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#497246 If you could meet Sasuke?

Posted by alphabet on 30 September 2013 - 03:51 AM

If I could meet Sasuke, what would I do?


... Probably pee on his leg. I hate that punk.




BUUUUUUUUUT at the same time, that means that I find him a really interesting character, POV-wise. He has so much potential to be fascinating, you know? I want to see Sasuke's point of view on love (is it duty to family, something that comes easily, something foreign? does he understand love or does he understand necessity?), life (does he live or does he survive?) (does he live to eat or does he eat to live? BAHAHAH- yeah I'm funny) and happiness (when was the last time he felt giddy?). He's had a lot of horrible things happen, yes, but his whole life, he's been glorified beyond belief. How has that molded his psyche?


Out of the big three (Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke - pretty obvious, but i'm explaining this to myself cause I'm drunk), Sasuke was THE CHOSEN ONE. Yet, he's a complete kitten. TELL US HOW YOU FEEL, IF YOU EVEN FEEL AT ALL, SASUKE.