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#441558 Naruto Uzumaki: Opinion & Character Analysis

Posted by kirabook on 01 March 2013 - 03:31 PM

I've always loved Naruto and probably always will. Given, I don't agree with some of his decisions and whatnot (like continuing to chase Sasuke after everything), but he's still my favorite.

I actually never found Naruto annoying. When I recognized he only acted that way because of how he grew up and how people treated him, I only grew to love him more. He was trying not to let their cruelness get to him and acted out to be recognized. I find that very inspiring and adorable.

When I first saw Naruto, I was about his age (12, 13) and I found him very cute. sweatdrop.gif I still find him very attractive now and I never understood how the girls still liked pretty boy Sasuke when Naruto was obviously destined to be so handsome. (Hey, I justify my crush due to the fact that manga time is so slow and I used to be the same age/younger than him. U_U)

But anyway, I think the main reason why Naruto is my favorite is because I have a fetish for characters with inner demons/evil split personalities/mysterious past they want to remember/another side they don't know about/secret powers they only just discovered or keep secret type of characters. Examples being:

- Sora from Kingdom Hearts (in a way)
- Rin from Ao no Exorcist
- Allen from D.Gray Man
- Jio from 666 Satan
- Natsume from Natsume Yuujinchou
- Oz from Pandora Hearts
- Teito from 07 Ghost
- Ichigo from Bleach (or used to be)

The list can go on. There are so many. Naruto is the embodiment of this, or at least, he used to be. I don't mind how he is now since he still has an inner demon that can occasionally speak through him (which I find absolutely awesome). That is also a common theme in the fanfictions I read, so yeah, definitely awesome.

And just because, my list of favorites go as follows

1. Naruto
2. Minato
3. Jiraiya
4. Kushina
5. Sakura

Now to the problems I have with Naruto, although some of these problems aren't necessarily with him but with how the story involves him I guess? I'll copy and paste a thought of mine from another forum and go on from there.

"It's not that I want Naruto to hear sob stories and suddenly feel sorry for his enemy, I want Naruto's travels to be the stuff expanding the world, not Sasuke.

Why are we introduced to the UZUMAKI shrine with Sasuke's travels and not Naruto's?
Why is Sasuke involved in the Akatsuki when it should be Naruto who will face their challenge?
Why do we know what the Uchiha's were doing at 6pm Friday night on the toilet in Emo Lane, yet we hardly know anything about Naruto's family at all? "

Not exactly Naruto's character problem, but a problem with how the story involves him. I want Naruto to be more interested with himself and how he came to be. Naruto isn't exactly stupid, he's actually very wise in a way, but Kishi never seems to expand on this you know? It seems like unless something is happening that endangers the world, Naruto is playing card games against himself. (hurr) How come there has never been a time where Naruto demands to know who his parents were or if he has any other family or history?

You can't say he doesn't exactly care. For example, when he was traveling with Jiraiya to find Tsunade. He looked really depressed seeing the kid with his father and he seemed to grow more depressed when he couldn't impress Jiraiya.

I wouldn't have minded seeing a Naruto who cared more about his actual family and past. I mean, I know he has his 'new' family and everything, but still. I'm not saying his family should have had some super secret ability and have been mega powerful (even though they were) I only mean that he would be interested in at least knowing you know? We never really got to see much of his inner turmoil with that, but it obviously existed.

Another issue I have is with his extreme attachment to Sasuke. It's like... it's worse than Sakura's obsession with him. I understand that Naruto has more of a reason to care for Sasuke, but I still feel this is just too much. Ok, you can get your friend back, but why are you giving so much of yourself away to help someone who just doesn't want any involvement? I think there's a time when someone should not pursue something if it gets too dangerous and that time has long passed for Naruto. Sadly though, Sasuke is now a big part of Naruto's character (urg) and he has related his nindo to his journey to 'save' Sasuke. It's truly a hopeless situation in my eyes and I don't like the fact that Naruto is sticking with it, but there's no fighting it.

As for his abilities, I wish the manga hadn't gone in such a powerhouse direction. I would have liked to see Naruto being more down to earth with more classic ninja techniques rather than big flashy ones, then again, he wears an orange jumpsuit. laugh.gif Either way, I do get excited when Naruto learns new things. I don't mind that his main technique is based on rasengan. It's better than him learning new uber technique after uber new one (like Sasuke). Naruto builds up on what he has already learned and improved it. Yeah, it might be better if one focuses on more than one technique, but he's only 16, he has time. (I would like to see more fuuton techniques though, also something I enjoy reading in fanfiction)

Naruto isn't perfect, but if Naruto had been any other character (not a main one I mean), I'm sure Kishi would have screwed him up like he did for Sakura's development. Naruto is not too bad off and I can't image him getting any worse.