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Naruto's Agony

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#1 Uzumaki Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto


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Posted 31 October 2004 - 01:56 AM

Naruto's Agony
Chapter 1: The Final Fight Between Friends
By: Uzumaki Narut

Spoiler!: I don't own Naruto, this story begins after Sasuke and Naruto are doing their final attack, CHidori vs Reasgen (Naruto is using Kyubi's help with Reagen.) Kakashi didnt come after them.

Blood spilled through the air as the two gave their final attacks. Both were up straight, but only one was touching the ground. His hand was in Naruto's body, he wanted to laugh, but instead there were only tears. He felt a pain in his heart and he did not know what it was. Blood was spilling from his hand, down to his arm, and then to the floor as it dripped from his arm. Naruto almost looked lifeless, but you could see the small breaths he was taken in. His hands gripped on Sasuke's as Sasuke tried to dig deeper to tear Naruto's body from the inside.

But Sasuke felt a pain, what was this pain? Why did he want to cry, why did he want to scream in pain, why did his heart hurt so muh? He did not know the awsners to these questions, but he did know one thing. That was he should be happy because he will soon kill that thing that slowed him down. He will show everyone that Naruto is no where near his strength, and that he will never be near his strength. That is because soon, Naruto will be dead and he will acheive the mange Sharingan eye.

Sasuke grinned and laughed with these thoughts as his insane mind took pleasure in torturing Naruto and letting the pain last forever.
?You will never know the pain I felt when I lost my family.? Sasuke said with a smirk as Naruto looked almost lifeless,
?Won?t speak you loser, then I guess I?ll finish you and then I will gain power to kill my brother!? Sasuke yelled and called for the rest of his chakara to help him finish Naruto, but he couldn?t move his hand.
?What?? Sasuke yelled and he looked at Naruto, the red chakara had grown stronger but Naruto?s eyes had changed from the dark red to his beautiful blue.
?What do you know of being alone and hated by everyone for twelve years and then finally gaining friends, leaving the hell of loneliness. Do you know what it is like to have your best friend try to kill you! You say your brother killed your family, your like my family, so if you try to kill them will that make you, your brother? Will that make me a piece of kitten avenger like you?? Naruto shouted as his eyes looked sad. Sasuke felt rage build up as he squeezed in more chakara to move his hand and finish off Naruto.
?Do you think you can kill me that easy? Do you think I will let you go to him and sacrifice your life for nothing? I will never truly know how to be a true brother, but as your best friend, I will stop you even if it cost me my life!? Naruto yelled and the red chakara grew stronger, Naruto?s eyes quickly changed from the sad beautiful blue, to the dark evil red. Sasuke body began to tremble from the chakara loss and the chakara pressure that is being pressed on him. Naruto took his hand and grabbed Sasuke?s arm pulling his hand out from becoming any closer to his vital points.
?I will not let you hurt yourself or anyone I love! I won?t let you?I wont let you go to him!? Naruto yelled and broke Sasuke?s arm. Sasuke looked surprise. ?Where does he get this power from? What is he, why is he so strong?? Sasuke thought as he cringed from the pain of his broken arm. Soon things became dark for the Uchicha and sleep came to him. Naruto took his fist away from Sasuke?s stomach and let his chakara cool down. The red chakara faded slowly as it began to heal Naruto?s new open wound. It was slower healing then when he had the wound near his shoulder, but it still healed quickly. Naruto looked at Sasuke, he felt exhausted himself and the darkness was hitting him, but he could not let himself fall and rest yet. Naruto picked Sasuke up and put him on his back and began to walk back to Konoha.
Pain grew each step that he took. He could not sleep now; he could not let himself fall to the ground. Each step he took made him cringe in pain, but he pulled himself to make it back.
?Naruto you look like kitten.? Shikamaru said as he watched Naruto draged himself to him and Temari. Naruto half smiled and almost fell to the ground. Shikamaru and Temari ran to his aid but Naruto stood his ground and rejected the help. Naruto looked to the left and he saw Gaara standing next to Lee.
?What the hell are you doing here?? Naruto yelled as he glared at Gaara while ignoring the surge of pain that entered his body. Lee stood up slowly and began to speak,
?The sand had allied with us, there here to help. Also Chouji, Neji, and Kiba were already sent back to Konoha by medic nins.? Lee said and smiled as he noticed what was on Naruto's back.
?You kept your promise.? He pointed out and gave Naruto thumbs up. Naruto gave his wild grin and stopped as soon as he felt another surge of pain.
?Sakura-chan will be happy.? Naruto said with a smile. He felt a small pain in his heart when he said that but he ignored it.
?Naruto, I want to fight you again someday.? Gaara said as he cracked a small smile. Naruto blinked at him and then smiled,
?I will kick your ass!? Naruto yelled with a large smile as they began to walk back to the village again.

They reached Konoha at night and the gates opened for them. Medic nins began rushing to them and takening them one by one, but Naruto had refused to go. Shikamaru looked at Naruto as the medic nins began to leave. Everyone had left except for him and Naruto,
?Are you sure you don?t need to go to the hospital?? Shikamaru asked with concern, as he observed Naruto. Naruto nodded his head and Shikamaru frowned and he began to leave,
?Good night and be carful.? He said as he began to disappear into the cover of night. Naruto sighed and began to walk home. The pain was still there and Naruto fell on to his knees. Blood fell from his mouth and he stood up once again trying to move with all his might. He pushed himself harder as he walked, but his body was failing him and darkness was taking over. He fell to the ground and a shadow lingered above him looked at his proned body.

#2 Smiter


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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:02 AM

Good to see this fic back! happy.gif I'll be looking forward to seeing more. smile.gif

#3 Blayze



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:11 AM

It's back! It's back! It's back! Yoooooooooooooooosh! biggrin.gif

#4 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 01 November 2004 - 03:58 PM

Naruto's Agony
Chapter 2: Take my Pain away! What is Sasuke's pain?
By: Uzumaki Naruto
I don't own Naruto!

The dark eyes of the shadow glared at Naruto and softened as he picked him up. He took Naruto to the hospital and left, leaving only one trace, the nurse that he gave Naruto to. He walked outside of the hospital to only see a hint of red light and a faint look of smoke entering the air. Asuma leaned his back against the wall and stared into the sky. The man sighed and smiled and began to walk towards the Hokage?s tower. Asuma threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it, taking away the beautiful orange light it gave, and began following the man.
They reached the Hokage tower to only witness a sleeping Tsunade drooling on her desk. The man coughed loud but failed to wake her up. He looked at Asuma to try to wake her up and he just smiled.
?If we don?t wake her up, that will give me enough time to relax and have another cigarette.? Asuma said, as he took another cigarette out and began to smoke once again. The man sighed and began nudging Tsunade to wake her up but failed again in the attempt.
?Hey Jiraiya, stop trying to look under Tsunade?s dress.? Asuma said and Tsunade shot up in the air and punched the man next to her in the face. Asuma laughed as he watched the man fall to the ground and slowly get up and start dusting himself off. Asuma chuckled at this as Tsunade glared at Asuma.
?That was not funny Asuma, I?ll make sure to give you a nice hard mission next time. With a pay cut.? She said and the other man began to walk up to her.
?So what is our next mission?? Asuma asked a little depressed from what just happened to him. Tsunade slowly began to sit back on her chair. She looked through her papers and picked up the one she was looking for.
?After you do this mission, you can go back to training your gennins.? Tsunade said as she looked at the mission.
?Hmm, that is nice, I missed my students.? Asuma said and the other man nodded in agreement.
?How did we reduce so many missions lately?? Asuma asked Tsunade. She sighed and responded,
?Jiraiya helped with that, he was able to get some help for us and did some quick missions with pay of course?? Both men nodded and looked over their mission.
?This is going to be tough.? Asuma said.
?I just can?t wait to be with my team again.? Kakashi said in response. Asuma smiled in agreement. Both men walked towards the gates of Konoha to do their mission.

Tsunade sat at her desk looking at some more paper work. She sighed and began to work again. She felt a little breath of wind as she worked and threw a punch into the air above her head. Jiraiya flew up and his head penetrated through the ceiling.
?What do you want pervert?? She asked as she continued to work. Jiraiya just rubbed his chin and responded,
?Why did you have to do that? That hurt!? He yelled rubbing his chin in an attempt to ease the pain. She turned her head to him and smiled.
?Because you?re a perverted old man.? She said as she began to glare at him for a bit. Jiraiya sighed and began to speak,
?I learned about Orchimaru?s immortality jutsu. He already used it and he can?t use it for another three years.? Jiraiya said and Tsunade listened,
?The Akatsuki group have something planned and I want to check it out, but there is something that caught my attention while I was coming here.? Jiraiya said as he took a scroll out and placed it in front of Tsunade.
?What is it?? She asked and Jiraiya replied,
?The 3rd left this for who ever becomes the next Hokage. It will tell me how to find who Naruto?s parents are.? Jiraiya said.
?You know if you want I could go find out and give it to him, but I would like a little bit of payment for it, hehehe, maybe a look under?? Jiraiya was saying and then he screeched in pain as Tsunade punched him through the wall. Jiraiya groaned as he came back to Tsunade?s office,
?I was only joking, I will be able to find out quickly who Naruto?s parents are and still be able to keep track of the Akatsuki group and Orochimaru. I will come back for Naruto around his birthday, I want to take him and train him one on one. I need to learn a few things, make sure Naruto is trained really hard, tell Kakashi to show the brat no mercy. I just hope that Kakashi will do something really tough, because when I take him it won?t be pretty.? Jiraiya said as he jumped out through the window and Tsunade sighed.
?That man needs to learn how to use the door.? She said.

Three Days Later
?What was that? what is he? how come? I can?t kill him so easily.? Sasuke thought as he stared at the hospital ceiling.
?This pain in my heart, this pain! What is it? Why can?t I achieve my goal of power? It?s his fault! Naruto?I will kill you.? Sasuke thought again and summoned up all his chakara destroying all the bandages that were on him and he began to escape in the cover of night, the stars were the only things that gave light.

Naruto lay in his bed looking into the sky. He could not stop thinking of Sasuke and if he would just continue to find his quest for power or earn his strength like a true shinobi of the leaf. Naruto looked outside his window and a flash appeared, Naruto?s eyes widened and the window blew to pieces with shards of glass hitting Naruto cutting him and letting blood spill to the ground. A figure quickly ran into Naruto?s room and picked Naruto up from the neck.
?You are the cause of my pain! I will take this pain away!? Sasuke roared as he chocked Naruto with his hands calling out all his chakara from his own body and from the devil like seal. Naruto just looked at Sasuke, darkness was hitting him quickly and he had only little time to react.
?Sasuke!? Naruto yelled and took a kunai out from his pouch and brought it to the air. Sasuke felt a surprise.
?Will Naruto actually kill me?? Sasuke felt some fear as his chakara began to weaken and the next thing he knew a splash of blood was on his face. Sasuke fell to the floor covered with blood and just started at Naruto.
?Why did you?.? Sasuke started.

#5 sharingank


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Posted 01 November 2004 - 04:01 PM

OOOOO!!! Awesome, UN!! biggrin.gif I can't wait to see what happens!

#6 Yoko


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Posted 01 November 2004 - 04:15 PM

T____T I can't read this right now, I'm at school.... Oh well... I'll read it as soon as I get home!

#7 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 03 November 2004 - 12:09 AM

Naruto's Agony
Chapter 3: Take my Pain Away! Sakura finds a new path!
By: Uzumaki Naruto
I don't own Naruto

?Why did you? stab yourself, you dobe?? Sasuke yelled out.
?Did this take your pain away?? Naruto asked as his eyes began to tear up and he fell onto his knees.
?Did that make you feel better Sasuke?? He yelled. Sasuke glared at him and he felt a great pain in his heart.
?Why do I still feel this pain? It feels worse!? He yelled as his hand grabbed for his heart.
?What are you?why are you stopping me from avenging my family?? He yelled as tears began to fall to the floor.
?Would your family really want you to avenge them the same way your brother had killed them?? Naruto asked and Sasuke felt shocked.
?Since when did he become this smart. Why does he always surprise me?? He thought and he raised his head towards Naruto.
?No?? He replied and Naruto replied,
?What were they like?? Sasuke just looked in shock and asked
?What were who like? And Naruto sighed as he held to his wound near his stomach, he had taken the kunai out already and he got up with all his strength to get some bandages for his wound.
?What were your parents like?? Naruto asked sadly as he forced himself to take each step he had to take to reach his goal for bandages. Sasuke stayed in shock as Naruto reached the bandages and fell to the ground as soon as he had a grip on them. Sasuke ran towards Naruto and began to fix Naruto up.
?They were the greatest and most precious people in my life. I would always try to gain acceptance from my father. I always wanted him to be proud of me when I accomplished something. My mom was so kind and cooked the best food I ever tasted?we would go to festivals and always have fun together. They were the best people in my life?? Sasuke said, as Naruto listened with intreast and Sasuke finished bandaging him up.
?But you would never know what it is like to have a family! The pain of losing them... it is like hell, you're always alone?? Sasuke said and Naruto glared at him.
?I might not know what it is like to have a true family! But I know the hell of being alone, and all I have are you, Sakura-chan, Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, granny Tsunade, and Pervert sensei! I don?t want to go back to that hell again?it was so cold?? Naruto said and Sasuke just stared at him.
?Dobe-kun?? Sasuke said as he began to stand up and slowly walk away.
?I won?t let you go to him.? Naruto said as Sasuke was opening the door. Sasuke stopped in place and smiled,
?You will never have to worry about that again.? Sasuke said as he stepped outside and he looked up at the stars. The stars sparkled beautifully in the sky and for once that pain, that lonely pain in his heart was gone. A small wind blew past Sasuke?s back and Sasuke turned his head to Naruto?s roof.
?You have nothing to worry about Kakashi-sensei.? Sasuke said and Kakashi nodded his head and disappeared into the night.
?Why is that dobe? not a dobe?? Sasuke asked himself as he began to walk back to the hospital.
?Good night dobe-kun, one day we will truly fight as friends and nothing else. Then we will see who is truly stronger.? Sasuke said.

Kakashi still watched Sasuke from a distance and he observed the boy walk away from Naruto?s home. He smiled with pride as he heard everything his student said to himself.
?They are truly growing fast, epically Naruto.? Kakashi thought as he once again disappeared into the thickness of night.

Days passed and Naruto was hospitalized once more. He did not stay long and when he left he began training again. Team 7 was still separated from each other and each began doing their own training except for Sakura. She felt confused she didn?t know how she could ever catch up with Sasuke or Naruto. What was her purpose if the two closest people she knew would eventually have to leave her behind. She could not let that happen. Her hands began to tighten in a fist in frustration, she swung her fists in the air to release the frustration and felt a shock as soon as she had hit something. That something had blocked her fist easily and just stared down at Sakura. Sakura looked up to see the Hokage, her heart began to skip a beat as she felt fear surge her body.
?You must be Sakura-chan correct?? Tsunade asked as she smiled at Sakura. Sakura felt some shock in her heart and then she nodded her head to answer Tsunade?s question. She slowly began to make a fist again to hold in the pressure she felt and she looked directly in Tsunades eyes, her heart began to swell up, it wanted to burst out and yell something but Sakura did not know what it was that she wanted to yell out. Tsunade just looked at her and then began to slowly walk away and Sakura yelled,
?Let me be your student!? Tsunade froze in place and slowly turned around, a smile was on her face but it quickly diminished as she began to look and study Sakura.
?What did you say?? Tsunade asked as she glared at Sakura. Sakura glared back, her heart began to race and all she could think about was how strong Naruto was, he always showed her what true determination and dedication was, it was her turn to go through that, it was her turn to show Naruto and Sasuke that she will not be left behind and that she will become stronger. Her beautiful emerald eyes glared into Tsunade?s eyes as if she were trying to burn a hole through them.
?Teach me, let me be your student.? Sakura said, with all her heart. Tsunade looked at Sakura and took a few steps so she was standing right in front of Sakura. Sakura did not let her eyes wonder off and she stayed locked with Tsunade?s eyes. Tsunade pushed her hand to Sakura?s chest, throwing Sakura off balance and before she could fall Tsuande grabed Sakura?s her cloth and pulled her back so she would not trip to the ground.
?I will not go easy on you.? Tsunade barked at Sakura as her eyes began to flame up trying to burn every bit of Sakura. Sakura did not take a step back, she only thought of Naruto, and how he would keep going even if it meant he would die.
?Good.? Sakura replied with a smile and Tsunade smiled back and then pushed her palm against Sakura?s chest once again throwing Sakura off balance but this time Sakura fell to the floor.
?Meet me in the Hokage?s tower tomorrow, and be early, I will tell you now, I am not like Kakashi always late for these kinds of meetings. ? Tsunade said as she began to disappear into the distance, leaving only one last message that Sakura could barely hear,
"Kakashi is like passing the genning exam compared to me."

#8 Smiter


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Posted 03 November 2004 - 09:05 AM

Cool. happy.gif

Looking forward to more, UN! biggrin.gif

#9 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 06:29 AM

Hey, UN. Nice work on reworking your fic, man! happy.gif I am gonna try to crank out my fic when I can, but I got a good idea of what I wanna do soon... and I will make sure when I do get a chance to post, enjoy 'em!


#10 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 20 November 2004 - 04:02 PM

UN GET THE NEXT CHAP OUT!!!!!!!! i don't wanna wait!


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#11 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 09:26 PM

Naruto's Agony
Chapter 4: Training begins, Painful Plans Begin To Form!
By: Uzumaki Naruto
I Don't Own Naruto

He sat waiting for his team, noticing that no one was there. He dismissed the idea that they were late by thinking he was early. He waited and whined only to himself, since there was no one there to tell what was annoying him. Hours passed and he waited longer only to feel a little pain in his hard. It felt cold, and he noticed that things were not right. He knew he could not possibly be this early and that they were never this late.

Another hour passed by and Sasuke had finally arrived and Naruto felt in his heart that someone was missing. He sat there trying to figure out what was missing what was bothering his heart.
?Don?t think to hard Dobe-kun.? Sasuke said as he watches Naruto thinking hard and looking all around the training ground. Sasuke just watched Naruto make a fool of himself but he could not help but wonder what Naruto was trying to find.
?Where is Sakura-chan?? Naruto yelled out as he began jumping franticly looking for her. His heart raced as he felt a cold pain that he thought disappeared long ago. He felt this loneliness in his heart but he kept ignoring it as he tried to figure out where she was.
?She will be here Dobe, stop worrying.? Sasuke said in vein. Naruto still kept thinking out loud in where she could be.
?Maybe she is sick!? He yelled and before Sasuke could say anything Naruto began to run towards Sakura?s home, but he did not make it to far, because he knocked himself into someone.
?Where are you going Naruto?? Kakashi asked in amusement.
?Sakura-Chan is sick! I want to make sure she is ok!? Naruto yelled and Kakashi looked at him as if Naruto was one of the most oblivious people in this world.
?Naruto.? Kakashi began and Naruto stared directly at Kakashi,
?Sakura will no longer be part of team seven.? Kakashi finished and Naruto looked at Kakashi with wide eyes. This also got Sasuke?s attention and he looked at Kakashi feeling a bit surprised.
?Wha?what do you mean?? Naruto asked sadly, as he felt the cold loneliness in his heart grow. Sasuke just looked at Kakashi wondering the same question.
?She is no longer part of this team. Tsunade has taken her under her wing.? Kakashi said and Naruto and Sasuke just stared at Kakashi. Kakashi looked at Naruto and he couldn?t see through the emotions Naruto must be having and then he looked at Sasuke, who just leaned back on the tree showing little emotion.
?Naru?? Kakashi began but was interrupted,
?That means she will become strong! Right Kakashi-sensei?? Naruto asked with a large smile on his face. Kakashi just chuckled and quickly stopped and replied,
?Yes she will be very strong. So that means if you two wish to catch up to her, you will both need to train extra hard.? this comment even received Sasuke?s attention.
They trained for the rest of the day, two on one with full strength. Kakashi had came on top of both them in the end, but time to time, Naruto and Sasuke would get to close into beating Kakashi together.
?You two most work as a team!? Kakashi yelled as he elbowed Naruto on the head. Sasuke threw kunai?s at Kakashi while he was distracted with elbowing Naruto.
?Good!? Kakashi yelled as he avoided the kunai that nicked his Jounin vest. The training continued like this for the rest of the day, as Naruto and Sasuke?s teamwork increased even more.

A month passed by with training and Naruto and Sasuke still had not seen Sakura during the time that Kakashi had started training them until now. Sasuke had woken up early on this day of the month for a special reason. Kakashi had given his students the day off because Konoha was celebrating a special day for families. Naruto and Sasuke had helped for this event in Konoha. This day was a big festival and many families would come to celebrate that they have loved ones to cherish. Sasuke put on some dark nice dress cloth as he began to gather things for his day. He was heading to where his family was, to spend the day with them. He gathered some flowers that he had Ino help him pick. He grunted, as he thought about it, ?so annoying? he thought as he packed the rest of things for his little trip.

Sasuke walked slowly as he kept remembering things and events that he had with is family. From the happy times to sad times, from his father being proud of him, to Itachi killing them. His heart hurt but he was able to keep strong, he was able to keep his mind off the revenge that he will some day achieve. He kept walking and began thinking of Naruto, and he remembered something Naruto had told him,
?I might not know what it is like to have a true family! But I know that hell of being alone, and all I have you, Sakura-chan, Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, granny Tsunade, and Pervert sensei! I don?t want to go back to that hell again?it was so cold??
It hurt his heart thinking about that.
?That dobe does not know what it is like to have a real family. That might be even sadder then me losing my family, but it still hurts more when you lose them.? Sasuke thought as he continued to walk on his path. Sasuke finally stopped as he reached the gravestones of his mother and father. They were buried next to each other, so they could always be next to each other. Sasuke kneeled down and placed flowers on his parent?s grave and sat there for many hours. There was only a slight breeze on this sunny day and Sasuke tried to enjoy the sensation as he stared at his father?s grave. His emotions quickly changed from comfortable to sad. Images began to run threw his mind. That hurt that pain, remembering that he saw his own brother on top of his parent?s lifeless bodies. A tear was forcing its way out of Sasuke?s eye, but he was holding it back.
?Why did you have to kill them? You bastered!? Sasuke yelled out loud as a tear fell from his eye. A hand gripped on Sasuke?s shoulder, trying to provide him comfort. Sasuke was surprised but he knew who it was.
?It is hard isn?t it?? Kakashi asked and Sasuke slowly began to calm down.
?You said you lost everyone important to you? How did you get over them?? Sasuke asked
?I didn?t, they will always be in my heart and memories.? Kakashi said. Sasuke smirked at this,
?That sounds better then revenge.? He replied and Kakashi smiled.
?Losing someone to an enemy is a painful thing Sasuke. It is hard and you lose more but ? Kakashi said as Sasuke interrupted,
?But that is the way of the shinobi. That is the path I most follow. I will still have my revenge one day, but now, I need to get stronger and protect the people I love now.? Kakashi smiled,
?At least you have your priorities straight.? Kakashi said with a smile, and Sasuke smirk.
?Kakashi-sensei, can you describe the feelings that a family gives you, your own family.? Sasuke said. Kakashi was surprised from this question and then he smiled.
?You, Sakura, and Naruto, are my family. The same goes for this village.? Kakashi replied. Sasuke turned his head and glared at him.
?No Kakashi-sensei, I mean your original family.? Sasuke said with some anger his voice. Kakashi sighed and looked down.
?Ah, Sasuke where did you come up with this kind of question?? Kakashi asked. Sasuke looked down at his father?s grave and brought his head back up.
?Please, Kakashi answer the question.? Sasuke said. Kakashi made a soft smile.
?You should already know the answer, it is the same feeling that your family once gave you and that you once gave them.? Kakashi said. Sasuke sighed.
?I know, that is why I pity Naruto?I only had a taste of loneliness and it was hell?. Naruto had felt that pain in a way that I may never have felt. He went through that pain for twelve years.? Sasuke said with a sigh. Kakashi looked at him a bit dumbfounded.
?He has never known the love that a father and mother can give. Even though Naruto thinks of us to be his family. I don?t think we could give him the same kind of love that a mother and father would have given him.? Sasuke said. Sasuke let out let out a deep breath. Kakashi just stared at Sasuke.
?Is that what you and Naruto talked about that day you left the hospital?? Kakashi asked. Sasuke nodded his head and Kakashi sighed.
?You to have really grown up. I am proud of both you and Naruto.? Kakashi said as he gripped Sasuke?s shoulder.
?Kakashi-sensei, can you do me a favour?? Sasuke said starring back at the grave. Kakashi gripped Sasuke?s shoulder making him know he would.
?You know what today is?? Sasuke asked
?Yes, today is the festival for families to celebrate together.? Kakashi replied. Sasuke turned his head to Kakashi and smiled.
?Take the Dobe.? Sasuke said with a small grin. Kakashi looked at him with a bit of surprise. He would have never expected Sasuke to request something like this. Kakashi began to laugh. He was a bit nervous from this request Sasuke made.
?Iruka-sensei is out on a mission and Naruto deserves to have a day like this. At least he can have some fun on a day that he may never really truly understand.? Sasuke said with a smirk on his face. Kakashi just smiled and gripped Sasuke?s shoulder.
?You have changed since Naruto had brought you back Sasuke-kun.? Kakashi said. Sasuke nodded his head.
?I finally realize that there are people out there who have less then me.? Sasuke smiled as he stared at his father?s grave. Kakashi looked at Sasuke. He could not believe how much he had changed over the short amount of time. Kakashi let go of his grip on Sasuke and disappeared.
?Make sure that Dobe has fun.? Sasuke whispered as he sat down next to his father?s grave remembering the time his father took him to the festival. It was something he would always remember. Itachi back then was so fun and nice.
?Damn it.? Sasuke said as he punched the ground. A tear flew from his face. ?Why did you have to change Itachi?? Sasuke yelled in his mind. Sasuke sat there wondering.
?Next time we meet, I will be stronger, and I will keep becoming stronger, until the day I finally kill you?.? Sasuke smirked. Sasuke still thought of revenge but he thought of something more important after. He thought of how hard he will work and become stronger with his team.

Naruto began walking into the town after he finished his bowl of ramen. He was heading towards the festival that he helped set up in the last few days. The village was sparkling with beautiful lights as Naruto entered the festival. People glared at Naruto as they walked by and Naruto stood in there in aw, ignoring all the hate being sent to him. Naruto smiled as he saw the festival. He was becoming excited and began walking around for games he could play.

Naruto began noticing the glares that were being sent to him. Every time he went to play a game the people would ignore him and push him away, not even giving him a chance to play. As he walked even more enjoying the lights that where lighten up for the festival Naruto?s heart still began to feel pale. He watched as fathers and children played together and have fun. Naruto was not having fun and all he was able to do was enjoy the lights that surrounded him. ?Maybe I should go train.? Naruto mumbled to himself. A wind blew past Naruto and he ignored it as well.

He walked with his head down but a hand gripped his shoulder and he stopped moving.
?Naruto, where do you think your going?? Kakashi asked. Naruto stood there for a moment and then turned around. His face seemed sad.
?Kakashi-sensei, want to help me train?? Naruto asked his face turned at him showing hope in his eye for Kakashi to say yes. Naruto felt alone, he wanted someone?s company even if it meant hard training. Kakashi smiled at Naruto and looked into his eyes. ?Even though he is growing up, Naruto still has a child inside of him.? Kakashi thought. He could see into Naruto?s blue eyes that Naruto wanted to do more then just train. Kakashi smiled.
?No.? Kakashi replied and Naruto looked sad and before he could change his expression Kakashi began to speak again,
?Naruto, even us shinobis must take breaks here and there.? Naruto felt hurt, but he looked up and smiled.
?I know Kakashi, but if I ever want to become stronger, I must train.? Naruto said with a big smile and his right hand scratching the back of his head. Kakashi just looked at Naruto with surprise. ?Yet even though deep down inside he is a child, he is growing up fast.? Kakashi thought.
?Naruto.? Kakashi said Naruto looked up.
?Let?s go get Sasuke, I have a perfect training exercise for you both.? Kakashi said. Naruto looked down a little depressed, ?He wasn?t just looking for company.? Kakashi thought. Naruto looked up to Kakashi and made a while grin.
?Ok. Let?s go find him Kakashi-sensei.? Naruto said. Both disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sasuke sat next to his father?s grave while in deep thought. He had been there all day except when he left to eat some food. Sasuke sat there until a chill of wind passed him.
?I know it?s you Kakashi-sensei.? Sasuke spoke. Kakashi just shrugged and walked over to Sasuke.
?So you aren?t going to do me that request?? Sasuke asked a little disappointed.
?What request?? Naruto shouted. Sasuke turned around and smiled.
?That dobe is always confused.? Sasuke thought. Kakashi came up to Sasuke.
?I thought it would be more fun if you came along.? Kakashi said. Sasuke just glared at Kakashi and stared at Naruto.
?No, I am fine here.? Sasuke said sternly. Kakashi sighed and Naruto walked up to Sasuke.
?Sasuke, lets go train!? Naruto yelled. Sasuke eyes widened as he looked at Naruto. Then he stared at Kakashi who just shrugged.
?Is that what you want dobe-kun?? Sasuke said with a smirk. Naruto glared at Sasuke.
?I?m not a dobe!? Naruto began to shout. Sasuke smiled and nodded towards Kakashi. Kakashi smiled at his students. He stared at them as Naruto still yelled at Sasuke, for calling him a dobe. Kakashi was proud of the two; he had missed being around his team when he had to stop teaching to do missions. A smile crept up Kakashi?s face as he watched the boys settle down.
?Sasuke! Naruto! Let?s go? Kakashi yelled. Both boys looked at him and nodded their heads showing they understood. They disappeared from their spot and the two boys followed Kakashi to where they would train.

?AH? Kakashi-sensei, we are just back at the festival.? Naruto said. Kakashi nodded his head in understanding.
?Yes, but we can still train here.? Kakashi said. Both boys looked a confused and did not understand what Kakashi said. Kakashi walked to one of the games as the boys followed. They watched as Kakashi handed the man some money and waved for Naruto and Sasuke, to come to the game. Naruto groaned as he saw which game it was.
?Ah, Naruto you know this game?? Kakashi asked. Naruto nodded.
?The paddles keep breaking every time I try to catch a fish!? Naruto yelled. Sasuke smirked.
?What a dobe.? Sasuke stated and Naruto began yelling at Sasuke again. Kakashi sighed and smiled as he watched the boys fight.
?Naruto, Sasuke, it?s time for the training, I want you two to catch these fish with out using any chakara.? Kakashi said. They looked at Kakashi with confusion.
?Kakashi-sensei, how will this help us train?? Naruto asked. Kakashi grabbed a pattle and caught a fish. The fish jumped up and down with out breaking the weak paper that held it.
?A shinobi must be quick and calm in what he does, by this exercise you will learn how to keep a steady motion so you can catch the fish and not let the paper which it will be held on break. Now have fun.? Kakashi said as he looked at the two boys. Naruto and Sasuke smiled and stared into each other?s eyes. It would become a contest to see who can catch the fish first.

After ten paddles were, ripped open, Sasuke had finally caught a fish. Naruto stared in anger and began to try harder and go faster. Tension began to surround Naruto and Sasuke stared at him trying as hard as he could. Naruto felt a hand grasp his shoulder.
?Go slow and easy, try to move with the fish.? Sasuke said. Narto blinked.
?Why are you trying to help me?? Naruto asked but before he knew it, Sasuke had gone to catch more fish. Naruto sighed and did as Sasuke told him. The fish came near and Naruto watched to how the fish moved. Soon Naruto saw how the fish moved and caught him with his paddle.
?Kakashi-sensei! I caught one.? Naruto yelled as the fish jumped up and down on the paddle. The fish jumped high enough while Naruto was not looking and almost began to fall back into the water. Naruto quickly noticed this, but hands appeared and the fish landed into a jar.
?Naruto, never take your eyes off the fish, that same goes when you are fighting an enemy.? Kakashi said. Naruto looked down disappointed that he was foolish enough to ignore the fish.
?Sasuke, Naruto, lets go.? Kakashi said. They walked and played many games. Kakashi watched and smiled as his two students competed against each other and had fun together.
?Something is missing.? Kakashi muttered to himself.
?Kakashi-sensei! Sasuke-kun!? A girl yelled and Kakashi smiled knowing that what was missing was now found.
?Hello Sakura, where are your parents?? Kakashi asked.
?My dad and I were going home until I saw you.? Sakura said. Kakashi nodded his head in understanding.
?I win!? Naruto yelled out and Sasuke glared at him. A smile came upon Sasuke?s face and both boys smiled at each other.
?Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura, how about I treat you to ramean?? Kakashi asked. They all looked at him dumbfounded by what he said. Kakashi looked at them feeling weird by the faces they were giving him. Naruto had his eyes wide open and his mouth opened as wide as possible with his tongue sticking out with drool, Sasuke, looked stunned by what he heard, and Sakura thought that it was a joke.
?Um, you three coming or should I just make you pay for yourselves?? Kakashi said and they snapped out of it and began following their sensei.
?Thank you Kakashi-sensei.? Sakura said. Naruto smiled as he finished his last bowl. Sasuke smiled and watched his friends finish their meals.
?Tomorrow you won?t be thanking me. Well at least Naruto and Sasuke won?t? Kakashi said as he left money on the counter and disappeared.

Near the village two men stood watching the night sky.
?Itachi, why are we waiting? Jiraiya is gone and no one can protect him from us.? Kisame said. Itachi looked down at the town.
?There is still Tsunade, she seems to care for the boy. She has some or one Anbu watching him at all time. We will wait at his birthday.? Itachi said.
?Why?? Kisame replied
?It is the day he is hated most and it is a special holiday for the village to remember the 4th and honor the dead since that day. Even the shinobi have worked extra hard to make sure this day was free for them. Only the guards will be at watch and we can easily pass them. On his birthday not even the Anbu that will be watching over him will be able to escape us in time or even warn the others.? Itachi said.
Kisame smiled and licked his lips.
?I can?t wait to cut his legs off.? Kisame said.
?No! If you do that, it will just make it harder for us to do our mission.? Itachi replied.
?You had no objections last time.? Kisame said.
?Last time, we had company and I was focusing on them.? Itachi said. They both disappeared in the protection of the dark.

?Good night Sakura-chan!? Naaruto yelled. She smiled back at him before she left to go home.
?Good night Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun.? She said as she went home.
?Good night Sakura.? Sasuke spoke.
Naruto froze in his place blush began to take over his face.
?Sasuke! Did Sakura just call me Naruto-kun and tell me good night?? Naruto asked becoming just as hyper when he hears the words ramean.
?Dobe-kun, stop blushing and let?s go.? Sasuke said. Naruto stopped blushing and began yelling at Sasuke.
?I?ll see you later Dobe-kun, it was fun while it lasted.? Sasuke said with a smile. Naruto smiled back deciding not to yell back this time.
?See you at training.? Naruto said as he finally left home.

?It looks like Naruto-kun has done it again, isn?t that right Kabuto?? Orochimaru asked. Kabuto let out a small sigh.
?Yes, Naruto-kun is an amazing nascence to us.? Kabuto replied. Orochimaru smiled at Kabuto.
?But with that smile of yours, I am beginning to feel sorry for him already.? Kabuto said.
?Yes, Naruto-kun will not be too happy when we make his own village destroy him.? Orochimaru said. Kabuto pondered at how Orochimaruo would be able to make such a thing happen.
?Do you know the day the Kyubi attacked Kabuto?? Orochimaru asked. Kabuto became shocked and looked up towards Orochimaruo. A faint grin came to Kabuto?s face and he began to understand.
?I see you do, Naruto-kun will be getting a nice birthday present from us when that time comes.? Orochimaruo said. Kabuto could not help but smile at this.
?Maybe if we are lucky, that kyubi would provide an opening to destroy the village.? Kabuto said with a smirk. Orochimarou said nothing. He smiled

#12 Blayze



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Posted 30 November 2004 - 09:50 PM

Whee! Another chapter! biggrin.gif

Great work, UN!

#13 Smiter


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Posted 01 December 2004 - 11:06 AM

Cool chapter. happy.gif

I only have one correction to request:

Sasuke finally stopped as he reached the gravestones of his mother and father. They were barred next to each other...

Shouldn't "barred" be "buried"? happy.gif;

Nice work though. smile.gif

#14 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 03 December 2004 - 05:25 AM

GET THE NEXT CHAP OUT!!!!!!! *is becoming VERY impatint*


Which character are you test by Naruto - Kun.com

#15 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 31 December 2004 - 05:29 AM

Naruto's Agony
Chapter 5: Painful Agony
By: Uzumaki Naruto
I Don't Own Naruto

Months had passed and October had come. A day that all will remember is finally here and everyone is sad. Naruto woke up ignoring the date and ignoring the pain that came with it. Kakashi had given them the day off for this day so they could honor the 4th?s sacrifice with the demon fox that now resides in Naruto?s stomach. Naruto warmed up some ramen and put his cloth on, he munched on his food as soon as it was ready, ignoring the burning fire and not letting it cool down, and he swallowed all the noodles down. He had a big grin on his face happy to start the day, he remembered he was supposed to meet Kakashi at the 4th hokage?s memorial and he had worn the wrong cloth. He quickly changed into his black cloth and looked in the mirror proudly. He straightened his headband, the symbol that showed he was a man, and then he walked out the door, with his pride and all.

Others were not as cheerful as Naruto, they glared at him, they despised him, they were sickened from the demon look that they with out knowing, put on him. Some looked at him with rage while others just had evil thoughts. A few wanted to kill him, and others ignored him with out a doubt, that one day they will get rid of this demon that lives in their beautiful village. They all were heading to the memorial to pay their respects and this angered them more to see the thing that they believed that had killed their beloved Hokage was also going to pay a visit. Naruto was a thing, a demon and a monster that did not deserve to visit their deceased Hokage who had protected them from Naruto who they believed was the nine-tailed monster.

Kakashi looked closely at the big stone carving of the 4th as he stood next to the 4th Hokage?s grave. There were flowers laid upon the beautiful gravestone made for the dead man who lay in the ground under it. Kakashi had brought them and he was early, he could see people coming to the memorial, trying to be early, but they were not as early as him. He had gone real early to pay his respects to Obito so he could come here early to pay respects to his sensei. Kakashi looked at the memorial feeling the pain in his heart. This man had sacrificed his life to save this village, and now Kakashi is teaching the child that the 4th used to save the village. This was a true honor to him, but he felt sad that he had given more attention to Sasuke, so he could in some way, payback Obito, no that was not the reason, it was because some of Kakashi?s techniques could not be done with out the eye that he had obtained from Obitio. This eye gave him many techniques that could not be done unless he had it, and he could not pass them to Naruto knowing that they were incomplete with out this eye. Kakashi sighed, wishing he had trained with out this eye, it had made him weak, and it had made him strong, but now he will train to make them both strong, that would help him when he needs to protect his students in the future. Sasuke needs his attention, but not as much as before, Naruto is a great teacher and will help Sasuke with that. Kakashi smiled happily, knowing that he will now concentrate on both boys equally until Jiraiya arrives to take Naruto.

Tsunade walked up to Kakashi and stood next time and smiled.
?You were once always on time, then you stayed behind, now you are on time?no early, your earlier then you ever have been before.? Tsunade smiled and looked at Kakashi.
?I lost to many great people in my life, I would never be late for them, even if I knew it would mean death. I just wish?I wish I was not so foolish like I was in the past.? Kakashi said while looking into the sky.
?Kakashi, you know if you keep thinking that way, you might be making them mad instead of proud. You are a great sensei, and you were able to train the next three greatest shinobi from what I can see. What would they think, if the 4th, and your comrades from the past saw you now?? Tsunade said and Kakashi sighed.
?They would be proud from my accomplishments, and lecture me about the past. It is no longer the time to have any regrets, I have something?or should I say my soldiers to protect and love. They are the greatest things that ever had happened to me, and I know I will lose them to someone who can train them better then me.? Kakashi said.
?Kakashi!? Tsunade yelled and glared at the man.
?You will never lose them, because these students love you just as much, they will never forget what you have taught them, they admire you more then just a shinobi, but as a friend. I can see how much Sakura misses you and how she wish you could always see her accomplishing her hard work in the training I give her, she is sometimes sad that she can?t show you what she can do, but she knows you three would be proud. Naruto admires you so much, I heard from Jiraiya that he wished you would train him and teach him many things, he thinks you are one of the greatest shinobi?s he ever met, and Sasuke, I know if that brat would never admit it, he probably even thanks you every day in his heart for the things you have done for him. Never forget what you do Kakashi, times are changing?. times are for the worse or for the better, things change values change, ideas change, we must keep on living and adjust with this change, but one thing will never change. The value of a person and how important they are to you, that can never be changed, the only thing that can change anything is the times, right now the times demand you to work hard for this village is still suffering from Orochimaru?s attack. The times also demand that you teach your students? no not the times, but your heart, because you love them so much and they love you. Remember what is important now and remember the lesions of the past, never forgot what you were taught and what you are passing on to others. Kakashi you are a great shinobi and these kids look up to you, in their hearts they will always need, admire, and love you. They will never forget you, even when you die. You will be in their memory forever. You weep over yourself for Obito, but how would you have felt if Sasuke, Sakura, or even Naruto wept over your death, believing that it was their fault that you died, for anything can happen. Would you want them always weeping because they lost you, or would you rather let them remember what you have taught them, and to live on. That is what the 4th and everyone wants, they want to live on and they want their friends to live on with them, but in this cruel world where a shinobi sleeps, lives will be taken, and friends will be lost, all you can do is live on Kakashi, live and for fill your dreams as a shinobi, do what your heart desires. Do you still want to be a shinobi?? Tsunade said and Kakashi looked at her with a serous eye.

?I will never stop being a shinobi, because it is the greatest thing in my life to be. I will die for Konoha, I will protect Konoha, when I became a shinobi, I knew that I have to put my life on the line for this country and for its Hokage.? Kakashi said. Tsunade smiled at this.
?Live Kakashi for fill that dream of being a great shinobi, but you also said to protect the Hokage, so protect that blond idiot, protect that child who will some day become Hokage. It is not just a dream, I can see it in his eyes, I can see the fire burn, and I can see a true shinobi. I see a boy who will achieve this goal, I see a man who will not die. I see the greatest shinobi who has ever been born, not even the 4th Hokage could compare to him. He is small, he is short, and he is even stupid, but he is a true shinobi and truly smart in our ways. When the time comes for him to take this place and lead this village, the times will change and what a shinobi is defined now, the rules we go by, will be broken and made into a new. He is a true shinobi, the one we can always look up to and learn from, he will know what to say and how to say it, for everything comes from his true and it comes from the most important thing in the world, his heart. His strength does not only rely on that monster inside, it comes from what gives him strength, and that is the love for all of us, me, you, Jiraiya, Sasuke, Iruka, and Sakura. He is a truly wonderful kid, it is amazing how far he has gone with no family.? Tsuande said happily letting the feelings out of heart as she stared at the 4th Hokages memorial.
?No?He does have a family.? Kakashi said and Tsunade gave Kakashi her full attention looking confused.
?He has us, and we are his family, I wish I met him long ago, I wish I could have been there for him since day one, but I wasn?t and I will now lose him to Jiraiya, and all I will have left is Sasuke. I am proud of him, but it does hurt when I lose my students, I am so happy that Naruto found a better teacher then me, I just wish I could spend more time with him before he leaves. At least I know I can see Sakura time to time, but when Naruto leaves?I will not see him for a long while.? Kakashi said and Tsunade could not help but smile.
?But he will never forget you, and what you have already done with him, he will never forget. He will always remember you and cherish you in his heart.? Tsunade said and Kakashi looked at the 4th Hokage monument.
?To think, such a horrible day like this, brought such a wonderful kid to this world. We lost a great man, but we gained a greater man. I was honored to teach him, I wish I could have taught him more.? Kakashi said and Tsunade also began to look at the monument.
?Jiraiya will be taking him today, or that old geezer is suppose to take him today.? Tsunade said. Kakashi sighed and continued to pay his respects to the 4th Hokage. The whole village and their children had arrived. It was silent and gloomy; some fell on their knees and began to cry while others just felt more hate and anger towards Naruto. The tension began to rise in the atmosphere and the shinobi?s could feel it. They all wanted to yell and put their hate on Naruto for an event he had never caused. Some of the shinobi still felt some hate towards Naruto and others began to adore the little genin they used to hate more then anything. Chuunin?s and Jounins began to respect Naruto as a shinobi instead of the demon that lay in the boy?s body. Some had changed just by meeting Naruto and others just by watching him at the Chuunin exam. All those shinobi?s began to think of Naruto as an interesting guy. The ones who knew Naruto and knew why he was hated began glaring at the villagers. Some wanted to yell out at the villagers for how shameless they were being by putting blame on a boy who had done nothing and killed no one. It began to sicken them, but they also felt guilt themselves, they were once like them, hating Naruto as the Kyubi, but not what Naruto truly is. Tsunade watched as the tension grew. She did not like it, she felt sicken from the hate that grew in the villages eyes. Kakashi also saw this and became mad.

Naruto continued to walk towards the Hokage monument but it started to seem as if he was never getting closer to it. He kept walking but the monument still never came closer, if anything, it seemed to be further away then before. Naruto stopped walking and a loud crash was heard, before Naruto knew it, everything had become dark.

Everyone at the memorial looked to where the loud noise had come from, they saw a giant nine tailed fox destroying everything that surrounded it. Buildings began to crash to the ground and people began to run in fear. The shinobi began to gather and run quickly towards the monster so they may protect their village.
?I knew that child would try to destroy the town again!? One of the shinobis yelled out and the others grunted.
?He should have been killed on the first day.? Another yelled and they began to disappear leaving Tsunade and Kakashi.
?Na?.Naruto?? Tsunade said with a pain in heart. She could not believe it was the blue-eyed blond.
?No! Not Naruto!? Kakashi yelled in anger.
?What?? She asked,
?It is not Naruto!? He yelled in worry for the child. He began to run and Tsunade looked at the monster again.
?Genjutsu! It?s a fake!? She yelled and Kakashi stopped running.
?What?? He called out and then noticed something was wrong.?
?Orochimaru! Run go save Naruto!? She yelled out as Orochimaru appeared behind her with a kunai against her neck and tongue that began to slither on the other side of her neck. She could feel the hot and yet cold breathe on the back of her neck, and she was not happy.
?So it is true about what I heard of that jutsu of yours.? She said and he took his tongue back in and smiled.
?Now you die, the 5th.? He said but was stopped by a quick blow in the back.
?Come now, do you think I would fall for your trap that easily?? She asked as she jabbed him in the chest. Orochimaru flew back and Tsunade jumped in the air grabbing him, but with some quick spitting from Orochimaru she had to quickly dodge the attack and let him go. The spit landed onto the floor burning it and making sick bubbles. ?Acid? Tsunade thought as she saw the stone on the floor melting.
?You will die today Orochimaru.? Tsunade yelled out as Orochimaru smiled.
?I don?t plan on dieing today or ever in fact. To much to do, and a little monster to kill.? Orochimaru said with amusement in his voice. Tsunade disappeared and caught Orochimaru smashing his face in. Orochimaru hit though a house and fell towards the ground. He smiled as he stood up and disappeared from the home.
?Your disappearing acts can not work on me!? She yelled as her speed had increased even more.
?I?m not trying to disappear.? He yelled out grabbing one of her legs from the floor, breaking the rock and attempting to break her leg. She fell hard to the floor because her momentum was to fast for her to stop so quickly. She used her strength and kicked his face, but it failed since he had so much control of her legs.
?Looks like your mine now.? He said as she began to use her arms to lift herself up higher.
?No!? He yelled as he figured out what she was doing. She pushed her arms hard off the ground lifting her body up and brining her to Orochimaru slamming his face in.
?I grow tired of this!? He yelled and disappeared into the rock below with his badly bruised face.
?Orochimaru, you still don?t get it, I am going to protect that kid, even if it costs me my life?. and because that, I will be stronger then you and I will kill you.? She said and he stabbed his sword into her body. Blood began to drip from her lips.
?Tsuande, Tsunade, you forgot, I was the old mans best student, you and Jiraiya could never defeat me with out a handicap.? He said with a smile. Tsunade began to tighten her hand on the blade.
?What are you doing?? He yelled as he tried to slide down to kill her.
?Pushing your blade out.? She said simply pushing it out of her. He smiled,
?When you can?t push anymore then what will you do?? He asked as he began to change the angle of the sword but she moved away quickly letting the sword slide out of her.
?You didn?t think that would stop me, did you?? She asked as she tried to dodge his attacks and heal herself at the same time.
?No, not really, I knew you would get out some way or another, but I hope you know, that Kakashi will not make it in time to save that brat.? Orochimaru said with a smile and Tsunade glared.
?We will see Orochimaru, I know that kid will not die until he becomes Hokage, and that he will not hurt this village no matter what happens." Tsunade said.

#16 Shadow


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Posted 31 December 2004 - 02:59 PM

This was an awesome chapter and I hope you update soon.

#17 Wrathchylde


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Posted 01 January 2005 - 01:16 AM

'bout bloody time! Good stuff. Keep up the good work but remember. Spellcheck doesn't catch everything.

#18 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 04 January 2005 - 02:22 AM

Naruto's Agony
Chapter 6: Painful Birthday: Part Two
By: Uzumaki Naruto
I Don't Own Naruto

He wanted to be a bird, fly up high and reach towards the sky. His dream was to become Hokage, and be acknowledged by everyone in his village.
A day has come where his dream will become harder then it will ever be. Orochimaru had attacked Konoha again, but this time it was different, this time he was after Naruto and to hurt the already hurt village. People were yelling and crying and nins were pulling themselves together to kill Naruto. The blue eyed blond was sleeping under the rubble that had fallen on him after he was knocked out and the large demon fox had disappeared, for it was not just genjutsu, it was henge and Orochimaru?s large snake causing destruction to the village. People screamed more and the shinobi had finally reached the sleeping boy with ripped clothing and wounds that covered his body. He remained asleep still oblivious to his surroundings, dreaming of protecting the girl he cared about from that same demon snake that had set this plan against the boy. He was grinning and having his dream, while it would be his last if the nins succeed, the shinobi were already surrounding him, deciding who should have the pleasure in killing the monster boy who was only human. Some looked and held their kunais tightly, their hearts began to beat fast and they were becoming anxious and angry. Some began to hold their kunais in fear, their hearts were yelling not to kill the child, but they knew it had to be done, and others were beginning to have their hearts change to save the boy from having his life taken away at such a young age.
?Lets kill the brat now, that demon has caused enough trouble.? One hissed and some agreed, but who would get that honor.
?Lets make it a race.? Another yelled out with a smile on his face getting his weapons ready.
?No!? A pink haired girl yelled as she stood in front of the blue-eyed blond who slept silently behind her.
?You will not hurt this boy!? A large green beast yelled as he appeared next to the pink haired girl.
?He is a great shinobi to this village!? the dolphin man yelled.
?I won?t let you hurt him.? Sasuke yelled.
?He is a true shinobi.? Neji said as others began to appear to be in Naruto?s side. The blond still lay helplessly behind them, dreaming of becoming Hokage, defeating the monster that was hurting his village, and protecting the girl he loves. He slept and the others began to fight, protecting him with all they had.
?Why do you defend that monster?? One yelled as they fought Gai, and all Gai could do was smile.
?The same reason why I would sacrifice my life for everyone who loves this village.? He replied as he knocked down the shinobi.
?Do not protect that child! He has already harmed this village, and we will kill him.? An anbu leader yelled out with his group behind him.
?Not good.? Gai said as he took a deep breath and prepared himself.
?Gai, I can?t let you have all the fun.? Asuma said as he attacked one of the anbu members.
?I can?t believe they would even attack that kid.? Kurenai said taking another anbu member into a fight with her. Gai glared as he took the anbu captain into a fight with him.
?That demon should be killed! How dare you defend the attacker of Konoha!? The anbu leader shouted as he began performing jutsus. Gai stopped the captain before he was able to complete the last signs of his jutsu.
?I will not give you that chance! That boy is part of this village, and he has a true spirit of a shinobi.? Gai yelled out throwing a fierce punch to the anbu who dodged his attacks. Everyone fought but more began arriving to kill Naruto while he slept behind the ones who protected him.
?This is not good!? Gai yelled as he finished taking the anbu leader and was attacked by other jounins.
?Where is Kakashi?? Asuma yelled as he was still fighting the same anbu member.
?He is with Hokage-sama!? Kurenai yelled as she was hit and knocked to the ground by the anbu who attacked her.
?That kid is mine!? he yelled running towards Naruto with a kunai in his hand.

Time seemed to freeze for them all, as Gai, Asuma, Sasuke, Neji, and the rest saw the speed of the anbu who was soon to take the life of the sleeping blond.
?No!? All of them yelled but it was to late, the man was near Naruto and none of them could make it in time to save him. Naruto woke up when he heard the yelling and saw the man who was ready to stab him, but failed when Kurenai attacked him.
?I won?t be taken out that easily!? She yelled as she began to fight with him again and the others still continued to defend themselves and protect Naruto.
?Shame on you!? Another anbu leader yelled from the trees. Some stopped fighting to see what the anbu leader had to say, and Gai hoped that this time they were there to help defend Naruto.
?You who help that monster who just attacked us are a disgrace to this village. You are shinobi of this village, and should protect it from monsters like that kid.? The leader said as they jumped into the battle. Gai was disappointed and continued defending the boy even though it was a losing battle.
?Gai, there is no option left?.? Asuma said and Gai sadly nodded his head.
?Naruto!? Kurenai yelled defending herself from the same anbu she had been fighting for since the beginning. Naruto looked at her and confused in what was happening.
?Run!? She yelled taking another blow to the stomach, knocking her out for good this time.
?What is going on?? Naruto screamed as he began to make kage bunshins.
?We will kill you, you little kyubi!? the anbu leader yelled as he dodged Gai?s attack and ran towards Naruto with his ninja sword.
?What?? Naruto yelled as he called his kage bunshins.
?Naruto! Get out of here! This is a fight you cannot win. They are jounins! They won?t stop until your dead.? Gai yelled as he began to chace the anbu leader.
?I will not run! That is my ninja way!? Naruto yelled.
?Stupid brat! You will get yourself killed for that you monster.? The leader said, as he was ready to slice Naruto. Gai stopped him in time and smiled.
?You didn?t even flinch? Gai said with a smile.
?Now run! You proved you are not afraid but you can not take on a jounin yet!? Gai yelled as Naruto stood there his hands clenched in a fist. He wanted to fight and he wanted to show them that he was not pathetic, that he will not run.
?I will not run!? He yelled out and Gai punched him quickly in the face while he kept the anbu leader held down. Naruto flew back far and hit the ground.
?If you can not defend yourself from that punch, then how do you think you will be able to take an anbu leader on?? Gai said and everything became even harder for everyone who was defending Naruto.
?Naruto! Run please?please?? Sakura said as tears began to grow in her eyes as she defended herself from the chuunnin who pressed harder to defeat her.
?Naruto?. run?we can not hold them off this long. I finally know what it is like to have a family?you Kakashi, Sakura, you are all I have now, and I will not lose you to these guys!? Sasuke yelled

?Why is that monster so important!? A jounin yelled as he charged into the battle.
?Because he is our precious person!? Iruka yelled out.
?We will end our life?s for him.? Sasuke said.
?He is?. Naruto and I won?t let you hurt him!? Sakura yelled as she continued fighting with all her strength. ?It?s my turn to protect you Naruto?? Sakura thought.
?No?. I will not run, I made a promise to myself! I will not lose to these freaks!? Naruto shouted
?Gai, what should we do?? Asuma asked as he knocked out another chuunnin who tried to fight with him.
?Give him a mission. Kakashi says this kid loves high-ranking ones! Make him go to the hokage!? Gai said as he took a hit from the anbu leader.
?This is not a battle you can fight Naruto! We need you to get the Hokage quick! This is a B class mission!? Kurenai yelled as she kept defending herself from her attacker. Naruto put his hands by his headband and straightened it out.
?Right!? He yelled out with a smile and began to run off.
??Something is wrong.? Asuma said and Gai looked at him confused as he attacked the anbu leader.
?That was to easy, I heard that kid was really stubborn, something isn?t right?? Asuma said but had no time to think as he was attacked again.

Kakashi stopped as he was trying to reach Naruto.
?Come out!? He yelled and Kabuto slid behind him getting ready to kill Kakashi off.
?No!? He yelled as he ducked and kicked Kabuto away.
?Kakashi, I won?t do any techniques that would let you steal them from me, but I may have to sacrifice if I plan to kill you. If anything, Orochimaru could spare his time to kill you as he fights Tsunade-sama, we are not to far from them.? Kabuto said with a smile.
?What?? Kakashi asked as he readied himself for a strike. He blocked Kabuto?s hand that was aiming for his neck.
?Good reflex, to bad I wasn?t aiming for your neck.? Kabuto smirked and Kakashi found that he couldn?t move his right hand.
?What did you do?? Kakashi yelled as he readied himself for the next attack. ?Can?t touch him, until I figure out what he did.
?Just shut off the signals to your right arm, it doesn?t last long, but it will last long enough for me to kill you!? He said with a cocky tone.
?Being cocky will get you killed Kabuto.? Kakashi said he dodged another attack. ?I can?t get near him with out him doing something to my body, I will have to attack from a range.? Kakashi thought as he began throwing shrunkens and kunai?s at Kabuto.
?Is that all you got Kakashi?? Kabuto said as he dodged each attack.
?No.? Kakashi said as Kabuto touched Kakashi?s neck.
?Dead.? Kabuto said as Kakashi stabbed Kabuto in the back. Kabuto spat blood and fell to the floor.
?Sorry Kabuto, but you die here.? Kakashi said as Kabuto smirked and disappeared,
?Kakashi, I moved just in time, I am able heal myself.? Kabuto said.
?I don?t have time for you!? Kakashi yelled as he listened for any sound Kabuto would make. Kakashi silently heard a crash and felt something hard ram into his body.
?Orochimaru! You snake!? Tsunade yelled as she threw herself off of Kakashi and threw medical knifes at Orochimaru.
?Tsunade, you know I can simply?? Orochimaru was saying when he realized those knifes had a strong acid dripping from them. He quickly dodged the medical knifes but the acid had ripped threw some of his cloth.
?So you learned a few new tricks, Tsunade-sama?? Orochimaru hissed with a smile. Kabuto appeared behind her,
?No!? Kakashi yelled as he smashed his fist into Kabuto.
?Kakashi?? Tsunade said confused.
?Kabuto used genjutsu on me.? Kakashi said as he attacked Kabuto again, doing his best to avoid physical contact with the medic nin.
?Kakashi! Leave him, help has come, go save Naruto!? She yelled as she began taking a scroll out. Anko and Ibiki appeared next to her.
?Orochimaru you are outnumbered, you and Kabuto will die today.? Tsunade said and then looked at Kakashi who was about to leave.
?Kakashi take this!? She threw him the scroll and he caught it.
?Take Naruto out of the village, and that scroll will tell you who his father is! Now run!? She screamed as she began to run towards Orochimaru with full power.
?This has become serious? Ibiki said as he ran towards Kabuto with Anko.
?Kabuto, we seem to be having trouble here, get our card, I think we are done, that kyubi should be dead by now.? Orochimaru said and Kabuto disappeared.
?Orochimaru, I won?t let you escape!? Tsunade said as she began throwing her knifes and needles at Orochimaru?s legs. He tried to dodge him but one need hit his leg.
?Damn it.? Orochimaru hissed. Orochimaru was sweating; his breaths began to increase ?It was too soon for me to attack like this.? He thought. The poison was taking quick effect on his body and he had little options left.
?Kakashi, will never make it in time!? He yelled and began to smile. She smiled back at him and he glared at her.
?Didn?t the 3rd teach you?? She asked. Orochimaru was becoming angry.
?True power comes when you have a precious person to protect! Kakashi?s students are his most precious people!? Tsunade yelled as she slammed her fist into Orochimaru. ?Where did she gain this strength?? He thought as he screeched in pain.
?Hehe.? Orochimaru laughed Tsunade looked surprised for a moment. She knew something was not right with that laugh
?Come out Kabuto-kun.? Orochimaru said with a grin.
?Now, Tsunade, you can not beat the both of us, or should I say three of us?? Orochimaru said
Kabuto and Tayuya jumped from where they hid.
?She is unconscious! Kabuto, is controlling her, and she has fatal wounds that need to be healed!? Tsunade yelled as the two men smirked.
?She failed in her mission and has been punished for it, now it is time to take matters in my own hands, with her hands also.? Orochimaru said with a laugh. Kabuto smirked.
?The best part of it is, you still don?t know what would happen if you saved her, will she betray you?? Kabuto said. He smirked at this. There was no way for Tsunade to know.
?Orochimaru you will not get away with this.? She said angrily.
?Tsunade-sama, of course I will get away with this, that brat is probably dead by now, from the shinobi who were his allies.? Orochimaru said with a smile.
?But, I must go now, unless you prefer her to die.? He said as he pointed at Tayuya. Kabuto smirked with a kunai against her neck. She was bruised and bleeding; her injuries were serous and needed to be taken care of quickly.
?The best part is, you do not know if she will turn against you or not.? Kabuto said. Tsuande sighed; she knew what her choice was once they asked. She did know that the girl might betray her after she has recovered but she knew life was precious even if it belongs to an enemy. Ibiki and Anko stared at Tsunade, waiting for her answer.
?Leave her and leave now before I change my mind.? Tsunade said. Ibiki smiled and Anko looked fustrated.
?Calm down, Anko, you know you would have made the same decision.? Ibiki said. Anko settled herself down knowing he was right. Orochimaru smiled and disappeared with Kabuto, leaving the badly injured girl behind.
?Take her to the hospital; I will take care of her personally. Send the Anbu on a full scale defensive.? She said. Anko and Ibiki nodded their head and disappeared with the girl. Tsunade began to run to the hospital.

#19 Wrathchylde


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 02:32 AM

Yay! Quick, quality update. A rare skill.

#20 Uzumaki Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto


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Posted 09 January 2005 - 03:30 AM

Naruto's Agony
Ending Birthday! New life Begins!
By: Uzumaki Naruto
I Don't Own Naruto

Naruto ran, away from the battle, looking left and right.
?Where did that basterd go?? Naruto yelled.
?Naruto-kun, I?m here.? Itachi said as he and Kisame stood in front of him.
?Crap!? Naruto replied as he pulled out his kunai in defense. Kisame pulled out his sword but Itachi stopped him before he could do anything.
?Don?t forget, we need this one alive.? Itachi stated and Kisame groaned.
?You?re lucky kid, I wanted to know what your blood tasted like, maybe next time.? Kisame said as he licked his lips and Naruto slowly began to make his first hand seal.
?No.? Itachi said as he activated his mange sharingan. Everything became dark for Naruto, and then a small light began to appear. Naruto was young and he could see all the villagers yelling at him, screaming at him. Some began throwing rocks at him, calling him a monster.
?Wha?what?s going on here?? He yelled as he grabbed for his chest.
?You monster, you killed my family!? A voice cried out,
?You are not human, you were that monster that killed our shinobi!? Another yelled,
?You took blood from so many, you harmed are village once! Why should we let you live and give you another chance to kill again?? The last voice cried.
?I am not that monster!? Naruto shouted back.
?Blood will have blood Naruto-kun.? Itachi?s voice came from all over.
?You were destined to kill everyone, you are that monster, and soon it will take over your body, it will harm the ones you love, it will kill everyone you care for.? Itachi said calmly.
?No it won?t! That basterd fox will never hurt anyone I love!? Naruto yelled back and everything became dark again. He awoke to find himself tied up to a cross.
?What the hell?? Naruto asked himself and Itachi appeared.
?How would you feel if the ones you loved, are the ones that hurt you?? He asked as he disappeared.
?What the hell are you talking about?? Naruto shouted and Sasuke came in.
?Sasuke! Get me down, we have to beat Itachi!? Naruto yelled but Itachi just glared at Naruto.
?You stopped me from finding true power. I will kill you.? Sasuke said and Naruto looked surprised.
?What?? Naruto yelled and Sasuke punched Naruto in the guts. Sakura then came and Naruto looked at her as Sasuke pounded his fists into him.
?Sa..Sakura?. Sakura-chan.? Naruto said as blood spilled from his mouth.
?Shut up you annoying basterd! I hate you!? She yelled as she took began stabbing a kunai into him. The pain grew and it hurt so much.
?This hell?. I remember this hell?? Naruto said to himself. Iruka came and he glared at Naruto,
?You don?t deserve to be a shinobi. You brat, give me that headband!? He said as he stole Naruto?s headband and stabbing Naruto in the stomach.
?Iruka-sensei?Sakura-chan?. Sasuke?this hell.? Naruto said almost falling towards the darkness, Kakashi came,
?I always hated you the most Naruto. Sasuke was always better then you, you will never amount to becoming a ninja.? Kakashi said calmly as he threw a fist into Naruto?s face. Tsunade and Jiraiya came in and looked at him.
?Old hag, Ero-senen?? He whispered to himself, as things grew darker.
?You will never become Hokage Naruto, you can?t even save yourself, or your friends.? They said as they also stabbed him. All of them began hurting him, hitting him to no end.
?This hell?this pain?Kakashi-sensei?. Sasuke?. Old Hag, Ero-sennen, Iruka-sensei?Sakura-chan! This isn?t real, you?. You all would never do this to me!? Naruto shouted as the darkness began to break and the invisible ropes that held him to his cross began to break.
?This isn?t real!? He pushed harder and broke free from his cross to find himself land on the floor.

?AH!? Itachi yelled in pain and took his focus back on Naruto.
?What is wrong Itachi?? Kisame asked in some concern as he smiled getting his sword ready.
?That kid is fighting my jutsu.? Itachi said and Kisame looked at him in concern.

?Gai, we can?t hold them for much longer, we need help!? Kurenai yelled as she finished defeating the anbu member she fought and tried to dodge more attacks that came her way. Gai and Asuma smiled and a fast breeze of wind passed them by.
?Kakashi-sensei.? Sasuke said as he began to attack another chuunnin.

?This isn?t real! I will kill you for this pain Itachi!? Naruto shouted as he began to dodge all the attacks of the people he loved.
?Naruto, if it wasn?t real, why do you look so hurt when we hit you?? Sasuke said. Naruto didn?t say anything he just dodged every attack he could and tried to ignore the pain when he was hit.
?Naruto, you will die here.? Sakura said and Naruto ran up to her and grabbed her tightly.
?I won?t hurt you, and I won?t die until I become Hokage.? He said calmly and he began to run through them all, trying to reach an exit.
?Itachi I will kill you for this!? He yelled with all his might.

?AH!? Itachi yelled again and his jutsu broke.
?I knew it was fake?.? Naruto said as he fell down towards the floor unconscious. Itachi recovered from his pain and glared at Naruto.
?What is wrong?? Kisame asked and Itachi continued to glare at the blue-eyed blond.
?He was the first to defeat my jutsu.? Itachi replied and Kisame smiled.
?At least he fell down from all that pain you gave him, it still succeeded.? Kisame said and Itachi began to walk towards Naruto.
?Hurry up and lets take him. When he defeated that jutsu, he made me lose a lot of chakara, even worse when I tried harder to take back control.? Itachi said but a kunai flew towards his feet before he could take another step.
?You will not take him!? Kakashi yelled out as he grabbed Naruto and began running away from them.
?Looks like I have a chance to spill some blood.? Kisame said as he licked his lips and Itachi just glared at him.
?No, he has the advantage, he could defeat you with his sharingan, and he has been training for us. Also I am to exhausted from that chakara loss, he could kill me easily if he wanted to now.? Itachi said and Kisame glared at Itachi with anger.
?Hmm what is going on over there?? Kisame said as he saw a blast from far off.
?Orochimaru was here also, he was trying to kill Naruto-kun, so I thought this plan here would be perfect for us. Come, we need to leave. They will soon push their way from the ones who are protecting the kid and will find us. We need to leave now.? Itachi said as he and Kisame disappeared.

Kakashi laid himself against the wall of the dark damp cave he hid himself and Naruto in. Naruto began to shiver and Kakashi began to wrap his arm around him to keep him warm. He sighed as he looked at Naruto.
?Things haven?t gone well today?I am sorry Naruto.? Kakashi muttered to the unconscious Naruto. Naruto laid there sleeping and gave no reply and Kakashi held the boy tighter and began thinking even more deeply.
?Today was your birthday, wasn?t it? I am not a good sense?. I wish I could have given you a better birthday today, instead of this.? Kakashi muttered again to the sleeping blond and yet there was still no reply. Kakashi watched Naruto and he began to see the boys lips move.
?Sa?Sakura-chan?.Sasuke?.Kakashi-sensei.? Naruto muttered in his sleep and Kakashi stared at Naruto with amusement and listened to see if he would say anything else.
?I will become Hokage!? Naruto said louder then before. Kakashi was stunned and began to give Naruto a warm smile.
?Even after all that Naruto?you are still a true and strong shinobi. Kakashi smiled and began to feel sad, he looked at Naruto, and he could see the bruises on his body from what happened to him earlier. Kakashi began to think and wonder.
?Would you have chosen this life if things were different? You could have been anything?but you knew that Hokage you would be acknowledged. If you were treated different?would you still have gone for that goal? Would you have been a shinobi?? Kakashi asked knowing he would never get the true answer. He sighed and began to take the scroll out that Tsunade had given him.
?Maybe it is time for you to know who your father is?? Kakashi said as he began to read the scroll. He stared in shock as he read the name of Naruto?s father, he looked at Naruto and then he looked back at the scroll rereading the name. He smiled and looked at Naruto and then he sighed realizing he couldn?t tell Naruto who his father was yet.
?Sorry Naruto?but I am going to keep this from you a bit longer.? Kakashi thought as he looked at the blond. It hurt him to keep this information from Naruto, but he knew it was for the best.
?Maybe I could tell you about your mother instead?? Kakashi thought as he looked once again at the blond with pride in his heart.

Morning came and Naruto had woken up.
"Where am I? Where is Itachi?" Naruto yelled as he jumped up to his feet with kunai at hand. He looked left to right only seeing the cave he was in. A poof of smoke then appeared before him.
"Yo." Kakashi said as he moved to avoid Naruto's attack.
"Ah, Kakashi-sensei, where's Itachi?" Naruto asked as he tried his best to find him.
"Naruto! Calm down. They are gone,? Kakashi said and Naruto began to relax. He looked at Kakashi with confusion on his face.
"Where is Sasuke, and Sakura-chan?" He asked and Kakashi sighed.
"They are back at the village." Kakashi answered.
"Then lets go back, so I can train Kakashi-sensei." Naruto replied as he picked himself up.

A hard grip to the shoulder stopped Naruto from moving.
"We?re not going back to the village." Kakashi said. Naruto looked at him confused.
"What do you mean Kakashi-sense? So Sakura-chan and Sasuke coming here to train here?" Naruto asked.
"No." Kakashi replied as he laid himself against the wall. Naruto was confused and Kakashi moved away from the wall and began walking out of the cave.
"Naruto, we are training together today, so follow me." Kakashi said. Naruto stared at Kakashi as he walked out of the cave. 'Why is Kakashi-sensei training me alone today?' Naruto thought, as he began to follow Kakashi.

They walked a mile away from Kohana before Kakashi spoke again.
"Naruto, I am going to train you in tajitsu." Kakashi said. Naruto smiled at this. He couldn?t wait to become faster and stronger.
"First we will start on your defense." Kakashi said as he punched Naruto in the stomach. Naruto fell down holding on to his stomach. He tried to hold the pain as he held his stomach.
"You should have been able to stop that, for now on, I will be attacking you randomly, and you must prepare yourself for the attack. As you become stronger, I will begin hitting faster and harder." Kakashi said. Naruto breathed hard. He had lost his breath on that attack and he began to slowly stand up.
"Kakashi-sensei, you have to hit so hard?" Naruto said.
"Naruto! If you ever want to become stronger, you will have to stop complaining. We are heading to the next village." Kakashi said. Naruto began to follow Kakashi.

Tsunade sat in her office. She had finished the surgery last night, and the results were good, but Tsunade was still sad. She had a visit with Kakashi in the morning.


"Kakashi, where is Naruto?" She asked.
"He is over Iruka-sensei?s home." He replied.
"It won't be safe for him to come back until I have everything settled down. People are still upset." She replied.
"I want to take Naruto under my custody and I will be taking him for a while to train." he said. Tsunade looked at him surprise.
"What about Sasuke?" She asked. Kakashi sighed and looked directly at her.
"Naruto needs to train and as for Jiraiya? he is late, and Naruto needs to train now?plus there is another reason? and also Naruto will be in danger if he comes here and he can not defend himself by hurting most of the village, just to protect himself." he replied.
"I understand, what about his father?" She asked.
"I am not sure if he is ready to know, or if I am ready to tell him. I know about his mother though. I will tell him about her." Kakashi said. Tsunade glared at Kakashi, upset to the fact that he thought Naruto was not ready.
"Why do you think he is not ready?" She asked. Kakashi threw her the scroll that contained all the information of Naruto's heritage. Kakashi was surprised in how the 3rd even had known all the information about Naruto's past.
"I see...I understand the other reason you left out but what will you do about Sasuke?" She asked. Kakashi sighed; he felt a pain running threw his heart.
"I know this will be selfish, but I want to train Naruto personally, but it will be hard to leave Sasuke...I want him to have a new Jounin sensei. Please pick the best for him." Kakashi said. Tsunade could see the pain in Kakashi's eyes, he did not want to leave, but he had to. She looked deeper into Kakashi's eyes and saw more, it was mixture of emotions that had just invaded his body.
"I understand, this is something for you and Naruto should go through." Tsunade said.
"I will bring Naruto back after a few years or less?if we find Jiraiya in the way, I may let him take Naruto and come back immediately." He said. Tsunade nodded her head.
"Kakashi...There is one more thing I need to tell you." Tsunade said. Kakashi stared at her and began to listen very carefully.
"I was going to send Naruto with protection of Anbu to Jiraiya but it was a complex idea...Itachi's group is going to help obtain Naruto. They want the kyubi and they are becoming impatient about it." She said. Kakashi stared at her, showing he understood.
"Since you will be taking Naruto, it will be much easier for you two to remain hidden and move around. Take care of him Kakashi." Tsunade said as Kakashi began to leave.
"Promise me, you will give Sasuke, a good sensei." Kakashi said. Sadness could be heard in his voice. He did not want to leave Sasuke, but he had his reasons. Sakura walked in and saw Kakashi. He walked past her and stopped. She turned around and looked at him, his hands made a fist and he looked fustrated.
?Kakashi-sensei?? Sakura asked and he did not turn around, his heart hurt but then he brought up his head and looked at her.
?Become a strong shinobi Sakura.? Kakashi said and then he looked at Tsunade.
?Thank you for training her?you will always be a better sensei for her then I will ever be.? Kakashi said as he left and Sakura stood there stunned.
?Kakashi-sensei?.? Sakura said and Tsunade looked at Sakura calmly and smiled.
?Sakura?Kakashi is leaving with Naruto because of what happened yesterday. He really must care about you still and is proud of you? Tsunade said and Sakura looked down at the floor with sad eyes.
?What is wrong?? Tsuande asked and Sakura looked up.
?He was wrong about himself, he was a great sensei.? Sakura said as she walked toards Tsunade to who was smiling at her.
------------------------------------------------------------------End Flashback-------------------------------------------

She sighed, as she remembered this. 'I will miss him. Be strong Naruto.' She thought.

Naruto was punched many times, and night soon came upon them.
"Naruto, make a fire, I will be back with some food." Kakashi said as he disappeared into the cold night. Naruto walked into a forest picking branches. It had become late at night when Kakashi had came back.
"What took you so long?? Naruto yelled at his sensei.
"I was scouting the area." Kakashi said as he laid a bag down that was next to him. Naruto quickly went to the bag to see what Kakashi had caught. Kakashi untied the bag to reveal many fish. Naruto grabed a few sticks and they cooked the fish in the fire that Naruto made.
"Kakashi-sensei, why are we leaving Konoha?" Naruto asked.
"Naruto, do you want to hear about your mother?" Kakashi asked. Naruto stared at him dumbfounded from what Kakashi had said.
"What?" Naruto asked and Kakashi lazily stared at him.
"Do you want to know about your mother?" Kakashi asked once more.
"Yes! Yes!" Naruto yelled in excitement. Time to time Naruto would think of who his parents were, usually when he was alone. He never tried to think too much of it, since he always thought of ramean, training, becoming Hokage. As time passed he began to like Sakura, and then Iruka became the first person to except him. Soon Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi became part of his life and family, but then more people began to come into Naruto's life, Jiraiya and Tsunade, they all had become part of his life and he would always believe them to be his family.
"She would be proud of you." Kakashi said. Naruto smiled and began to listen carefully. Kakashi smiled at the boy.
Kakashi looked at the curious boy with amusement as just hearing those words, of her being proud of him meant so much.
"Kakashi-sensei, what was my mother like?" Naruto asked.
"She was a great shinobi?I knew her well and her family was good friends with the 4th. She would always visit him." Kakashi said. Naruto stared at Kakashi listening to every detail about his mother.
"Kakashi-sensei, what? happened to her?" Naruto asked.
"She died protecting the 4th to give him the time to seal the kyubi." Kakashi said. Everything became silent after that.

Naruto had remained silent for most of the night and stared at his stomach, at the seal that made him lose his family. Kakashi watched the boy.
?Naruto, your father is still alive.? Kakashi said, not knowing if he should have told him that much. Naruto looked at his sensei. ?His eyes, they are so sad.? Kakashi thought as he looked into Naruto?s eyes.
?Why did my father never want to meet me?? Naruto asked. Kakashi felt surprised to Naruto?s question.
?He never knew.? Kakashi replied. Naruto looked at his seal again. Kakashi felt a pinch in his heart as he stared at Naruto. Naruto?s expression soon changed.
?Then I?ll find him!? Naruto yelled with joy in his voice. He was becoming excited from the thought of finding his father one day. Kakashi smiled at the boy. ?He has truly grown in the most interesting way.? Kakashi thought. Then they slept peacefully on their first night out alone.

"Kakashi-sensei, what is the point of this training?" Naruto asked.
"To make you ready for a new technique. Naruto, in order for this technique to work, I will have to train you hard in tajitsu. If we do this right...it will surpass the raseagn?. but it will take so much control that? if you do not learn this technique like it is part of you, it will not work." Kakashi said. Naruto looked at Kakashi with amazement. He was beginning to feel excited and determined now to learn this technique. They soon fell asleep in the cover of darkness.

Morning had arrived and the two traveled more. Naruto had soon blocked Kakashi's random attacks. Kakashi began taking everything to the next level. Kakashi punched harder and Naruto fell down on his knees once more. He held his stomach tightly and tried to breath in as much as he could.
"Naruto, at the next village we are going to buy many weights for you and me." Kakashi said. Naruto nodded his head as another attack came. Naruto quickly blocked it.
"Good, you?re becoming more aware and sensing things more quickly." Kakashi said. Naruto made a silly grin feeling proud of himself.
"Naruto we are here." Kakashi said. Naruto looked at the village with excitement. There was no festival but the village seemed really busy.
"Well, I think you deserved a break. Go have some fun, when I find you, we will be leaving the village." Kakashi said. Naruto looked at Kakashi feeling a disappointed but nodded his head and walked slowly into the village. Kakashi watched Naruto until he disappeared in the distance and then put his head down sighing.
?Sorry Naruto?I wish you could have a child hood?you were given an unfair life, I will try to make it up to you?but now I have to make sure you become stronger, you need to defend yourself?No kid deserved the fate you have gained by force.? Kakashi muttered to himself as he disappeared from his place, not even leaving a footprint from where he stood.


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