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Member Since 07 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2014 04:08 PM

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In Topic: NaruSaku RPG Fangame

24 October 2014 - 09:47 AM

...yeah video games are not my thing. HAHAHA I can't get out! Idk what you mean by right then left??

Are you still stuck on the house genjutsu or on another place?

In Topic: NaruSaku RPG Fangame

23 October 2014 - 11:58 PM

Ok. I need help. lol

Mmm...if I remember correctly try to check the blood on the upper floor and then every seat on the big table on the lower floor until a ghost tells you something, after check the fireplace or try to exit, don't remember which was first.

In Topic: NaruSaku RPG Fangame

23 October 2014 - 10:09 PM

Hmm, normally that isn't suppose to happen. I've noted the Problem for now, thank you very much for reporting it ( ^ω^)
Hope you'll still enjoy it. And that you pick the good choice xD

No, i didn't. I was too fast clicking. That was heartbreaking :cry:

In Topic: NaruSaku RPG Fangame

23 October 2014 - 09:14 PM

Thanks, it worked

I noticed something thought, if you enter for the first time and go down there is no wind sound just the message, but if you go up first the wind sound is played. It's a little misleading but after that it works fine so i don't know if I would call it a bug.

In Topic: NaruSaku RPG Fangame

23 October 2014 - 08:42 PM

Which forest do you mean? x)

The one after Sakura woke up of the genjutsu and is following the trail of blood, like Ino says i'm going on circles. :pinch:

I'm always on the same map over and over. That's why I say it reminds me the lost wood from Zelda games.

I suppose i need to find the clue to find the good direction but nothing till now. i thought it would be more blood or something similar.