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One PM Is All It Took

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#1 Merchant Of Blue Death

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Posted 16 October 2018 - 06:05 PM

As some know and others may not, I have a story on FanFiction called "Tip Of The Spear'. It's an AU Naruto and Sakura story where I basically said to my self 'to hell with canon' and told their story in the way I wanted to. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's okay, I have over 400 follows and almost as many favorites so I'm happy. 


What I'm writing about is this, my last update was at the end of July and I have maybe 7000 words in the can for the next chapter but all progress is stopped. At first, it was because of a writer's block, it happens, especially since the further from canon the more effort it takes to keep an AU story going. As I was trying to overcome the block I had a couple of incidents with my health. At 58 year of age with high blood pressure and a wrecked back one's body sometimes decides to do strange things. All of that is something I can deal with and usually I can start writing after a few weeks of thought. 


However, in the middle of all that I get a PM from a fellow author, I won't mention their name as that would serve no purpose but the PM was to inform me that they would not be reading my story anymore because she only reads NaruSaku and I was springing a second girl into the mix. That, right there, the springing the second girl accusation, is what has killed my drive to continue. First off, I'm not springing a second girl, I've been dropping hints and actually had Sakura discuss the girl with Naruto as well as mentioning her exchanging letters with the girl (Temari) as to why Naruto would make a good husband. Long story short, Temari has been offered as a political sacrifice to Konoha to bring the two villages closer through marriage. 


As I said, I've been dropping hints for nearly half a year in my chapters about Naruto taking a second wife as long as it was for the right reasons, mutual respect and love for a couple. My 'friend' also complained that they didn't want to read a story where Sakura is a lesbian as well and I was going to turn Naruto into a baby factory. Well, once again, I had mentioned or dropped hints early on that Sakura and Naruto had a female friend where they grew up and not only did Naruto date the other girl, just as Sakura dated other guys for a short time, Sakura and their friend had experimented with each other and shared the bed with Naruto. 


Now, it's not that this person was planning to stop reading my story because of their reasons, that's their right and as I said, this story isn't for everyone. What irritated and still irritates me is this, I have either mentioned or dropped huge hints as to what I was planning on doing in my story and I  have a target of 10K+/- words per chapter as I have many storylines going on, not just the one centering on Naruto and Sakura and their relationship and marriage. I put a lot of effort, sometimes it may not seem like it, but I try to work out each action or conversation before I'm happy but......it was obvious to me that this person only reads the parts that center on their idea of NaruSaku and had been either ignoring or not paying close attention to what I had written. 


That is what hurts me as a writer, look I'm not that good and I admit and understand that but there seems to be quite a few folks that do read what I post. However, after reading that PM I'm left to wonder just how many people are actually reading the whole chapter and how many are skipping to either the lemons or the fight scenes. This morning I tried to get further into the new chapter but the fire isn't there anymore and I find that I have one or two ideas that look like they'd be more fun to pursue. I've actually considered going back to the start and revamping all 30 chapters from the start and see if I can't do a better job but, we all know that no story ever survives that operation. 


Look, I'm not looking for hugs and sympathy, I just need an outlet to get this off of my chest and hopefully I can get back on track. It would be a disservice to those that do like what I write and I've already taken one story down because it was so awful and have another marked as incomplete. I just wish that people would think about what they message about and actually read all of the story before telling the author I won't read this anymore because blah blah bla. Anyway, thanks for letting me rant for a bit, I'm going to go back and sit in my corner for a while, maybe even do some writing. 






#2 sushi.


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Posted 16 October 2018 - 09:08 PM

Dont give them your attention. They want you to write stories the way they like it, so they made a threat.

If they simply didnt like your stories there was no need announce their quitting.

Edited by sushi., 27 October 2018 - 09:10 PM.


#3 tricksie


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Posted 17 October 2018 - 03:57 PM

Yeah, that sucks. It's terrible truth that a few bad reviews/pms/experiences can outweigh 100 good ones. But it's true. Those are the ones that stick with you longer because they bother you so damn much. And it doesn't matter if the reader is not at all the person you're writing for. It still cuts you. 


The only thing you can do is to not give up. You have an original story, a vision and a unique way of telling what you want to say. There is no one else who is going it tell it. And there are people who want to read it (those that follow and review) and A LOT more that don't review. But they wait for it just the same. 


You have to tune out the duds and write for the ones who tell you they can't wait to read it. And write for the ones who don't tell you, but are waiting for it just the same. 


And yeah, I get what you're saying too about how can someone miss plot clues that are as big as a house!!! And be mad about it!?! And ultimately whether they don't read it because they don't like your plot, or because neither Naruto nor Sakura can break out of their fairytale roles of only having loved each other fom age 12 onward...that's on them. It's not on you. They don't have to read it. They're looking for a certain type of story, and obviously this particular one was not it. It has always seemed so pointless that people feel the need to reach out and tell you that. 


You write for yourself, and for your characters and the world build around them, and you write for the people who want to read it. That's it. It's not for everyone.


And your reviewer? Yeah, I think you can both agree that this story wasn't for them. Duly noted. Now that reader can move along.


Jut try to keep writing. Or don't. Or take a break, give it some space, come back and see what you've got. Read your positive reviews. Remember why people like it and why you like it. Then make decisions about how to continue. Don't let one dud overshadow all the good work and good readers. All writers feel the exact same way you do. Don't give up. Your story needs to be out there!

#4 Merchant Of Blue Death

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Posted 25 October 2018 - 01:18 AM

Thanks for the replies, they mean a lot to me. As I said, I'm not looking for hugs and soothing words but I just needed to vent. Everyone's words, both here and in PMs at FFN, are greatly appreciated. Your words have helped me to start working past my block as well as one other, a time travel fic. It's slow going trying to regain the speed I usually work at and my ideas are scattered but I am back at it. 


The trouble with me and my story is that it's AU and as such basic canon is somewhat left in place but that AU has to be built from the ground up. That includes even the way characters behave. That's why it's so easy to get a block and why one reader not paying attention to what you're trying to say can knock you off track or kill a story if you let them. I refuse to let them. This is my story and not the readers. I know how arrogant that sounds but I'm of the mind that asking in an AN or poll as to what the reader's want as to pairings, jutsu's, summoning critters, and other things the story ceases to be yours and becomes the readers; 


Anyway, thanks for the words of support and letting me vent.

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