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#1 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 13 October 2019 - 09:20 AM

Well, I think that fight is nearing its end so I might as well summaries it. I do one post for each chapter since it normally some time before someone comments...even if they don't really comment of what happened in the chapter they just complain about how Boruto sucks...or Kishimoto or how dare NS not happen or asked who the two tone hair emo boy is again.


Anyways. Chapter 36: Surprise Attack. The cover page is a colored group shot of the main cast of the manga: Naruto, Bolt, Salad, Sasuke, Nail, and Cups. Why is Konohamaru their team's sensei again?


Now, before I get on with the chapter. I need to talk about the taste of woman the people working on this like because it is important you understand something before we get to a certain scene in this chapter. Now Kishimoto despite what ever complaints you have of him likes outspoken women. He likes woman that speak their mind who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves to the point he honestly doesn't get the appeal of demure wallflowers. As for looks attractive and in shape seem to be what he likes. Ikemoto while I don't know what personality type he likes in a woman. I can tell you what he find physically attractive in a woman: young and he is a leg man. Any woman he he put any effort into will often have very shapely -often bare- legs. Often times in the manga their is often a focus on these women's' legs as well. The other thing is he likes them young. To the point that if a woman is suppose to be older in certain panels she will seem underage. Not help by the fact that he doesn't really draw breast on the adult woman. All of them are really slim except for the one lab assistant. Also I assume everyone remembers his changes to the designs of Salad's & the Clone's outfits right? As for Kodachi it is the reverse while I don't know that he finds physically attractive in a woman I have been able to gleam what he may like in a woman. He likes them...what the best way to put it...eager? Sexually active? Easy? Thirsty? He likes his woman to really wanting to have sex.


So, in Naruto we have a bunch of attractive outspoken women who people liked but didn't get much focus because Kishimoto had no confidence in his ability to write them.


In Boruto, we have a lot of young women -some even children- with bare legs constantly behaving in a sexual manner as well as being eager for sex. Oddly, the only two that don't fit that are Hinata and her daughter. I hope it due to that the daughter is too young, and I guess even Hinata is too antithetical to their taste.


Right, so the chapter start out with the Hokage monument and the skyscrapers on top of it. Wasn't the village only rebuilt like 15 years ago at best? Why is that the two areas design look so different? One is this weird mix of modern & traditional wooden city, and the other is just a modern city with a lot of skyscrapers. Also if the village were to expand due to an increase population. Why did they put in on top of the mountain instead of expanding outward like any other city would do first before just building tall? Also I don't recall their ever being a scene yet of people in that area.


Anyways, Bolt and Cups are jumping through the trees. Bolt trips and the two discuss how he never trips while tree running. Its because Karma is activated for some reason; could be due to the ten tails. Which normally only happens either during a fight or because of Nail, which gives Bolt a bad feeling.


Naruto is watching Nail look for a missing piece of the vase...still? Naruto point out he is unlike to find it since Hinata cleans the house everyday. Well, its not like she has anything better to do.


Then it cuts to Blonde Sai and Shikamaru's son talking about how they feel about Nail. They both like him.


Now to Ino's flower shop where Sakura is getting flowers for Sasuke's return...What? Even after three months this still confuses me. Why is she getting flower for his return? isn't it suppose to be the opposite? Anyways, in comes Salad who asked her mother about the seal on her forehead.


Back to Barbarian hair, who is still waiting this entire time. Either it wasn't that long or he going out for snacks and is polite enough not to leave a mess. He wonders what his boss Jigen is going to do.


This chapter jumps around a lot.


Back to Nail & Naruto. Hinata and the daughter are going out shopping while Nail finally calls it quits on finding the final piece. Then he notice his seal is acting up.


Back To Sakura, who explains the seal on her forehead -you should all know what it does- but apparently it comes from the time of the Six Sage. Which is a way to try and justify why Bolt and Her seal look the exact same. She also has to do some shopping so she asked Salad to bring the flowers home which clues Salad in that Sasuke coming home. The thing is due to how Kodaichi has been writing his women so far I sadly don't just see this as a mother and a daughter celebrating, "daddy is coming home." I get the feeling they are celebrating Sakura "getting some tonight." UGH. Ino senses Jenga (his nickname from now on) coming.


Whose then comes out of Nail's karma seal. Barbarian hair's toad is notice by Jenga and worries that he will become suspicious of him. Jenga notice that he is in Naruto's living room and apologies for entering without removing his shoes. Well, with this and that diner scene at least we know he has nice manners. Naruto attack and instantly get pierced 

& pinned by some thick black rods. A conversation between him and Nail. Ino tells her people to follow protocol and Salad dashes off.


Kurama has to activate to get the rods out after berating Naruto for being a disgrace to his title. I get the feeling he has grown disappointed with Naruto over the years. Even to the point of having contempt for him now.


Back to Nail and Jenga. Jenga, says something, I guess insults Naruto and Nail gets upset transforming his face adding a horn to his head a bit which impresses Jenga with his progress. Naruto kicks him and for his rude manners Jenga decide to eliminate Naruto.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 28 October 2019 - 12:55 PM.

#2 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 13 October 2019 - 09:21 AM

Summary Time: Chapter 37: United Front. Another bloody color page Bolt with his blue Karma activate and Jenga.
The chapter starts out  with as Naruto and Jenga stare off in the living room. To protect Naruto because even someone who respect him realizes what a kitten he is in a fight, begs Jenga to back off, and agree to go with him. Naruto refuses to accept that offer.
So, Jenga the Gentleman that he is doesn't fight in the living room and transports both him and Naruto to a different dimension. He was about to nope out of the fight and just leave him their but then Sasuke comes in by way of a kick. His artwork on Sasuke has improved. I guess everyone told Ikemoto enough that his Sasuke facial design looks like crap so he worked on it. So the three of them fight in a crater in a empty barren wasteland of a world.
Salad arrives at Naruto's house and notice those thick rods still stuck in the ground covered in blood. Boruto was running around the village and his karma turns off so he wonders what going on.
On to the fight. Jenga can absorbs jutsu. Woo-ho that trick again its getting the point that every villain has that. Has incredible strength.  And again manages to jam some thick rods in Naruto before he can react. Strongest Ninja in the world everyone. Thankfully, Sasuke around to save his ass. They fight till he get some robs jammed into him. Then Naruto saves him. Naruto makes some shadow clone...you know how that turns out.
After 13 pages of that Sasuke learns that Jenga has the power to shrink things. He uses it in two ways. One, he shrinks his rods so you don't notice them when they stab you then expands his thick black rods to their original sizes. Two, he shrinks himself to avoids attacks in such away that it looks like he disappears.
More fighting Naruto makes Bigger rasengans to block his attacks. They nearly get him at one point due to the fact that he gets stuck absorbing Naruto attack. But Naruto gloats about it, before Sasuke can even attempt to stab him. Seriously he just pulls out his sword when Naruto is talking he doesn't even go in for a stab. So he just teleports away. Oh the chapter is over. He tells them they won't be so luck again and that's it.
Good thing I didn't waste time waiting for this one. Imagine waiting a month for this?

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 13 October 2019 - 10:40 PM.

#3 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 13 October 2019 - 09:29 AM

Summary Time: Chapter 38: He's Bad News. God that's an awful title. Another cover page. Its Jenga in his second form which is his werid inking tattooed face with a horn wrapped around it that Nail also had two chapters ago.
Naruto mocks him growing the horn until Sasuke explain he went to that area he was investigating that has the ten tails. Where she saw a new Ohtsuki...Didn't he just see this jackass?..No wait had transformed by the time he saw him. He mentions this in spiting distance of Jenga. Turns out that was a "juvenile" Ten tails that they were going to use to absorbs that planet's energy...Was that kaguya's plan...was that the other two plan? Or is this just a retcon?
Naruto and Sasuke get serious and activate Susano and Kurama giant forms. Jenga assume this was these two goal all along...how Naruto just learned of this?
Sasuke's swings but misses to the point Jenga stands on the blade... Then kicks Sasuke out of the Susano. Then pierces and pins Sasuke down with his rods. Sasuke uses his switch places ability to avoid an attack.
Naruto attacks and... do I even need to say anything? Eventually, he gets a good hit on Sasuke knocking him down. The battle has apparently drain both Naruto and Sasuke. He then asks are they done yet? Naruto then...yeah. Sasuke uses his black flames...they do nothing. God, isn't this just the most engaging fight. It mostly just them fighting him one on one until Jenga get a hit in, then the other save their ass, then that person fight him, and every once and a while they may fight him together which also has no effect.
Then a thing on Jenga's stomach cracks...turns out their is something possessing the body of Jenga, and Nail is his next vessel...So Orochimaru's body snatching thing again.
So, he decides to stop playing around and just end the fight. By piercing them through the ground. He thanks them for giving him a good time. So, he really was just playing with them.
He does...something that shocks Naruto and Sasuke. The art makes it hard to tell. He decides that it would be too much effort to kill Naruto since he has the nine tails, so, instead he'll just seals him away. Oh he revealed that the sky was a lid of a coffin. He decides that he has to kill Sasuke because he has the space-time travel ability. He gives him the option to escape if he wants to but he would have to abandon Naruto. Naruto summons some clones in an act of resistance. While Naruto orders Sasuke to run. After a speech; he does so, landing right next to Sakura.
Naruto tries taunting him. But Kurama tells him to shut up because the guy can kill him instead of sealing him away at this point. Even point out that he never even had any interest in fighting Naruto in the first place. He mentions he does have interest in Bolt due to the fact he has the karma seal.
Then he flies out of the giant coffin then shirks it. Can't Naruto just get away by the Toads summoning him? The outsides is also a barren wasteland. Turns to the body is both running out of time and still has its own conscious wiping that his time is almost up. Which Ohtsutsuki Isshiki insults. Isn't that the same name as the nudist in Food Wars?
Then we cut to Nail looking at a picture of Naruto. Salad comes in, asked where Naruto is, and then Nail's artificial arms pops off. Breaking the picture frame which they both see as a bad omen. Why does Naruto have a picture in his office of himself?
I wonder if the battle would have been different if it had been team 7 battling against him instead of just Naruto and Sasuke. Probably not since he just designed to be the boring invincible villain that will be defeated through BS.
Three months of chapters if their is something that drags this manga out more than the dialogue its the battles. Though I will admit story-wise story-events more of importance happened in these chapters than the fight against Mustard. Naruto was defeated, we learned what the big bad plan is, and we learned why he wants Nail. Imagine some people thinks this is still better then the anime. To try uses it as a justification of why they still defend Boruto. This. Can't they just admit they would support any crap because it has Hinata in and just move on?

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 14 October 2019 - 01:23 AM.

#4 Phantom_999


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Posted 14 October 2019 - 01:56 AM

Well, I think that fight is nearing its end so I might as well summaries it. I do one post for each chapter since it normally some time before someone comments...even if they don't really comment of what happened in the chapter they just complain about how Boruto sucks...or Kishimoto or how dare NS not happen or asked who the two tone hair emo boy is again.


Anyways. Chapter 36: Surprise Attack. The cover page is a colored group shot of the main cast of the manga: Naruto, Bolt, Salad, Sasuke, Nail, and Cups. Why is Konohamaru their team's sensei again?


Now, before I get on with the chapter. I need to talk about the taste of woman the people working on this like because it is important you understand something before we get to a certain scene in this chapter. Now Kishimoto despite what ever complaints you have of him likes outspoken women. He likes woman that speak their mind who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves to the point he honestly doesn't get the appeal of demure wallflowers. As for looks attractive and in shape seem to be what he likes. Ikemoto while I don't know what personality type he likes in a woman. I can tell you what he find physically attractive in a woman: young and he is a leg man. Any woman he he put any effort into will often have very shapely -often bare- legs. Often times in the manga their is often a focus on these women's' legs as well. The other thing is he likes them young. To the point that if a woman is suppose to be older in certain panels she will seem underage. Not help by the fact that he doesn't really draw breast on the adult woman. All of them are really slim except for the one lab assistant. Also I assume everyone remembers his changes to the designs of Salad's & the Clone's outfits right? As for Kodachi it is the reverse while I don't know that he finds physically attractive in a woman I have been able to gleam what he may like in a woman. He likes them...what the best way to put it...eager? Sexually active? Easy? Thirsty? He likes his woman to really wanting to have sex.


So, in Naruto we have a bunch of attractive outspoken women who people liked but didn't get much focus because Kishimoto had no confidence in his ability to write them.


In Boruto, we have a lot of young women -some even children- with bare legs constantly behaving in a sexual manner as well as being eager for sex. Oddly, the only two that don't fit that are Hinata and her daughter. I hope it due to that the daughter is too young, and I guess even Hinata is too antithetical to their taste.


Right, so the chapter start out with the Hokage monument and the skyscrapers on top of it. Wasn't the village only rebuilt like 15 years ago at best? Why is that the two areas design look so different? One is this weird mix of modern & traditional wooden city, and the other is just a modern city with a lot of skyscrapers. Also if the village were to expand due to an increase population. Why did they put in on top of the mountain instead of expanding outward like any other city would do first before just building tall? Also I don't recall their ever being a scene yet of people in that area.


Anyways, Bolt and Cups are jumping through the trees. Bolt trips and the two discuss how he never trips while tree running. Its because Karma is activated for some reason; could be due to the ten tails. Which normally only happens either during a fight or because of Nail, which gives Bolt a bad feeling.


Naruto is watching Nail look for a missing piece of the vase...still? Naruto point out he is unlike to find it since Hinata cleans the house everyday. Well, its not like she has anything better to do.


Then it cuts to Blonde Sai and Shikamaru's son talking about how they feel about Nail. They both like him.


Now to Ino's flower shop where Sakura is getting flowers for Sasuke's return...What? Even after three months this still confuses me. Why is she getting flower for his return? isn't it suppose to be the opposite? Anyways, in comes Salad who asked her mother about the seal on her forehead.


Back to Barbarian hair, who is still waiting this entire time. Either it wasn't that long or he going out for snacks and is polite enough not to leave a mess. He wonders what his boss Jigen is going to do.


This chapter jumps around a lot.


Back to Nail & Naruto. Hinata and the daughter are going out shopping while Nail finally calls it quits on finding the final piece. Then he notice his seal is acting up.


Back To Sakura, who explains the seal on her forehead -you should all know what it does- but apparently it comes from the time of the Six Sage. Which is a way to try and justify why Bolt and Her seal look the exact same. She also has to do some shopping so she asked Salad to bring the flowers home which clues Salad in that Sasuke coming home. The thing is due to how Kodaichi has been writing his women so far I sadly don't just see this as a mother and a daughter celebrating, "daddy is coming home." I get the feeling they are celebrating Sakura "getting some tonight." UGH. Ino senses Jenga (his nickname from now on) coming.


Whose then comes out of Nail's karma seal. Barbarian hair's toad is notice by Jenga and worries that he will become suspicious of him. Jenga notice that he is in Naruto's living room and apologies for entering without removing his shoes. Well, with this and that diner scene at least we know he has nice manners. Naruto attack and instantly get pierced 

& pinned by some thick black rods. A conversation between him and Nail. Ino tells her people to follow protocol and Salad dashes off.


Kurama has to activate to get the rods out after berating Naruto for being a disgrace to his title. I get the feeling he has grown disappointed with Naruto over the years. Even to the point of having contempt for him now.


Back to Nail and Jenga. Jenga, says something, I guess insults Naruto and Nail gets upset transforming his face adding a horn to his head a bit which impresses Jenga with his progress. Naruto kicks him and for his rude manners Jenga decide to eliminate Naruto.


Well again we know the problem really wasn't Kishi's taste in women that attributes to how they were portrayed. Not really sure what the issue was but the way many of them were written in the past were fine. what they lacked was focus. so it wasn't even a question of confidence if you ask me even if he personally states it as, it was another matter becasue the the women lacked development and direction in where he wanted to go with them when compared to the men




Summary Time: Chapter 37: United Front. Another bloody color page Bolt with his blue Karma activate and Jenga.
The chapter starts out  with as Naruto and Jenga stare off in the living room. To protect Naruto because even someone who respect him realizes what a kitten he is in a fight, begs Jenga to back off, and agree to go with him. Naruto refuses to accept that offer.
So, Jenga the Gentleman that he is doesn't fight in the living room and transports both him and Naruto to a different dimension. He was about to nope out of the fight and just leave him their but then Sasuke comes in by way of a kick. His artwork on Sasuke has improved. I guess everyone told Ikemoto enough that his Sasuke facial design looks like crap so he worked on it. So the three of them fight in a crater in a empty barren wasteland of a world.
Salad arrives at Naruto's house and notice those thick rods still stuck in the ground covered in blood. Boruto was running around the village and his karma turns off so he wonders what going on.
On to the fight. Jenga can absorbs jutsu. Woo-ho that trick again its getting the point that every villain has that. Has incredible strength.  And again manages to jam some thick rods in Naruto before he can react. Strongest Ninja in the world everyone. Thankfully, Sasuke around to save his ass. They fight till he get some robs jammed into him. Then Naruto saves him. Naruto makes some shadow clone...you know how that turns out.
After 13 pages of that Sasuke learns that Jenga has the power to shrink things. He uses it in two ways. One, he shrinks his rods so you don't notice them when they stab you then expands his thick black rods to their original sizes. Two, he shrinks himself to avoids attacks in such away that it looks like he disappears.
More fighting Naruto makes Bigger rasengans to block his attacks. They nearly get him at one point due to the fact that he gets stuck absorbing Naruto attack. But Naruto gloats about it, before Sasuke can even attempt to stab him. Seriously he just pulls out his sword when Naruto is talking he doesn't even go in for a stab. So he just teleports away. Oh the chapter is over. He tells them they won't be so luck again and that's it.
Good thing I didn't waste time waiting for this one. Imagine waiting a month for this?



While worfing the power duo is practically a given at this point, I find the the Chakra absortion thing uninspired and boring. the size shrinking is a decent concept though. Wonder why Naruto didn't activate his kurama chakra cloak at this point to sense him instead of later.




Summary Time: Chapter 38: He's Bad News. God that's an awful title. Another cover page. Its Jenga in his second form which is his werid inking tattooed face with a horn wrapped around it that Nail also had two chapters ago.
Naruto mocks him growing the horn until Sasuke explain he went to that area he was investigating that has the ten tails. Where she saw a new Ohtsuki...Didn't he just see this jackass?..No wait had transformed by the time he saw him. He mentions this in spiting distance of Jenga. Turns out that was a "juvenile" Ten tails that they were going to use to absorbs that planet's energy...Was that kaguya's plan...was that the other two plan? Or is this just a retcon?
Naruto and Sasuke get serious and activate Susano and Kurama giant forms. Jenga assume this was these two goal all along...how Naruto just learned of this?
Sasuke's swings but misses to the point Jenga stands on the blade... Then kicks Sasuke out of the Susano. Then pierces and pins Sasuke down with his rods. Sasuke uses his switch places ability to avoid an attack.
Naruto attacks and... do I even need to say anything? Eventually, he gets a good hit on Sasuke knocking him down. The battle has apparently drain both Naruto and Sasuke. He then asks are they done yet? Naruto then...yeah. Sasuke uses his black flames...they do nothing. God, isn't this just the most engaging fight. It mostly just them fighting him one on one until Jenga get a hit in, then the other save their ass, then that person fight him, and every once and a while they may fight him together which also has no effect.
Then a thing on Jenga's stomach cracks...turns out their is something possessing the body of Jenga, and Nail is his next vessel...So Orochimaru's body snatching thing again.
So, he decides to stop playing around and just end the fight. By piercing them through the ground. He thanks them for giving him a good time. So, he really was just playing with them.
He does...something that shocks Naruto and Sasuke. The art makes it hard to tell. He decides that it would be too much effort to kill Naruto since he has the nine tails, so, instead he'll just seals him away. Oh he revealed that the sky was a lid of a coffin. He decides that he has to kill Sasuke because he has the space-time travel ability. He gives him the option to escape if he wants to but he would have to abandon Naruto. Naruto summons some clones in an act of resistance. While Naruto orders Sasuke to run. After a speech; he does so, landing right next to Sakura.
Naruto tries taunting him. But Kurama tells him to shut up because the guy can kill him instead of sealing him away at this point. Even point out that he never even had any interest in fighting Naruto in the first place. He mentions he does have interest in Bolt due to the fact he has the karma seal.
Then he flies out of the giant coffin then shirks it. Can't Naruto just get away by the Toads summoning him? The outsides is also a barren wasteland. Turns to the body is both running out of time and still has its own conscious wiping that his time is almost up. Which Ohtsutsuki Isshiki insults. Isn't that the same name as the nudist in Food Wars?
Then we cut to Nail looking at a picture of Naruto. Salad comes in, asked where Naruto is, and then Nail's artificial arms pops off. Breaking the picture frame which they both see as a bad omen. Why does Naruto have a picture in his office of himself?
I wonder if the battle would have been different if it had been team 7 battling against him instead of just Naruto and Sasuke. Probably not since he just designed to be the boring invincible villain that will be defeated through BS.
Three months of chapters if their is something that drags this manga out more than the dialogue its the battles. Though I will admit story-wise story-events more of importance happened in these chapters than the fight against Mustard. Naruto was defeated, we learned what the big bad plan is, and we learned why he wants Nail. Imagine some people thinks this is still better then the anime. To try uses it as a justification of why they still defend Boruto. This. Can't they just admit they would support any crap because it has Hinata in and just move on?



No Rasenshuriken? No Tailed Beast Bomb? What's up with thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? All jokes aside, the fight didn't sound engaging, so definitely there was no effort put into it except to speed things along with Naruto's "imprisonment". Let's be honest, that always happens when the writing wants to speed things along for plot elements. Fights get watered down and make no sense and no-one fights at max potential or even uses all of the skills or powers they are suppose to have

Edited by Phantom_999, 14 October 2019 - 03:35 AM.


#5 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 14 October 2019 - 02:55 AM

Well again we know the problem really wasn't Kishi's taste in women that attributes to how they were portrayed. Not really sure what the issue was but the way many of them were written in the past were fine. what they lacked was focus. so it wasn't even a question of confidence if you ask me even if he personally states it as, it was another matter because the the women lacked development and direction in where he wanted to go with them when compared to the men


While worfing the power duo is practically a given at this point, I find the the Chakra absortion thing uninspired and boring. the size shrinking is a decent concept though. Wonder why Naruto didn't activate  his kurama chakra cloak at this point to sense him \instead of later.


No Rasenshuriken? No Tailed Beast Bomb? What's up with thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? All jokes aside, the fight didn't sound engaging, so definitely there was no effort put into except to speed things along with Naruto's "imprisonment". Let's be honest, that always happens when the writing wants to speed things along for plot elements. Fights get watered down and make no sense and no-one fights at max potential or even uses all of the skills or powers they are suppose to have

The thing is Kishimoto taste made a lot of likable women who suffered from a lack of focus. Boruto has some bare legged girls talking about sex a lot who are also out of focus with the only likable ones being the creations of someone else.


...I think I mentioned this before but Naruto doesn't go into a fight anymore without activating the Chakra mode to the point I didn't even think it worth mentioning. It was only before Kurama berates him when it is not activated...or at least when i cared to notice. So throughout the three chapter he more or less had the chakra cloak on the whole time. He does the giant beast form like he did against the other tailed beast when Sasuke uses giant susano.


Nope. Just some large rasengans, shadow clones, swings of Sasuke's katana, Sasuke's position swap ability a few times, and swinging some energy swords and tails around. As for the fight itself: Naruto attacks, it fails, Sasuke comes in for a save, then its his turn to attack, he fails, then Naruto comes in for a save, and then they attack together which almost does something but the villain is just too strong. Then repeat that about three times. For two chapters. Trust me this could have ended in a few pages.

#6 Phantom_999


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Posted 14 October 2019 - 03:52 AM

Yeah that's what I mean. His taste in women and the way he portrayed them was perfectly fine, so it's not that he can't. And because of that I feel that there may be more to it other than he didn't feel confident in giving more focus. that's my opinion anyway


So what I'm gathering by that piece of information is that Ikemoto and Kodachi either don't know what the chakra cloak does besides power Naruto up, they forgot, or they didn't care because again they were just rushing to ink in the plot point when Naruto is "sealed off" for shock value.


And agreed they didn't need to publish two whole chapters just for that that


P.S. is there actually a fully detailed explanation as to why and how "Nail" is the new vessel? you could just answer yes or know. Don't need to delve into it if you don't feel like it.

Edited by Phantom_999, 02 December 2019 - 11:25 PM.


#7 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 14 October 2019 - 06:50 AM

To be honest, for Naruto's powers and his level of power, it could just be caused by him going to rust. He rarely ever used his toad summons unless it was a giant battle. He almost never uses elemental powered attacks. And he mainly just relies on Shadow Clones and Rasengan in a fight. Its his stamina and trickery that make him a difficult opponent. Now-a-days he just relies on the chakra cloak power in battle. Handle that and he is a pushover.


None of the battles so far have been impressive. Molding cannibal with his wall of wind is stab in the back when he not paying attention. Cyborg Ao beaten with a very obvious strategy. Mustard fight of Naruto making even bigger rasengans to win. And this one.


Oh was that not clear? Their is some...orb that is on Jenga's stomach it contains Isshiki a member of Kaguya's clan. It cracked due to the strain of this epic battle. After which Isshiki pretty much spent the rest of the time not talking to Naruto doing several monologues about this. Isshiki uses the karma seal to test out bodies to see if they are worthy of being his vessel. Jenga is just his current vessel, the real villain is Isshiki, and he is planning on making Nail his next one with his eyes now on Bolt as well for a back up.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 15 October 2019 - 05:47 AM.

#8 Phantom_999


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Posted 14 October 2019 - 08:52 AM

 Soooooo...... Another Orochimaru plot point. good to know :zaru: Although I will spot the noticeable difference in that when you say "experiment", that means a huge majority of the bodies did not work out?

Edited by Phantom_999, 14 October 2019 - 08:54 AM.


#9 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 14 October 2019 - 09:50 AM

 Soooooo...... Another Orochimaru plot point. good to know :zaru: Although I will spot the noticeable difference in that when you say "experiment", that means a huge majority of the bodies did not work out?

Kind of pointed out this was Orochimaru again in that third summary: "Then a thing on Jenga's stomach cracks...turns out their is something possessing the body of Jenga, and Nail is his next vessel...So Orochimaru's body snatching thing again."


...You don't remember Nail's backstory, right? It has been awhile. He had an abusive father who sold him to Kara. They did experiments on children trying to grant Karma seal to them in order to be the next host for Isshiki. He was the only survivor. So, he is the vessel, and they want him back.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 15 October 2019 - 05:52 AM.

#10 Phantom_999


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Posted 14 October 2019 - 10:17 AM

Oh right thanks for the refresher

Edited by Phantom_999, 14 October 2019 - 10:17 AM.


#11 Bail o' Lies

Bail o' Lies

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Posted 20 October 2019 - 12:19 AM

Well, this topic will have a short time as new seeing as the next chapter comes out this weekend.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Naruto is defeated, Not Dead., MV is of Kaguyas Clan, Those two are pathetic, 3 months worth of chapters, Vessel finally explained, Retcons

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