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Member Since 30 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 27 2015 11:28 AM

#658835 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by hirudora on 12 November 2014 - 06:02 PM

Does anyone recognize the symbol on the back of his jacket? I can't find anything like it http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/700
It almost resembles a stylized Uchiha fan. I'll die if Bolt looks up to Sasuke ... I SO want a Mr. Piccolo relationship between those two!!

I think the symbol looks like a stylized version of screw's (bolt) six-sided head. http://i01.i.aliimg....2856178_069.jpg

#646375 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by hirudora on 06 November 2014 - 08:29 PM

What the hell, I was waiting for a really powerful ending that would take me on a feel trip, but THIS... It's not even about NS, it could have ended in such a beautfiul way. Naruto's and Sasuke's battle had a very different and serious tone to it, which should have had different outcome. It feels like Kishimoto just got tired in the end, and all he really wanted was to end this manga as quickly as possible and on the number 700. After all the bad things Sasuke had done for Sakura, how could she forgive him so easily?
Sasuke: Im sorry
Sakura: lol its k

14sntcy.gif  Really NIgga? REALLY?

Plus, absolutely no interaction between characters, no closure on SO many things. I feel like this is some kind of sick joke, 700 doesn't give us an image of Naruto's and his comrades accomplished dreams. I see Naruto, a terrible father, who sits in a hokage chair all day, eats instant ramen and does f'in nothing. Not saying anything about names. And what's up with those skyscrapers in the background? Meh. looks like a stage play. everything seems out of place, like kishimoto didn't put his heart into the last pages of his lifelong and beloved work. Maybe drawings are made by him, but besides that, I don't see anything that would resemble the Naruto I fell in love with, this is not the ending of the manga I've been reading for so many years.

I'm disappointed.

#595083 Idealism vs Reality: Understanding why Hinata is popular with the NH fanbase.

Posted by hirudora on 03 October 2014 - 08:59 PM

The problem with NH as a pairing for me is that while Hinata's character needs someone like Naruto to grow, get stronger and be confident, she can't give same development to Naruto. Sure, she is very cute, adorable, caring, even attractive to some, though I think she is too soft for him, she just can't stay on the same level as him, can't oppose and argue with his ideas. She's just like a mindless doll and I absolutely agree that there are men who find this kind of women perfect. But this relationship would be very boring and unusual for Naruto, no matter what he says, she will agree, no matter what he does, she will support him. To me it's pretty parasitic on Hinata's side, since Naruto can get love and care, but no further character development. Most of Hinata's development, however, comes from chasing Naruto and I will not call her character developed until she can move forward without him always standing in front of her.

Go go Sakura-chan! Naruto surely needs couple kicks in the butt :D