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Sakura Haters and the Naruto Fandom

Sakura NaruSaku Naruto Fandom

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#1 redrose3443


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:31 PM

Okay, I'm new to this type of thing, but I wanted to post this thread to ask/discuss a few things.


As we all know Sakura and NaruSaku are not well recepted in the fandom. I wanted to make this thread to see if we can change that. I just feel we've let this go on for too long and let people believe so much of what they want to instead of the facts, that they are just making up any old excuse to hate Sakura and our ship.


In fact, before I even found this site, I saw a comment on youtube saying they didn't understand why girls and ONLY girls liked Sakura. I didn't respond because I was not sure males even supported Sakura, from only seeing females do so.


It just does not seem right that our only place to safely discuss Sakura and our OTP is here( Not that I don't love this website, it's beautiful.), when we should be able to go on youtube and watch Sakura videos without half the comments bashing her. Or we should be able to watch a Naruto reviewer who does not complain about Sakura over every little thing.( The only person I know on this site that reviews the chapters is LuckyChi.)


The only place I saw that was somewhat good to see pro Sakura and NS, was tumblr and even then you have SS/NH cross tagging their pro ships into the NS filter, just because they can.


I just think it's time we started mowing down the fences, as they say. Separately we can all give great examples and facts on why Sakura is a good character and why NS will be endgame, however we will just get ganged up on by NH lover/Sakura haters, so our methods will seem futile. But, if enough of us moved together to stop the hate, we may be able to get this fandom somewhat under control. I know it will never be perfect, but if enough of us call reviewers out on their bias behavior, or challenge NH/SS logic, we may be able to upgrade this terrible fandom.


Now I'm not saying it's the whole fandom and I'm not saying anyone who doesn't love Sakura is a hater. But, 9/10 times a neutral person will join in on bashing her character, because haters are currently the ones speaking the loudest. Instead of one of us getting into an argument with five haters on youtube, or ten NH lovers on Narutobase, we could have several others backing up and providing more logic on our stances.


I know this may sound corny, but if we work together, we could get a lot more accomplished. Also, reaching out to other NS/Sakura fans who are too afraid to admit their opinion, because of the haters. I didn't even know such a safe heaven existed here, until I was nearly desperate to see if there were Sakura lovers out there. I was halfway ready to give up defending my beliefs, because there were just so many people and only one me. However, this site gave me hope that the Naruto fanbase is not a lost cause.


We have the manga and Kishimoto on our side and I say we use it to our full advantage. I think we should go to youtube, deviantart, Naruto forum, everywhere and start letting people know Sakura is loved and NS is more than welcomed.


Please let me know your thoughts on this. Could we actually improve this fandom, gather more NS/Sakura fans, and challenge the haters. Or am I just wasting my time on wishful thinking and should never expect this fandom to get better. I just want the hate to be pacified and be able to enjoy my fave character and OTP without seeing the words "useless" and " NH is better", on pro Sakura/NS things.





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#2 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 08 June 2014 - 11:25 PM

I'm with you on that. I think it's way past time to take the fight back to the NH/SS fans and the Sakura bashers who don't have a clue of what they're talking about. When people make their voices heard, more will follow. Maybe it's time we start invading NH/SS videos and doing to them what they do to us. Let's start making response videos and call them out on their stubbornness, or whatever else we need to do.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of going to a NS video and seeing half the comments saying "NaruHina" or whatever. VJ87G, Foreneverworld, Sawyer7mage, and Joroshe...let's take the fight back to them.

#3 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 12:09 AM

I'm with you on that. I think it's way past time to take the fight back to the NH/SS fans and the Sakura bashers who don't have a clue of what they're talking about. When people make their voices heard, more will follow. Maybe it's time we start invading NH/SS videos and doing to them what they do to us. Let's start making response videos and call them out on their stubbornness, or whatever else we need to do.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of going to a NS video and seeing half the comments saying "NaruHina" or whatever. VJ87G, Foreneverworld, Sawyer7mage, and Joroshe...let's take the fight back to them.

I'm with you on that .


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#4 KeikoxYusuke


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 01:23 AM

I don't think that s a good idea, we would just be going to their level, which would make those NS haters that say we ruin their pairing vids a true statement.

Let's not turn into a immature NH fan who, most likely is just a kid...who started out watching the anime and doesn't know what filler is...

Even though the filler mostly supports NS nowadays, it the old episodes, it did not, and many NH and SS fans came from it.( my younger self included)

Just....give them time, they all believe in love, they are just rooting for the wrong ship.

I say we should try to get along with them more, when they try to fight us, hunt for a common ground...try to be friendly.

We are all fans of the same series....and overall, we like being together right?

Debates can get ugly...true...but, I really don't want to add fuel to the fire.

NS is going to be canon soon anyway...can we all try to enjoy it together?

..... Even... Try to see things from their point of view?

As much as that thought pains me, I know it's right.


That's all I have to say.

Edited by KeikoxYusuke, 09 June 2014 - 01:25 AM.


#5 redrose3443


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 01:41 AM

I don't think that s a good idea, we would just be going to their level, which would make those NS haters that say we ruin their pairing vids a true statement.

Let's not turn into a immature NH fan who, most likely is just a kid...who started out watching the anime and doesn't know what filler is...

Even though the filler mostly supports NS nowadays, it the old episodes, it did not, and many NH and SS fans came from it.( my younger self included)

Just....give them time, they all believe in love, they are just rooting for the wrong ship.

I say we should try to get along with them more, when they try to fight us, hunt for a common ground...try to be friendly.

We are all fans of the same series....and overall, we like being together right?

Debates can get ugly...true...but, I really don't want to add fuel to the fire.

NS is going to be canon soon anyway...can we all try to enjoy it together?

..... Even... Try to see things from their point of view?

As much as that thought pains me, I know it's right.


That's all I have to say.

My problem with this, is that's what we've been doing. I'm not saying stoop to their level, I'm saying just as they've spread the hate for Sakura/NS we spread the love for it. We don't need to go on NH/SS things and rant, we can do it just like how this website is, create more places for NaruSaku and Sakura.


Yes debates can get bad, but sitting around and complaining about haters/NH/SS logic does not stop it, unless we confront it. Stooping to their level, is bashing a character/ship. We could respond to fornever's Sakura hate video just like that one guy( GamerPro, I think) did. We can explain how Sakura is great and how NS is the most logical pairing, without bashing.


Haters/opposite shippers bash, because they have little to no evidence, while we hold nearly all the cards. I'm just tired of people raging over the same Bullsh*t, that has been questioned and disproved with Sakura or people just brushing off NS like it's nothing.


This fandom is so backwards, it astounds me that these people call themselves fans of the series when their hating on it's heroine/canon pairing.

Edited by redrose3443, 09 June 2014 - 11:49 AM.



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#6 Iwantbuns


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 03:42 AM

You know what? I completely agree with this. The Sakura hate needs to stop. Sakura is an amazing kunoichi, and seriously, she's gone through hell and back to get to where she is now. I really think she's matured, and developed a lot as a character, but people who fail to see that, automatically fail to see NaruSaku...


And I did see that video by Pro Gamer to fornever's video. It's really upsetting to see THIS many people hating on Sakura. It's just such a disgrace... If we're gonna ever start speaking up, now would be the time. Because I'm definitely not gonna just stand by and watch one of my favorite characters CONSTANTLY get bashed on for no reason at all. 


A lot of people hate her? Guess what, a lot of people respect her too, and that's US. So yes. I'm with redrose on this.



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

#7 Luna



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Posted 09 June 2014 - 03:49 AM

Good luck trying to convince people to like Sakura. I don't mind spreading love for Sakura but honestly I think the lengths people would go through to show their hate for Sakura is extreme. People will come to love Sakura and if they don't too bad. Look at Asuka from Evangelion...she was extremely hated but people like her now and to be honest most people don't hate Sakura. NH hates Sakura and people who loves Hinata. All people want to see out of Sakura is a solo battle. I'm sure they will change their minds. Why do you think they call her useless? They don't want to see a medic healing people. They want to see her fighting a strong opponent solo.




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Posted 09 June 2014 - 04:28 AM

In my country in my native language since I can remember  always defended narusaku and Sakura for long time...

I got into forums, anti fanarts, discussions, always fought against 3 or more, and although I always did kindly, even they mocked and insulted me to run out but they get into despair for don't have arguments, to many xD got sick to the point that stop from getting tired for my VERY long posts.

But let me tell you that even I agree with your post in 100%, is a task impossible to change the hate in Naruto fandom, is deeply rooted hatred for years, many grew up with this hatred, Naruto is a manga that has more than a decade and each character awakens deep feelings, is very difficult change an idea takes so long when planted.

From my own experience in debates I can tell you that even if you argue with the manga and show them the correct scenes that show how false are their reasons to hate NS and Sakura they will not wake up simply go to support what they like with or without sense and in the same way they will continue to hate this because hatred clouds reason and judgment and prevents you from seeing things objectively.

You can not make people change their thinking and see the same perspective that makes it self, everyone has their tastes, their preferences and their way of seeing the manga, it's harder to accept for it.The only way to end hatred is NS becoming canon, is the only way that everyone wake of this horrendous Tsukuyomi xD. Only reality hits in the face, and one suffers realizing you're wrong is when arrogance come to an end. And I say that experience it firsthand, I thought that I hate Sakura, loathed and wanted to suffer for her to learn how hard life is in the story in manga, but when the reality of her character, growth and evolution hit me in the face alone I realized the mistake I was making and she really is a extraordinary character, but that depends on each person, to have the humility and courage to admit you were wrong and that's very rare, you only learn in the way of suffering, meaning through a blow of reality that makes you open your eyes and the only way you can discover yourself.

The best we can do is that whether we wait in the manga is to discuss with kindness, empathy, tolerance and respect, rearing honor of this fandom and show that we can enjoy Naruto whatever each one support.

This Luther King phrase is a perfect example of the problem of hate:


“Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.”

Edited by JILLNYN, 09 June 2014 - 04:40 AM.

it is with the heart as we see correctly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes


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#9 redrose3443


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:56 AM

Good luck trying to convince people to like Sakura. I don't mind spreading love for Sakura but honestly I think the lengths people would go through to show their hate for Sakura is extreme. People will come to love Sakura and if they don't too bad. Look at Asuka from Evangelion...she was extremely hated but people like her now and to be honest most people don't hate Sakura. NH hates Sakura and people who loves Hinata. All people want to see out of Sakura is a solo battle. I'm sure they will change their minds. Why do you think they call her useless? They don't want to see a medic healing people. They want to see her fighting a strong opponent solo.

It's more about calling people out on pointless hating. People bash Sakura, cause no one will stick up for her or only one person will and five others will argue against them.( It happened to me.) This is just like a bully, they will find and easy target and mess with them. The kid will try to put up a fight on his own, but ultimately would lose and get picked on even more. However if the bully is shown that picking on a kid will be difficult and that the kids friends are there to defend their friend, then the bully will be less likely to mess with the kid. It's a strength in numbers kind of thing.


I'm not out to explicitly argue with haters/shippers, I just want to have more people speak up for Sakura. How fornever is always making extra videos, like how he dislikes Sakura, how Hinata haters have no logic, asking if Sakura is a terrible character, I say we could make videos about why Sakura is a good charater and why NS is the only real developed pairing. It's just to let people know that there are those who will stand up for Sakura.


Now this will attract some haters, but if more than one of us is defending Sakura, or whoever posted the pro Sakura video can delete a hater's comment, it won't turn into a bash fest. We could create pro Sakura/NS videos and say bashing won't be tolerated and make examples out of those who ignore the warning, more people could create/visit those from here who make chapter reviews, and we could connect to the scattered Sakura/NS fans on youtube.


Truth be told, before I got into this site, I tried not to pay much attention to canon pairings, because I disliked SS and only cared for my crack shippings. However, after lurking on this website for a little while, I started see NS more and more as a possibility and anytime I have doubts, I can just voice them and ten people will jump up explaining logically why I should have no fears. That's what I want to do for all NS/Sakura fans out there.



I know we can't make people change their minds, but we can give people something to think about. Like I said, I didn't give much thought into NS at all and was only pro Sakura, before all the reasons why they should get together made me support them. Also, for new people that come on here, usually say they use to hate Sakura/NS before actually looking at her whole character and realizing how bad SS would be for her. Yeah there are die hard haters/shippers, but there are also confused/neutral ones, who can accept logic if we speak out.


I know it might be hard at some points, but it's been years of the same old BS and no one has done anything to cripple the hate. New people that get into Naruto now, might not even hate Sakura after reading the manga, but because where ever they go to look at Naruto things, they will often see the hate and eventually join in. Not everyone's ideals are set in stone, not everyone ignores logic, but because we don't speak out or we only debate on our own, it only allows more haters to grow.


I was thinking we could start coming out of this website and defending Sakura, like how Hinata fans did after the Pain fight. After a pro NS and/or Sakua moment happens we could go out on the internet and start voicing out opinions that everyone has been too uncertain to do. We have the manga on our side and people can only dispute facts for so long, before it catches up to them. I don't wish to wait a year or two for Kishi to settle the pairing wars and have haters still bashing Sakura or NH/SS shippers complaining about how Kishi screwed up. NO, I would like to let people know that Sakura deserves her happy ending and that Naruto got the girl of his dreams on his own merit and through Sakura's gradual changing feelings.



Sorry for the long rant, but I'm trying to make sure you guys understand, I don't want to pick fights. I'm just so tired of walking on eggshells in this fandom, when we should practically be strutting around due to how much evidence and backing we have.


@ Night Hawk, Illnevergiveup3, and Iwantbuns Thanks for the support. :happy:

Edited by redrose3443, 09 June 2014 - 07:57 AM.



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#10 Jenskott


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 08:00 AM

Honestly I think the best thing can be done is accepting nothing can be done. Fans usually get stuck to their first impressions and biases, and no amount of arguing will ever convince them to drop them, even if they are blatantly denying facts or being downright hypocrite.


If people have decided hating a certain character or pairing, they will go on doing so. You still find people spewing bile about Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2), Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion), Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina), Kagome (Inu-Yasha)... in spite of those shows finished nearly twenty years ago.


The best thing you can do is ignoring them and keeping enjoying what you like.




Look at Asuka from Evangelion...she was extremely hated but people like her now 


I would not say that she was extremely hated. Her haters are just louder and more obnoxious, that is all. Ironically, back in the nineties there were less Asuka-haters than now or they have got louder because she was not bashed so much or so often in those years.

Edited by Jenskott, 09 June 2014 - 08:03 AM.


Do you want to take over the world, huh? Well, you'll have to go through us first!


#11 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 09 June 2014 - 11:11 AM

It may not do any good to argue with opposing fandoms due to their stubbornness. However, I think it's time we do something. Whether we have to make a couple of other websites, or just start making a million pro-NS rants, rally some extra fans, and tell them about this website. Once we start making our voices heard, who knows? NS may end up becoming more popular than NH...it's unlikely, but possible. This could be a pretty popular website if we started fighting back.  

#12 Syn11


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 11:55 AM

In my opinion, if you want a pleasant change, you should do it in a constructive way, creativity being the best. Maybe, we should organize more well-promoted events (in differents places) where we write, draw, make AMVs and present some articles about Sakura and NS.


#13 Phantom_999


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 01:44 PM

Okay, I'm new to this type of thing, but I wanted to post this thread to ask/discuss a few things.


As we all know Sakura and NaruSaku are not well recepted in the fandom. I wanted to make this thread to see if we can change that. I just feel we've let this go on for too long and let people believe so much of what they want to instead of the facts, that they are just making up any old excuse to hate Sakura and our ship.


In fact, before I even found this site, I saw a comment on youtube saying they didn't understand why girls and ONLY girls liked Sakura. I didn't respond because I was not sure males even supported Sakura, from only seeing females do so.


It just does not seem right that our only place to safely discuss Sakura and our OTP is here( Not that I don't love this website, it's beautiful.), when we should be able to go on youtube and watch Sakura videos without half the comments bashing her. Or we should be able to watch a Naruto reviewer who does not complain about Sakura over every little thing.( The only person I know on this site that reviews the chapters is LuckyChi.)


The only place I saw that was somewhat good to see pro Sakura and NS, was tumblr and even then you have SS/NH cross tagging their pro ships into the NS filter, just because they can.


I just think it's time we started mowing down the fences, as they say. Separately we can all give great examples and facts on why Sakura is a good character and why NS will be endgame, however we will just get ganged up on by NH lover/Sakura haters, so our methods will seem futile. But, if enough of us moved together to stop the hate, we may be able to get this fandom somewhat under control. I know it will never be perfect, but if enough of us call reviewers out on their bias behavior, or challenge NH/SS logic, we may be able to upgrade this terrible fandom.


Now I'm not saying it's the whole fandom and I'm not saying anyone who doesn't love Sakura is a hater. But, 9/10 times a neutral person will join in on bashing her character, because haters are currently the ones speaking the loudest. Instead of one of us getting into an argument with five haters on youtube, or ten NH lovers on Narutobase, we could have several others backing up and providing more logic on our stances.


I know this may sound corny, but if we work together, we could get a lot more accomplished. Also, reaching out to other NS/Sakura fans who are too afraid to admit their opinion, because of the haters. I didn't even know such a safe heaven existed here, until I was nearly desperate to see if there were Sakura lovers out there. I was halfway ready to give up defending my beliefs, because there were just so many people and only one me. However, this site gave me hope that the Naruto fanbase is not a lost cause.


We have the manga and Kishimoto on our side and I say we use it to our full advantage. I think we should go to youtube, deviantart, Naruto forum, everywhere and start letting people know Sakura is loved and NS is more than welcomed.


Please let me know your thoughts on this. Could we actually improve this fandom, gather more NS/Sakura fans, and challenge the haters. Or am I just wasting my time on wishful thinking and should never expect this fandom to get better. I just want the hate to be pacified and be able to enjoy my fave character and OTP without seeing the words "useless" and " NH is better", on pro Sakura/NS things.




Correction, they are not well liked in the Western Fandom. In Japan where it actually counts for more, They are really popular in general, although still not more popular than SS but you feel no hatred really. It could be reasoned out that Alot of fans don't like Naruto and Sakura because of Sasuke so it is pretty much a vicarious hatred, that. I would also like to point out that NH is actually pretty low in Japan too.

Edited by Phantom_999, 09 June 2014 - 01:46 PM.


#14 Iwantbuns


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:49 PM

Why did I have to be on the Western side -_- It's literally torture, knowing that basically all your friends are Sakura-haters, and NaruHina-lovers...



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

#15 Phantom_999


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 07:54 PM

Not all. We are here aren't we? :happy: I meant what I said generally but of course there are always exceptions.


#16 ioria



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Posted 09 June 2014 - 08:14 PM

The fact is no one can really change others' views on characters, no matter what you do or say.

That's part of the game, personal taste VS personal taste.. VS logic, sometimes :no:


(Of course I may feel bothered when someone talk kitten about my favourite characters, but I'm not the kind of person who lurks in the wrong places xD )


I got that some of you think different from me, so I would suggest including Hinata in your artworks or fics.. in a productive way, of course.


That would be a start.


#17 xxRomanceGirlxx



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    Dislikes: Bashing, Double standards, Hypocrisy, NaruHina, SasuSaku, SasuKarin
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Posted 09 June 2014 - 08:33 PM

It's a good idea. I feel so oppressed in the Naruto fandom when it comes to Sakura/NS. This is the only place I feel safe posting my opinions on why NS will be canon or why Sakura's amazing. I hardly ever go to other Naruto forums either, though I'm attempting to get more flexible for the sake of debating in shipping wars.


Still, I'm more lukewarm to this idea. It'd be nice to spread NS & Sakura love. It's a great idea, but only if I thought it would do anything. We get bashed so much for our beliefs, no many how times you argue for them, irrational people will never accept what you say because their hatred for NS/Sakura blinds reason and they can't get over their own stubbornness. It's true. Even if we tried to stand up against them in groups, would it really do anything? The Western Naruto fandom is everywhere. Even if we argue logic, not much changes. I speak from experience with NH/SS/Sakura haters.


I'll all up for defending Sakura & NaruSaku against haters because I do that anyway, but I'm not sure if standing up against them will lessen Sakura hate. It's too strong and too deep in this fandom.

Edited by xxRomanceGirlxx, 09 June 2014 - 08:38 PM.

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 09:07 PM


In my opinion, if you want a pleasant change, you should do it in a constructive way, creativity being the best. Maybe, we should organize more well-promoted events (in differents places) where we write, draw, make AMVs and present some articles about Sakura and NS.


I totally agree on this, count on me



It may not do any good to argue with opposing fandoms due to their stubbornness. However, I think it's time we do something. Whether we have to make a couple of other websites, or just start making a million pro-NS rants, rally some extra fans, and tell them about this website. Once we start making our voices heard, who knows? NS may end up becoming more popular than NH...it's unlikely, but possible. This could be a pretty popular website if we started fighting back.  

 OK is a good idea



I know we can't make people change their minds, but we can give people something to think about. Like I said, I didn't give much thought into NS at all and was only pro Sakura, before all the reasons why they should get together made me support them. Also, for new people that come on here, usually say they use to hate Sakura/NS before actually looking at her whole character and realizing how bad SS would be for her. Yeah there are die hard haters/shippers, but there are also confused/neutral ones, who can accept logic if we speak out.


Redrose3443 You are right to fight for the people who are oppressed by the hatred and all those people who are neutral and are confused, But it's an epic battlethe people anti and NH are very stubborn  and many are very arrogant only you waste time with them, we have to pick your battles and retire with honor, for example:  just look here on deviantart




this battle does not make sense, just read what they are saying is too much irrational hate along

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 09:41 PM

I understand the hesitance of dealing with this fandom, because I've had it too. Maybe instead of going straight to the forums and start debating, we can go on youtube and create channels for NS/Sakura. We can go to places that have NS/Sakura fans and bring them to this site/ youtube channels. Instead of debating, gain more NS/Sakura support. Just like how there's a place to check out some NS AMVs, we could expand on that with more NS/Sakura videos.


With people's permission, we could post great NS/Sakura pictures that people could check out. This website is a great place, we just need to expand a little and get the word out. That way, if NS shippers are dealing with haters they can come here or go to youtube channels to check out their favorite ship/character.


These are just what first comes to mind. If we surround ourselves with more supporters and stick together, our determination to stick up for our OTP will be stronger. If someone gets into a debate with haters on youtube, they could come here and ask for help, so they're not getting ganged up on. fornever/sawyer are always making videos about Naruto and making their opinions heard, I say we can do it too.



That has got to be the most ridiculous argument I've ever seen, but what happened there is exactly what I'm talking about. Someone tried to stand up for NS, but NH shippers ganged up on him/her. If we had an S.O.S. thread, where people, who end up debating with several others against them, could come here ask/gain help and have someone else defending their views, they won't give up as easily.


I know this is gonna be a pick your battle type thing, but with many of us too bounce around ideas and add support, we could be able to deal with the haters better. That's why we wouldn't go on every little anti-NS/Sakura thing, we would deal with the major hypocrisy that is going around.


Like others have stated, if we organize this and move not to be anti or basher, we could challenge haters without directly doing so. Right now, the only noticeable place that is NS is tumblr, we also have this site but not a lot of people seem to know about it. We could advertise this on pro NS/Sakura videos we create, some people who like Hinata could put together pro Sakura/Hinata videos and pictures, which could gain the support of SakuHina fans. There are NaruSasu shipper, who do know their ship won't be canon, but agree to NS being canon.( Of course there are those who don't, but we don't care for them.)


It's mainly about making our ship known and having neutral people accept it and Sakura, before they get sucked into the hate. Like I said haters are currently speaking the loudest, but it doesn't have to be like that. We can just make it, so that NS is not as unknown as it seems to be, make it so that people can't just brush over NS saying no one really supports it.


There are people on facebook, tumblr, deviantart, youtube, and other Naruto forums, so if we came together we could be a force to be reckoned with. Instead of being scattered around and scared to voice our opinion, we can be surrounded by many who share our views and let it be known on the places I listed above.


Apparently we have an NS week/month, I'm not sure and didn't really know about it, but we could make events like that, where we spread word of our pairing. Yes, there will be antis, but on youtube the makers of the video can delete comment, just like on deviantart. We start with just promoting out OPT and if we encounter haters, we deal with it swiftly and have other NS fans there to help.


I haven't thought about everything, which is why I want to ask the people on this site, if there's a way we can do this and not have to deal with so much hate on our own.



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Posted 09 June 2014 - 10:49 PM

Very unnecessary. Why should we care? The key to peace is accepting our differences, not paint us all the same.


I understand that you don't want to walk on eggshells. A pro-Sakura comment on youtube, and..you're done. XD But I agree with Jenskott. There's nothing we can do about it, I don't get why it is so hard to shrug the hate off. The NS fandom is not an 'oppressed group'. No god this is not oppression. Sakura is not even real. It's just fandom issues.


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