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If you were Kishimoto.

sakura kishi

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#1 Luna



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Posted 18 October 2013 - 09:27 PM

If you were Kishimoto what direction would you take Naruto in?

 What would you do to make the characters better?

Edited by Baka chan, 18 October 2013 - 09:27 PM.


#2 BlueStarSaber


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Posted 18 October 2013 - 09:43 PM

Well I would really only give Sakura a few more fights and more time for Neji, Lee, the Seven Swordsmen and the other jinchuriki, other than that not much since I am mostly satisfied with what we have gotten.

#3 Hanabi



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Posted 18 October 2013 - 09:45 PM

make the story go slower, like pokemon :excited: there's so many types of shinobis/countries, why waste it?


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#4 redragon88


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Posted 18 October 2013 - 10:59 PM

1) Make Sakura question her feelings for Sasuke in comparison to hers for Naruto more often and give more insight to her thoughts.

2) Additional cool fights for the Edo-tensei (Sakura vs Chiyo, Lee vs Kimimaro, Neji and Hinata vs Hizashi, Tsunade vs Dan, etc.)

3) Tenten should've kept the Bashosen. Chakra drainage be damned.

4) In Obito's flashback I would've explored more on his friendship with Rin so that his start of darkness could've had more impact.

5) Would've given a faster pace to the Obito/Madara/Shinju fight that has been going on ever since Naruto headbutted Tobi nearly 100 chapters ago.

Edited by redragon88, 18 October 2013 - 11:02 PM.

#5 Enkai



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Posted 18 October 2013 - 11:11 PM

1) Make Sakura question her feelings for Sasuke in comparison to hers for Naruto more often and give more insight to her thoughts.

2) Additional cool fights for the Edo-tensei (Sakura vs Chiyo, Lee vs Kimimaro, Neji and Hinata vs Hizashi, Tsunade vs Dan, etc.)

3) Tenten should've kept the Bashosen. Chakra drainage be damned.

4) In Obito's flashback I would've explored more on his friendship with Rin so that his start of darkness could've had more^T impact.

5) Would've given a faster pace to the Obito/Madara/Shinju fight that has been going on ever since Naruto headbutted Tobi nearly 100 chapters ago.


Also give more detail on the Uzumaki clan like perhaps an insight on some other clan members that were really well known and even show some more Uzumaki techniques, would be great if Naruto could become a seals master like Jiraiya, Minato and Kushina.


Oh and the Sarutobi clan I have always wanted more information on them and maybe the thirds father as he was noted to be a very good shinobi, even details on what happened to the Senju clan like did they all die out or simply have higher ratio of females which then spread into other smaller clans.


K11 should have had better development throughout the story and I would have liked much more focus on Sakura.


Thats all I can think of for now...


#6 Strangelove


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 01:10 AM

Take out Sasuke, and put Naruto as the main villain, and Sakura as the heroine who is trying to bring him back into the village.


#7 Luna



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Posted 19 October 2013 - 02:01 AM

I like all the responses. :)


#8 Branden


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 04:19 AM

Hashirama should be showing struggle with his fight against Madara. Since he died, Madara has become significantly more powerful so Hashirama shouldn't be able to keep up with him at this point. This would be easy, you just need to show Hashi being under stress and even take a few hits from Madra.

While this happens Obito should decide to show Naruto true despair and begin to attack the Shinobi alliance. This is a win-win for Obito because if they are gone then not only does that disrupt Naruto and the other kages but it also neutralizes a threat to the moon eye plan. The Shinobi alliance that Obito is attacking shouldn't just be obliterated either. They should fight back using super charged jonin level techniques that are unique to their villages. Amazing jutsu that seem unstoppable should be crushed by Obito as he begins the massacre. Obito would start using all 5 elements and actually using jutsu, you know, the thing that people use to use in this series. The Rinnegan and mangekyou sharingan should also be utilized for this battle. Other less powerful Shinobi should be commanded by the Jonin, they should use combined techniques like Fire+Oil+Wind jutsu. This wouldn't go on long, as it's just to show that the Shinobi alliance isn't just standing around doing nothing and also that Obito is killing them. Naruto would start to become desperate and reckless at the sight of seeing the alliance massacred. This, being just what Obito wanted, would lead to him for a straight charge using the Kyuubi's speed. Sasuke, who would have been fighting alongside Naruto, would be able to see through Obito's trap with the sharingan be forced to saved both himself and Naruto from what I imagine would be a bijuu bomb from Obito. Sasuke in complete desperation is able to use perfect susanoo for a brief moment in order to shield them from the blast. They escape with their lives, but just barely as they are both badly injured. At this point the chakra cloak on the shinobi alliance starts to fade and we see a little bit more of the fight between Hashi and Madara where it looks like Hashi is at his breaking point and Madara is screaming at him like a madman.


After a massive blast from the bijuu bomb the edo kages would notice and Minato would teleport Naruto and Sasuke to safety but probably take a bad hit in the process, maybe losing his lower half or his other arm in the process. In any case Naruto and Sasuke are all but completely unconscious and Minato would bring Sakura there to heal them. After this Obito, having seen the alliance has no intention of standing down, starts unleashing the full fury of the Juubi upon them. The ranks within the alliance are falling rapidly as bijuu bombs go off left and right. Tobirama cannot teleport any of them away because the Kyuubi cloak has vanished. A few of the most powerful jonin in the world along with the kage are trying to hold off Obito but are clearly being defeated in the process. Once Naruto and Sasuke are healed Minato gives the other half of the Kyuubi's chakra to Naruto. There will probably be a new change in wardrobe for this.


The situation is dire at this point. The Shinobi alliance is being obliterated and will soon be completely destroyed. Hashi is clearly losing to Madara. Minato, having taken severe hits, is now useless in combat. At this point Sakura says they need to make a counter-attack immediately. Naruto, being the fastest, will fight Obito head on. He will have to lure Obito away from the alliance so they have time to stop the moon eye plan. Naruto's goal won't be to defeat Obito, but rather, to distract him. Sasuke will have to use perfect Susanoo to distract Madara. Once again, the goal is to be a distraction. Sakura will try to rally the rest of the alliance and lead an attack on the Juubi tree. With the help of the kage and a few dozen jonin they will try to stop the moon eye plan dead in it's tracks. After that the alliance will turn it's focus to defeating Madara and Obito.


The rest is just small details but pretty much all of that last paragraph happens. Naruto and Sasuke have some epic fights and Sakura leads a charge on the Juubi. The Juubi is defeated. The moons eye plan is delayed, for now. The alliance determines that Obito is more of a threat so they regroup and attack Obito head on. Obito does the classic villain thing where he says how you may have stopped the moon eye plan now but ill just start it up again. Long story short Obito starts getting his ass kicked and is eventually defeated. During all the madness and confusion though both Madara and Sasuke have vanished.


After that there will be some resolution stuff, typical post-battle scenes.




Now I know what you're thinking, that was terrible. I realize this, but if I really were Kishi I would have time to perfect each chapter, so be considerate before judging this plot-line.

In any case the goal is to try and redeem the shinobi war arc by making it actually feel like a war and end also to end it as soon as possible with a little bit of mystery to give people a reason to buy the next volume.



And that's what I would do if I were Kishimoto. Kill all the characters and make things more realistic.


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#9 James S Cassidy

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 11:53 AM

4 words:




I don't mean in a NH or love kind of way, but actually develop her character and make her more than just pairing fodder. Give her an actual soul instead of a satellite persona. Perhaps help the readers know that just because she doesn't have Naruto does not mean the end of the world. In fact, maybe even have her push Naruto to love Sakura more.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 19 October 2013 - 12:09 PM.

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#10 Pink Chidori

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 06:23 PM

If I were Kishimoto, Part II would have been completely different. I wouldn't spend so much time going after Sasuke, even though it means so much to Naruto and Sakura, I would place them in situations where the plot is far more intertwined with all the rookies, as well as the jinchurikki that end up getting captured. They would still go after Sasuke, just not at the expense of moving the plot along better.


I thought it would have been better if we had gotten to see the tailed beast jinchurikki at least so that we'd have some idea about them by the time they got taken down by the Akatsuki.


In the filler, Utakata and Naruto met, but that should have been canon I think. The rookies would have been more powered up and we would have seen more into their lives as well as been around Naruto and Sakura far more so that we get a better grasp on their comradeship and friendship. Not sure if I would have kept Naruto as the child of prophecy, and I would have kept up with the "hard-work" theme and Sakura would have so much more screen and fighting time.


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#11 Nate River

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:27 PM

There are a lot of small things I could point at, but I think it better to stick to the broader issue:


(1) Clean up Naruto's background. It's a total mess. Most of the issues I think can be broken into two problems. The less problematic is explaining how he ended living in an apartment by himself. The other is explaining what the older generation was doing this whole time. The mistreatment is almost entirely farmed out to nameless, faceless villagers. We have no clue as to why the known ones never appeared to step in given that none of them seem to have any negative feelings about Kyuubi and Naruto never asks. It makes no sense.


(2)  Eliminate Team Not Seven. One significant contribution that did not require their existence to accomplish. Their existence make no sense and attempts to involve them have been absolutely awful.


(3) Commit to a specific Part 2 Sasuke: I think Kishimoto has been too cute with this. Moving from his descent into darkness into a journey for truth later on. I actually like Sasuke overall, but when Sasuke fell he was given a character shield so he wouldn't end up in Obito's position. Then he moved on from that via forces other than the character trying to save him. So...I guess now it feels like...what's the point? Then there is leaving his team and village because he sees them as a weakness only to immediately form a new one. He's just been all over the place.


(4) Cut down on/eliminate the tendency to bail out on moral delimma's: It's a pet peeve of mine to set up a conflict and solve it by side-stepping or tossing out the core conflict. For example, in a love triangle, one part doing something to eliminate themselves and spare someone the difficult choice. In Naruto, it was things like Pain reviving everyone in a manner than cause him to die, so Naruto never has to justify his choice. Ei making a moral argument that torpedo's his credibility.


(5) Test Naruto's Philosophy more: Maybe I'm full of it, but it feels like those who oppose his ideas fall to quickly and he's never really put to the test. Pain was the worst such situation on multiple fronts. Mercy isn't risk free. Would Naruto stand by after watching it blow up in his face in tragic fashion?

#12 Smiter


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 10:19 PM

I'd try to make character development more consistent and prominent, and adopt a "quality over quantity" when it comes to characters.  One of Kishimoto's problems has been the sheer number of characters he has to juggle, and significant characters have often been left by the wayside while the plot ploughs on.  Then they get some kind of magic boost or quick retcon to catch up.  So I would try to keep the manga focused on Team 7 and the other main players (e.g. villains) as often as possible.


I'd also highlight significant developments like the Rookies finding out that Naruto is a Jinchuuriki, and having people struggle to come to terms with that.  Kishimoto just had it happen during the time-skip, so we never got to see that.  Also, how come people never asked who Naruto's parents were?


Nate's idea of introducing more moral tests is nice as well.  We also definitely needed a more consistent Sasuke as well, he's been all over the place in Part 2.

#13 Nate River

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 02:34 AM

I'd try to make character development more consistent and prominent, and adopt a "quality over quantity" when it comes to characters.  One of Kishimoto's problems has been the sheer number of characters he has to juggle, and significant characters have often been left by the wayside while the plot ploughs on.  Then they get some kind of magic boost or quick retcon to catch up.  So I would try to keep the manga focused on Team 7 and the other main players (e.g. villains) as often as possible.

To me, this is the kind of thing that you figure out by watching and doing. I wouldn't have thought of it myself had I not seen it in action here. What he does is when faced with a new task or point to make he makes a new character who then fades away once it is completed. Rather than reuse existing ones he always tends to create new ones. I think it harms the story in that we get characters with little development who don't last long when that could have been applied to deepen an already existing characters.

I'd also highlight significant developments like the Rookies finding out that Naruto is a Jinchuuriki, and having people struggle to come to terms with that.  Kishimoto just had it happen during the time-skip, so we never got to see that.  Also, how come people never asked who Naruto's parents were?

Given how it affected him in the past, an absolutely inexcusable omission. We know they accept the whole thing, but I think them actually doing so is a big deal and it should have been shown.

Nate's idea of introducing more moral tests is nice as well.  We also definitely needed a more consistent Sasuke as well, he's been all over the place in Part 2.

I regret using test, but Naruto's ideals carry their own risks, which Kishimoto constantly skips. I am not saying I would do this, but for example, he spares Pain and he learns the wrong lesson or no less and does something to harm someone else. It's a preventable harm if Naruto offs him then. What would Naruto do? What if Pain had neither died nor revived anyone, what would you, as a citizen of Konoha who has had their property destroyed and friends killed say about his refusal to dispense any kind of punishment? If Pain had not died would Naruto have captured him? Same with Sasuke, if he had torched the town like he wanted, what would Naruto tell the survivors for letting him walk away earlier.

Instead Kishimoto essentially affirms it is the right choice by having Pain respond positively. Rather than letting it stand own it's own merits he essentially cheats. And that is a possible response too, but we always get a neutral or positive response and never the blowing up in your face one. Sarutobi had that happen to him with Orochimaru, why is Naruto spared?

#14 Lid



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Posted 01 November 2013 - 03:20 AM

I'd try to make character development more consistent and prominent, and adopt a "quality over quantity" when it comes to characters.  One of Kishimoto's problems has been the sheer number of characters he has to juggle, and significant characters have often been left by the wayside while the plot ploughs on.  Then they get some kind of magic boost or quick retcon to catch up.  So I would try to keep the manga focused on Team 7 and the other main players (e.g. villains) as often as possible.


I really agree with you here Smiter, it's been one of the things I've had a problem with Kishimoto's storytelling. The issues is that nearly the majority of characters are somewhere between main and minor.


Take for example Neji, he had this major background, a real story, had this turnaround, but what was really seen after that? Fact is Kishimoto introduced this interesting idea about Neji and the Hyuuga clan, however, he never had the time to really build a good arc around it like showing the inner workings of the clan and what Neji is trying to change.


And then



Keeping the manga more focused on Team 7 would have been a better move in my view.

Edited by Lid, 01 November 2013 - 03:20 AM.

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#15 rocci


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Posted 01 November 2013 - 03:30 AM

It's all happen because kishi intend to make naruto vs sasukeh the last battle of this manga.

Lol just kidding and not kidding too.

#16 Smiter


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Posted 06 November 2013 - 09:11 PM

To me, this is the kind of thing that you figure out by watching and doing. I wouldn't have thought of it myself had I not seen it in action here. What he does is when faced with a new task or point to make he makes a new character who then fades away once it is completed. Rather than reuse existing ones he always tends to create new ones. I think it harms the story in that we get characters with little development who don't last long when that could have been applied to deepen an already existing characters.


I'm in absolute agreement with your point there, it might have enhanced the story and characters if Kishimoto reused existing characters to advance the plot or make a point.  It might have added extra layers to the supporting cast, such as Chouji and Tenten.  All those characters have so many blanks that could have been exploited for stories to aid Team 7's development.



Take for example Neji, he had this major background, a real story, had this turnaround, but what was really seen after that? Fact is Kishimoto introduced this interesting idea about Neji and the Hyuuga clan, however, he never had the time to really build a good arc around it like showing the inner workings of the clan and what Neji is trying to change.


Yeah, it's a pity, Kishimoto could have shown the development of the relationship between Neji and Hinata, and used it to show the state of the Hyuuga clan.  We know that Neji became protective of Hinata and respected her, but we never got to see if things had changed within the Hyuuga clan.  Why leave it at Naruto's promise to "change the clan" way back in Part 1?  It would have been really nice to see Neji and Hinata take matters into their own hands, and work together to rebuild the clan for the future and stop the Main/Branch discrimination within the Hyuuga.

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