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Member Since 02 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2015 11:28 PM

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Kishimoto, a forced hand?

06 November 2014 - 09:24 PM

I posted this as a reply in another thread, but I'm curious as to what others thoughts are on this.  Anyway, the question...was Kishimito forced into this ending.


I think the whole reason we saw no interaction between Naruto and Sakura was because Kishimoto literally couldn't pull it off and make it seem believable.  Any in character scene between the two would have made the other two pairings look far worse than they are now, which is saying something. The whole thing is suspect to me.  We don't even have a word spoken between Hinata and Naruto.  Sakura has the Uzumaki female hairsyle, her kid looks like Karin, and she is relegated to being a housewife.  Sakura's character was dismantled and recreated into some sort of abomination this chapter, but it almost looks like Kishimoto is saying something with the Kushina parralels, like NS was meant to be, but he wasn't allowed to pursue that path.  I find it really sad that he is putting all of Naruto's romantic development in the movie when he had so much development for NaruSaku.   It's almost as if he couldn't stand writing any meaningful NH in his own manga and thus dumped it on SP.   I truly think he washed his hands of the matter, and I find it hard to believe he is happy right now with that ending he just delivered.


Maybe I'm wrong, but for me this points to Kishi not really having a choice in the matter.  The editor's or SP or whomever, guided his hand for these final chapters. If he really wanted Naruto and Hinata as the final pairing, wouldn't he have shown it more love in the manga?  Wouldn't he have given them at least ONE word with each other in the final chapter and epilogue of his life's work?  I'll refrain from too heavy criticism of the man until I get an interview regarding or including this conclusion.  I think he, at the very least, owes our portion of the fan-base an explanation.