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[OPINION] We don't have to hate the Naruto series, just because the ending kittened up

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#1 Toby



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Posted 05 June 2019 - 07:44 PM

I notice there's a lot of people who hate the entire Naruto series because of the ending, and I want to give my own feelings about it. 


We are all NaruSaku fans, who didn't get our expected ending. 


In my opinion, we can still remain "Fans of Part 1 Naruto and maybe some of Part 2 Naruto"


or "Fans of Naruto before Chapter 699"

or "Fans of Naruto before Kaguya showed up"


and completely ignore Boruto. (that's what I do.) Or do what some people do, keep developing the Shinachiku universe.




MANY regular Naruto fans (outside of the NaruSaku community,) are Naruto fans who completely ignore Boruto, and discuss the Naruto series regularly. (If you look at some other Naruto forums.) They discuss stuff like Minato Namikaze vs Itachi, who would win, etc.


(despite the fact that these two are dead.) So it's still possible to discuss a series that already ended. 



Personally, I am still a Naruto fan, I just ignore anything past Danzo's death.. (I dislike SasuSaku) 

For example, I ignore the fact that Neji died (basically i ignore the entire Zetsu War arc, and my headcanon of Zetsu does NOT involve Kaguya.)


Think of it this way: Many people are STILL Game of Thrones fans, but they all hate the Finale Season. They're still GoT fans but ignore the final season. 


Reason it's benefitual to be a Naruto fan:


The Narutoverse is amazing, there's so many things you can do with it. Fanart, fanfiction (the reason I remain a Naruto fan rather than move forever onto another series, is because out of ALL anime fanfiction communities, NARUTO STILL REMAINS THE LARGEST) 


I write stories for many anime, but they rarely pull in readers, but in Naruto fanfic, I'm always guaranteed a reader. 




Anyway, out of curiosity, has anyone DRAWN a Chapter 699-700 substitute? (That ends in NaruSaku rather than NaruHina.)



If so, it's still possible to pretend that the chapters  1-698 are canon, and completely ignore the last 2 "canon" chapters and instead use the fan-chapters, and thus continue remaining a Naruto-fan. But if people say "Naruto married Hinata" -  just say "Sorry, I don't discuss Boruto," or "I don't discuss Naruto after Kaguya showed up, that was a one-chapter epilogue that's irrelevant to me" 

anyway, fanfic writers and artists, you can stay fans!


-toby, author of Sakura's Glasses (fanfic)

Edited by Toby, 05 June 2019 - 07:45 PM.

#2 RulesofNature


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Posted 06 June 2019 - 06:16 PM

I think it's good that when something goes wrong with a story, especially to the extent Naruto did, it's good for those invested in it to discuss it. Can not stand those who act like being a fan of something means you have to eagerly lick up everything it hands to you or being labelled toxic for voicing criticisms. But to me, being a fan means that you support the franchise through various means, and when it gets to a point you stop supporting it that you stop being a fan.


Unfortunately though, Naruto isn't a case like Kamen Rider (I really have to catch up wit Zi-o), the MCU or Gundam. You can't separate what it became from what it once was. All those moments we loved served as the fuel in order to get Naruto to where it is now. That's how it's billed as, one continuing story. It's hard to look back at those events and not think about what Naruto has become. All those touching moments end up being devalued with Naruto continuing the ninja system. The destination undermined the journey, which now feels like more of a waste. Just look at what's happened with Game of Thrones to see what I'm talking about.


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#3 kirabook



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Posted 07 June 2019 - 11:51 AM

The issue is that many of the emotional points and character development was basically... just washed away because of the ending. I can't call myself a fan, I definitely don't think of myself as one. I don't read the manga anymore. I don't watch the anime. I don't play the games. I don't care about Naruto or Burrito, at all. All I care about is Naruto and Sakura (plus some other characters of course). If I could pluck them out of the Naruto series and put them somewhere else, I would (which I am doing, personally)


I refuse to call myself a Naruto fan because I kinda do hate it. It makes me sour every time I think about what happened and how Kishimoto gave his story to people who just want money and will ruin an entire franchise to boost up a character who never really mattered. 


Whatever happens in the series moving forward? I just don't care. I don't pay attention. I have no idea what's going on in the fandom outside of NaruSaku. 


While I don't conflate the idea that being a fan means you must absolutely love everything, I think you still have to at least like it a little and pay attention to what's happening on some level. But I don't. So I've drawn an extremely hard line, I'm not a Naruto fan, I'm specifically and only a NaruSaku fan. 

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#4 catsi563



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Posted 07 June 2019 - 05:10 PM

Far as Im personally conscerned the Series ends at 692 the true ending as Kishimoto self titled it,

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

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new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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#5 Phantom_999


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Posted 07 June 2019 - 06:40 PM

I just want to bring this out there too. It is fine to love the series despite all of the bad writing decisions and the abysmal, disgusting ending to Naruto's story. However I can not say that I can ignore what has transpired, because truthfully speaking that is what RUINED Naruto in the first place. Naruto was ruined because there are those that were ignoring what it was and were constantly battering their ideas over Kishimoto's head on what they want it to be. Namely Hinata must be Naruto's wife and true love, despite the fact that at NOWHERE in the story was that idea supported or vouched for. NaruHina IS ignoring canon facts in the story in that Naruto NEVER noticed Hinata or viewed her in a romantic light. Naruto the Last, outright confirms this with the entirety of Naruto's childhood turning into a retcon that undoes everything written in the manga about his character. So you see, NaruHina is a byproduct of HINATA FANATICS with their rose colored glasses, screaming at the top of their lungs that Hinata Hyuga loves Naruto more than anyone and understands him more than anyone and therefore deserves to be his "one and only". Ignoring what is written whether it was a good or bad choice is practically the same behavior, so just be aware of that if you are going that route.
Not only that, but saying that you want to ignore the bad writing decisions yet want to explore your own ideas and weave what you want to be into the canon story is self-contradictory, because that is admitting you didn't like what you've read or seen. So you can either accept what has happened or you can't, but ignoring what you don't like and telling yourself "that never happened" is a fallacy, and remember Naruto only became as bad is it did BECAUSE of that fallacy. NaruHina happened because the the story board was rewritten to ignore the Main trio's thoughts and feelings thoughts and feelings for all 15 years the manga was published. Naruto is all of a sudden head over heels for Hinata even though he has shown that he loves Sakura time and again, even giving up his happiness for her, whereas there was never any show of such emotional commitment to Hinata. Sasuke married Sakura despite saying he was not interested in her throughout the story and has driven that point home quite clearly in his actions in fact, so he wasn't kidding or being a tsundere about it. Sakura has shown that her mental image of Sasuke has shattered from all the crimes and terrible deeds he has committed and is always heartbroken when she sees him and her only fond memories of him is his 12 year old self that she that was "cool and mysterious and handsome". In sharp contrast, she shows that she was becoming closer to Naruto and admiring his selfless traits and that despite everything he was put through and how much he has suffered, he still remains kind and loyal to the point that you would swear she was truly in love with the boneheaded, simplistic, but ultimately compassionate and understanding young man. But that was ignored and she went back to being the intolerable, mindless, horny 12 year old fan girl that she used to be in chapter 699, therefore undoing all of her character development.
Ultimately my point is, Kudos to wanting to enjoy the Naruto series despite everything that has happened, and encouraging others to do the same. but I can not condone that mentally of only accepting canon if as you see fit and erasing what you don't want from your mind. It is that mentality that makes up ALL those irrational, illogical lunatics that only cared about Naruto tying the knot with that "weird girl that stalked him from the shadows".  

Edited by Phantom_999, 09 June 2019 - 10:17 AM.


#6 Toby



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Posted 09 June 2019 - 08:02 AM

I didn't have time to respond to all these arguments, but most of what I disagree with  can be summed up by this: 


Not only that, but saying that you want to ignore the bad writing decisions yet want to explore your own ideas and weave what you want to be into the canon story is self-contradictory, because that is admitting you didn't like what you've read or seen. So you can either accept what has happened or you can't, but ignoring what you don't like and telling yourself "that never happened" is a fallacy, and remember Naruto only became as bad is it did BECAUSE of that fallacy. 




Ultimately my point is, Kudos to wanting to enjoy the Naruto series despite everything that has happened, and encouraging others to do the same. but I can not condone that mentally of only accepting canon if as you see fit and erasing what you don't want from your mind. It is that mentality that makes up ALL those irrational, illogical lunatics that only cared about Naruto tying the knot with that "weird girl that stalked him from the shadows". 



Ultimately my point is, Kudos to wanting to enjoy the Naruto series despite everything that has happened, and encouraging others to do the same. but I can not condone that mentally of only accepting canon if as you see fit and erasing what you don't want from your mind. It is that mentality that makes up ALL those irrational, illogical lunatics that only cared about Naruto tying the knot with that "weird girl that stalked him from the shadows". 


Honestly, that's your opinion and you're fine to think that.


But for me, I personally felt (Whether from reading this forum, or looking at the interviews) that Kishimoto was essentially trying to convey that he was "forced at gunpoint" (though not really, it was most likely due to money or Editors' pressuring him)  to MAKE NaruHina happen. 


In reality, he named a specific SasuKarin NaruSaku chapter "The TRUE Ending" -- 


Yes, the author penned the "epilogue" as NaruHina, but not without dropping a million signs that he didn't want Hinata (such as only ever giving Hinata a few panels in the entire manga, and giving Sakura most of the screentime in every chapter.) 



And to respond to your second quote. 

"that mentally of only accepting canon if as you see fit and erasing what you don't want from your mind. It is that mentality that makes up ALL those irrational, illogical lunatics that only cared about Naruto tying the knot with that "weird girl that stalked him from the shadows". "



I wanted to say that the series has been over for years, so who cares. There's still 698 content of NaruSaku chapters to salvage, and like 2 chapters of SasuSaku NaruHina. We can just ignore the ending. 
Secondly, you call those people  "irrational, illogical lunatics"  - then wouldn't it make sense to ignore the content that was "sabotaged by those irrational, illogical lunatics"?  And be a fan of the stuff before their interference? 
Anyway, I'm still active in Naruto communities (not Boruto) so I'm still a fan, but I STILL always refuse to accept  SasuSaku and NaruHina- I don't talk about it, I say it's a ruined ending,   So after being like that for a few months, I think it's a good arrangement and wanted to share. 
Most of Naruto fandom say Kaguya ruined the series, and ignore Kaguya-- and many fanfics say they ignore the existance of Kaguya and make Madara the biggest boss, so why can't the logic apply to the pairings either. 
But I understand your cynical viewpoint of seeing it as a ruined series. That's what I felt at the beginning, but when I notice I'm still writing content for Naruto, I'm like, "I don't want to write for a series I HATE, but I hate this series if I consider the Epilogue and the completely stupid Neji death used as a NH-pressure-stimulant- the only one in the series. Can I just pretend that anything after a specific chapter, never happened, then I'll keep writing my FFs"
We each have our own opinions. Thanks for sharing everyone! If I have more thoughts to reply, I'll post here. 

#7 Phantom_999


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Posted 09 June 2019 - 10:40 AM

Yes That is perfectly fine, you have your view point, I have mine :smile:


#8 James S Cassidy

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Posted 11 June 2019 - 02:01 PM

I love Naruto the manga.

But I hated Sasuke the Manga and Hinata the manga disguised as Naruto the manga.


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#9 Win-chan


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 08:27 PM

I agree Toby. Im listening to the Naruto music and though the ending was abysmal, there really were amazing aspects of the story. Sure in the end, characters were butchered and development didnt get fulfilled BUT, before that? The characters did grow, and inspired us. We watched Naruto grow from a crazy genin to village hero and maybe in the end it was ruined but we can still appreciate the good moments along the way

In my opinion, I just ignore everything after the Naruto/Sasuke fight and Im absolutely loving the Naruto alternate the last doujinshi thats being posted. It looks legit, is true to the characters and tbh is just as canon as the boruto stuff because Kishimoto isnt even the one making it... so yeah. Naruto has amazing moments and wonderful music. Its hurtful how it ended but I think if we can separate the hurt from the good moments we can heal better. Just my opinion :)





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#10 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 20 June 2019 - 04:59 AM

I think it's good that when something goes wrong with a story, especially to the extent Naruto did, it's good for those invested in it to discuss it. Can not stand those who act like being a fan of something means you have to eagerly lick up everything it hands to you or being labelled toxic for voicing criticisms. But to me, being a fan means that you support the franchise through various means, and when it gets to a point you stop supporting it that you stop being a fan.


Unfortunately though, Naruto isn't a case like Kamen Rider (I really have to catch up wit Zi-o), the MCU or Gundam. You can't separate what it became from what it once was. All those moments we loved served as the fuel in order to get Naruto to where it is now. That's how it's billed as, one continuing story. It's hard to look back at those events and not think about what Naruto has become. All those touching moments end up being devalued with Naruto continuing the ninja system. The destination undermined the journey, which now feels like more of a waste. Just look at what's happened with Game of Thrones to see what I'm talking about.



The issue is that many of the emotional points and character development was basically... just washed away because of the ending. I can't call myself a fan, I definitely don't think of myself as one. I don't read the manga anymore. I don't watch the anime. I don't play the games. I don't care about Naruto or Burrito, at all. All I care about is Naruto and Sakura (plus some other characters of course). If I could pluck them out of the Naruto series and put them somewhere else, I would (which I am doing, personally)


I refuse to call myself a Naruto fan because I kinda do hate it. It makes me sour every time I think about what happened and how Kishimoto gave his story to people who just want money and will ruin an entire franchise to boost up a character who never really mattered. 


Whatever happens in the series moving forward? I just don't care. I don't pay attention. I have no idea what's going on in the fandom outside of NaruSaku. 


While I don't conflate the idea that being a fan means you must absolutely love everything, I think you still have to at least like it a little and pay attention to what's happening on some level. But I don't. So I've drawn an extremely hard line, I'm not a Naruto fan, I'm specifically and only a NaruSaku fan. 

When you look at where the story goes, it's actually scarily easy to "justify" it (not in a good way, of course) happening through much of the rest of the story outside of direct retconned parts, which shows how much things got tainted.


#11 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 03:53 PM

Naruto has been reduced to a scrub now. Nothing more. Could definitely be something less with his kitten ass.


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#12 KClaws_2


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Posted 03 September 2019 - 08:18 AM

I’ve been through several series, franchises and what have you not that may have disappointed me in the long run, but Naruto was just a huge blow in the way I perceived it. The ending was so out of left field that it ruined the journey, and at no point can I relive it with the joy I used to have. I can’t separate the good from the bad because I KNOW where it all is going to lead. The alternate last is helping a bit, but still...

The ending also made me see the flaws of the whole series in a new light, where plot lines were randomly thrown in to grab our attention but never developed upon, mainly how we got so many characters that Kishimoto seems to care about at one moment but drops the next because they weren’t popular enough. Combined with his “confession” as you can call it, about how most of the ideas where his editors’ and not his, made me lose even more respect for him.

Add that in with a toxic fanbase, at least among the English speakers, who go out of their way to demonize those who don’t agree with what Kishimoto did. Not only does it make it hard to have a civil discussion, but now I have to limit myself to this board when discussing Naruto, done more so as a catharsis.

It’s as I said elsewhere, I don’t have a problem with people liking the ending of Naruto and beyond. What I DO have a problem with is these fans telling me that I have to like it.

Nowadays I simply consider myself a fan of Naruto as a concept. I enjoy the jutsus, even the overpowered ones, I love the idea of this fantasy world with ninjas and the potential these characters and the lore could bring. But the execution of it all was a train wreck.

That’s why I’m rebooting it instead of simply ignoring a couple of other chapters like other fan fic writers.

#13 milan kyuubi

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Posted 25 April 2023 - 10:57 AM

I still like Naruto manga. Even reading Naruto fanfics. But the ending showed me that anything pass Pein arc is now Sasuke manga. And the ending is Hinata manga.


The ending also made me look at previous arcs and appreciate stories and characters when the author still loved his creation. On the other side asking me to love something that I consider fan girl wet dream fanfic is not gonna work.


#14 LuckyChi7


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Posted 26 April 2023 - 01:28 PM

I still like Naruto manga. Even reading Naruto fanfics. But the ending showed me that anything pass Pein arc is now Sasuke manga. And the ending is Hinata manga.
The ending also made me look at previous arcs and appreciate stories and characters when the author still loved his creation. On the other side asking me to love something that I consider fan girl wet dream fanfic is not gonna work.

Totally get that perspective, and think theres enough in the series to point towards that direction.

I feel like a lot of series like Naruto that end up on that world wide phenomenon and lasting for years upon years really shot itself in the foot in the end.

I one of the other things with the Naruto series upon looking back on the series again was that its problem I think also stems from prior to the pain arc.

The timeskip after Naruto leaves the village to train with Jiraiya from a writing standpoint is rather odd.

That all he got from his training was a bigger rasengan. I think theres a lot that couldve been done with Naruto during that stage like introducing a premature Sage mode to ensure hes still trying to master it his appearance could be a bit more frog-humanoid during that stage.

I also think in terms of Narutos character he couldve also been questioning his stance about what Sasuke said all that time you spent chasing after me couldve been spent in training for you to be hokage.

There was a lot thematically and from a writing in character development in which the series couldve improved upon.





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