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Member Since 28 Jul 2013
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In Topic: Boku No Hero Academia

10 June 2024 - 11:48 PM



Shonen Jump will back after 2 weeks.



June 30th is when it'll be back! 

In Topic: Boku No Hero Academia

03 June 2024 - 12:46 AM

424 - More





424 Thoughts

In Topic: Boku No Hero Academia

25 May 2024 - 09:06 PM

I feel like it could be July which would be fitting given that it's the 10 year anniversary when the manga debuted... Kohei does have a trend of giving proper closure for like four to five chapters to the aftermath of each arc. Given that this is the final arc I definitely feel like he isn't gonna rush job it given how he's tackled it before.

In Topic: Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

09 May 2024 - 10:54 PM

it's like saying "kakashi and rin would have happened". why even ask for that? if not for obito kakashi would have let rin die... 
kishimoto and his brother were probably close so he wanted to keep the team the way it was in the story. even in dragon quest/hunterxhunter/o-parts hunter they all have a character kind of like sasuke



I'd make the argument that Seishi kept Ruby Crescent (the heroine) a core integral component to the narrative of O-Parts Hunter, and specifically to Jio Freed since the first chapter of the series all the way to the end. You could just tell inseparable  Seishi made Jio and Ruby which really shows.  The final chapter cover also speaks a lot on that front too.










Masashi really needed the same touch that Seishi had when it came to developing his female characters and of course the romance aspect of it for Naruto and Sakura. 



I do wish so much that we got the same level of love and care for NaruSaku especially in the later half of Part 2 without Masashi throwing a bone to get the fandoms to wag their tails... like "OMG could it be? Could it be?"  and I'm just like thinking.... as an aspiring writer..... this is not how to win over your readers when it comes to developing romance between two characters. 



I know the argument a lot of people make is "Well Naruto isn't a romance therefore it's fine we didn't get a lot of focus..."  that has always been such a poor excuse I've heard time and time again.



Which, I'm gonna say this.... if romance isn't gonna be a super integral piece to the narrative of your story.... which is totally fine because any writer has the freedom to do that, but...  here's my advice.... Don't just fool around with your readers about which couple will be canon..... 


If you as the writer already know from the conception of your story that this couple is going to be canon then just focus on developing that pairing as you are telling the story you've created. 



That is definitely the #1 thing Masashi didn't understand when it came to Naruto. 

In Topic: Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

09 May 2024 - 12:22 AM

I'll give my two cents on this whole thing, and given that we're slowly reaching the 10 year anniversary since Naruto ended.... 



More so with Part 2  to be perfectly frank, but here's the one thing I realized when it came to most of Naruto and Sakura's conversations.  A lot of them are all centered around Sasuke whether it's directly stated or not. Their  dynamic is great  and I still like it, but  I can't fathom how annoying it is just hearing them talk about Sasuke throughout Part 2. 



I think it's perfectly fine for Naruto and Sakura to start off Part 2 that way with them talking about the good old days with Sasuke, but... really when I look at at other series like Kenshin,  Yu Yu Hakushou,   Rave Master,  O-Parts Hunter,  Kingdom Hearts,  Shaman King, Final Fantasy, My Hero Academia, Black Clover, Avatar The Last Airbender, etc... a lot of the couple dynamics talk about more things than just one particular friend all the time. They talk about the future, and where they want to grow as time goes on. What they can do to better themselves as an individual, and how to make their mark on the world. 


I definitely feel that is one aspect that Naruto and Sakura heavily lacked in when it comes to the canon lore, they were too tied to Team 7.  Which I totally understand that Team 7 was a big focus point in Naruto, but let's be real.  Naruto and Sakura really needed to grow and move past their bonds with Sasuke and see the world for what it truly was.   


It's like real life, you start off thinking as a adolescent, but over time you mature and become wiser, and better. That is the one thing I truly feel Naruto and Sakura really needed, and that would've made them even more accepting.  However, there in lies the problem with not only just Naruto and Sakura, but for the series as a whole. 



They never really matured at all, and remained very one note about that.  Which is honestly a real shame when you really take a look at what Naruto and Sakura are, and how they could've been so much more than what they were given.