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Naruto 467 Spoilers

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#1 Dreamer


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 02:58 PM

Naruto Fan Spoiler Thread

Naruto 467 spoiler from Nja and translation by Shounensuki --Click here to view--
The colored cover is two pages wide and has Zabuza, Haku, and all the dead Akatsuki members!

Sakura is getting ready to set out to the Land of Iron. Three people are going, it seems: Sakura, Kiba, and Lee.

Well, to the conference room:
The Raikage uses a momentary opportunity to attack Sasuke on Madara's shoulder, but [Madara uses] a space-time ninjutsu to send Sasuke somewhere else.
[He] orders Karin to give [Sasuke] medical treatment and sends her away too

From here, the conversation starts:
Gaara: "Why did you make Sasuke come here!?"
Madara: "I sent him here because it's very valuable [to me] that he activate his eyes all the way up to Susanoo. I also planned for him to bring you Five Kage down and imprison you, but it seems that was hopeless yet."
Here ends the conversation about Sasuke
"My goal is to rule the world. I've wished this for a long time."
Tsuchikage: "In your case, you should be able to do that by yourself, right?"
Madara: "My body was too gravely injured in the fight against the First, Hashirama. I don't have such power left."
Someone: "Why are you collecting the Tailed Beasts?"
To the story about the Eye of the Moon Plan:
The origin of the current Tailed Beasts is that they are born from a single Ten-Tails. Temari or Kankurou: "Shouldn't there be only nine Tailed Beasts?"
Madara: "Long ago, the Sage of the Six Paths saved the world from the Ten-Tails, but because the beast's power was so great, the Sage put the demonic power inside his own body, making himself a jinchuuriki. Then, he created the Moon and sealed the Ten-Tails' body there. (the story was much longer, but I can't remember the rest ><) Then, as his own death approached, he divided the power into nine pieces..."
I'm sorry, but I'm telling it extremely simplified
Madara: "[My goal is to] revive the Ten-Tails and become its jinchuuriki, project an infinite Tsukuyomi on the Moon, and so rule all of mankind, thus I will create a world without strife."
Mizukage: "This world has no place for such a dream or hope"
Madara: "Right now, it's neither hope nor anything. Hurry up and hand over the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails."
Raikage: "The Eight-Tails!? Bee is still alive?"
Madara: "The capture of the Eight-Tails was a failure. Despite being your younger brother, he is a truly splendid shinobi."
Raikage: "What the hell! I'll bet he took this opportunity to go play somewhere else!! When he comes back, I'll Iron Claw¹ him!!!"
C, Darui: "Something like that was probably what he was thinking about..."

Gaara: "I won't hand over Uzumaki Naruto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tsuchikage: "Raikage, what about you?" "Of course I won't hand him over!!!!!"
Madara: "Are you okay with a breakdown? If it comes down to war, I don't think you guys will have a great chance of success against the Tailed Beasts"

Gaara: "I won't throw away my dream!!"

Madara: "All right then, I hereby declare the Fourth Great Ninja World War!!"

The end 

¹ Iron Claw (鉄のツメ, Aian Kurō). Probably a technique or something.

Something extra Nja said, nothing really important

[i] write Earth, but perhaps it might have been the shinobi villages ><

I didn't look at it to that extent. It might be a popularity contest or a present.

After Sakura and co, a broken down Naruto appears
Although I remember [him] saying "Revenge is Sasuke's shinobi way!"...
[He] says something like "As I thought, [i] have no chocie but to meet [you] in person and talk to you [directly]"

With Madara being such an extremely talkative person, I couldn't get everything in my head
It's rather difficult translating these answers without the questions ><
Naruto 467 Spoiler Chapter Script by Ohana and translated by On3Word. --Click here to view--
Part 1:

My foolish younger brother bought it.

The front cover of the Jump issue is of Naruto eating Ichiraku Ramen.

In color to celebrate October 10 as Naruto's birthday and the series' 10th anniversary.

Sai: After we enter the Iron Country, please...search for Naruto, Kiba
Kiba: Understood!
Sakura is quiet/faithful.
Kiba: Ha...
Lee: What's going on?
キバ『いのは泣いてるだけだったってのに サクラはこの覚悟だ…
ナルトに何て切り出すのかは知らねーが… 気不味い雰囲気になるのは
Kiba: Ino just cried back there, yet Sakura and her resolve...I don't know if she's going to cut it off with Naruto but, the mood has definitely become awkward.
リー『… サクラさんにも色々考えがあるんだと思います』
Lee: ...Sakura must be thinking about a lot of things I can imagine.
キバ『しかし4人1組が…基本だからって… 探索任務だとオレだもんよ
それに… 秘密裏にってのがサイの”注文”… ”根”の尾行確認までオレの鼻まかせだぜ』
Kiba: However with 4 people as 1 team...to me, this is supposed to be a basic search mission, however, in secret, these are Sai's orders...leave it to my nose to track Root.

カラー巻頭 マダラ、キミマロ、カブト、オロチマル、カクズ、イタチ、キサメ。デイダラ、
Color cover featuring Madara, Kimimaro, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Haku, Zabuza, Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Sai.

On the Cover
忍の業に導かれ、刃を交えし闘いの日々。 そして迎える新時代―
Blades clashing everyday, guide the Shinobi's deeds. And also welcome a new age.
467 宣戦
Chapter 467: Declaration of War
Naruto's thoughts are now...

Innkeeper: What the hell did you guys do here! It's because of this SHinobi are...!
ヤマト『す…すみません 私がちゃんと直しておきますから…』
Yamato: So...sorry I will make sure to fix it...

The snow falling, Naruto is on the roof. Kakashi watches him.

Naruto recalls Madara's words.
マダラ『サスケは うちはの憎しみを全て背負い… その憎しみの呪おを
世界へぶつけるつもりだ 最も強い武器であり友であり…力である憎しみ
それがサスケの忍道だ!! サスケ自身がそう選択したのさ』
Madara: Sasuke is burdened with all the hate of the Uchiha...he intends to strike the world with this hate. Hatred is his greatest weapon, greatest friend...and greatest strength. This is Sasuke's nindo (way of the ninja). Sasuke himself has chosen this.

Naruto: There's nothing left to do but to directly confront Sasuke.

Part 2:
There's a picture of white Zetsu's head from an opening in a hole.

Raikage: It's as Shii has seen, the Hokage seems to have run for it!
Tsuchikage: Yeah, it's Sasuke's fault.

Madara: !
The Raikage punches Madara.
Raikage: !!?
The punch connected but Madara's mask vanishes like a whirpool with Sasuke getting sucked in with it.

Raikage: Akatsuki's plan...there's no way I'll understand/approve!
吸い込まれてくの見てビックリ、カリン(!! サスケが…!!)
Karin is surprised to see them disappear and thinks (!! Sasuke...!!)
Raikage: Return Sasuke!
マダラ『だったらオレの話を聞け それの返答次第だ』
Madara: Then listen first to what I have to say.
土影『少し落ち着け雷影 聞くだけ聞いてそれからじゃぜ』
Tsuchikage: Calm down a little Raikage, let's just listen.
Raikage: Chi...

Madara goes to Karin's side. Madara: Restore Sasuke...
Karin gets sucked in.

Kankuro: This is Madara's ability huh...
Temari: Space/time ninjutsu huh.

Karin (!?)
Karin is in some space/time secluded room with Sasuke. Kind of like where the white Ichigo from Bleach comes out. The room is lined by and made up of boxes. That's how it looks.
カリン『… ここは?』
Karin: ...this place is?

マダラ『さて… そろそろ聞く気になってくれたか… 諸君』
Madara: Now...It seems like you guys are ready to pay attention...Gentlemen.
ガアラ『なぜ お前がサスケを手懐けようとする?』
Gaara: Why did have Sasuke do this?
マダラ『”スサノオ”まで開眼する写輪眼は稀だ… いい眼をストックしておきたくてな
五影との実戦で さらに瞳力を鍛えさせておきたかった… ここにサスケを送りこんだのは
オレだ  五影を弱らせて人質に取ろうとも思っていた… そこまでは無理だったようだが』
Madara: I wanted to awaken his Sharingan's "Susano'o"... I need to stock up on good eyes. His fight with the 5 Kages and sending him here was like my way of training a pupil. I had thought he could weaken the 5 Kages for me to take hostage but it seems that was overdoing it.
水影『人質?… 一体何のために!?』
Mizukage: Hostage?...What could you possibly want from that!?
Madara: Like I said, it's to securely carry on my Eye of the Moon plan.
土影『本当にあの うちはマダラが生きていたとは驚きじゃが…お前ほどの男がなぜこんな
回りくどいやり方をする? お前の力ならどんな計画でも思い通りのはずじゃぜ』
Tsuchi kage: For real? It's surprising that Uchiha Madara is still alive but, why then if you're him? Why such a roundabout way of doing things? With your power you should be able to do as you wish.

Part 3
今のオレに力はない 言わば今のオレはただの形骸化した存在にしかすぎない』
Madara: My fight with the Shodaime Hokage left me deeply wounded...
シー『お前が… 本来の自分に戻るための計画ってやつか…?』
Shii: You...So is this plan to restore yourself to the way you were...?
マダラ『うむ…そうとも言えるが… それだけではない』
Madara: Yes...you could say that...but not just that.
ミフネ『何を企む!? ”月の眼計画”とは一体なんだ!?』
Mifune: What are you scheming!? What then is this Eye of the Moon plan!?
マダラ『ゆっくり話したい… 腰を下ろさせてもらう』
Madara: I want to take my time talking about this...so please sit down.

Madara sits. (Haha)

Kankuro: What kind of plan are you going to share with us?

Madara raises his index finger
Gaara: ?

マダラ『全てがオレと一つになる! 全ての統一を成す完全体だ』
Madara: I will become one with everything! I will unify all and obtain the perfect body.

Everyone: ...!?
Tsuchikage: Become one...? Unify all...? What is this!?
マダラ『うちはには代々伝わる古の石碑がある 今も木の葉のちかにある
瞳力がなければ読むことができず  写輪眼・万華鏡写輪眼・輪廻眼の順に
Madara: There's a stone monument that has been passed down for generations to the Uchiha. Even now, close to Konoha, the Rikudo Sennin once wrote about a secret there. Unless you have you pupil, you will be unable to read and decipher the Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan as well as increasing it's contents.
土影『話がマユツバものになってきたな 六道仙人など…』
Tsuchikage: This story has become like a fable, with the Rikudo Sennin and all...
マダラ『これは事実だ 彼は存在した  そしてその石碑を残した』
Madara: This is the truth, he lived. And he left that stone monument.
雷影イライラ~~『話が逸れた! お前の計画と その六道仙人と何の関係がある!?』
Raikage: This talk is straying! How does the Rikudo Sennin related to your plan!?
Everyone: ?

It's long from here. Continuing.

Part 4
そこにオレの目的と この男(六道仙人)との繋がりがありる』
Madara: How did this legend among shinobi, become revered like a god. Do you know?
水影『…うちはマダラ… アナタは 万華鏡写輪眼を持ち”暁”には輪廻眼の輩もいた
Mizukage: ...Uchiha Madar...you, an Akatsuki weilding the Mangekyou Sharingan, and a companion with the Rinnegan...you must also know of its entirety right.
Tsuchikage: Lets listen.
マダラ『彼はかつて世界をすくった あるバケモノから…』
Madara: He once created this world, from that monster...
Gaara: Monster...?
そいつは尾獣全ての集合体  …最強のチャクラを持つ存在   十尾だ』
Madara: Gaara...a part of that monster was sealed in you. It is the the aggregation of all the biju. The being possessing the greatest chakra, the Jyubi (ten tails).

There's a picture of the Jyubi but it only has 1 eye.
It's eye has the Mangekyou Sharingan.
The figure/shape is similar to the Kyubi.

Gaara: !?
Temari: Aren't there only 9 biju!?
マダラ『言ったはずだ… そいつは尾獣全ての集合体だと
一尾から九尾までの尾獣は その十尾のチャクラを分散したものにすぎない
Madara: I said didn't I?...It's a culmination of all the biju. From the Ichibi to the Kyubi, the Jyubi's chakra was dispersed by the Rikudo Sennin.
Kankuro: This story has gone bad...so Akatsuki has been collecting the biju for...
マダラ『六道仙人は十尾から世界を守るため ある忍術を開発した…
今もその忍術は密かに受け継がれている 人柱力の封印のシステム…
そう六道仙人は… 十尾の人柱力だった  十尾を抑え込むため
しかしまりに強大にしてチャクラは己が死ねば封印が解け また表へ出てきてしまう
それを恐れた六道仙人は死に際に最後の力を使い 十尾のチャクラを九つに分散し
Madara: The Rikudo Sennin protected the world from the Jyubi, and a ninjutsu was developed to to so. The mystery of that ninjutsu has been passed on even today, the system to seal Jinchuriki. That's right, the Rikudo Sennin was the Jinchuriki of the Jyubi. In order to suppress the Jyubi, he sealed it into his own body. The Rikudo Sennin save the world from the Jyubi inflicting pain on the people as was praised like a god. But if he died, the seal would break and would release the Jyubi back into the world. Fearful of that, he used the greatest power and split the Jyubi into 9 parts. They were split and separated across the land. And to make the Jyubi's power unobtainable, he flew into the sky and created the moon.

Darui: This story is too huge...can a human really do this?
マダラ『十尾の人柱力となった六道仙人は すでに人外の輩になっていた』
Madara: By becoming the Jinchuriki of the Jyubi, the Rikudo Sennin, has already moved beyond us as a peer.
ミフネ『お前がその分散してあった九つのチャクラ… つまり全ての尾獣を集めて
その人外の力を手にするつもりなのは わかった  が…そんな力を手に入れて
Mifune: You...those 9 separate chakras...I understand you intend to collect the biju to obtain this inhuman power but, what do you intend to do with this power?

そしてオレは十尾の人柱力となる  その力を利用して己の瞳力を強大させ
…そして あつ術を発動させる』
Madara: Revive the Jyubi! And then as the Jyubi's Jinchuriki, I'll use this power to make my eye stronger, and to activate a jutsu.
土影『ある術じゃと!? 何じゃそれは!?何をするつもりじゃ!?』
Tsuchikage: A jutsu!? What are you talking about!? What is it you intend to do!?

Part 5
マダラ『月に己の眼を投影する大幻術   無限月読…
アレが全ての人間を その幻術の中でコントロールし
Madara: I will project the greatest genjutsu on the moon, Mugen Tsukiyomi (Infinite Tsukiyomi)...All people living on this planet will be put in my genjutsu! I will control everyone with this genjutsu and unify this world.

Everyone: !!!

マダラ『わだかまりも争いもない世界だ 全てがオレと一つになる
Madara: A world without ill feeling or strife. Everything will become one with me. Unify all. This is my Eye of the Moon plan.
雷影『ふざけるな!! お前などに世界は渡さん!!』
Raikage: Stop messing around!! I won't hand over the world to someone like you!!
ガアラ『幻の中の平和などごまかしだ 現実の世界で成しえてこそ意味がある』
水影『そんなものの中に何があるって言うの! 希望も夢もない!逃げているだけよ!』
Gaara: Decieved by a peace only in illusion. There's meaning to (our) actions in the real world.
土影『世界を一つにするか… 確かダンゾウも同じようなことを言っとったが…
お前のは世界を一つにすると言うより 世界を自分一人のものにしたいとしか聞こえん』
Tsuchikage: Unify the world huh...It's true Danzo said the same thing however, you say you want to make the world one, but all I hear is you wanting the world for yourself.
マダラ『ククク…そういう お前達五影に何ができたと言うのだ?
お前達なら本当は理解しているハズだ…    希望などない事を!!
希望とは あきらめに等しいものだ… ごまかしのセリフでしかない
残りの八尾と九尾を差し出し オレの計画に もろもろ協力しろ
Madara: Kukuku...I see, Do you see what you 5 Kage are doing and saying? You al must certainly understand...that there is no hope! Hope is like giving up...it's just a word to cover up reality. Hand over the remaining Hachibi and Kyubi. If you don't cooperate, this will mean war.
Gaara: War...?
雷影『八尾…? …どういう事だ!? ビーはお前達が…!』
Raikage: Hachibi...? ....What do you mean? Don't you guys...!
マダラ『八尾の捕獲は失敗し逃げられた… あれこそ人柱力として完璧な忍だ…
Madara: The capture of the Hachibi was a failure and he escaped....As a Jinchuriki, he's a perfect shinobi...despite being your younger brother.

Raikage is pissed...his facial exp​ression is funny (to Ohana)
Darui: Ah...as thought...for him to do something like that...
Shii: Ha..
許さん! 鉄の爪(アイアンクロー)じゃ!!』
Raikage: That idiot!! To leave the village and go play!!!!

Gaara: I won't hand over Uzumaki Naruto.
Mizukage: I won't either!
Tsuchikage: And you Raikage?
Raikage: Of course I won't hand over my younger brother!
マダラ『オレには力はないが… 今までに集めた尾獣がある お前達に勝ち目はないぞ』
Madara: I don't have any power but...until now I have collected biju and none of you have any chance of winning.
GaaraL I won't abandon hope.

マダラ『いいだろう…  第四次忍界大戦…  ここに宣戦を布告する』
Madara: Fine... I proclaim a declaration of the 4th Great Ninja War from here on out.

At last, a world war begins!
Shounensuki's out take to some of the spoiler script translated from On3Word. --Click here to view--
Originally Posted by ShounenSuki Madara: "There's an ancient stone monument passed down through the generations among the Uchiha. Even now, it is near Konoha. On it is written a secret that was once written down by the Sage of the Six Paths. Unless one has an eye power, one cannot read it. The Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, and Rinnegan: in that order, each can decipher more details [than the previous eye power]."

Madara: "This is the truth. He did exist. And he did leave behind that stone monument."

Madara: "He once saved the world. From a certain monster..."

Originally Posted by ShounenSuki
"That's what I said... It was the aggregation of all the Tailed Beasts. The Tailed Beasts, from the One-Tails to the Nine-Tails, are nothing more than the dispersed chakra of the Ten-Tails. Which was done by the Sage of the Six Paths.

Originally Posted by ShounenSuki
Madara: "To protect the world from the Ten-Tails, that's why the Sage of the Six Paths developed a certain ninjutsu...
Even now, that ninjutsu is handed down in secrecy; Jinchuuriki sealing system...

So the Sage of the Six Paths was... the jinchuuriki of the Ten-Tails. To stop the Ten-Tails, he sealed its body.
The Sage, having saved the world from the Ten-Tails that tormented the people, was revered by the people as a god.

However, if he were to die, the seal would unravel and that uncommonly powerful chakra would arise once again.
Fearing this, the Sage of the Six Paths used his last power at the time of his death, split the Ten-Tails' chakra into nine and scattered it to various places across the Earth's surface

Then, unable to seal it, he hurled the original body that the Ten-Tails' chakra had been extracted from into the sky.
That became the moon."

Darui: "That tale is far too tall... Can humans really do such a thing?"

Madara: "The sage of the Six Paths, by becoming the jinchuuriki of the Ten-Tails, had already grown beyond his fellow humans

ShounenSuki's opinion / clarification

The spoilers clearly state that the Sage hurled the body of the Ten-Tails into the sky, which then became the moon.
As hinted by Nagato, he must have hurled the body into the sky with his Chibaku Tensei, which explains why the moon looks like the moon.
Naruto 467 Spoiler Pics --Click here to view--

Due to a National Holiday next week (something to do with Health Fitness day or something similar to that) Japan will get a chapter on Saturday which means we get early spoilers starting today and hopefully a early chapter release on Thursday.

Edited by Uzumakikage, 08 October 2009 - 03:43 PM.

#2 pinkheartsyellowstars



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Posted 05 October 2009 - 04:35 PM

I wonder what is a 10 tailed beast look like huh.gif i am betting it's a crow tongue.gif and understanding Nja said that, a broken down Naruto appears
Although I remember [him] saying "Revenge is Sasuke's shinobi way!"...
[He] says something like "As I thought, [i] have no chocie but to meet [you] in person and talk to you [directly]"

Naruto now has a plan to talk with Sasuke? huh.gif

THERE! a_dance.gif we are NEAR wow.png

Edited by pinkheartsyellowstars, 05 October 2009 - 04:51 PM.

#3 Freakazoid


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 04:55 PM

More broken down Naruto? Yeesh.

#4 Miss Soupy

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:05 PM

Why isn't Sai going hm.png I wanted more Sai. (WTF KIBA?!)

Wanting to take over the world..who would have known? /sarcasm But, other than that, I am excited to see this chapter~

#5 Freakazoid


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:20 PM

QUOTE (Miss Soupy @ Oct 5 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why isn't Sai going hm.png I wanted more Sai. (WTF KIBA?!)

Wanting to take over the world..who would have known? /sarcasm But, other than that, I am excited to see this chapter~

Well Kiba can track. Sai or Shikamaru would have made a more non random choice then Lee though. No biggie.

Unless Lee tried to put the moves on Sakura. biggrin.gif

#6 pinkheartsyellowstars



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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:28 PM

QUOTE (Freakazoid @ Oct 5 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well Kiba can track. Sai or Shikamaru would have made a more non random choice then Lee though. No biggie.

Unless Lee tried to put the moves on Sakura. biggrin.gif

Yeah..haha biggrin.gif well, first I was surprised Lee was there, instead of Sai, I am just wondering, Kiba and Lee are both witness of the POAL... makes concrete witness.for the POAL.. wink.gif

#7 Miss Soupy

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:43 PM

hm true..I guess kiba would work... I like Lee, he is a funny/adorable guy and I've missed him in part II so I can't really complain about Lee being there. He also respects both Naruto and Sakura a lot, so I think his personality will be helpful to both of them.

Edit: What the heck is POAL? o.O

Edited by Miss Soupy, 05 October 2009 - 05:48 PM.

#8 Freakazoid


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:51 PM

^ Promise of A Lifetime.

When Naruto promised Sakura he'd bring Sasuke back for her.

#9 chouzu_tao



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Posted 05 October 2009 - 07:35 PM

QUOTE (Miss Soupy @ Oct 5 2009, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why isn't Sai going hm.png I wanted more Sai. (WTF KIBA?!)

Wanting to take over the world..who would have known? /sarcasm But, other than that, I am excited to see this chapter~

Sai is probably being watched by ROOT. If here were to leave, Danzo might be suspicious when he returns. But I am curious as to why Shikamaru isn't going, especially since he is kind of the leader figure of his class. But Sakura is back! Yay!

With Raikage finding out his brother is still alive, maybe it'll be easier to reason with Team Samui. I want more team Samui too. Where are they? I hope they won't just be swept under the rug now.


#10 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 08:34 PM

QUOTE (chouzu_tao @ Oct 5 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sai is probably being watched by ROOT. If here were to leave, Danzo might be suspicious when he returns. But I am curious as to why Shikamaru isn't going, especially since he is kind of the leader figure of his class. But Sakura is back! Yay!

With Raikage finding out his brother is still alive, maybe it'll be easier to reason with Team Samui. I want more team Samui too. Where are they? I hope they won't just be swept under the rug now.

Maybe Kishi decided that Shikamaru was getting a bit too much play compared to the rest of the Konoha 11.

Or maybe it's because he's too obvious for ROOT to miss or because he's leading the mission to get Sasuke.

#11 Nate River

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 08:57 PM

Only one thing came to mind when I saw these spoilers:

Please, Please, let these be fake. Take over the world...they're aren't enough tears to shed....

#12 RyrineaHaruno


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:01 PM

I agree, with Nate lol. I too thought, these wear fake xd. Do we have confirmation form Nji ecttt? It just sound so odd, because of the the TAKE OVER the world thing. I would have thought, it would be about the failed greatness of the Uchiha's ecttt.

Edited by RyrineaHaruno, 05 October 2009 - 09:04 PM.

#13 catsi563



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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:02 PM

The impression im getting is there is no actual plan to go and hunt Sasuke down, as much as a consensus that he needs to be taken down like any other nuke-nin.

Kiba and Lee would be on such a team anyways because of the need for Kibas tracking and fighting Skills and Lees speed and strength.

Kiba and Lee are probably going because of their relationship with Naruto and the fact that they can possibly get through to him where as a more logical person might have problems.
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#14 harry4e


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:08 PM

Wow that's kinda a over the top plan, The Sage of the sixth path or whatever he was called must have been one badarse Shinobi, not only was he the father of all Jutsu, he also had the power to seal the 10 Tails beast within him without any adverse effects, AND he created the moon, So you combine the power of the Senju, Uchiha and tailed beast and you have the Rinnigan user on the same scale....that's some serious fire power there.

Wonder if i'd be off the mark completely if Madara managed to get the other eight beasts and use their power to summon the weakened 10 tails and Naruto would be on the other side with his kyuubi power and have to defeat the combined power of eight tails, (I've always thought that each extra tail equals x2 power so all eight tailed beasts together is same power as kyuubi.) Naruto's going to need some serious training if he's going to beat Madara, maybe the Kage's can combine to train him.

Sakura, Lee and Kiba? makes sense Kiba can track, Lee is the fastest of the three plus was not involved in the battle, and Sakura is going for her own reasons, hopefully she can keep up with the other two.

Edit: Wait fourth Shinobi war?!?!?! WTF so one man and his band of not so merry men just declared war on the entire shinobi nations? So maybe he does intend on releasing the power of the 10 tails beasts. without eight and nine tails.

Edited by harry4e, 05 October 2009 - 09:13 PM.


#15 Nate River

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:09 PM

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Oct 5 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree, with Nate lol. I too thought, these wear fake xd. Do we have confirmation form Nji ecttt? It just sound so odd, because of the the TAKE OVER the world thing. I would have thought, it would be about the failed greatness of the Uchiha's ecttt.

You misunderstand. It's not that I think they're fake. It's that I WANT them to be fake because his objective is ridicoulously cliche. Madara was already dabbling in villain cliche, but this takes the cake.

#16 Cloud



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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:21 PM

Tsukuyomi on the Moon...

Tsukuyomi on the Moon...

#17 Nate River

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:38 PM

QUOTE (Cloud @ Oct 5 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Oh. I can't wait to see how he manages that.

#18 RedDelicious



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Posted 05 October 2009 - 09:40 PM

Kiba is there to ask Naruto to arrange a date between Hinata & Kiba, thus starting the 2nd NaruHina-EveryoneElse War. (The 1st War against Sakura is still in progress.)

#19 RyrineaHaruno


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Posted 06 October 2009 - 12:14 AM

^ lol What?

#20 Cloud



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Posted 06 October 2009 - 12:29 AM

QUOTE (RyrineaHaruno @ Oct 5 2009, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
^ lol What?

NO YOU. Apparently humour doesn't work on you either. kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

And harry. Madara is like that kid in the cafeteria who yells for a food fight and expects people to start fighting.

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