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Member Since 16 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2014 09:38 PM

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literary techniques (in NS scenes)

17 June 2013 - 06:54 PM

Hey, what do you think about discussing the literary techniques used in NS scenes/moments?

When I re-read chapter 469 I noticed that When Naruto says: 'I hate people who lie to themselves!'

there are actually two kinds of irony

Firstly, there's dramatic irony . Here's the definition from wikipedia: 'Dramatic irony is an incongruity between what a character in a work of fiction believes to be true and what the audience knows to be true.'
The readers know that Naruto actually loves Sakura but for a short moment he says  something to her that contradicts his usual kind and selfless attitude and his long-cherished feelings for her. 
Secondly, there's situational irony. Definition from wikipedia: 'Situational irony is an incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal, [intended], or expected result.'
What about that situation? Well, up to that point, Naruto has always wished for Sakura to confess to him 
but he's never expected her to actually do it. He wanted to fulfill the POAL and expected her to 
get together with Sasuke. But Sakura confessed to him even though he couldn't fulfill the POAL.
What do you think about it? The opposing shippers quite often say that the romance in Naruto 
is badly written because they know that NS will most likely become canon. That's why I posted that 
in another forum. 
Some people also say that Naruto has actually wanted Sakura to end up with Sasuke. That's just 
ridiculous. He's wanted her to be happy (thus the POAL) but he's always wished for her to
notice his feelings, accept them and respond to them.


Anyway, I'm gonna post another analysis here later. I hope you like this thread and post about the 

literary techniques you've noticed. 

Oh yeah, pls correct me if I've made mistakes, maybe I'm reading too much into that scene lol.

Hello, Heaven and Earth

16 June 2013 - 08:12 PM

Hello, I was active in this forum two years ago. The password recovery kinda doesn't work so I've 

registered a new account. I'm gonna use this account now but the username for my first one

is 'rastaman'.

Anyway, I just got into debating for the NS pairing again. I've been debating in the mangafox forum (NH vs NS) for a week or so. Some people there keep saying things like 'It's not shown in the manga that 

Naruto has ever actually loved Sakura romantically' and so on. So yeah, I'm glad to be back.