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#808115 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 23 April 2015 - 11:10 PM

So I read the chapter finally. And never thought i'd say this but Thank You Kishimoto for not giving NS this canon.
And again Never though i'd say this but Sakura dying a heroic death in the original series would have been preferable. I love my baby but Kishi hates her.

And wow like some of you can see the future. So many of you guessed that Kishi'll pull something like this.

And man was I wrong about everything. This is messed up.

#803640 Boruto - the movie

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 18 April 2015 - 03:44 PM

Continuing from that meme:

#802868 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 17 April 2015 - 11:02 AM

dunno if this was posted before.



via 2ch


(and the ad is teasing about Kakashi finally revealing his face)


Oh and hiden sales:


Kakashi-140,000 after 2 months

Shikamaru-90,000 after 1 month

Sakura 41,000 after 1 week

#795000 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 04 April 2015 - 07:47 PM

redrose3443, on 05 Apr 2015 - 12:45 AM, said:

Can someone please tell me that rumor of Sakura sleeping with Sasuke's clone is false? That has got to be the most messed up kitten I have ever heard and I need to know the truth.

Its false. And honestly whoever's coming up with this level of bullsh** should just take a breather and step away from the series or a while. My dash is filled with anti-SS and anti-NH posts saying how Sakura was raped by Sasuke's clone and how Naruto really is an abusive father and just some posts make me want to puke.
Its one thing to reject the ending and make headcanons and theories its another thing altogether to make rape jokes about characters in a manga for 12 year olds. Its disgusting really.
Why would anyone sane even want for Sakura or hell anyone for that matter to be raped is just beyond me.
And honestly with the posts that are circulating about I think Naruto fandom has hit a new low.


I literally just saw a post saying that this (news)is like Christmas to them. UGH. 


@luffyq1 : It may have started out as a joke but its gotten out of hand. 

#794393 Sakura Hiden

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 03 April 2015 - 09:42 PM

Fondness for both kids? what?..sorry the ss and nh kids make me even more fustrated and disapointed NS didn't happen. sorry nh kids look wierd and not cute. bolt doesn't resemble Hinata at all. i even hearing NH having been editing the kids lol goes to show you there not happy with them.


ss kid looks and acts like KARINS daughter. lol im glad actually.


I cant look at any seperate fanarts of ss or nh being devoted parents. it makes me sick and and pissed. it just looks wrong after everything that happend with Naruto and Sakura!. they should have had Shinachiku.

AH that was MY stand. There was this very cute one with Sakura acting like a congress woman and Naruto being jealous of Himawari's crush on Sasuke..and. NEVERMIND. I can sympathize. I felt the same way for two months after the ending.


I honestly don't see a shred of Karin in Salad. Like to me she is exactly the SS kid that i can imagine.The glasses used to make me rage because I felt as if they were added to mock the SK fandom. Sasuke finally has a daughter and that to with glasses. But not with Karin. Its like SS's middle finger to SK in my head. Poor people .Oruchimaru should've been given at least a few pages for closure. But Oruchimaru's slated too make an appearance in nextgen part so maybe they(TAKA) get it there? (I don't care for Taka apart from Suigetsu. Even him I don't deem important really. Simply find him entertaining..And agan nobody has to agree with me on this. )


Yeah feels terrible. But #ShinachikuforHokage all the way. He's way cuter than Bolt anyways. With a much better attitude.

#789261 Sakura Hiden

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 28 March 2015 - 09:39 PM

"As we saw in Part I, all soldiers had medical treatment at their disposal."

  Not really. That's why Dan was advocating the need for more medic-nin.


"so, obviously, there was no need for a “children’s clinic”, since so many of them were children themselves." 

What?  Sorry but I'm not getting the logic behind this reasoning.



"The scene where Mikoto and her kids go visit Naruto at the hospital’s maternity ward shows that there was pediatric care for babies as well, making the claim that it took Sakura to intervene for Konoha to medically care for its children even emptier - and more ridiculous. "

Like nobody claimed that it took Sakura to make Konoha care for its kids. The claim is that Sakura as an excellent medic-nin is doing something for the kids instead of sitting idly knitting scarves.She's thinking of the kids and is doing something good for Konoha's future.She opened a Children's clinic which specially deals with kid's health. Both physical and mental.

As for mental health, yes, THAT is something absolutely absent from the Narutoverse - and it’s STILL absent in chapter 700 
The lack of a special mention does not mean absence.There exist bars, schools, autopsy and post-mortem departments, torture units etc but a mental health care unit is too out of the realm of the OP's imagination. One would think that the need for a mental health care unit would be more pressed upon after the war. And Ino being from the Yamanaka clan is helping Sakura with its establishment makes sense.
- and it’s STILL absent in chapter 700  
Firstly the novels aren't canon. They're fan-service. So anything in the novels wouldn't necessarily fit the manga timeline.
Second even if the novels were canon we still wouldn't have gotten anything in chapter 700. 700 is a prologue, its an intro. Apart from Naruto, Shikamaru, Shizune, Konohomaru and his team, Iruka, Kurenai's daughter and Shino nobody is doing anything of substance. That's why part three exists as the real epilogue with answers as to what Sai, Kiba, Sasuke, Temari, Sakura , Chouji are doing.
 but of course they had to give Sakura a useless achievement because she’s a woman -
No achievement is USELESS. I mean isn't that literally an oxymoron? Useless achievement? Hmm..maybe not.
And more importantly opening a facility for kids suits Sakura NOT because she's a women but becauuse the manga portrays her as a person who cares for kids.
Right from the wave arc.
tumblr_inline_nlofxjzw2t1rnm52c_500.jpg t
 and female doctors are obviously only interested and capable of becoming OBGYNs and pediatricians, in the mind of misogynists.
 This statement effectively erases a majority of Sakura's feats from the manga where she's a medic-nin and heals not just kids but soldiers in wars. She's advertised in the preview of the novel as an 'Excellent medic-NIN and not as an OBGYN." Nobody said that she can only deliver babies or care for pregnant women. Nobody but the OP is denying Sakura's other feats. Ignoring all of her accomplishments in the manga and stating this one as "useless"?
And really calling someone a mysoginist based on one single line?? That's a little too extreme don't you think?
And sorry but what does the OP mean by -only interested and capable of becoming OBGYNs and pediatricians, ???
Becoming OBGYNs and pediatricians are HUGE achievements. These doctors are in no way less "Successful" or "capable". The thought that a doctor that deals with women's or kids issues is in anyway or form less then a doctor that deals with soldiers is far more rooted in misogyny. 

#722724 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 03 January 2015 - 09:57 AM

Wait till you see the Boruto movie.

1. Okay. This I agree.
2. The thing is they didn't need SS for NH to become canon. NH happened from a genjutsu and asspull setting of the past. Sakura could have stayed single, become a lesbian, marry Kisame and the plot of the movie still won't change.
3. But Sasuke doesn't need a strong connection to Konoha because he's almost never there.
4. Even if Sasuke married Karin, the kid can still gain the Sharingan and have a few traits of the Uzumaki clan. Or like you said, they could have done the same thing with Boruto and give Sasuke's kid only Sasuke features including power.

2. Yes even though SS wasn't the catalyst for NH it still helps in the idea of girls always staying true to their first love. Had Sakura moved on from Sasuke to somebody else it would make Sakura's praise of Hinata in the movie ring hollow.Who is Sakura to advocate Hinata's childhood obsession if she herself isn't doing the same? Moreover it would imo present Naruto in a bad light. Sakura moves on from Sasuke and comes to love somebody else but not the Hero?
Also I think it was easier for Kishimoney to simply have Sasuke come to love Sakura because he's just been that fickle ever since LOI.
3. Yes but the point is Sasuke's effectively no longer an obstacle in Naruto's love life. Naruto wouldn't confess to Sakura because he couldn't bring back Sasuke. It doesn't matter if Sasuke isn't back in Konoha for long durations.Sasuke is still connected to the village this way.Thus Naruto's promise is fulfilled.Hence Sasuke's line-I'll see
you when I get back was directed at Sakura.
4. That leaves Sakura single.Unnaceptable to Kishimoney-need more kids. Karin is also a connection to his past life.His crimes.Thus the line- you have nothing to do with my sins. Also an SS kid being the kid of the most popular hetero-pair with the two main characters for parents would be better received.

#722130 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 02 January 2015 - 09:38 PM

I think it was this post: http://olayans.tumblr.com/post/102083201530/kishi-has-no-inspiration-xddddddddddddd

#721955 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 02 January 2015 - 07:12 PM

Sakura didn't reply to Naruto because she was healing him and Sasuke.She told Sasuke to be quiet too so that she could concentrate.I think Sakura was fine up untill the last few pages of 699 till she asks Sasuke if she could come with him.

#720348 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 31 December 2014 - 07:10 PM

I have a confession to make...
I actually liked Sakura's confession -drops mic and walks out- 

I loved LOVED Sakura's confession. It is the ONLY selfless confession this series has. And Naruto's ' I hate people who lie to themselves' still stabs at the heart.

#720211 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 31 December 2014 - 04:06 PM

Look, I get that retcon happens in story though you can do it without it. However, retcon usually occur when it's an backstory info, rather than a character, because doing it on a character just make things much worse. It makes it even worse when you pull it in the last minute. Like with backstory, you can have one character being presented as a person who was rank 3 before leaving. Then later on, not too deep, the person now is said never got rank higher than one due to circumstances and then leave. Whether it affects the story or not, it doesn't hurt the character.

So yeah, he did it wrong big time.

Exactly. Even being an NS fan I can think of hundred other ways of making Nh believable. And the fact that Kishimoney couldn't do it in 700 chapters and that even a professional Studio couldn't do it even after making a movie solely dedicated to the very purpose just tells me how awkward this pairing is. In a way 699-700 and the last just confirms what we always believed.NH and Ss don't fit in the story. Nh can't happen without Naruto becoming a scumbag and Ss can't happen without Sakura suffering brain damage from Sasuke's genjutsu and becoming 12 again.Ha.

#720162 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 31 December 2014 - 03:15 PM

Agreed. It's just an extremely over exaggerated form of slapstick humor. Nothing more. Like you said, If Naruto was really seriously bothered by it, he could easily retaliate and make sure that Sakura would never ever think of doing something like that again. He could also just tell her off.
Hell if it was meant to be taken serious, then it would probably have been adressed in more detail. I also agree that Naruto probably likes it. I think he enjoys being scolded by Sakura, because it shows that she cares about him.  

Naruto purposefully tries to anger Sakura to get her attention.That's a fact. Remember the first time after Sakura split open the ground Naruto says to himself how he shouldn't trouble Sakura-chan because she could probably kill him? Does he seem scared? No.He smiles. And not just his bashful signature grin, his expression was so peaceful and his smile looked so heart-felt. And again we see this in 632. Nh can cry canon all they want they will never have the kind of chemistry that NS has. Never.

#720117 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 31 December 2014 - 02:02 PM

I don't know what it says about me but I really would love to see SP shutting down this year. I know how mean my wish is but I just can't bring myself to feel even the least bit bad. Just the image of SP's studio being shut down forever brings a kind of glee and satisfaction to my heart that is really not good.

#718688 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 29 December 2014 - 06:54 PM


#716161 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by TheBestUsernameEver on 26 December 2014 - 05:16 PM

You know what I was wondering? 
TenTen got a desing on her own with two outfits but did not appear one single time in the movie at all ... 

Why would she? She's a female character that is not Hinata.