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primary colours123

Member Since 28 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2013 03:13 PM

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In Topic: H&E's NaruSaku Debate Thread!

01 January 2013 - 03:06 PM

Hi guys,
Happy new year to all of you.
QUOTE (Codus N @ Jan 1 2013, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Y'know, if there was one side that is basically the Joker card in the pairing wars, it would be Kurama. Why?? because no one knows Naruto better than him. Only he would know what Naruto's feelings are. If he ever makes a statement about Naruto's love life, you can bet it's make-or-break when the time comes. (NaruSasu comment not withstanding).

And the funny thing is that it was Kurama who rained on the NH parade by interrupting Naruto's inner monologue and reminding him that there were more people who have already sacrificed their lives for Naruto and it was not just Lady Hinata who was ready to do that for him. tongue.gif

And moreover, on a serious note, yes, Kurama can tell Naruto of times like when Sakura ran towards him when he was in Kyuubi induced frenzy... but well. Keeping expectations very very low.

Read the chapter again, and I can only say, Mr. Kishimoto's human figures are very very unflattering. Poor drawing quality, and I'm still disliking "...all this time" and "his hand, big and strong... makes me feel safe." though for reasons entirely different than shipping.

Take care.

In Topic: Naruto 615

28 December 2012 - 02:56 PM

so the storm is finally passed or are we at the eye of the storm? happy.gif

This chapter was an obvious Hinata/Kushina parallel which is why I think Naruhina is canon.

Do you remember how Itachi went on about how Minato had Kushina by his side? Well...in this chapter, even Naruto thanked Hinata for being at his side, not Sakura, Kakashi or whoever, HINATA! Not only that, they\'re about to fight side by side together while kittening holding hands in some color pages NEXT CHAPTER. HOW CAN\'T NOT THINK NH AINT CANON YET? WTH? its obvious lol. it\'s only the beginning too.

Because I like to think Naruto\'s feelings (explicitly stated in the manga) have been off paneled. happy.gif Though I never had much hope with Mr. Kishimoto.
You know what is really funny?

Noone has said anything like:

\"This was just a platonic sibling moment. Naruto sees Hinata as a friend.\"


\"Hinata slapped Naruto? Wow, she is so abusive.\"

Because we are classy like that. cool.gif

Read the last pages:

Naruto specifically says: thanks for being by my side all this time.

If that ain\'t a hint of Naruto reciprocating her feelings, then I dunno what is. And the action?? the hand holding. How\'s that?? denying its status of whether it\'s canon or not is one thing. Outright denying this wasn\'t a NH moment is another.

Naruto\'s statement can either be vague or not. It depends on what he really sees Hinata as. Which we\'ll see in the coming chapters.

The highlighted portion is the MAJOR part of my problem with this chapter, apart from Hinata\'s thoughts obviously.
Naruto\'s selective obliviousness, memory and praise might have been endearing once upon a time, but now.......
He has projected everything everyone has done for him onto Hinata, and she is not even the most deserving candidate.
At this point in the manga I have no expectations or interest left for much except for occasional appearances from Sakura, and she is being disregarded so thoroughly and humiliatingly by the author. Here if it would have been some character than Hinata, except maybe Kakashi, Tsunade or Sakura, and naruto would have given that statement, I would have still disliked it.

Reason being:
All what time? She hasn\'t been by his side all anytime except recently, so that\'s probably what Naruto is referring to because before now, there hasn\'t been an \"all this time\". She wasn\'t there when Sasuke defected, and at the reunion. Her relevance is centered only around Naruto and Naruto alone at this point. I can\'t imagine her being super important later down the line, and if she is when Sasuke returns then I\'ll know what Kishi is all about. I\'ll know he\'s basically caving to this rabid NH fans but I don\'t think he is. He\'s milking this kitten, and milking it well. Let him milk and mislead the NH fans but realize that Naruto STILL hasn\'t shown any feelings for her. Sakura STILL hasn\'t confirmed what her feelings are for Naruto. he constantly leaves us out on any type of dialogue when it comes to her and I feel it\'s for a reason. He only states the obvious and he plays with it. We already know how Hinata feels about Naruto and we already know how Sakura feels about Sasuke but it\'s NEVER really shown how Naruto feels about Hinata nor is it shown how Sakura feels about Naruto. It\'s all up in the air...

Yup, and maybe good for business, but not good writing at all.

You have no idea how unbearable that is to me. After something like this chapter, I don\'t think I can stomach more of Hinata or NaruHina much longer. I. DON\'T. CARE. ABOUT. HER. I want some more Sakura focus, I could care less about her. Seriously ... it\'s only a been a few chapters and I\'m already nearly at my limit. dry.gif

I feel your pain... I really do. a_comfort.gif

Yes is truth that Naruto on Hinata might spend more time my honest guess might be a few panels max, but it\'s also truth that while this is going on we might also get that push we always wanted Sakura to have while thinking that she might lose Naruto\'s affection to someone else who also likes him.

Am pretty sure people were always wishing for something to happen to show Sakura\'s true color but for some reason they cannot handle it now, people I\'m telling you that SS somehow felt more convincing than NH and we all know how that went.

So no there is nothing to worry about at lease I didn\'t feel that way when I\'m very easy to get worry over stuff, this Hinata stuff was needed to get it out the way, Hinata confronting Naruto after a redeemed Sasuke will be something to worry about, but NH focus when we don\'t know how Sakura feels about Naruto, her reaction to NH, no NS interaction, Naruto feelings for Sakura has not being shown to change, Find a girl like me, parallels, team 7 moments are still events that are pending for a conclusion.
Naruto is not fickle and if we believe that, then we are not truly the Naruto fans we say we are, everything in this Manga has a reason and Kishi always try to explain that reason, so until that moment happen in the manga nothing has changed, plus I don\'t see anyone pointing out that Hinata was clearly in fan girl mode over Naruto 2 minutes after Neji died.

The main point we need to acknowledge is that Hinata is easily getting everything she has wanted and going by the history of this Manga, no one easily get what they wanted 72 chapters before the story ends, it\'s too good to be true.

Finally if Kishi wanted NH and not a pairing tension them he would of made Naruto feeling for Sakura and Hinata clear by now and not show Sakura shocked exp​ression.

It might be truth that Hinata is outshining Sakura right now, but for all Hinata one track minded personality and her desire to get Naruto\'s attention I think it was necessary, would it lead to NH? Maybe but I don\'t think right now, plus something tells me that Naruto and Sakura will have the last say to any pairing future.

Well, I like being optimistic. biggrin.gif

My reply to you.

Choji and Shikamaru were replaced to have Hinata support Ino.

Kakashi and Guy + the alliance were replace to show of the Hyugas.

Shikamaru and Ino\'s dad\'s death were completely forgetting because off the Hyugas

Naruto the Beast in Sage mode was made a wimp to have Hinata shine when Pain one Punch KO her bu Naruto SM manages to defeat Pain.

Neji die but the focus did not change to his Teammates for two full panels it stayed with Hinata.

Naruto was made a p*ssy when he actually tell Tobi that his plan will never work on Him.

Tsunade was left almost dead and Naruto was told by Madara that they might be dead but it has being forgetting

And Neji\'s dead was Ignored by Hinata thinking that Naruto\'s hands ere so big and manly.

So if everyone is being made non factor when it comes to Hinata, why does it only bother us when Sakura gets the same treatment all of the rest are currently gating?

Will Hinata be killed By Tobi or Madara, I don\'t know but Normally a non factor character to a plot who fcus normally gets forced on the fans tens to die.

And we are still reading the Manga.... sweatdrop.gif

Take care,

In Topic: Naruto 615

27 December 2012 - 04:42 PM

QUOTE (Codus N @ Dec 27 2012, 05:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The biggest problem with the "heroine" of this story is that, from the start Kishi depicted her as shallow and one-dimensional. I could argue Hinata is the same as well, but she's definitely a tad better from her start and debut.

And THAT. Has been affecting the overall quality of the series. In other words, Kishi shot himself in the foot since day ONE.

The very fact that Kishi has portrayed Sakura as one-dimensional since day one has affected her character throughout the series. And the very fact he established Sakura's love life as her defining trait has forever since been detrimental to her character.

Um.... I always said that about Hinata. In fact despite everything that is being said about Hinata having character development and being heroic, I still see her at the same place. Static. Everything she has EVER done has culminated to this very point- HOLDING NARUTO'S HANDS.

Sakura, on the other hand has been dynamic. NO, rarely do we find her love life (For Sasuke or Naruto) to be her motivation for her acts. Her compassion for her friends (specially Naruto and his sufferings) make her do what she does. She became a medic, to be useful to Naruto, not to impress Sasuke. She saved Kankuro, since she was a medic. She saved Chiyo, since she had "a brave and chivalrous" heart. She saved Hinata (and was the only one to think of doing do) because she was compassionate (and had common sense). She could not kill Karin and hesitated, since she is more of a healer than a killer, she could not kill Sasuke both for herself and Naruto (the statement in those panels do imply that).
I really am amazed when people find Hinata to be better. Why? Because the aim of her fangirling (and not even the ego boosting type) was the Hero and not the cool Kid. It never helped the said Hero, did it?

Don't get me wrong. I liked her role in this chapter, and was even thinking "finally", when she had that last thought and then I facepalmed. Of course, "the power of love".

Sorry for the rant. But my Sakura fangirl is on rampage today.

Take care,

In Topic: Naruto 615

27 December 2012 - 04:21 PM

QUOTE (Askia31 @ Dec 27 2012, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can always wish.

But now as you can see Sakura pretty much replaced Hinata as the background character. you should give up

Sorry, but my mom always says I never do things which have a "should" in it. cool.gif

Hope fairy was the last thing in Pandora's Box after all, ne? tongue.gif

And wishes have moved mountains. smile.gif

Take care,

In Topic: Naruto 615

27 December 2012 - 03:58 PM

QUOTE (Poison_In_Your_Coffee @ Dec 27 2012, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also do not understand why you seem to think that there is some competetion between Hinata and Sakura. There is not. Hinata can have her moment to shine and Sakura can have hers. Sakura not being the one to help Naruto this time does not erase all those moments earlier in the manga where she helped and supported him. Hinata helping Naruto and the possible NH do not in any way make Sakura useless or destroy her character. Hinata also hasn't taken Sakura's place, because Sakura has never wanted a place by Naruto's side. Sakura is perfectly content, as far as we know, to help Naruto along with everybody else without wanting anything more with him.

As I might be one of the people you are talking about:
No, there is no competition between Sakura and Hinata.
No one is saying that giving Hinata what she wished for is destroying Sakura's character (or maybe I haven't seen it yet).
Giving Hinata more credit than what has been implied through canon (if just in Naruto's eyes) is what is bothering.
Sakura might be very content doing what she is. I know for a fact that healers always love healing best.
But, when you have done so many things for someone, big and small, without a wish for recognition, changed yourself bit by bit by being inspired by them, or by trying to be better for them, you deserve a bit of recognition in their eyes.
Not saying Hinata has not done anything for Naruto, she deserves recognition for what she tried to do. But Hinata's impact has not been so insidious, or so constant and also when needed, or unneeded, that it becomes a part of you. Naruto instinctively trusts Sakura, always thinks of her when he thinks of his important people, but for him it is more of a result of his own feelings and the unseen and unacknowledged contribution by Sakura would remain so. This is what spurs the comparison.
Sakura is constantly being sidelined, and not just in the present arc, by the mangaka, and consequently the hero.

Hinata had never supported Naruto to his face when he was lonely, never gave him attention and friendship when he craved it, yet Naruto is holding her hand now. It is with her that he is moving into the battlefield, and it is her sacrifice that he keeps on acknowledging, to the point that Kurama had to forcibly point out the flaw in his thoughts.
The mangaka could have pulled this hand holding and sudden subtle romance much better, had he given it some prior warning.
Now, it feels like he is forcibly promoting Hinata (and still keeping her a Naruto satellite- I can't say how much I disliked that last thought from Hinata), and by doing so, is unfortunately sidelining other rookies.

That said, I know the manga is not over yet, and maybe... just maybe Sakura would get her due acknowledgement, from naruto and from the Mangaka.

Take care,

P.S.: I know I was rambling. Sorry, it's been too long. tongue.gif

Edit: Hi tricksie. :waves