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Code Sharingan

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#1 digifruit



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Posted 20 January 2009 - 09:53 AM

This is my latest fic, but I'm not really satisfied with it for some reason, so I decided to do an informal "Heaven & Earth exclusive" release for it instead of letting it go to waste and collect dust. So here it is and enjoy! laugh.gif

Code Sharingan
By DigiFruit

Premise: Itachi fails to massacre his clan and the Uchiha successfully take over Konoha, building Fire Country into the Uchiha Empire. Sasuke, enraged over his brother's death, vows revenge.

Author's notes: Characters are all at post-timeskip age

"This is terrible..." Sakura murmured bitterly as they surveyed the wreckage of a small River Country village.

"This is the kind of thing the Uchiha Empire does," Sasuke muttered, being no stranger to the Uchiha's methods. Ever since Itachi's failed assassination of the Uchiha clan eight years ago, the Uchiha had went ahead with their plan to take over Konoha. Soon after, the rest of Fire Country fell to their power as well. But the Uchiha weren't just satisfied with controlling Fire Country, they needed to conquer surrounding nations as well, such as Wave, Waterfall, Rice Field, Tea, Grass... River Country was merely the latest to be violently swallowed up into the Uchiha Empire.

"Well, this is as far as we can take you guys," Kakashi said solemnly, ruffling Sasuke's already messy hair.

"Good luck to all of you," Asuma grinned.

"Be careful," Baki muttered stoically.

"We'll free Konoha from the Uchiha for sure, you can count on us," Neji frowned, seeing the Fire Country border off in the distance.

Ever since the Uchiha had taken over Fire Country and had begun expanding, the ninja world had been in a constant state of war. This would be the first public Chuunin Exam in eight years, but because it was held in the Uchiha Empire, jounin sensei from enemy countries had not been allowed in. The Sand would send only three teams of genin: Gaara's team with Temari and Kankurou, Shikamaru's team with Neji and TenTen, and Sasuke's team with Hinata and Sakura.

But because the Chuunin Exams had not been held for eight years due to war, these Sand genin were already sixteen and seventeen. Genin in times of war were far more powerful than the genin that peacetime produced.

These genin did not intend to participate in the Chuunin Exams. No, that was just a guise. Their real objective... assassination of the Uchiha Clan head, Uchiha Fugaku.

"We'll crush them... bring them to their knees," Sasuke growled, clenching his fists in anger. "I'll avenge what they did to Itachi-niisan..."


"Senju-san... Senju Sasuke-san?"

"Huh? Oh, yes?" Sasuke blinked. It had been years since he had been exiled from the Uchiha Empire, years since he had adopted the First Hokage's name as a sign of rebellion, but he was still not accustomed to it. No matter how much he despised his heritage, he would always be Uchiha Sasuke.

"Passport, please," the attendant asked again.

Sasuke wordlessly produced a Wind Country passport, still not taking his eyes off the magnificent structures that the Uchiha had built where Konoha had once stood. The Uchiha had even taken down the Hokage Monument that had been carved into the side of the mountain. This Konoha was not the village he remembered fleeing all those years ago.

"Thank you, you may proceed," the attendant nodded.

Sakura let out a sigh of relief once Sasuke joined her and Hinata on the other side of the security gate. "You don't think they suspect anything, do you?" she asked apprehensively.

"They will if you two keep fidgeting so nervously," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "C'mon, let's go."

"Aren't we going to wait for the others?" Hinata asked. "Temari-san's team and Shikamaru-kun's team are still going through security."

"That Gaara gives me the creeps," Sasuke muttered, going on ahead.

"Hey, look, a team from the Waterfall Village," Sakura pointed out as the three of them made their way to inn that they would be staying at for the duration of the Chuunin Exams. "Do you think that they might have originally been from Konoha like us?"

"They're part of the Uchiha Empire now, so it doesn't matter," Sasuke muttered.

"I guess so," Sakura sighed.

After the Uchiha takeover of Konoha and Fire Country, many Leaf ninja had fled and scattered all around to neighboring countries. Majority of the refugees had ended up in the Sand Village of Wind Country. Weaker countries, such as Waterfall and Wave, had been conquered by the Uchiha and absorbed into the empire soon after the fall of Konoha.

"Hinata, you holding up okay?" Sakura asked worriedly, noticing the weird looks that the residents of Konoha were giving them.

"Ah, yes, I'm okay," Hinata replied softly but still unable to hide the discomfort in her voice. The Hyuuga clan had been longtime rivals with the Uchiha and had suffered the most during the takeover. Hinata and Neji, who was part of Shikamaru's team, would be the first Hyuuga to step foot inside Uchiha Empire since the takeover.

"Maybe you should have used a henge after all," Sakura remarked.

"No, I'll be okay, really," Hinata replied. Using a henge to disguise their Hyuuga appearance had been the original plan, but Neji had been too stubborn, too proud of his Hyuuga heritage, to do such a thing, so she had followed his example. Ever since the Uchiha takeover, the division between the main and branch families had been abolished due to the need for combined strength.

"Is this the place?" Sasuke asked, stopping in front of an inn.

"Yup," Sakura nodded, leading the way. She checked in with the innkeeper and got the keys to their rooms.

"We should get some sleep, we're going to need it," Sasuke said, taking the key to the smaller room. "I'll see you two later tonight."

"Rest up, Sasuke-kun," Sakura said as her dark-haired teammate disappeared into his room. "I think I'm going to look around a little, so you should go ahead and rest up too," she said, handing a key to their room to Hinata.

"Where will you be going?" Hinata asked worriedly. The Uchiha Empire was very a very hostile and imperialistic nation, and she didn't like the idea of Sakura going off on her own.

"Hmm... visit my old home, I guess... if it's still there anyway," Sakura replied with a sad smile. "I'll be fine, so don't worry about me. I can take care of myself."

"Okay... I'll see you later then," Hinata replied hesitantly before disappearing into their room.

On the way downstairs, Sakura ran into the two other genin teams from the Sand. "I'll be back soon, just going to go take a look around," Sakura explained when Shikamaru gave her a questioning look.

"Don't take too long," Neji warned stoically before going on ahead up the stairs.

"You want me to go with you?" TenTen volunteered.

"Thanks, but I'll be okay," Sakura assured.

Once out of the inn, she let out a deep sigh. It had been eight years since the Uchiha takeover of Konoha, and she had only been eight years old at the time, so she couldn't remember exactly what the village had looked like back then, but she knew that it had changed a lot. She was sixteen now, and the village she had once called home was now a reflection of Uchiha tradition, simple in its beauty and magnificence.

It wasn't just the Uchiha that lived in the village that was once Konoha though. Not all of Konoha's inhabitants had fled after the Uchiha takeover. Many of the Konoha ninja who had remained had been allowed to wear the crest of the leaf, but the Uchiha themselves wore their own family crest upon their forehead protectors. Sakura and the refugees who had fled Konoha to their closest and most powerful ally, however, now wore the symbol of the Sand, showing her allegiance to Wind Country.

"Young Lady, would you happen to be a former Konoha kunoichi?"

Startled, Sakura's hand immediately went to her equipment pouch, but she relaxed when she realized that it was just an old man running a small ramen stand. "Ichiraku Ramen?" she read out loud. "Um... yes, I was from Konoha, but I'm here for the Chuunin Exams as a genin from the Sand now."

"It must be your first time back in a long time then! Are you hungry? Have a seat and I'll whip you up something on the house!" Teuchi chuckled in a cheerful voice.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly accept free food," Sakura replied, reaching for her wallet.

"Nonsense! I'm just glad to see former Konoha ninja doing well," Teuchi exclaimed as he placed a steaming bowl of delicious-smelling ramen in front of her. "Other nations have adopted quite the negative view of Fire Country ever since the Uchiha took over, so while representatives from around the world are here for the Chuunin Exams, I'd like to show them, through ramen, that the people here aren't so bad."

Sakura discreetly ran a test for poison on the ramen, and while she felt guilty for doubting the old man, she couldn't be too careful. When the food turned up clean, she sighed in relief, glad that the old man really was just that... a kind old man. "Thank you very much, sir."

"I really do hope you don't think too badly of Fire Country," Teuchi smiled.

"I..." Sakura bit her lip.

"The Uchiha have done some terrible things... and they ruthlessly conquer surrounding nations with an iron fist, but there are still people living here who carry the old Konoha will of fire," Teuchi explained wistfully as he glanced up to the mountain where the faces of the Hokage had once been carved.

"I'm glad to hear that," she said with a soft smile. "And... this ramen... it's delicious."

"You're always welcome for another bowl," he grinned as she finished up.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said, getting up. "Thank you for the meal. Good day, sir."

"Good luck in the exams!"

"Thank you!" Sakura grinned and waved back before heading out. 'I'll free these people from the Uchiha... I promise...'

Sakura then soon found herself at the spot where her house had once stood. It was now a park. She let out a long sigh as she sat down at one of the swings. Her parents had died during the Uchiha takeover, and she had sworn revenge ever since then. "Mom... Dad... I miss you..."

"Hey, look at what we have here! It's a ninja from the Sand!"

"How about we take care of her now and get rid of some of the competition?"

Sakura's eyes narrowed as she bolted up with a kunai in hand. She was surrounded by two teams of Uchiha genin. "Engaging in combat before the exams begin is against the rules," Sakura warned, trying to diffuse the situation without having to resort to violence. "It could get you disqualified, or even spark a war between our countries."

"Wind Country ain't gonna go to war with the mighty Uchiha Empire over one puny genin girl," one of the Uchiha taunted.

"And this is our territory, so we make the rules here," another one added.

Then, all of a sudden, a figure appeared right in front of her, his incredible speed causing her eyes to widen in shock. He had been so fast that Sakura hadn't even sensed him until he had stopped moving. "Alright, move along. It's behavior like this that causes the rest of the world to hate us so much, so quit it," the new arrival scolded.

"Y-y-yes, sir!"

Sakura found it interesting how the two teams of Uchiha genin had suddenly been reduced to sniveling cowards in the presence of this new person. "Th-thank you," she stammered once the Uchiha teams went on their way.

"No prob, anything for such a beautiful girl as yourself," he grinned, turning around so that she could see his face for the first time. He wore typical Uchiha robes with the symbol of the fan emblazoned on his forehead protector, and he had fully activated sharingan eyes. But, unlike any Uchiha she had ever seen, he had blond hair.

She caught herself blushing but quickly fought it off. Blond hair or not, he was still an Uchiha, and the only Uchiha she had ever trusted had changed his name to Senju a long time ago, Senju Sasuke.

"Here for the Chuunin Exams?" he asked cheerfully. "I'll be cheering for you then."

And before Sakura could say anything more, he was gone.


"Everyone ready?" Shikamaru asked as the three genin teams from the Sand gathered on the rooftop of the inn they were staying at later that evening. "Neji, what you got?"

"There have already been two attempted assassinations, one from the Rock genin and one from the Mist genin, both failed," Neji reported. "There is one assassination attempt currently ongoing by a twelve-man operation consisting of Cloud genin."

"I guess we weren't the only ones crazy enough to send a couple team of genin to assassinate Emperor Uchiha," Kankurou chuckled. "At this rate, there won't be enough teams left for them to hold the Chuunin Exams tomorrow."

"Well, I guess we might as well get started," Shikamaru announced. "We'll use the Cloud operation as a diversion. They have the same objective as we do anyway."

"Gaara, ready?" Temari asked.

"Hmph," Gaara merely grunted in acknowledgement as he spread out his sand discreetly into the castle. While Shukaku inside of him was screaming for blood, Gaara had already tired of killing after fighting a war for eight long years. He was glad that he would be taking a surveillance role in this operation. Constant war could turn even the most bloodthirsty killer into a bitter and jaded pacifist.

"Alright, what's the situation look like?" Shikamaru asked, spreading out a blueprint of each floor.

Gaara closed his eyes and used his sand to detect the presence of every person inside the castle. Then, wordlessly, he began marking the positions of the Uchiha guards and the Cloud genin intruders. Then he frowned when his sand suddenly blacked out on him. "You're on your own after the seventh floor."

"Why aren't these guards here, here, here, and here not helping the guards who are engaging the Cloud teams?" Shikamaru frowned, pointing to the location of the guards on the lower floors. He had thought that the Cloud would provide a distraction, but it seemed as though many of the guards did not even budge from their positions.

"The Cloud genin did not engage in battle on floors one through six," Gaara replied stoically. "I see no indication that a fight happened anywhere on those floors, but I do not believe Uchiha security to be so lax that genin could get past so easily, so I assume the guards let them through."

"What?!" TenTen gasped.

"What the hell does that mean?" Neji frowned.

"It means that Uchiha Fugaku is a cocky bastard," Sasuke growled. "He's just toying with them!"

"What's on the seventh floor then?" Sakura asked.

"The Cloud have been defeated by a single ninja on the seventh floor," Gaara shook his head. "I did not get a good look."

"Whatever, whoever it is, I'll crush him," Sasuke growled.

"Alright, change of plans," Shikamaru announced. "Temari, Kankurou and Neji, I want you three to scale the castle from the outside. Hinata and TenTen will provide covering fire. Sakura and Sasuke will engage the guard on the seventh floor and make sure he doesn't notice Temari, Kankurou, and Neji. If possible, get rid of him, and meet up with the others upstairs. Once you reach the Emperor's quarters on the eighth floor, try to take him out if you can. If, for whatever reason, you can't, then blast a hole through the wall big enough for TenTen to snipe the Emperor from outside but make sure it looks like it wasn't on purpose so that they don't expect anything. Got that?"

"We're ready to go when you guys are," TenTen reported as she charged two long metal rails with lightning element to create a makeshift electromagnetic accelerator sniper rifle.

Hinata loaded up the ammo, the miniature metal-jacketed kunai round floating in the magnetic field created by the two parallel rails. Then she put her hands over TenTen's eyes and channeled her chakra into them to create a zoom sniper scope. "Byakugan!"

"Alright... operation, commence!" Shikamaru ordered and instantly the five infiltrators took off in a flash. "Gaara, what we got?"

"It seems that the Uchiha don't like us as much as the Cloud," Gaara remarked, drawing the movement of the guards on the blueprint map.

"TenTen, cover Kankurou, Temari, and Neji!" Shikamaru snapped as he saw guards already swarming up the sides the castle after the three intruders.

"Way ahead of ya! Aim and firing!" TenTen smirked as she fired off a round and knocked off the guard that was about to catch up to Kankurou. "Hinata, cool and reload!"

"Hai!" Hinata quickly used her water element to cool off the metal rails of the rifle before loading in another kunai round.

"Alright, Sakura, Sasuke, can you hear me?" Shikamaru asked into his radio transmitter as he glanced at Gaara's real-time movement diagram. "You got two guards headed your way from the west corridor, so head straight up from your position, and do it fast."

"Roger that," came Sasuke's reply over the radio. "We found the stairs. We're going up to the second floor."

Gaara immediately switched to the second floor blueprint and began drawing in the positions of the guards as sensed by his surveillance sand.

"There aren't too many guards on this floor. It seems like they went to check out all the raucous outside," Shikamaru informed. "But take the stairs over on the west side of the building. There are guards on the side that you're on."

"I'm not too good with directions, so could you use left and right instead of east and west?" Sakura asked sheepishly over the radio.

"Just follow Sasuke's lead," Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "TenTen, how's it on your side?"

"They're up to the fifth floor now," Hinata reported.

"But they're going to find our position soon," TenTen muttered as her hands were beginning to blister from the intense frictional heat output of the magnetic accelerator sniper rifle. She had slowed the rounds fired to subsonic speeds, so it was a relatively quiet weapon, but any competent ninja could deduce a projectile's origin based on just angle of fire and direction.

"Alright, we're going to change position, so give us the heads up when you reach the third floor," Shikamaru said into his radio as he picked up the blueprints.

"Copy that," Sasuke replied.

"That building over there!" Shikamaru ordered, pointing to the one with a large water tank on the rooftop. TenTen, Hinata, and Gaara all picked up their equipment and followed suit.

"We're on the third floor," Sakura informed. "We found a clear path up to the fourth, so we're going to go on ahead."

"Affirmative," Shikamaru replied as Gaara quickly set up the fourth floor blueprint and marked the position of all the guards.

"We're going to head over to a different position so that you guys don't have to keep moving," TenTen said before she and Hinata quickly hopped across the rooftops.

"Sasuke! Quick, hide in the bathroom on your left!" Shikamaru ordered, seeing Gaara draw a line heading towards Sasuke and Sakura's position.

"Why a bathroom?" Sakura groaned quietly.

"Okay, you're clear. Head east, if you can make it to the stairs in under thirty seconds, the patrol guards will miss seeing you by a hair," Shikamaru informed as he watched Gaara promptly draw a line and quickly made the calculations in his head. "Go! Go! Go!"

"We're going! Keep your pants on!" Sakura panted as she and Sasuke made a mad dash for the stairs.

"Sasuke, there are guards coming down those stairs from the fifth floor," Shikamaru added quickly. "Take them out as quietly as possible."

"Roger that," Sasuke replied stoically over the radio. "Clear."

"Those were the only guards on the fifth floor, so you're clear to keep going up to the sixth," Shikamaru said.

"The sixth is clear too," Gaara added. "It's the seventh floor that will be a problem."


When Sasuke and Sakura got up to the seventh floor, they found that it was completely different from all previous floors. There were no corridors, it was just one large wide open room with the stairway up to the eight floor guarded by a single ninja.

"Shikamaru, you there?" Sakura asked, but the only reply was the crackling buzz of static. "We lost him. What now?"

"We take the bastard on, that's what," Sasuke muttered, activating his sharingan. Despite still technically being a genin, he was one of the most powerful ninja in Wind Country, so he was confident he could take on whoever his father could throw at him.

"Welcome home, Sasuke!" the single guard greeted with a cheerful booming voice.

Sasuke glared as he made his way out into the open, followed by Sakura close behind. "Who are you?"

"Ah, it's you!" Sakura gasped, recognizing the blond Uchiha.

"Why, it's the pink-haired beauty from this afternoon," the blond chuckled good-naturedly.

"Answer my question!" Sasuke demanded fiercely. He never recalled meeting such a flamboyant Uchiha before. "Who are you?!"

"Me? I'm going to be the hokage someday, so remember this name... I am Uchiha Naruto!" he declared with a brash laugh.

"You... you're a transplant," Sasuke's eyes widened as he looked into those familiar sharingan wheels. "Those eyes... THOSE BELONG TO ITACHI!!!" he screamed in fury as he immediately charged in with his hand crackling with electricity. "CHIDORI!!!"

"Chidori," Naruto murmured with a smug smirk as he easily copied the hand seals for the technique with his sharingan.

The sound of two thousand chirping birds turned into an ear-piercing scream as the two techniques clashed into each other, resulting in a tremendous explosion. Sasuke was sent sprawling backwards, where Sakura caught him.

"I'd suggest you two turn back now if that's all you got," Naruto advised solemnly as the smoke cleared, revealing him unscathed. "You're no match for the Emperor's personal guard, Tobi, as you are now."

"Why are you protecting them? I know you're a good guy! You know what terrible things they've done, so why?!" Sakura pleaded, trying to negotiate. "Help us, and we can free Konoha from them!"

"I am helping you," Naruto replied with a small grin. "I'm saving your lives by telling you two to turn back now. The assassination squads from the Cloud, Mist, and Rock have all escaped with their lives thanks to me, so I advise you to do the same."

"I won't turn back!" Sasuke snarled as he got back up to his feet. He then charged in with taijutsu, knowing that ninjutsu and genjutsu wouldn't work against a sharingan master.

Naruto merely sidestepped and clotheslined Sasuke straight across the throat with ease and tossed him back to Sakura. "I'll say it again... turn back. I already have a kage bunshin outside to deal with your three friends. They've already retreated."

"Kage bunshin?" Sakura's eyes widened in shock. "You're telling me... that you were at half strength... this whole time?"

"Precisely! You're quite the sharp one," Naruto chuckled. "I have my chakra distributed equally between me and one kage bunshin."

"He's bluffing, Sakura, don't believe him," Sasuke frowned.

"And if I'm not?" Naruto smirked as he created a chidori in each hand.

Sasuke gritted his teeth. Chidori was a high-drain technique, and yet here he was creating two at the same time with ease. "What kind of monster are you?"

"Monster? That hurts, Sasuke," Naruto grinned, silencing the chirping of the two thousand birds by calling off the two chidori. He replaced the electricity with two spheres of demonic red chakra. "But you're right, I am a monster. The only thing keeping the demon's chakra under control is these sharingan eyes... so be thankful, Sasuke... your brother Itachi protects you even now."

"Sasuke... we should retreat," Sakura advised quietly.

"No, I'm so close!" Sasuke seethed. "Father killed Itachi-niisan... so I have to make him pay!!!" He immediately charged in recklessly, throwing a vicious series of punches and kicks, none of which connected with their target.

"Sasuke, you're strong, indeed strong enough to kill your father, but not strong enough get through Tobi," Naruto sighed. He knocked Sasuke off balance with a quick spinning sweep kick and then, continuing with the momentum, he followed up with a spinning roundhouse kick to send him flying backwards. "Come back when you're stronger."

"I'm strong enough NOW!" Sasuke shot back stubbornly as he struggled to his feet.

Sakura bit her lip nervously as she saw the fire and determination in Sasuke's eyes. "Sasuke..."

"No, I said I'm not turning back now, Sakura," Sasuke repeated.

Sakura hesitated for a moment before clenching her gloved fists. "Sasuke... I'll keep him busy, you go on ahead."

"Sakura..." Sasuke's eyes widened in shock. "But he's too strong for you to handle."

"I only have to keep him busy long enough for you to get past him, right?" Sakura grinned confidently, trying to hide the fear that she really felt. She knew for a fact that she didn't stand a chance, but she still had to try. Sasuke wasn't the only one who wanted to rid the world of Emperor Uchiha Fugaku, she too wanted to free her old home from the Uchiha.

Sasuke looked into her eyes to confirm her resolve. "Alright... but don't get yourself killed..."

"You too," Sakura nodded with a smile. "Now go!" Sakura charged in at Naruto with her fist reared back, ready to attack.

"Sorry, but I don't want to fight you," Naruto grinned, catching her punch easily as Sasuke rushed past them towards the stairs leading up to the eighth floor. "And there he goes."

Sakura eyed him cautiously as he took a seat in front of the stairway. "You're... you're not going to go after him?"

"He's not going to listen to me," Naruto shrugged nonchalantly. "He'll just have to experience for himself how powerful Tobi really is to get it through that thick skull of his. Let's just hope he survives, yeah?"

"Tobi... who is this Tobi person?" Sakura asked, still on her guard. Intelligence reports had never mentioned anyone named Tobi, but then again, they had also failed to mention Uchiha Naruto.

"Uchiha Tobi," Naruto shrugged again. "All I know is that he's damn strong and can wipe the floor with me."

"Will he... kill Sasuke?" Sakura asked, her voice wavering as she was already beginning to regret not insisting on an all-out retreat.

"If you want me to, I'll go up and bail him out if needed," he assured coolly.

"But... isn't that... treason?" she asked. She didn't understand this person at all. Was he an ally or an enemy? "Won't they kill you if you do that?"

"My life isn't worth too much," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"How can you say that? You're even stronger than Sasuke... if you join us, you'd be our best hope to bring down the Uchiha Empire," she pleaded. Even if his eyes weren't originally his, she could tell by looking at them that he was a good person.

"I'm biding my time," he smiled. "I'll bring it down from the inside... and then I'll become Hokage."

"N-Naruto was your name?" she stammered.

"Believe it," he smirked.

Then, suddenly, her ears perked up as she heard footsteps behind her. "A trap?" she accused, reaching for a kunai as Uchiha guards stormed up the stairs from the sixth floor.

"I've got everything under control, guys," Naruto sighed as he waved off the guards. "Nothing to see here, move along!"

"But, sir!" one of the guards protested. "She's a prisoner! We'll take her away for interrogation right away, sir!"

Naruto let out another deep sigh as he got to his feet and produced a pair of chakra-reinforced handcuffs. He placed one on his left wrist and the other on Sakura's right wrist. "I like her," he grinned, causing Sakura's cheeks to flare up with a blush. "I don't think I'd be comfortable with the idea of her going through the regular treatment prisoners get, so I'll take care of her myself."

"But, sir!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he created a violent red chakra fireball in his hand. "You have something to say?"

"N-N-No, sir!" the guards stammered before retreating back downstairs.

"Sorry about that," he chuckled, immediately unlocking her half of the handcuffs.

"You're... letting me go?" she asked in a surprised voice as she gently rubbed at her wrist. "Letting a prisoner go is punishable by death..."

"As I said before, my life isn't worth a damn compared to yours," Naruto replied nonchalantly as he took his position at the base of the stairs leading up to the top floor once again.

"H-h-how can you say that so easily?" she stammered, feeling tears well up in her eyes. And, for some reason, even though she was free to go, she just couldn't leave this person alone.

continued in next post

#2 digifruit



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Posted 20 January 2009 - 09:56 AM

continued from part 1

"Sasuke, I know you're there," Fugaku called out in a stoic voice.

"Tche," Sasuke stopped the string of hand seals for the raikiri, Kakashi's famous assassination technique, and instead slowly walked out into the open. "Father..."

"You've grown much, I'm surprised you got past Naruto," Fugaku remarked, nodding in approval. "Did you have a chance to greet your mother before coming here?"

"No... I'll go do that after I kill you," Sasuke hissed, charging up the raikiri.

"That's a shame, your mother would have really wanted to see you," Fugaku replied. "But you're still not worthy of my time. Tobi, get rid of him."

"Whatever you say, sir," came a comedic-sounding voice from the shadows.

Sasuke turned his attention towards the mysterious masked and cloaked figure. He could see the sharingan through the single eye hole of the mask, so he knew it was an Uchiha... but who? He didn't recall any powerful Uchiha named Tobi. "Are you a transplant too?"

"No, my boy... as cliché as it sounds, I'm your worst nightmare!" Tobi cackled as a violent storm of chakra began encircling him. "Time to play!"


"Wh-wh-what is that?" Sakura stammered as she fell to her knees, overwhelmed by the enormous chakra and killer intent radiating from the floor above. She had never felt anything like it before. It felt like she was being suffocated and crushed all at once.

"Tobi..." Naruto murmured solemnly.

"Sasuke! He doesn't stand a chance against that!" Sakura screamed, making a mad dash for the stairs before Naruto took hold of her and stopped her. "Let me go! I have to go save Sasuke!"

"Stay here," he ordered sternly. "I'll go."

"P-please save him!" Sakura sobbed, her emotions going haywire from the overwhelming fear.

"Don't worry," he grinned, giving her an assuring thumbs-up. "I'll save him for you. That's a promise."

"Th-thank you," Sakura managed to choke out through her tears. Then, suddenly, she remembered the plan. She knew that Sasuke would come closer to death with every second that passed, and delaying by taking the time to explain the plan to Naruto could mean life or death for Sasuke, but she also knew that the assassination was a bigger priority, as much as it hurt her to admit it. "Wait!"

Naruto froze and spun around to face her. "What is it?"

"If you can... blast a hole through the wall... we have a sniper waiting," she explained hurriedly.

Naruto just nodded, knowing that there was no time to ask for the details, and quickly dashed up the stairs. When he got up to the top floor, he found Tobi bashing Sasuke around like a pinball. "Tobi! He's not worth your time. Let me take care of him."

"How'd this weakling get past you anyway?" Tobi chuckled, tossing Sasuke's beaten rag doll body at Naruto's feet.

"He had an incredibly attractive kunoichi distract me," Naruto laughed, almost as if he were boasting about it.

"Ah, yes, I get distracted easily by them too," Tobi giggled.

Fugaku let out an exasperated sigh. He just could not understand why his two most powerful subordinates were such clowns. "Enough! Just get him out of my sight! He's an eyesore!"

"Right away, boss!" Naruto grinned with a mock salute. He formed the hand seals for the Uchiha trademark technique before taking a deep breath. "Katon! Goukyaku no jutsu!"

The overwhelmingly gigantic fireball exploded straight through the side of the castle, blasting Sasuke clear across town. 'Hopefully his allies see that big explosion and pick him up... that technique was powerful enough to kill him ten times over considering the state that he was in, but hopefully the protection seal I hid inside the fireball kept him alive and safe... I hope...'

"Ooh, pretty," Tobi let out an impressed whistle. "You sure are a flashy one, Naruto-kun. Even I haven't tried making one that big before."

"I try," Naruto grinned. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an incredibly attractive kunoichi to get back to."

"Have fun!" Tobi giggled gleefully.

"I'm surrounded by fools," Fugaku groaned.

And then, all of a sudden, the deafening shockwave of a sonic boom pierced the air as a kunai, traveling at an impossible speed, flew in through the hole in the wall that Naruto had blasted open. Naruto had expected an archer or something along those lines when Sakura had mentioned a sniper, so he was clearly surprised to see something fired at such velocity.

But it wasn't fast enough. He knew that Tobi would be able to block it. "Interesting trick they had up their sleeve," Naruto chuckled as he caught the kunai sniper round before Tobi got to it. It was incredibly hot from the tremendous air friction that was caused from flying at such speeds, but it didn't bother him at all. He was more surprised that the kunai itself hadn't melted in mid-flight.

"Get a crew up here to fix that wall," Fugaku frowned, waving him off.

"Right away, sir," Naruto grinned and then let out a sigh of relief once he was in the clear. He made his way down the stairs and was actually somewhat surprised to find Sakura waiting for him. "You're still here?"

"Y-y-you told me to stay here," she stammered.

"Oh... I did?" he chuckled sheepishly.

"How's Sasuke?" she asked hopefully. "What was that explosion earlier?"

"I blasted him clear across town and made it flashy enough for your allies to see it," he assured. "They'll pick him up and hopefully they'll be smart enough to retreat. I'll admit that you guys had a pretty clever plan with that sniper and everything, but something like that would never work against Tobi."

Sakura's knees gave out as she collapsed to the floor and let out a sigh of relief. "Sasuke... I'm so glad..."

"Here, just pretend that you're my prisoner, and I'll lead you to some place you can get away safely," he offered, handcuffing her wrist to his once again. On their way down, Naruto informed some of the guards to head up to the eighth floor for repairs.

"Thank you... for saving his life... and mine..." she murmured softly as he led her out of the building, any remaining strength already having left her. The mission had been an utter failure, but she was just happy that they had all made it out alive.

"No problem, really," he replied coolly.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?" she asked as they made their way through the moonlit village.

"A date would be nice," he joked. Then he suddenly felt a tug at his handcuff.

"J-just a date?" she stammered, blushing slightly.

He let out a sigh and smiled as he studied her serious yet bashful exp​ression. He really was falling in love with his temporary prisoner. "I was just joking," he grinned. "Besides, it's not like you have that kind of free time anyway."

"You shouldn't play with a girl's heart like that," she muttered in a soft voice.

"Sorry," he said with an apologetic smile as they arrived at the park where they had first met earlier that day. "Well... this should be far enough out," he remarked as he unlocked her handcuff. "Don't get caught now."

"What about you?" she asked, holding onto his sleeve. "Come with me. Let's run away together."

"As romantic as that sounds, sorry, can't," he shook his head and pointed at the seal around his neck. At first, she had thought it was a fashionable choker or a tattoo, but upon closer inspection, she saw that it really was a seal, a powerful one.

"But... won't they find out that you let me go?" she protested.

"Sooner or later, yeah, I guess," he shrugged. "But don't sweat the small stuff."

"Small stuff? Letting a prisoner go is punishable by death!" she reminded. "Do you want to die or something?!"

"They're not going to kill me just for letting a genin kunoichi go," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Who the hell do you think I am?"

"Sakura? There you are!"

She spun around to see her comrades from the Sand making their escape. Kankurou was carrying a heavily injured Sasuke with his puppets. "You're all safe!"

"Who's this guy?" Shikamaru asked, nodding over towards Naruto as he readied his shadow mimic technique. "Uchiha?"

"It's okay, he's one of the good guys," Sakura insisted, shielding Naruto from her comrades.

"Don't trust him, Sakura!" TenTen warned, aiming her magnetic accelerator rifle at Naruto's heart. "His sharingan is on... he might be tricking you with a genjutsu!"

"He's a transplant like Kakashi-sensei! His sharingan is always on!" Sakura protested.

"Go on, you should join your comrades and get Sasuke some medical attention fast," Naruto advised, urging Sakura along. "There's a small town to the southwest where you can rest and get Sasuke treated. It's a rebel hospital disguised as a veterinary clinic; just tell them that Naruto sent you."

"But..." Sakura hesitated. Now that she had confirmed that all of her comrades were safe, she suddenly felt the need to leave Naruto's side diminish greatly. She couldn't explain it, but she just couldn't leave him alone.

"We don't have much time," Neji reminded, keeping a constant watch with his byakugan.

That's when Sakura made her decision. "I'm staying here," she resolved, causing everyone to gasp.

"What?! Are you nuts?!" Kankurou sputtered.

"This is Uchiha central!" Temari reminded.

"There are many good people here! I can work on freeing Konoha and getting rid of the Uchiha from the inside!" Sakura insisted.

"Uchiha heading our way," Neji warned, expanding his field of vision to its limits.

Shikamaru groaned in frustration, not knowing what to do. "You!" he frowned, turning to Naruto. "Can we really trust you?"

"Yeah," Naruto nodded, putting a protective arm around Sakura's slender shoulders. "I'll protect her with my life."

"That will have to do," Shikamaru muttered, seeing Neji and Hinata getting noticeably more antsy with their byakugan activated. "I guess this is farewell for now then, eh, Sakura?"

"Goodbye, guys, we'll see each other again when the Uchiha fall," Sakura assured with a grin.

"Good luck, Sakura," Hinata said softly, giving her a gentle hug.

"You sure found a cute one," TenTen teased, causing Sakura to blush a little. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Yeah, I will," Sakura nodded.

With their farewells said, the Sand genin immediately retreated just in time before a squad of Uchiha police arrived. "Sir, did you see..."

"I saw nothing," Naruto said immediately, cutting off the police officer in mid-sentence. Then he brought Sakura protectively into his arms, causing her to yelp a little in surprise. "And, now, can't you see that I'm in the middle of some very important business here with this lovely young lady? Shoo!"

"Y-y-yes, sir!" the officers stammered before going on their way.

"W-w-was that really necessary?" she sputtered in a flustered voice once they were alone again. "And you can let go of me now!"

"I don't want to," he teased playfully, pulling her even closer into his embrace. He had expected her to struggle against him, but surprisingly, she didn't put up much of a fight.

"I'm home..." she whispered, realizing where it was that he had taken her. It was the park where they had first met, where her house used to be.

"Welcome home," he whispered back, cradling her protectively in his arms.


"We need a doctor! Now!" Shikamaru shouted as he burst into a local clinic at the nearby town that Naruto had specified.

"This is a veterinary clinic," the Inuzuka nurse at the check-in desk shook her head when she saw the heavily injured Sasuke. "We only treat animals."

"Some guy named Naruto sent us here! He said that you could help!" TenTen added as Kankurou's puppets carried Sasuke in.

"Naruto?" the Inuzuka nurse frowned. Then, seeing the emblem for the Sand village etched onto all of their forehead protectors, she nodded. "Yamanaka-sensei!"

Shikamaru froze as a familiar blond-haired man stepped out from the back room. "Ojisan..."

"Shikamaru-kun?" Inoichi, startled, promptly sprayed out the coffee he had been drinking. "What are you doing here?!"

"Questions later, Sasuke's badly hurt," Shikamaru replied quickly.

Inoichi inspected Sasuke's injuries right there in the waiting room and whistled when he sensed the familiar invisible seal that had been placed on him. "Naruto definitely did a number on him," Inoichi chuckled as he formed the release seal. "Kai!" And, immediately, Sasuke gasped as he took in a deep breath of air, beginning to breathe regularly again.

"That Naruto guy did this to Sasuke?" TenTen gasped, alarmed. "I knew he couldn't be trusted! We need to get Sakura out of there!"

"Relax," Inoichi reassured as he began setting some of the many broken bones in his body. "Naruto saved this guy's life by making it appear that he had killed him."

"This Naruto person... can he be trusted?" Hinata asked meekly, still worried for Sakura's safety. "Is he a spy or something?"

"He's not a spy, he's one of them, third in the Uchiha chain of command" Inoichi replied, applying burn ointment to Sasuke's charred skin. "He's a good guy though, so you can trust him. Have you heard of the unprecedented economic boom in Wave Country after the Uchiha took over? Well, Naruto was the one who lead the Uchiha conquest of Wave. He did it without killing a single person, and he managed the country as a temporary governor, turning it into the one of the most prosperous nations despite its small size."

"If he's so great, then why are there so many terrible things happening to the other conquered countries?" Temari muttered. "We saw River Country with our own eyes. It's been torn apart by the Uchiha conquest, and the people there are being oppressed, living almost slave-like lives!"

"He's only one man," Inoichi shook his head. "He can't be everywhere at once no matter how hard he tries... and believe me, he's tried."

"How could we have never heard of him?" Neji muttered, slumping down into one of the waiting room chairs. He had fought against Naruto's shadow clone and had been completely overpowered but it.

"The Uchiha control the media and flow of information with an iron fist as well," the Inuzuka nurse explained, taking part in the discussion. "They keep the existence of the three most powerful Uchiha a secret... Tobi, Naruto, and Shisui."

"Emperor Uchiha has been hiding three aces up his sleeve," Shikamaru frowned. "Normally, countries try to showcase their military power in order to intimidate enemies... case in point, had the Uchiha showcased their true strength, we would have never attempted this assassination knowing that we didn't have a chance against that kind of power... but the Uchiha... they prefer to crush their enemies outright instead of merely intimidating them, so thus it's better to hide their true strength..."

"Well, that's the best I can do, since I don't specialize in medical ninjutsu," Inoichi sighed as he wrapped Sasuke up in casts and bandages. "The Uchiha mess with people's psyche with their sharingan, so my specialty is more in the neurological area. Hana, can you take him to a spare bed?"

"Right away, sir," the Inuzuka nurse nodded, leading Kankurou's puppets to the back of the clinic as they carried Sasuke's still dormant figure.

"The rest of you must be tired," Inoichi remarked with a warm smile. "There's an inn next door. Just tell them that I sent you and they won't charge you anything."

"Thank you, sir," TenTen nodded wearily, feeling the fatigue set in from firing her chakra-powered sniper rifle so many times in one night.

"Ojisan... is Ino here too?" Shikamaru asked, staying behind as the rest of his comrades left for the inn.

"Yes, she is," Inoichi grinned, patting Shikamaru on the shoulder. "Would you like to stay at our place? We have a lot of catching up to do."


"This is like a dream..." Sakura murmured to herself, submerging herself deeper in the bath that night. She blushed as she admired the shiny new wedding ring that Naruto had bought for her. In order to stay in the Uchiha capitol city, she had to marry an Uchiha, since she wasn't a citizen of Fire Country anymore. It was a marriage just for appearances, a political marriage of sorts, but it was still overwhelming. She had only met the man just a few hours ago after all.

"My husband is now Haruno Naruto... and he kissed me," she giggled quietly, almost feeling deliriously happy to be a married woman. The ceremony had been quick and informal, but a wedding was a wedding. And Naruto had taken the opportunity to shed his Uchiha name, taking Sakura's family name instead of her taking his. They were both still registered under the Uchiha clan, but he no longer had to bear their name.

"Is it possible to fall in love with your husband after you've married him?" she wondered happily as she enjoyed the feeling of the relaxing warm water of the bath. She was pretty sure the warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart wasn't because of the bath water though.

When she got out of the bath, she quickly dried herself off and slipped on the new yukata that he had bought for her. She had worn Wind Country clothes for so long that she had forgotten what it felt like to wear traditional Fire Country clothes. It was a beautiful white and pink yukata with a cherry blossom motif, almost too beautiful (and expensive) to use as sleepwear, but Naruto had insisted on it.

She admired herself in the mirror for a moment before deciding to show Naruto. "H-h-h-how does it look?" she asked nervously, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Immediately, his jaw dropped. He had only seen her in her ninja gear before, so seeing her in a yukata had caused his eyes to go wide in shock. "You look incredible," he grinned when he had finally managed to pull his jaw back up into place.

"Th-thank you," she smiled bashfully, eyeing the wedding band that he too wore on his hand with glee.

"I set up a futon for you in the guestroom if you're tired," he said, having trouble tearing his eyes off of her.

"Guestroom?" she blinked in surprise, almost immediately shattering the newlywed atmosphere. Weren't they supposed to be married?

"This marriage is only for appearances after all," he chuckled sheepishly. "You probably have someone you love back in Wind Country, right? Sasuke perhaps?"

"No!" she exclaimed, almost a little too forcefully. "I mean... no, I don't have anyone like that back in Wind Country..." It made her a little sad that he still viewed this marriage as if it were an undercover mission or something.

"That's good to know. Then... would you like to sleep in the same room with me?" he asked jokingly.

"I..." her heart raced and her cheeks burned at the thought of sharing a room with her new husband. "I wouldn't mind..." she squeaked in a soft voice.

"Really?" he asked in surprise.

"Separate futons of course," she quickly added, not wanting to seem too easy. "I don't think I'm ready for... well... you know..."

"Ne, Sakura... I've been wondering this for a while now, but..." he murmured as he put an arm around her slim waist and caressed her cheek with his hand, the smooth metal of his wedding band coming in contact with her skin causing her to shiver in delight. "Even though this wedding was supposed to be just for appearances... have you fallen in love with me for real? Because I've fallen in love with you..."

Sakura could only nod because he had already captured her lips with his, rendering her unable to speak. It was nothing like the quick and chaste kiss that they had shared during their wedding ceremony. It was love, no longer restrained by pretenses.

"Naruto..." she moaned softly, her hot breath still intermingling with his even after their lips had parted. "I love you..."

Well, that was chapter 1, though I'm not really sure if I'll continue with this story, since I really have no idea what to do with it from here, haha. I had fun writing it, since it's quite different from the stuff I usually write, but that's pretty much all it really is... just for fun, haha.

Edited by digifruit, 20 January 2009 - 10:00 AM.

#3 Shadow-kun


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 12:16 PM

You should really continue this fic Digifruit. It's really different and very interesting!

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#4 iwant2bnaruto


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 01:13 PM

I'm with Shadow-kun on this. I really hope you continue this fic as it would be a shame to stop after such a promising start. It is quite different from what you usually write so perhaps you can use it as an exercise to expand your story telling style. Plus the premise is very interesting.

It's funny that during your story when you introduced Tenten's rail gun with Hinata's Byakugan as a scope, I was slightly alarmed that it was taken from another story. Then I remember that the story was yours lol.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the first chapter and thank you for giving us a Heaven & Earth exclusive!

#5 EarthBorn



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Posted 20 January 2009 - 04:13 PM

This is rather unique, and I'd bee all for continuing this: I'm sure you'll be able to think of a decent continuation.
I always wondered how powerful Naruto would be if he did have the Sharingan, although I feel sorry for Sakura as she's not able to see those magnificent blue orbs he had.

I guess Tobi isn't Madara in this fic, and I like the radically changed Sasuke too. smile.gif

#6 Kirby


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 10:04 PM

Wow! This is really good, the idea is cool, and I like the new Sasuke. I think you kinda rushed the NaruSaku, but its OK.

Naruto's Sharingan is kinda weird. It kinda makes sense though, as Sharingan and Demon Fox support each other. Sharingan controls the Demon Fox, and the Demon Fox provides chakra for a transplant Sharingan. I wonder what Shisui will be like though...

. Don't Press the red button

#7 Derock


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Posted 21 January 2009 - 03:59 AM

I don't know how you done it...

But this fic is as great as your one-shots! Though you had rushed the NaruSaku part (a little too fast for me, including the marriage) but you wrote it well.

CONTINUE THIS! And keep it up! :thumbs:


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#8 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 05:03 AM

I think it's a very interesting premise and I like the big change to Sasuke. I'd love to see this continued, but I have to agree that the NaruSaku is really rushed. If you continue, would you consider going back to stretch it out a bit more?

Either way, I've enjoyed the story. So thanks for sharing it with us. :Spoon:

#9 IntrepidSpacemanSpiff


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Posted 21 January 2009 - 06:39 AM

Very interesting premise, I'm excited to see where you'll take this if you decide to continue. However, the one thing that I found was that everythign seemed pretty rushed, especially the NaruSaku parts.

#10 Wilson


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Posted 21 January 2009 - 08:48 AM

I have to say, the ideas that you come up with do pose very intriguing possibilities. The setting itself is unique, and definitely pulled off with great skill. Uchiha Naruto has been done over like fifty billion times, yet you make it seem new and refreshing. Gd on ya.

Next bit, Sakura. You had it seem like SasuSaku at the start, which was pretty interesting. My question is, why exactly did Sakura just fall in love? I might have missed a few things, but then again, I might not have. Other than that, I thought the descriptions were done well.

Tobi. Still Tobi? No Madara? Unsure where you would head with this. Ultimate betrayal perhaps? That would make it very interesting. Albeit satisfying. Heh.

Sasuke. Still revenge, but in a sense, in a 'good' way I suppose. Tolerable, but still arrogant as ever. Very well done on his characterization.

Naruto. Most surprised of all. Did not expect them to meet under those circumstances. Very surprised to see him having Itachi's eyes. Again, gd on ya.

The rest, well, they played their roles, but I'm still slightly confused with all these side-characters, if I may call them that. I suppose it takes time to get used to the AU settings. Doesn't really matter.

That said, it would be nice for you to continue. I don't see why not. There's certainly nothing holding this back from becoming a great fic.

Keep it up.
You try to know everything , yet in the end, you truly understand nothing ....
Wilson's fanfic account : weixuan18

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#11 Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

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Posted 22 January 2009 - 02:40 AM

This is a great Naruto FF but I think that Sakura and Naruto fell in love way too fast. The concept of the story is simply perfect! biggrin.gif Even if you post it as is I'll be sure to add it to my favorties. narusakuct7.gif
I am blinded from always trying to look on the bright side of things

#12 digifruit



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Posted 22 January 2009 - 04:15 AM

Thanks for all the feedback, guys. This was originally supposed to be a oneshot about Sasuke, so I had intended to get Naruto and Sakura together early on and develop them post-marriage throughout the rest of the fic parallel with Sasuke's development. But seeing that it's no longer in the context of a oneshot, it does seem rushed now, I guess, haha.

And while I'm glad to hear all the positive responses, it's still doubtful that I'll continue this fic. Most of my oneshots are at least loosely based on my own real life experiences in order to realistically flesh out the writing, but I don't really have any real life experience to reference for stories like this and "Get Glory in this Hand" since they're so far removed from our reality.

I wouldn't mind turning Code Sharingan into sort of a "H&E collaborative work" though if you guys are interested in doing something like that, haha, whether it's someone different writing each chapter, or you guys brainstorming stuff and coming up with a plotline for me to write, or whatever other kinds of collaboration there is.

#13 psycho666



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Posted 22 January 2009 - 04:50 AM

Very nice, I liked it. It's rare to see a good Uchiha based fic lately, keep it up! happy.gif

#14 Cloud



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Posted 22 January 2009 - 04:53 AM

QUOTE (digifruit @ Jan 21 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wouldn't mind turning Code Sharingan into sort of a "H&E collaborative work" though if you guys are interested in doing something like that, haha, whether it's someone different writing each chapter, or you guys brainstorming stuff and coming up with a plotline for me to write, or whatever other kinds of collaboration there is.

Collaborative, eh? Including you, we have some wonderful writers on this site, I guess they could all pitch in. I would write a chapter, but my writing isn't up to par with some of their stuff and yours. xD

#15 Wilson


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Posted 22 January 2009 - 06:13 AM

QUOTE (Cloud @ Jan 22 2009, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Collaborative, eh? Including you, we have some wonderful writers on this site, I guess they could all pitch in. I would write a chapter, but my writing isn't up to par with some of their stuff and yours. xD

Lol, so modest. tongue.gif

But I agree, that could turn out to be a fun event. Even so, Digifruit, you could still post that as a one-shot imo. Even though the NS bit was fast, the rest made sense. It could be one of those evil cliffhanger oneshots, heh. Think about it.
You try to know everything , yet in the end, you truly understand nothing ....
Wilson's fanfic account : weixuan18

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#16 catsi563



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Posted 22 January 2009 - 06:07 PM

Id be willing to give it a shot. Im allready helping out on Tanebi, and Haruno Curse.

Though granted my readers will probably flay me alive for delaying chapter 1 of In your heart.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#17 peanutbutter126


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 11:07 AM

Ooh, nice story! Written very well, though I do have to agree that the NaruSaku was a tiny bit rushed. Your version of Sasuke was very interesting and the twist of Naruto gaining the Sharingan was realistically described. I enjoyed reading that. happy.gif

I'm still trying to guess where you're going to take this story if you choose to continue working on it. For some reason, your collaborative idea instantly made me think of RPing. I suppose the concept is a bit similar? laugh.gif Either way, whether you decide to continue writing it by yourself or with the rest of H&E, I'm sure everyone would enjoy it. :thumbs:

#18 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 11:47 PM

Ah... a little late in discovering this nice little story you have here... especially since I found it interesting when you gave us your little sneak peaks! XD

Anyways, I found your story so far to seem like a fun little idea though like others have mentioned, some parts could be fleshed out some more. Personally I'd find this quite entertaining as a long one-shot like you've always done, but I suppose it'd be great as a multi-chapter fic too. As for that whole collaborative thing, that'd be interesting... I'd like to see where this goes. Well, good luck and enjoy writing, as usual!

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#19 digifruit



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Posted 25 January 2009 - 01:07 AM

so far, Cloud and catsi seem up for contributing a chapter, so how about Cloud take a shot at chapter 2 and then catsi can take care of chapter 3 if you're not too busy with your other fics. I'd be honored if you guys picked up where I left off. No pressure though, just have fun with it and take however long you need.

Like Kakashi-sensei said, it's all about teamwork, haha

#20 Deidara Lover

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 03:58 AM


I'm interested. :] I had an RP like this before, where the Uchiha took over and I played Naruto. biggrin.gif Think I could join in?



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