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Member Since 03 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2008 03:37 AM

Topics I've Started

Growing Up

24 March 2008 - 03:09 PM

In an interview for the upcoming year, Kishimoto stated that several characters needed to "grow up". Now I know he didn't mean physical, but what could happen to make them grow up?

It's been bothering me for a while, does anyone have any theories?

Kishi said that Naruto needed to grow up with Jiraiya dying, so how would Kakashi and Sakura grow up? Some people said that Sakura would grow up with Tsunade dying, because like Jiraiya to Naruto, Tsunade is Sakura's mentor. I dont think Sakura and Tsunade are as close as Jiraiya and Naruto were. They might be, but I don't know. Then some other people said that Kakashi would grow up by becoming Hokage, if Tsunade dying.

It all makes sense, but, I don't really think that what he meant.

Maybe Sakura's parents die, and Sakura has to deal with the pain of not having parents like Sasuke and Naruto.

Or maybe Kakashi has to fight Tobi/Madara, and like many believe, he took over Obito's body, and its like he's fighting Obito. He has to realize that it's not Obito, just his body.

I dont know, does anyone have any thoughts?


23 December 2007 - 05:04 AM

Does anyone know a GOOD Bleach and Naruto crossover fanfic?
Where all the main characters are still the main characters?

Beggars can't be choosers,
but I hate it when the main characters are Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata.

Could anyone help me out?

New NaruSaku Art!

23 November 2007 - 11:13 PM

This couple is the bees knees.


20 August 2007 - 03:15 AM

If you're the type of artist that wants opinions on your lineart, here's the place to post! It's always nice to have opinions, good ones, bad ones, or constructive crit BEFORE you start on the final result! Dont be afraid!

I have some lineart, that I'm not to sure about. I would LOVE if someone would give me their take on it. Its a NaruSaku picture, that I HOPE on titling "Lean On Me".

Warning! Large file! /maybe/

Naruto's left eye (from your point of view) looks lopsided to me, and I KNOW I need to connect a lot of lines! What do YOU think?

Feel free to post your lineart!


03 July 2007 - 05:22 PM


I'm extremly new here, so I dont know how to your fanart here. If you just post it in the gallery somehow, or if you have a setting in your list of settings. So if anyone would like to tell me, they'd be God.


Is anyone here an active member on deviantART? I know E-vay posetd a journal about this site. I joined in like... April, but totally forgot about it. And when she reminded me, I had forgot my login name and my password. Haha. Opps.

Anyways, again,

If you are, I think we should all get to know each other maybe, and help eachother become better artists!

My userpage is
