I think making yaoi as all holy, expecting nobody will say any bad thing about it, and reacting like it's some kind of national insult, is a bit excessive

well anyway, I understand your point about the commotions that happen about yaoi from time to time, mostly it's because it's relatively new to some... people will learn to ignore it and with time nobody will care for it or give it credit outside its fans ... just like Mary Sues and such stuff

oh gawd I actually wrote this much smile.gif

nah I don't think the mods will have to do anything .. because I think (hope sweatdrop.gif ) it's within the friendly opinion-expression limits :thumbs:

In Topic: Your greatest failure at converting

06 June 2006 - 12:20 AM

nah I don't give a damn about it .. it's just another form of Mary Sue, a god-like one

If there's something annoy me about it, it's the acts of some of its fans - for example, the other day there was some article about some manga compition in some news website, there was many comments about how good it's .. etc - then one kind soul out of the blue leaves a comment *yaoi rules* ................. dry.gif

now, yaoi is not the most weird thing in the world, there are other things far more diturbing .. but if somebody into it, he shouldn't blague others senses with it, or start with the homophobic argument, because frankly this is quite lame argument and against him ultimately - this is my take on the thing

as for the canon fodder .. heh who knows ? I wouldn't start arguing about this, since even otherwise .. that won't stop them now would it ?

seriously, I don't care about it ... whatever they do in their fiction, even if they made the kakashi as naruto mother smile.gif j/k

In Topic: Your greatest failure at converting

05 June 2006 - 03:38 AM

oh I used to like Hinata (and still do she is one of my favourite characters) but I mean in the pairing with natuto because at the begin sakura was annoying and shallow - nothing special above the other girls in the school who are crazy over teh sau-h-skee so why to give her preference over them? on he other hand .. well Hinata is just adorable - too bad she got left out of the story for a long time.

It's different story with Sakura in the second part of naruto, how her personality developed to the mature Sakura and the feeling around her and Naruto was what got me back to the series after about one year (I was following the anime only at the time)