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Member Since 08 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active May 28 2013 07:48 AM

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What do you think about these?

20 August 2012 - 02:37 AM

Okay, so I has gotten into some debates lately (I got pissed alot, and always trying to ignore them, but in the end, I got my butt dragged into the debates by myself ._. ), and I just want to hear your opinion(s) about this 'opinion' of NH fans.

I told him (my debate opponent) that Naruto won't easily give up on Sakura and throw away all his hard works and sacrifices to get Sakura, just because Hinata's confession.

And he replied with,
I do think he would throw it away if he got to know her better, he's been chasing this emo kid for so long just to make her happy,and all that hard work is already getting trashed away every second that she still loves Sasuke.
And hell if you asked Naruto about all the times he's saved her, he probably be like,"I was just doing what I do." or he could be hurt if all his sacrifice went to hell, how do we know.

We were talking about RTN (Road to Ninja) before that RTN is full with NS moments, and I told him that if MK doesn't want NS to get any development anymore and if he'll put NH in the end, he wouldn't put Sakura joined Naruto to genjutsu world, there. Because it'd looks like he wants to trolling us, NS fans.

Then he replied with,
........................................She's the second most important character on the show, she's the female lead, Naruto by himself wouldn't have been as fun, and who wants to see a extremely nice Sakura, which would be creepy. Also I think it would've been a plot hole just for Sakura not to understand Naruto's pain since she was in the same position.

Most of the time I'm quite enjoying the debates since it makes us have more faith in NS, and getting more sure that it'll happen. But once they start being annoying, it really lure out our 'madness' xD

Btw, tell me if I post this thread in the wrong section o-o


18 August 2012 - 10:00 AM

Hello! Another fresh NS supporter join this site smile.gif And as a starter, I think I'll just start by introducing myself here xD So, nice to meet you! biggrin.gif