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milan kyuubi

Member Since 23 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:32 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

13 September 2024 - 12:16 PM

Data does not lie. Sakura reigns. lol :hehehe: Haters can cope with their "It's because she bla bla bla". And have in mind that Haruhi was literately the name of the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. So most of search was probably people serching the anime.


In Topic: Emi Shinohara Voice actress of Kushina has died!

10 September 2024 - 04:22 PM



Her acting on the night of Kuruma's attack was top notch.

In Topic: James Earl Jones has passed away!

10 September 2024 - 11:26 AM



In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

26 May 2024 - 12:32 PM

I am now 30 years old




In Topic: Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

12 May 2024 - 04:24 AM

Destroy All Of Humanity. It Can't Be Regenerated



Hajime Kanou & Emi Sawatari

