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Them Feels

Member Since 11 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2017 06:04 AM

#514737 A Little Thankyou

Posted by Them Feels on 12 February 2014 - 01:29 AM

Hello everyone. This is going to sound like another cheesy joining post, but I really want to put something out there. With all of the discouragement coming from the fans of other pairing outcomes, and in general, the western aura of hate towards Sakura and her apparently "stagnant" character development (according to them, them as in not you), it's hard to believe in what you believe in. This leads me to my main point: Everyone on this forum has given me the encouragement to keep fighting for what I believe in. Although I haven't been a member of this forum for very long, I have been with the Naruto series since it came to Cartoon Network, when I was in elementary school. I've had a deep attachment to the show over the years, and I try to look at the development of ALL characters with an unbiased viewpoint, so that I wouldn't strap on the pairing goggles and act arrogant towards others' opinions. Well, this has become rather lengthy for an intro... just one last thing though: thank you, to all of you guys and girls out there, for all of the support and well developed discussions about one of our favorite manga / anime.