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Member Since 30 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active May 02 2015 07:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

21 December 2014 - 08:31 PM

man the sk fandom has got it so bad. almost makes me want to cry for them.


From what I've seen, most in the SK fandom have moved on towards working on fanworks and just being grateful that Kishi ignored Karin rather than mess with her character further, though of course there are those who are taking it worse than others and I truly hope that they feel better soon.


Honestly as the months begin to go by, it does become clearer and clearer to me that this series just isn't worth crying over and being so emotionally invested in anymore.  I'll always remember and treasure the good memories and good times, and I probably won't ever think of the ending as anything more than a messy fail, but all good things do come to an end, it's just too bad that Naruto had such a spectacularly bad one but life does go on and I still believe there are good days ahead for NS (and SK) shippers as long as we let go of the emotional attachment to canon.

In Topic: Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler

16 November 2014 - 06:05 PM

I absolutely adored season 1 but never had quite enough time to get into season 2 or to get really far in the manga either (though I have been spoiling myself by checking up on what has been going on in the latest chapters), but now that Naruto is finally over I will probably try and completely catch up to the current manga chapters, which shouldn't be too hard since it's released monthly.


It truly is a very addictive story with beautiful art and entertaining characters.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

07 November 2014 - 02:05 PM

I was in such shock after the spoilers were released that I had also considered a fake chapter being released so that the fans in Japan would not get the ending spoiled by fans elsewhere, but really, who would go through all that trouble to do that?  The ending is what it is unfortunately :unsure:

In Topic: Chapters 699+700 spoilers

05 November 2014 - 04:49 PM

:ohmy: It's funny, when I think back to my embarrasing teenaged weaboo phase, I used to get so annoyed when people would say that ATLA was a better story than Naruto.  I can freely admit now that ATLA and it's ending is a masterpiece when compared to Naruto.


I regret nothing though as far as shipping is concerned, it was still a fun ride that allowed me to meet wonderful people I never would have known existed otherwise.

In Topic: Any Tumblr people here?

03 November 2014 - 05:00 PM



I am ElleluvsL over on Tumblr as well, and almost everywhere else except for NF, where I'm GaijanGeisha, because I couldn't think up a better name back in those days when I first became active there :sweatdrop: 


I've been taking a short break from Tumblr, but I will definitely be following many of you there because I need to see more NS positivity on my dash.