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Review of Sakura as a Character [Kishis most wasted Characterpotential]


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#1 Riverkid



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Posted 19 January 2017 - 05:04 PM

[UPDATED] : 22.01.2017


[Sakura Haruno: Kishimotos most wasted Characterpotential]



Like in my Review about Sasuke i will not put my main focus on the Character-design (which caused the most Hate towards her), instead the focus will mainly be aimed on the Characterwriting and deeply about the 'wasted'/'missed' Potential she could have gotten through out the story. Don't expect a review about anything 'romance'-related. 

Her 'fury'-behaviour towards Naruto is propably considered by many people as the 'main' reason why she is just so annoying. Thats however too much depended on the Fan, and how he likes/dislike the nature of Sakuras Character. We don't know why Kishimoto choosed that kind of attitude towards Naruto, but you have to be aware that there were 0 hints to be utilized to show Sakura that Naruto is 'more' than just a loud brat. The bond between them grew only because of the time they shared together, and that Naruto isn't someone everyone had expected it (Narutos past was never opened-up towards Sakura). Thats why i will shift the focus away from that topic and write about her other aspects.

I hope i will be able to show a 'different' side of the Character of Sakura

A good Character within a story is summed up to: 
-25% Character-Design (likeable or not)
-25% Characterwriting (purpose of the Character - how Kishimoto is working with the Character)
-25% Character-Development (utilizing the 'experience' a Character is going through within the story)
-25% Character-Potential (used opportunites to develop the Character)

[Everything will be 'my' Opinion and my point-of-view how i rate a Character]

Its quit important to know what kind of Character-type Sakura is in the Story. While Naruto and Sasuke are plotdrive-Characters she is a Utility-Character. What is a Utility-Character? She is basically supporting the Story (not supporting a certain Character), and is the main-tool for Kishimoto to highlight/display many important things rise the quality within the Story

Lets start with Part 1 and see 'how' she is supporting the Story. 



Sakura starts off as a 'Fangirl' in the Show. For the Audience already a annoyance (because no one like fangirls). However its really important for the Story that she is a 'Fangirl' towards Sasuke. Just imagine how it would be if you replace Sakura with Hinata.

-> Hinata would favor Naruto over Sasuke
-> Naruto would be happy because he gets more attention than Sasuke, meanwhile Sasuke just simply doesn't care
-> there would be no rivalry, no tension between them because everything would be happy with the Teamdynamic.
-> Naruto and Sasuke would propably never create a deep bond 

That wasn't Kishimotos intention. He wanted to create a rivalry/friendship between the 2 plotdrive-Characters, and 
Sakura was supporthing this Intention by causing a bad Teamdynamic as a Fangirl.



Sakura always displays for the Audience the difference between Sasuke and Naruto. Why Sasuke is the Genin #1, and why Naruto is the dead-last. Kishimoto wants to remind us where this Team (Naruto and Sasuke) is starting based on his Build-up. Naruto the dead-last vs Sasuke the talented Ninja, and Sakura is making this clear for us. (Yes! i do know that Sakura also cared alot for Naruto)


Sakura is providing/supporting the Story with the genres/emotions. When she cries, then you know that something is not right (she supports Drama), when she smiles/is angry about Naruto for being stupid then you know that the situation is 'okey' and everything allright (she supports Comedy and lighthearted moments) and many more. You only need to look at Sakuras expression and u can read the feeling of the current Situation. You can't always support Angst and Drama with Naruto because it doesn't suit him as a Character, or the same you can't support comedy and lighthearted moments with Sasuke. Sakura is doing the most weight-lifting with that.


Sakura really reflects the 2 different Characters of Naruto and Sakura by reflecting the light for the audience. Narutos Characterlight is bright and warm, and Sakura is most of the time happy around him / while Sasukes light is dark and cold, and always causing Sakura to cry. 




Sakura plays the 'brain' in the team and always explain Stuff for Naruto (for the Audience). She is also the one being calm and thought outside of a Battle. Naruto would rarely ask Sasuke what to do now, and Sasuke would rarely share his opinion. Sakura is again doing the weight-lifting here, always creating the conversations, always asking, always sharing her mind and always trying to put the team together. 



Sakura had the most influence on each of them in Part 1. Sasuke developing a soft-side is thanks to Sakura, and Narutos desire to never give up on her caused a good development towards Sakura. Both things to support the plotdrive-Characters to give them some kind of development.

Im done with counting (i don't want to over-stretch this part)

As you can see Sakura is doing ton of work as a utility-Character for the Story, and she gets 0 credits for it - mainly because she isn't a likeable Character. Kishimoto didn't really worked out her Characterdesing  because she is a Utility-Character, and they are mainly focused on the Characterwriting to support the Story. And you know what? She was doing a really great Job. While these 2 plotdrive-Characters are the basic-Framework for the Story-build-up Sakura was filling every possible hole Naruto and Sasuke couldn't fill to improve the whole quality. 

Take Sakura out and the quality will crush to the ground, and it will be just a black/white-contrast between Sasuke and Naruto. Sakura is a important 'Color' of the Show, and the main color of team-7. If you want to decide the main-pillar of Team-7 -> then its Sakura because the whole Teamdynamic was working around her

Lets talk about her development (+ wasted potential)


We already know that Sakura doesn't get alot Characterdevelopment in Part 1. 

You could argue now alot around her Character-design and how she stays 'useless' the whole time, never developing her Combatskills etc etc. but Kishimoto never really cared about her 'usefullness' towards Sasuke and Naruto (Kishi just simple didn't give her this kind of a purpose to fill).

- Thats why Sakura doesn't fight in the Land of Waves-Arc.
- We don't see Sakura in the next round of the Chunin-exam.
Sakura is unconscious during the Naruto vs Gaara fight,
Sakura wasn't part of the Sasuke-rescue Arc.


Kishimoto doesn't want to work around Sakuras Skill-set and never really intented to let her be somehow 'usefull' or be part of a important Fight. But most Fans are hating her because she isn't doing the job she isn't supposed to do. She was supposed to support the Story, and despite doing so much great work no one is praising her for that. (Sakura is like Itachi. Sasuke is hating Itachi despite he did so much work for the village - but simply because Sasuke didn't see his work. Fans also don't see the work of Sakura

BUT!!!! There is 1 heavily missed Opportunity, a HUGE Potential wasted to develop her Character. Sadly this was really needed to develop her Character to improve her Characterdesign.

The Tsunade-Arc!

1st - She should have a good reason to follow Naruto and Jiraiya, because Tsuande was needed to help Sasukes current Situation with his curse-seal. So i don't see why Sakura shouldn't go with them looking for Tsuande (its easier for 3 people find a Person than with just 2) -> and she would help Sasuke with that

2nd - There was Tsunade and Kabuto, 2 Medic-Nins fighting eachother. Imagine Sakura being there and getting inspired by them (especially by Tsunade) - Kishimoto already planned for Sakura to be the disciple of Tsunade, so i don't know how he could have missed that.



I will never understand why Kabuto is the only one using Medic-Jutsus as a weapon. It would really suit Sakuras close-combat-Style in shippuden -> Potential which could be used to develop  Sakuras Characterdesign.  



3rd - After the the fight between Gaara and Naruto Sakura was still underestimating Naruto because she never really saw him in 'real' dangerous Situations. She didn't see Naruto fighting against Haku, she didn't see Naruto fighting against Gaara etc. If she was there in the Tsunade-Arc watching Naruto dealing with Kabuto with his new Rasengan she would finally see how strong Naruto is (the same as Sasuke realised that Naruto was overcoming him), and that he is a reliable source in the Team.



4th - Does this Situation looks familiar? At the Land of Waves-Arc Sasuke was half-dead lying on the ground, and no one could do something for him (no one could heal him). Now Naruto is half-dead after the fight, lying on the ground but this time Tsunade  there to safe his life. Sakura could watch this Situation and realize that as a Medic-Nin she can be so much usefull/helpfull for her Team and even safe lifes. It would also deepen her relationship with Naruto if she experienced his near-death.




5th - They could already have known each other if Sakura was there at the Tsunade-Arc, and Tsunade would already realize there that Sakura is serious about her decision. But this "Oh, i heard you are smart and you also have a strong spirit - okey, i will make you to my disciple" - is kinda lame ?! could have been prevented but whatever


So ye, this is propably Kishimotos most wasted Potential he could have wasted for a Character. Because he gave Sakura alot room to support the quality of the Storytelling, but didn't provide the needed room to develop her Characterdesign

Because it would have fixed her Characterdesign and prevented her weakest point from Part 1.



Abandon her Village for a Crush, and leave everything behind ? My Question was: "Why does she wants to be a shinobi ? if she doesnt care about anything but Sasuke? is her drive to be a Shinobi also only caused by him?" This Part highlighted the worst Part of her Characterdesign, and thats her drive/ambition. She doesn't have a serious ambition to be a 'Shinobi' in the first place, because until then it looked like she was only following Sasuke. (The same Problem with Hinata as a Character)



Sakura already made it clear here that her whole Characterdesign is related to Sasuke (Even her long-hair is just for him). This could have been fixed if she was there in the Tsunade-Arc, and be inspired for a serious amibition and also to 'act' more like a Teammate after the possible near-death experience from Naruto -> so she would never abandon her Village for a silly crush, and act more like someone who wants to be a strong shinobi protecting the village and friends


This was also a wasted Potential. It was already somehow disrespectfull to leave immeaditly without even checking-up on Narutos injuries. I would have liked it more if she was sitting besides Naruto (like Sakura did for Sasuke), maybe even giving him something to eat (like Sakura did for Sasuke)... and displays that her relationship with Naruto is now equal to those of Sasukes. And that she is treating both equally. Also where is she going? it looked like she was going to Tsunade to ask if she can be her disciple, but Tsunade is right there!!!.. couldn't Sakura ask her right there? let Naruto also listen that her decision is not only for Sasuke, but also for him ? im sure he would be pretty happy to hear it.. but ye, whatever! 

Kishimoto really missed many points towards the end of Part 1. Sakura was the best Character in terms of Characterwriting, but he gave her no real development (which would have fixed her Characterdesign - and prevent a lot hate)


I will make it quick here, because this part is pretty much easy and fast to explain. The big Problem here is now the purpose of Sakuras Character. Because her 'Job' is done. She was the main-core of the Teamdynamic in Part-1 and did everything to provide quality around Team-7 and the Storytelling. 

Since Team-7 isn't the main-focus from the Story anymore (because its now seperated to Sasuke, Naruto and Akatsuki) Sakura lost most of her relations to the whole Story as a Utility-Character, and thats why he just let Sakura be a supportive-Character mostly only for Naruto.

The whole 'Fangirl'-type (like Ino) wasn't needed anymore, so Kishimoto just removed it completly and timeskipped Sakura to a level where she matured (but now more like Tsunade). [Mainly to create a parallel between Tsunade/Jiraiya and Sakura/Naruto] 

The timeskip for her Characterdesign fixed alot of her weaknesses from Part 1 (being a Fangirl, Ambitions, Power etc.) where Kishimoto refused to develop them by missing alot Characterpotential. So she needed the Timeskip the most. Kishimoto even gave her a good Arc with a good Climax (Sakura vs Sasori). Many Fans took that as a bait and believed that she will now have a 'huge' Impact in the Plot and even be a 'Heroine' within the story, but that wasn't Kishimotos intention. It was only to show the  'difference' to the pre-ts-Sakura and to give the results of her development a bigger Impact for the audience. 


Since Sakura was considered as a 'heroine'/'main-character' by many Fans she got alot hate because she pretty much disappointed many of them after the the Suna-Arc (cause of the high expectations)

What hurted Sakura the most was her Characterdesign, most damage caused by Sasuke. Her Character Design was 'okey' in Part 1 where her Characterwriting made up for that. However she lost most of her weights from her Characterwriting and it was time to improve her Characterdesign. Her Characterdesign is too much dependent on Sasuke and he is the one exposing Sakuras weak-sides all the time (always crying, feeling useless, feeling bad etc.). This was 'needed' in Part 1 to be a utility-Character (to be a fangirl), but not anymore in Shippuden. In Shippuden it was time for her to be 'strong' but Kishimoto c*blocked that for the sake of Sasuke. After the Pain-arc we pretty much reverted 50% of her current Design to the Designl back in part 1 (and reverted her development).

- cried all the time infront of Sasuke
- cried when she heard something bad about Sasuke
- feeling bad because Sasuke isn't giving attention to her during a war? come on
- forgive Sasuke for what he had almost done to her
- never considering to feel guilty about the one who got hurt because of the chase

- never put her focus on Akatsuki because Sasuke is more important

- her only try to convince Naruto for the good (fake confession) went horribly wrong and changed nothing at the end

You can't like a Character if she 'acts' like that most of the time because of ONE single Character. Kishimoto never tried to create enough Potential -> to give her enough development -> to improve her Characterdesign -> because he wanted Sakura to be a obsessed Fangirl towards Sasuke while playing utiliy-Character for Naruto. 

Kishimoto to Sakura: "You will help Naruto, you can be his best friend, create many good times together... whatever.... but don't forget that you are promised to Sasuke! no mather what he does or how long he is away from you! do u understand?"
What could Sakura be otherwise ?

Sakura was only room given to improve the quality of Part-1, and not room to develop her Characterdesign. The 'Development' Kishi didn't care about were just gifted during the Timeskip, however he didn't know in which direction he should develop her. He took the 'easy'-way and just put Sakura as a supportive-Character for Naruto. With both sharing the same obsession towards Sasuke she just follows Naruto on his way, while developing a deep relationship with him (without crossing the line - because he want SasuSaku)

Now Sakura 'could' improve the Quality for herself while supporting Naruto (thats what she deserves for her own Characterdesign)

possible Opportunities:

Sakura could deepen her relationship with Ino again during the Timeskip, and realize her immature decision over a crush that caused almost the loss of a good friendship (Characterdevelopment)

Sakura could try to do something regarding Narutos 'Jinchuriki'-status, maybe trying to find out some seals or other jutsus to protect Naruto from the side-effects so they don't have to rely on Yamato only. (Characterdesign-development)

Sakura could had a conversation with Ino about 'Asumas-death', so she can realize that Akatsuki is a threat you can't ignore anymore - and that if she doesn't do something she will likey also lose someone in her team (shifting the focus away from Sasuke towards Akatsuki) (Characterdevelopment to influence Naruto for the better - to prevent his unhealthy obsession)

Sakura could be the one who calms Naruto down in the Pein-arc to prevent the Seal to break, with Jutsus she practiced to help him because Yamato was too late [i never really understood why Kishimoto throws in another Character 'Minato' just to steal away potential from other Characters - 'Minato' was planned for the war-arc anywas.. couldn't he wait with him?] (Characterdesign-development, it would rise her quality within the Story)

Sakura could be the one to cover everyone with her collected-Chakra (over 3 years) in the war-arc, but no.. instead its Naruto who is doing that and also 'heals' them - stealing Sakuras job. [again, stealing potential from other Characters] (Characterdesign-development)

Sakura could have a conversation with Shikamaru (because Shikamaru is the one who knows how to feel guilt), so she can realize what damage she caused with Naruto for chasing Sasuke (-failed mission, wasted time, hurted teammates etc.). Shikamaru wants to support Naruto on his way becoming the next Hokage, and he realize that if he puts his focus on Sasuke, while ingoring his focus on his owns friends wo supports him - he might lose his goal -> Sakura could realized that too and make a decision for herself [The goal chasing Sasuk? or supporting the Goal of Naruto becoming the next Hokage ?] (Characterdevelopment)

Sakura spent alot time with Tsunade (with a Hokage) so she would know more about being a 'good' Hokage than Naruto. She could realize what kind of Work a Hokage has to do: decisions, sacrifices, protection etc.. so she could somehow prepare Naruto for that, teaching him what to do 'how a Hokage would decide', or that he should focus on protecting the villages, rather than going outside looking for a missing-nin (Characterdevelopment)

- etc.

Naruto was the one building-up Sakura  in Part 1, and pushing her to be a better Shinobi. Sakura  could now do the same in return for Naruto in shippuden and help him. (not just helping him with 'healing', helping him with his decisions, with his sealed-kyubi, with his unneded obsession, with the quality overall of Narutos Character by having a influence on him - and not just follow himblindly - and be the mature-part for him ... etc.)

She could have been a Heroine with that, or just simple be a important drive for Naruto (not only to develop some NaruSaku-moments) but to have a influence on him which affects his following actions. Naruto is only 16 years old, there should be major part in his personality which shouldn't allow him to make always the 'best'/'right' decision -> Sakura would be the best Person to make up for that, however she is just supporting Naruto on his way and doesn't question anything about their decisions



Her Character-Desing is pretty medio-core in Part 1 with a stereotype Fangirl-type. She was supposed to be annoying but her lack of her own serious ambition caused her Desing huge damage. The Timeskip pretty much fixed most of the little things, however her obsession towards Sasuke was not only holding her down but also poisened her Characterwriting in Shippuden


She did a huge amount of good Work in Part 1 and provided the quality Storytelling around the Teamdynamic. She lost many of her purposes in Shippuden by focusing only on Naruto but the lack of development towards the 'needed' weak-points in her Characterdesign kinda destroyed her after the Pain-Arc when Sasuke was more and more involed with Sakura


The 'errors' in her development were mainly caused of the wasted Potential (because thats how u develop Utility-Character -> mainly by creating Characterpotential).it was needed to fix her biggest wrongs - but got fixed through out the timeskip anyways. Her development in Shippuden was 'okey' and 
consistenc until the Pain-Arc. After that 50% of her Characterdesign got reverted with the Sakura from Part 1 and made most of her development in Shippuden unjustified.


There were plently possible Potential Kishimoto could use to develop Sakura to a healthy Character. But it wasn't Kishimotos intention to take care of her as long she is providing the neccessary 'goods' for Naruto and Sasuke. (while Sasuke got the upper-hand over Naruto - always). It was needed in Shippuden but blocked by Kishimoto

(25 % Characterdesign)
[3/10) - Part 1     /     [5/10] - Shippuden

(25 % Characterwriting)
[9/10] - Part 1     /     [4/10] - Shippuden

(25 % Character-development)
[6/10] - Part 1    /      [4/10] - Shippuden

(25 % Characterpotential-used)
[3/10] - Part 1    /      [1/10] - Shippuden

Thx for reading

[I might still update this 'review' in the future]

Edited by Riverkid, 22 January 2017 - 07:37 AM.

#2 Luna



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Posted 20 January 2017 - 02:13 AM

I agree with this and she's my fav character. Good job.


#3 Wubbzy



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Posted 20 January 2017 - 03:02 AM

Yeah, I have to agree too. She was my favorite character too. In a way, she still is. The old Sakura, of course, not the one from Gaiden and the Boruto manga. Even then, I feel sad for what she has become. She just feels so foreign to me, so stagnant, in a way. 


But you are definitely right. There was so much potential for Sakura to grow into her own and develop into a strong character, but in the end, she just reverted back to her old ways in the beginning of the manga, which makes me sad. This is because when looking at the first volume she appeared in, and then the very end, the last two chapters, it didn't feel like she changed or grew at all. Idk, that's just how I felt when reading it, and it devastated me, because watching the end of Part One or Shippuden where she was developing into a great heroine, it felt like all of that was taken away.


It's like we saw a glimpse of what she could become, but Kishi never delivered. 


Really great job with this review on Sakura, by the way! I am really enjoy reading these! 

Edited by Wubbzy, 20 January 2017 - 03:57 AM.

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#4 harry4e


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 03:16 PM

Problem with Sakura's character's lack of development has always felt like for me, Kishi's lack of understanding between the vocal minority against the silent majority that could see the characters potential. Atleast in my experience, there was this core fanbase that hated Sakura for her interaction with Naruto early on, they saw the Naruto mistreated by villagers part and they saw Sakura's interaction with him, and came to the conclusion she was part of the crowd that mistreated Naruto for what he had sealed inside him. Something that was a stupid conclusion, Sakura's reasons for disliking Naruto had been obvious early on, she didn't like him getting in her way of pursuing her crush and his idiotic behavior that got in the way of his studies, there was also the hint she enjoyed his pranks but her straight faced outside persona did not want that known.


Anyway no matter how Kishi changed her character and had her grow, these people never forgave her and were vocal about it, and near the end Kishi didn't know what to do to make the character liked by these so called fans,



Then there was the other fanbase that loved Sasuke and felt Sakura was his property, so  Kishi could not cut that tie worrying he'd lose that fanbase. If she'd cut that tie her character could have grown to the levels we saw hints of early after the time skip.


Sakura had so much potential for growth, her intelligence and chakra control meant she had untapped potential to grow, but you always felt Kishi was holding back on showing that growth, I don't think it helped that he was likely surrounded by Hinatard that felt jealous seeing someone other than Hinata take the spotlight.


#5 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 20 January 2017 - 09:35 PM

Okay, I definitely going to read this when I get done with other tasks. The part with missed opportunity now hits me when you brought it up.

#6 Riverkid



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Posted 21 January 2017 - 05:38 AM

Problem with Sakura's character's lack of development has always felt like for me, Kishi's lack of understanding between the vocal minority against the silent majority that could see the characters potential. Atleast in my experience, there was this core fanbase that hated Sakura for her interaction with Naruto early on, they saw the Naruto mistreated by villagers part and they saw Sakura's interaction with him, and came to the conclusion she was part of the crowd that mistreated Naruto for what he had sealed inside him. Something that was a stupid conclusion, Sakura's reasons for disliking Naruto had been obvious early on, she didn't like him getting in her way of pursuing her crush and his idiotic behavior that got in the way of his studies, there was also the hint she enjoyed his pranks but her straight faced outside persona did not want that known.


Anyway no matter how Kishi changed her character and had her grow, these people never forgave her and were vocal about it, and near the end Kishi didn't know what to do to make the character liked by these so called fans,



Then there was the other fanbase that loved Sasuke and felt Sakura was his property, so  Kishi could not cut that tie worrying he'd lose that fanbase. If she'd cut that tie her character could have grown to the levels we saw hints of early after the time skip.


Sakura had so much potential for growth, her intelligence and chakra control meant she had untapped potential to grow, but you always felt Kishi was holding back on showing that growth, I don't think it helped that he was likely surrounded by Hinatard that felt jealous seeing someone other than Hinata take the spotlight.


Your are right that this is a major reason to hate her, but this kind of view is too much dependent on the Fan and how the Person likes/dislikes the nature of Sakuras personality. Thats why i didn't put my focus on 'why' Kishimoto choosed that kind of attitude towards Naruto. Maybe thats how Kishimoto wanted to displays Sakuras sprited Character.. we don't know the reasons behind that

Narutos behaviour is the main-reason why Sakura is fury towards him (you are also right with that point), but thats only because Kishimoto didn't intent to deepen Narutos Characterdesign

This behaviour of Naruto (which caused him to be a annoying person) should be just an 'acting'. He started this behaviour to get more attention, and not because he wants to be like that. It would be more realistic if Naruto is calm and quiet outside of everyone, when he is just by himself/alone and thinking. (we saw that in the first patcher, when he is alone on the swing after he failed the academy-test), however Kishimoto pretty much dropped that and young-Sakura will never get the hint that Naruto is 'more' than the loud-annoying-brat.

If u take a look at 'Konohamaru' in Part-1 then you see his impudent behaviour towards the adults, but he still shows his side where he is open/true about the things that concerns him (that he just lives in the shadow of the 3rd) -> that caused the friendly relationship because he opened himself towards Naruto.

That was never the case with Naruto and Sakura. Kishimoto never opened Narutos-past to anyone (Iruka and Gaara are the only one), he did some small hints but never utilized it towards Sakura. Sakura just grow with Naruto because she realized that he isn't a 'failure' everyone had expect it, and also because of his strong ambitions.

It was more important for Kishimoto to contrast Naruto and Sasuke, so he forced Naruto to be 'always' the stupd/annoying-brat and always surprising everyone with his willpower


Edited by Riverkid, 21 January 2017 - 05:41 AM.

#7 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 09:08 PM

Good review as always, but . . .


Sakura could be the one who calms Naruto down in the Pein-arc to prevent the Seal to break, with Jutsus she practiced to help him because Yamato was too late [i never really understood why Kishimoto throws in another Character 'Minato' just to steal away potential from other Characters - 'Minato' was planned for the war-arc anywas.. couldn't he wait with him?] (Characterdesign-development, it would rise her quality within the Story)



C'mon now! Minato was not planned for the war arc. Heck, based on the tone of the Pain arc, I'd dare say that the "war arc" wasn't even "planned." 

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#8 Onionhead Attacks

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Posted 03 July 2018 - 08:57 AM

This is a very well written review and I agree with all of your points. One of the reasons why many of Sakura's fans like her is because she was written to be a strong and caring character and we can see her growth to become one. It's just that Kishimoto skimped on her development and had many missed opportunities that he could have used to attract more fans.

Yeah, I have to agree too. She was my favorite character too. In a way, she still is. The old Sakura, of course, not the one from Gaiden and the Boruto manga. Even then, I feel sad for what she has become. She just feels so foreign to me, so stagnant, in a way. 


But you are definitely right. There was so much potential for Sakura to grow into her own and develop into a strong character, but in the end, she just reverted back to her old ways in the beginning of the manga, which makes me sad. This is because when looking at the first volume she appeared in, and then the very end, the last two chapters, it didn't feel like she changed or grew at all. Idk, that's just how I felt when reading it, and it devastated me, because watching the end of Part One or Shippuden where she was developing into a great heroine, it felt like all of that was taken away.


It's like we saw a glimpse of what she could become, but Kishi never delivered. 


Really great job with this review on Sakura, by the way! I am really enjoy reading these! 


This is exactly what it is! She could have become something awesome and a force to be reckoned with! We are never showed that and she was never developed enough to show her true potential.  Her development took a backseat to everything. Even Naruto wasn't as developed as he could have been and he's the main character! :sad:



Problem with Sakura's character's lack of development has always felt like for me, Kishi's lack of understanding between the vocal minority against the silent majority that could see the characters potential. Atleast in my experience, there was this core fanbase that hated Sakura for her interaction with Naruto early on, they saw the Naruto mistreated by villagers part and they saw Sakura's interaction with him, and came to the conclusion she was part of the crowd that mistreated Naruto for what he had sealed inside him. Something that was a stupid conclusion, Sakura's reasons for disliking Naruto had been obvious early on, she didn't like him getting in her way of pursuing her crush and his idiotic behavior that got in the way of his studies, there was also the hint she enjoyed his pranks but her straight faced outside persona did not want that known.


Anyway no matter how Kishi changed her character and had her grow, these people never forgave her and were vocal about it, and near the end Kishi didn't know what to do to make the character liked by these so called fans,



Then there was the other fanbase that loved Sasuke and felt Sakura was his property, so  Kishi could not cut that tie worrying he'd lose that fanbase. If she'd cut that tie her character could have grown to the levels we saw hints of early after the time skip.


Sakura had so much potential for growth, her intelligence and chakra control meant she had untapped potential to grow, but you always felt Kishi was holding back on showing that growth, I don't think it helped that he was likely surrounded by Hinatard that felt jealous seeing someone other than Hinata take the spotlight.


It makes me wonder where he gets his fan reactions from? Is it based only on fan mail? Or is there someone skimming the internet and forums somewhere to get an idea? Because I feel like he isn't getting the whole picture. Either that or he's getting faulty info and only getting opinions on character fans and rapid shipping fans rather than true fans of the story. :confused: 

Because honestly as one of the main characters of his story he was developing her nicely and with some work to fill in the gaps he could've fully developed her. Instead, her character feels incomplete and was then re-written at the end of the story... It also doesn't help that the opinions and advice he gets on character design isn't helping in his writing. It's as if they themselves don't know what advice to offer during the course of his writing to help with her character development so he ended up struggling for the majority of the publication and then ended up with lots of hate for her character.


Then there's also the anime... with how much filler they add into the anime it's no wonder that some fans take the anime as canon when it was never written into the manga to begin with. It also does not help that she's shown to be much more violent in the anime too. Like many have mentioned before, Sakura's character is a mild tsundere and she's actually depicted as very caring, often putting others well being before her own... well before her character was reverted back to Part I.


Fanfiction.net C2: Heaven & Earth: A NaruSaku Library

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#9 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 05 July 2018 - 08:15 AM

It all means that Kishi lost control over his entire work.



"My name is Sung Ji-woo. Some called me the Assassin of Death. A Necromancer Deity... My journey has been nothing but walking over a mountain of corpses. My legion of the dead reigns supreme. None shall block my way or... face the wrath of my blades!" --Solo Leveling.

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