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#990206 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 19 July 2023 - 03:18 AM

After all these years I think people deep down know that NS was supposed to be but they prefered another shipping.  Like is been so long since the ending and people are still trheatened by a dead ship. Any NS content on tiktok that I see the comments are filled with:


"Soul mates (Best Friends)"




"They truly belongtogether as best friends"


And the scene could be explicitly Naruto saying he loves Sakura to Sai or the fmale ninja lmaooo9

#989412 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 06 May 2023 - 08:45 PM

The Sakura still fawning over Sasuke bit feels like arrested development. As even Ino points out, Sakura has been married to Sasuke for years. She should at least be used to his look enough so she doesn't fawn over him like a school girl over their first crush. For Pete's Sake, they had a child together.

I disagre with this. Having been in a relationship with someone for years sometimes i still acted like im a teen all over again. Thats just how it is in some relationships and often times it shows that the couple is still attracted to each other. I dont think Sakura needs to put down for that. I dont really see that as a flaw.

#989375 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 05 May 2023 - 01:21 PM

People are finally waking up. A viral positive Sakura tweet



#989358 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 03 May 2023 - 04:08 AM

I'm surprised this forum is still alive but I'm glad its still here. I think you guys are giving Therece a hard time. I don't exactly ship SS but I'm tolerant towards it despite its horrible writing but I support more Sakura crack ships because I enjoy writing about them more. I still think NH is boring and garbage to be honest and that won't change.


Also, I think a lot more people are becoming more accepting of NS. I've even seen SS fans  said that if SS didn't happen they would've prefered NS. NH stans still hate us ( LOL) But I don't support NS like used to though but I still think its WAY better than SS and NH. 

#988037 Sakura in the New Manga.

Posted by Luna on 25 November 2022 - 10:49 PM

I'm enjoying this so far. At some point  you guys gotta get over the pairings to be honest. I have no feelings seeing SasuSaku and ya'll should do the same.  I'm here for Sakura content.

#986992 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 10 May 2022 - 09:06 PM

Honestly, If Sasuke treatment of Sakura was written differently throughout the series MAYBE I would have been a huge SS shipper but I just can't get behind a ship that has so many inconsistencies and GLARING flaws and the same goes for NH. If we're being real, the only consistent interaction in a ship was NS if we're strictly speaking couples. Hell, even SasuNaru was consistent.

#986911 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 02 May 2022 - 12:10 PM

I just realized that H stans are really trying to say Naruto wasn't obsessed with Sakura. The revisionist history...like we all didnt' want this boy turn into another person to tryand kiss her. Its eating them up inside to this day that Hinata wasn't Naruto's first love/crush. Like....your girl is married to him now...relax. No need to twist history to fit your ship in your head. wtf

#986644 Why do some people HATE Sakura for her confession to Naurto?

Posted by Luna on 10 March 2022 - 09:50 PM

Like she's gone viral on twitter over that confession and maybe I forgot but I'm surprise people hate her for that when its one of her BEST moments. Like these same people HATE her for this but love Itachi who traumaitize and maniupulated Sasuke.... Its either they don't want to understand the reason for her confession or they just being hard headed because its Sakura...

#986643 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 10 March 2022 - 09:25 PM

Actually, girls like Hinata DO exist but Hinata as a character is ONE-DIMENSIONAL. Sakura is shown throughout the series with multiple expressions and emotions. Majority of Hinata's character is stuck being this shy flower and her moments where she is anything but are so few. However, majority of women today are like Sakura (rather they like or not)

#986601 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 04 March 2022 - 02:31 AM

Sometimes Naruto fanfiction kills me. They have Sakura apologize to Naruto for how she treated him and apologize to Sasuke for having a crush and asking him on dates but don't make Naruto apologize to Sakura either or make Sasuke apologize for his behaviour. Authors be writing a 12 year old character whose actions aren't THAT deep enough for her to apologize. She's a kid so write her like one.

#986558 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 28 February 2022 - 09:40 PM

I mean I have moved on from Naruto couples that I could probably read a NH fanfic. I read fanfics with NH and SS and I don't feel anyway towards them tbh. I just want Kishi to admit his mistake so I can laugh lmao

#986485 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 22 February 2022 - 08:22 PM

I don't really ship pokemon couples anymore...I mean the characters are basically minors at this point and its weird to me. I think Pokemon missed an opportunity to make Ash a teen in Pokemon Journeys. He could have been a mentor to Go which would give the series a new life span.


I just know redemption will come in the future though. A lot of people are still wondering WHY Naruto and Sakura didn't end up together and you will find a lot of people questioning it as time goes by. In the words of Katy Perry, "Time is the ultimate truth teller". I don't even want a remake for the series cause I'm not going to invest my time into just to see NS happen when it could have happened the first time. I just want the truth to come out at this point and prove that Kishimoto and the studio are dirty liars. 

#986474 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 21 February 2022 - 11:10 PM

I literally can't go on a youtube video about a female anime character and not see Sakura's name brought up in the comment section with huge debates about her. They way Sakura is the bar ( albeit a low one thanks to Kishi) for all female characters. She will forever be famous. LMAO

#986410 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 15 February 2022 - 12:44 AM

I'm sorry to say but the stockholm syndrome bs is due to this WOKE ERA  and applying nonsense to things that shouldn't have them. Beauty and the Beast is so straight forward that its insane to think that Belle have stockholm syndrome lmao.

#986319 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 07 February 2022 - 05:27 PM

BTW Do they know Neji's death was supposed to play as cupid for Naruto and Hinata, I wonder?




They do know. A lot of them hate her and kishimoto for it. They gave hinata all this only for her to be STILL uninteresting and barely get screen time.