It's gonna center around the original 8 in HS, Tai will be 17.
Takari can finally get together, like they were supposed to!
Posted 01 August 2014 - 08:48 PM
It's gonna center around the original 8 in HS, Tai will be 17.
Takari can finally get together, like they were supposed to!
Posted 01 August 2014 - 09:25 PM
Um im a bit bitter on this. Takari might not get together becaue of what happened in the epuloue same goes for taiora since yamato and sora got together. Even if i do not ship yamato and sora together i hope they put decent amount of interactions to that pair so it dosen't feel very lacklustered. That was my issue with that pair when it happened.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 09:39 PM
Um im a bit bitter on this. Takari might not get together becaue of what happened in the epuloue same goes for taiora since yamato and sora got together. Even if i do not ship yamato and sora together i hope they put decent amount of interactions to that pair so it dosen't feel very lacklustered. That was my issue with that pair when it happened.
Apparently it's a whole new adventure so I'm pretty sure this means a reboot of Adventure 2. Takari were supposed to get together based on interviews with the creator. He flipped a coin*can you believe that crap* but yeah he flipped a coin to decide which of the 4 planned couples were going to get together and in the end he chose Yolei/Ken and Sora/Matt but TK/Kari was supposed to end up together. They were one of the 4. The other was I think Mimi/Izzy. But yeah based on the interviews this is gonna be ignoring Adventure Zero Two and focusing on the original 8.
Which means in this one Tai/Sora could end up together.
Edited by Geninja, 01 August 2014 - 09:42 PM.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 09:50 PM
Honestly I don't care about TK and Kari getting together I only Tai and Sora to be canon. Those two were closer than anyone. The whole thing of the creator" tossing a coin to decided the canon pairings" shows incompetence and terrible writting. Making a pairing canon is supposed to be plan careful and before starting the series or the manga. Example Kishi already decided making NS before he got started writting the manga.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 09:58 PM
Honestly I don't care about TK and Kari getting together I only Tai and Sora to be canon. Those two were closer than anyone. The whole thing of the creator" tossing a coin to decided the canon pairings" shows incompetence and terrible writting. Making a pairing canon is supposed to be plan careful and before starting the series or the manga. Example Kishi already decided making NS before he got started writting the manga.
Well IDK about closer because S2 definitely showed T.K/Kari but S1 and even S2 showed build up for Tai/Sora. Yeah that coin toss thing was ridiculous. I got so pissed when I found out he did that.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:47 PM
Geninja since i can't quote for some reason i desided to reply this post this way.
About the whole coin filp thing is there an actual source for it? And about the whole tai sora thing im sorry if im going burst your bubbles. But the diractor who wrote the first and season seasoned planned yamato and sora to end up together from start to finish not only that but he disliked the idea of taichi and sora because he thought that idea to "cliche". Which is somthing i do not agree because i find the cool guy who happens to be a rockstar to be kinda cliche too. you know what i mean the whole pretty boy getting the girl or the girl only liking the cool guy till the end. To me this types of pairings have played around before like in k dramas and from what i heard shojo mangas to and sasusaku is a example of this and slam dunk. Another thing i found is the whole yamato and sora wasen't planned properly The diractor failed to tell his production crew that this is the planned pairing from start. Thats why when the animation director mamoru hosoda put hints towards taichi and sora in the war game movie. No wonder why the whole pairing thing is just mess. Even if tv tropes admitted that yamato and sora is a flawed pairing due to poor planning,lack of interactions and occness. There also kinda neutral about the whole situtation.
The source i found for this is on tv tropes the red stranged thread page they even have links to prove it.
Im actually quite bitter about watching this new series because of what i just said. Its possible that that same director writer might come back to improve the sora and yamato so he could make it clear that this pairing is meant to happen. Unless its au maybe somone might give taichi and sora as a chance of a pairing who knows.
Im actually more influced for taichi and sora pairing rather than shipping these days due to agression towards the sorato fandom and the poor excution for it. Im also planning to write possible original idea for a series and for the fun of it.
Again im really sorry if i upsetted anyone it upsetted me too when i found out the real story behind it.
Edited by rikakim94, 01 August 2014 - 11:04 PM.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:50 PM
Posted 01 August 2014 - 11:00 PM
Posted 01 August 2014 - 11:09 PM
Even if its not sora i think tai should have ended up with new character thats going to stick together with the group. I hated the fact that they made comdedic joke out of who he ends with like that french girl in season 2. Oh and not to mention he never met that girl again its just some uknown wife he married.
Posted 02 August 2014 - 12:14 AM
Unless retcon the hell out of season 2 like Days of Future Past with movie 3, I do wonder a bit in this new one.
It actually sounds like it will retcon season two though. Like all the articles say that the only characters confirmed are from the original Digimon Adventure so the original 8. Plus watching the trailer none of the 02 kids are in it nor the digimon. So for all we know this is gonna follow the canon from Adventure 01 but retcon 02. Which I'm all for. Or at the very least ignore that awful awful epilogue that was so dang bleak.
BC I was upset that Tai/Sora didn't end up together when they had build up and I was definitely upset that the children of Hope/Light didn't end up together as well despite massive amounts of hints.
Maybe they can rectify all that with this new anime.
Edited by Geninja, 02 August 2014 - 12:22 AM.
Posted 02 August 2014 - 05:30 AM
I was going to retire when Naruto ended even it has part 3, but surprise more Digimon ok lets wait and Pokemon your rival not just yet death.
Saintia Sho The Gold Saints
Posted 03 August 2014 - 04:49 AM
Posted 03 August 2014 - 05:41 AM
I heard from someone that once the egg is rubbed 1 million times, we can get some info. We need teamwork.
Edited by sakutonaru, 03 August 2014 - 05:43 AM.
Posted 03 August 2014 - 06:14 AM
Who thinks this is cute sora cosplay.
Posted 03 August 2014 - 11:11 AM
Posted 04 August 2014 - 04:40 AM
Here's a tip for rubbing the digiegg infinitely:
So via proxy, basically.
Posted 04 August 2014 - 04:44 PM
flappy bird lol and yay
Posted 04 August 2014 - 08:47 PM
Does someone rub the egg today?
Saintia Sho The Gold Saints
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