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Member Since 09 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2007 07:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Favorite NaruSaku Moment?

11 August 2007 - 12:22 AM

I was just wondering what you guys think the best NaruSaku moment is among anime and manga! Again i apologize if this has been beaten to death but I'd like to know! Plus i get to share with everyone my top choice!
Give a reason too if you put something down !~ a_dance.gif

My Top Pick:
Ok maybe it's not really in the series at all but the ED from the anime with Chaba singing Parade is my top NaruSaku moment. Naruto gives Sakura a leaf and she can't keep her eyes off of it. She keeps it with her and then it bursts into light which eventually forms a figure of human resemblence. Then the figure holds out a hand which seems to gesture "come with me." Sakura takes the figure by the hand and wakes up from her dream of Naruto. In the background is a poster that says "Live a life of love."

It's a really touching ED and i love the song. It's such a romantic sequence of events and it's Sakura DREAMING of Naruto! OMG how can NaruSaku fail! a_hug.gif