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In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

27 March 2013 - 11:24 PM

QUOTE (Shadow1275 @ Mar 28 2013, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Personally I agree that it is going to be Sasuke vs. Naruto and then Hashirama vs. Madara. However, what may happen is Madara defeats Hashirama, and then Naruto convinces Sasuke to team up with him against a weakened Madara.

Now as for the pairing debate. I agree that there is a possibility that NaruHina could happen, however I believe that NaruxSaku has a better chance for a couple of reasons. First off Sakura acts very strangely whenever it comes to Naruto in part 2. When she meets Naruto for the first time after the part 1 part 2 gap she admires his height and while blushing admires something else which I think we can agree is his attractiveness. Then during the Gaara retrieval arc she is very protective when it comes to Naruto including asking Chiyo if a Tailed beast could be removed and admitting that she was worried not for Gaara but for Naruto. Third, after Kabuto talks down about how far Naruto will go for Sasuke, she runs full tilt to Naruto in his tailed beast form, then after being attacked wishes she could do more for him, and Yamato then hints at her having deeper feelings for Naruto. Finally, Kushina told Naruto to pick a girl who is like her. Kushina did not like Minato at first, was always punching him in the face, had one heck of a temper, and thought Minato was useless and pathetic. Sakura hated Naruto at first, is always punching Naruto, has one heck of a temper, and thought Naruto was useless and pathetic. Anyone see a pattern here? Kushina fell in love with Minato when she realized that he has always been there for her. Throughout the whole series Naruto has had Sakura's back.

-Now the biggest point of contention when it comes to NaruXSaku is of course the confession. Some people believe that Sakura was lying when she said she loved Naruto. However, after looking at all the facts I have to disagree. Kishimoto had an interview in 2010 where he said two things. One that Sakura still loves Sasuke. However, he also said that he was portraying a stubborn and HONEST woman when writing the confession chapter. When you add this to the fact that in the databook, Sakura's description includes, "is still sorting out her feelings for Naruto," you can't deny that there is a strong possibility that she is in love with Naruto.

Finally here is what we know for sure=

-Naruto has admitted his love for Sakura to Sai

-Hinata has confessed her love to Naruto but received no reaction

-Sakura has confessed that She loves Naruto more than Sasuke. Naruto does not believe her

-Sasuke has always ignored Sakura's affection and has tried to kill her. Not to mention the darkness that has consumed him

-Sakura has not denied Loving Naruto

After considering it all, I think that Sakura has feelings for both Naruto and Sasuke which is why Naruto does not accept her confession. Also, I think the last part of Sakura's development is she either realizes that Naruto has always been there for her and truly cares about her happiness, or Sasuke is redeemed and then she realizes that for whatever crazy reason that Sasuke is the one she has always wanted. In my opinion, Naruto is not going to hook up with Sakura unless she finally believes 100 % that he is the one for her. That being said I think the Team 7 reunion and even her thinking of Sasuke during the war reinforces this theory because she states that her Dream is not Sasuke, but to see Team 7 smile again. Also when she thinks of Sasuke there is a troubled look on her face meaning that she is definitely starting to see the person he has become and showing the inner struggle between her feelings for Sasuke and Naruto.

Either way Hinata is a good character who has a strong character development. The only problem I have with NaruxHina is the lack of development between Naruto and Hinata. Hinata has been in the background until the Pain arc where she made her confession to Naruto. Later however, after Neji dies she slaps him in the face and then holds his hand. Now as for the Hinata development with Naruto, this could change depending on what Kishimoto decides to do towards the end. The problem is with the pain sacrifice, If Naruto hates people who lie to themselves and made his feelings for Sakura clear all the way in Part 1, why did he not answer Hinata after she was revived? As for the hand holding, Neji had been a close friend of Naruto's being one of the Konoha eleven and helping him during the Sasuke retrieval arc. After he died Naruto was shaken and Hinata "helped" him. However, if you look at the manga, it was the Nine-tailed foxe's words that actually made him feel better. http://www.onemanga....o_manga/615/13/ As for the hand-holding, he also held hands with Ino, Choji, etc. The bottom line is the only one who promised not too let go was hinata because Naruto was only tranferring Chakra.

All things aside, NaruxHina is totally possible because Hinata has always loved Naruto, I just think that there is more evidence to the contrary. Both sides make valid points and bring good evidence to the table. I can't wait to see how Naruto ends but it comes with a price as this will likely be the end of the Naruto series as a whole.

This but also i feel this part is important because it didnt had implications like it had for Sakura.

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

03 March 2013 - 12:05 PM

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ Mar 3 2013, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was going to write something but my leg hurts god dammit.

Oh i was thinking of something yesterday about the confession
>Sakura acknowledges Naruto that he was the man who was always by her side and encouraged her
>Acknowledges that he's the hero
>Acknowledges that the little dummy she once knew became a great man
>You make me feel safe

>Says that Sasuke only commited crimes and break her heart....

She lied when she said i love you to Naruto and told that she does not love Sasuke but the genuine part was this when she said the things she had on her heart.

I think she knows what is right in front of her, a guy that was always with her, loyal, a great man, a guy that makes her feel safe.
I would feel extremely awkward if NS does not happen.


So she pratically says all those truths but wasnt in love with Naruto, but it's basically this she may fall in love later with Naruto but i dont think will be because she suddenly realized that he's the man who was always by her side or something similar to thos statements above i strongly believe that Naruto will change Sakura and she will fall in love with him or i have no idea.

Agree with this.
It would be weird since she recognized everything that Naruto did for her, why she's not in love with him?
I think it's because she still loves Sasuke but she at least said that he is the most important person for her and she accept it saying that he've done for her way more than Sasuke, Sasuke is just a crush and nothing else.
SS got downplayed on this scene but i was concerned because i thought NS died there since she said everything that would make her fall in love with Naruto and she didnt but then Sasuke tried to kill her two times and Naruto saved her SS died there.

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

02 March 2013 - 06:10 PM

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ Mar 2 2013, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I understand but the drama alreayd exist because of 615 and i'm not deying that she loves Sasuke i'm saying is 540 showed her starting to get over it and then suddenly comes an asspull to undo what she thought about Sasuke on 540.
It's just bad writing for kishi to put more drama at the cost of Sakura's character.

Just look at teggen no toppa it's shown that Kamina and Nia would end up together even Kamina saves her on the bridal style then Kamina dies and have a time-skip when go back it's shown Simon and Nia marrying.

That's why i believe there will be a NS moment soon.

I dont even want to see the amount of deception if this day comes.

In Topic: So Ino didn't forget Sakura either.

19 February 2013 - 04:26 PM

QUOTE (Dαrkrєrsŧ @ Feb 19 2013, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Sakura -> is she still loves him despite being evil and she's ashmed of it.

Karin -> we dont know for sure and she's going to show up soon.
Ino -> loves Sasuke but Sasuke didnt had a great impact on her like Sakura and Karin did the only thing Ino felt was when she found out that Sasuke was a criminal and joined akatsuki but no murder attempts.
She has no reason to move on if she moves on just because Sasuke is evil then her feelings are shallow.

My personal opinion is the three still loves Sasuke, but Sakura is most close to get rid of those feelings, because she has Naruto and the others and it's proven on that confession that she can live without Sasuke.

Karin can even hate Sasuke but she cant leave Taka, she belongs to this team, and it's a satellite character to Sasuke the same with Hinata.
Ino off-panels.

I think the scene is still going to be done, after the lover-ninja scene we did not had a conclusion about it, she may feel ashamed but it's lacking a conclusion about it, or will just be ashamed and let it be.

In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

17 February 2013 - 03:51 PM

QUOTE (swagosaurus @ Feb 17 2013, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Amen to that. We're like, against the world.

Sakura haters, SS/NH fans, NaruSasu fans, Hinata fans. Pretty much everyone.

But mostly of SS/NH are also Sakura haters, NaruSasu fans i dont think mostly of them hate Sakura, Hinata fans are Sakura haters(99%).