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Plank no Jutsu

Member Since 02 Dec 2014
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14 December 2014 - 05:33 PM

Hi everyone!


I'm Plank (planknojutsu on tumblr), John (John Smith on ffnet) please don't call me John it's a long story ok, or Jen (Jennifer on my birth certificate)!


I really like Naruto, Sakura, Minato, and a bunch of other characters in the Naruto franchise, but I especially like babies.  B  A  S     E


If you ever want to talk about NaruSaku babies, you know who to come talk to *POINTS TO SHIRT, WHICH READS "I  :love:  BABIES"*


Listen, okay?  Just listen.  Listen.  Okay: Babies.


But seriously, I also really enjoy psychological character studies and emotional plots a lot.  I also like to analyze and deepen character backgrounds, both as an attempt to pad the canon or just as neato headcanons.  One of my absolute favorite topics is Naruto's upbringing and the strange, uncommon way he must view the world because of it.  Unlike most orphans, he seems to be portrayed as almost the perfect balance between feral child and typical orphan.  Fairly uncommon, and very interesting portrayal.  Naruto was disjointed not just from "parental" or "family" figures, but from the entirety of his society.  He was given a role in institutions such as schools and was given a home, but it was almost as though he were living in the world without, in any way, being part of the world.  HOW IS THAT NOT MONSTROUSLY FASCINATING?  He didn't even end up like many other orphans, "ganged" up with other youths their age in similar situations.  Nothing.  His bonds were limited to figures of authority who reprimanded him more than anything else.  One of these days, I'd like to start writing up a drabbles fic with my headcanons about Naruto's childhood.  IT'S JUST SO INTRIGUING LIKE WOWEEEEEE.


So yeah, if you want to talk about psychology, headcanon, emotional cause/effect, or BABIESBABIESBABIES, then just yeah.  Hello.