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Canis Black

Member Since 20 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active May 03 2007 07:18 PM

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In Topic: Dark Tide Discussion thread

27 December 2006 - 07:13 PM

Actually, while we rarely see teams larger than four it doesn't mean that there aren't and can't be teams that are larger.

I've not read the fic so I don't know much about the actual story or the OC, I just wanted to point out that teams CAN be larger than the standard four man team. Still, if the team IS larger then it probably needs to be a team put together for a specific mission/purpose; not a permanent basis even if the mission is a long term one.

In Topic: Training for the Job -- Discussion Thread

20 October 2006 - 09:17 PM

QUOTE(TheVileOne @ Aug 19 2006, 09:00 AM) *

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That's a hell of a consolation prize for Ino.

One would think that Yondaime would want to hook up with his former mate Anko . . . least former mate in Desaix's canon.

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The age difference would be too big between the resurrected Yondaime and Anko. Though I do wonder what Anko will think.

Any number of things could happen to Anko in the future, but I don't forsee her living beyond the end of the story. Her health isn't all that great and we've already seen that she's more than willing to sacrifice herself to kill Orochimaru. In truth I think she'll probably be the one to finally take him out (possibly saving Naruto's life in the process?), but even if she does live the deal with Yondaime/Ino (and I'm hoping that's a crack-idea he threw out to confuse us) instead of Yondaime getting back with Anko would probably have a LOT to do with Anko abandoning Naruto. I can't see the Fourth ever being able to forgive and forget something like that. Forgive, possibly, but not forget. If Naruto's dad does come back as a living person then I forsee a very unhappy reunion between the former lovers.

In Topic: Undercover Challenge

13 March 2006 - 03:51 AM

Mission: Long term spying mission on either enemies OR allies. Their cover (read: jobs) could be anything you like. It's been done many a time, but you could have them as traveling salesmen, or taking into account Sakura's medical talents, she could be a healer and he her husband/assistant (borrowed from Ruroni Kenshin/Samurai X by the way).

Note: This is for those looking for a reason for them to go undercover in such a way.

In Topic: One Hundred Days

06 March 2006 - 05:52 PM

Probably you're doing TOO good a job. People don't have much to complain about and your regular readers have run out of good stuff to say without sounding redundant. After all there's only so many ways you can say "Great Job!" without sounding like sycophantic fanboy/girl with their "kewl dUde!" and other less grammatically correct babbling over fics that don't have half the plot of yours (I'm being generous to the hack writiers since not ALL of them are that bad) never mind the skill of your writing. The only thing that will get you more reviews is a particularly shocking twist or new readers.

Canis Black

Disclaimer: These are only the opinions of Canis Black and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of others or even reality itself. Thank you and have a nice day.

In Topic: One Hundred Days

13 February 2006 - 01:58 AM

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This was a really good chapter, especially liked the bit where Sakura and Co. stole Team Kurenai's scroll. That was a twist I haven't seen in this type of fic.

The bit with the Haruno connection to the Hidden Mist is curious. I look forward to seeing how that develops.

Finally, there wasn't much of Naruto OR Jiraiya in this chapter, though I understand the focus was on the second part of the Chunin Exam. Still, I hope he has a significantly larger part in the next chapter.