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Member Since 30 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active May 24 2013 01:27 PM

Topics I've Started

Volume 64 Cover

01 April 2013 - 04:40 AM

I know I said I would leave but I decided to leave on an even better note! Here'a a bigger version of the cover of volume 64

No smiling and they are both staring at Neji? Are all worries gone now? hope so! Bye!

I Just Had This Thought

27 January 2013 - 07:07 PM

Hey guys! I just had this thought/prediction I want to share with you smile.gif! If it doesn't go here then I am sorry may a mod please move this to the correct place. But it is a prediction about the manga so I hope it goes here.

If it doesn't happen, well it'd be great fanfic material lol laugh.gif!

So my thought(inspired by Sakura going to see the Kage theory):

Picture the manga showing where Sakura is. She's rushing through trees trying to get to the Kage. She thinks of Shikaku telling her and Shizune that Tsunade is gravely injured. She remembers Shizune telling her to go and she'll stay here to continue taking care of the injured Shinobi. Now Shizune sounds off. Like not hysterical or even super worried about her master. Sakura can't see her face so she knows it's bad. Really bad.

She's rushing by herself la di da...

Anyways it goes back to Naruto. Assuming this Neji-bird attack kills the Juubi and stuns or drives Obito and co away or whatever, the ninja are celebrating and Naruto notices Sakura is missing. He's not in Kyuubi mode so he searches for her normally. He goes to Shizune and he notices that she looks...well dead. Like emotionally. Shizune calmly tells Naruto that Sakura went to go see the kage. So he is surprised and then runs after her.

Using Sage/Kyuubi mode he quickly pin points her and catches up. He asks her what she's doing and she's the one who tells him that Tsunade and possibly the other Kage are badly hurt and she needs to go help since Shizune decided to stay behind. So Naruto is stunned for a second but he knows gravely injured doesn't mean dead. So he revvs up Kyuubi's chakra and holds his hand out to her and says "Let me. I can move quick."(or something like that) Sakura takes his hand.

BUT instead of giving her chakra. He picks her up bridal style and starts carrying her to where he senses the Kage are.
*Note if you want Sakura to appear stronger or something then you can scrap this and have her run next to him,

Sakura looks at him in awe for a second before looking worried again and thinking of Tsundae.

Insert Kurama/Kyuubi poking at Naruto's feelings for Sakura here.

So they get to the Kage. Gaara, Mei, A, and the old guy are up on another branch above them. But Tsunade is on a branch below them looking horrible with Katsuyaa next to her. Sakura quickly orders Naruto to check the other Kage while she helps Tsunade. Naruto agrees and does so after setting Sakura down. Sakura jumps to Tsunade and Naruto jumps to the other kage.

Sakura tries to stay calm but it's hard because Tsunade is freaking missing her legs and looking her age(old) and right now Sakura is just tryng to stem the blood flow. She isn't crying but she is sweating and frantically telling Tsundae that she'll be alright. Katsuyaa softly tells her that she shouldn't bother and Sakura says that yes she HAS to try.

Naruto jumps down and tells her the Kage are alright just sleeping and Sakura tells him to bring her Tsunade's legs(lol). But Tsunade wakes up and says no. She then gives a short but incredibly sweet and inspiring last speech to Sakura. And then she gives Naruto also a few short inspiring words.

And then she dies.

Katsyuua starts crying and Naruto looks upset but he knows better now so he looks at Sakura. Sakura looks stunned and is shaking a little but now crying. She then bows her head and asks Naruto if he's alright.

Then...it happens!

Naruto hugs Sakura!

She is shocked and looks up. Naruto tells her:

"Last time Tsunade left us, you had to cheer me up. This time, I'll comfort you."

And he is hugging her! So then Sakura cries in his arms.

No love realization(except maybe Kyuubi thinking Naruto really loves her again :X). No 'his arms are so big and warm and make me feel safe and comforted'(lol**) Nothing to take the moment away from the fact that Tsunade just died.

Just Naruto and Sakura bonding over the fact that someone close to them both is now dead.

Cue a quick panel if Shizune crying her eyes out(and a ninja that she is healing asking her what's wrong).

After that Sakura can summon slugs! And the Kage wake up and talking happens yada yada. However what this also means is that later on back in Konoha, Sakura knows where the Hokage's robes are. And whether Naruto is appointed by Hokage(even temporary) Tsunade before she dies or not, Sakura gives him the robes before his fight with Sasuke(think of it as a homage to the RTN movie!)

Oh and I saw someone(I think it was reddragon?) say something about Sakura defending Naruto and giving a 'He WILL be Hokage!" speech to someone. Well I imagine if the 'we're going to fight together' speech and the cover of 616 mean anything, then maybe(HOPING REALLY BAD HERE) both Naruto AND Sakura will fight against Sasuke and that's when Sakura says that. They summon their animals(toads, slugs, and snakes) and have a neosanin fight. And then Naruto can have his solo battle with Sasuke after Sakura does SOMETHING to at least cripple the guy.

So what do you think??? THe only problem is I can't think of a reason for Naruto to leave the battle field other than the Juubi dying. Hopefully by then Sakura won't be too far haha.

It'd be great if this happened(I think and I hope you do to. If not feel free to add changes/suggestions) but like I said. This could be great fanfic as well. Please share your thoughts smile.gif!

**I don't hate Hinata. THat was just a playful jab tongue.gif.