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Member Since 21 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2015 11:17 PM

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In Topic: Boruto - the movie

22 July 2015 - 03:34 PM

Marketing purposes. I do have to say the people behind the marketing especially the ones behind picking the names were quite brilliant. They actually knew what they were doing.

You see the name "The Last" suggests it's the last movie of it, the end. So of course people will fall for it. The ending to something most of the time brings in more people because it brings back the ones that dropped it before and now they want to see how it ends.


Similar thing with "Boruto". Kishi said that if Naruto has a kid, the kid's name will be "Shinachiku" but Shinachiku doesn't really sound that good in term of marketing now does it?

Think about it "Boruto" - "Naruto". The names are close; so people will be more likely to go watch a "Boruto" movie instead of a "Shinachiku" movie.

Seriously? I'd be talking about how flawed that logic is right now but it's meaningless at this point...


But in all honesty, this is not something intended to attract loyal fans that have been following Naruto for a long time and know the story. If anything, it's an insult to them, kinda like getting called stupid in front of your face. This is just something to attract certain fans that wanted to see specific things happen (like NaruHina) while altering the series facts, character personalities... EVERYTHING, in order to justify what cannot be justified in the first place.


Oh and Shinachiku? Love that name and I would totally watch the movie, as long as it stayed true to everything that was shown in the past years.

In Topic: Boruto - the movie

22 July 2015 - 03:11 PM

Yes what you're seeing is correct. It's another lie in an attempt of brainwashing us and believing that one of Naruto's goals was to be with Hinata. And now he finally achieved his dream. We should be happy that he finally achieved his dream. Similar thing with Hinata.

I wish I had the person who made this decision in front of me, so I can struggle them.

I can tell that this is exactly what's going on since I've seen bits and pieces of The Last. Should have been over it by now but I guess I'm not after all... the amount of stupidity that gets shoved into my face never ceases to amaze me. I always say that there's a limit to how stupid a person can be but seems like there is no such thing.


Btw, why is the movie named "The Last"? Does it symbolize anything? I sure hoped that it was indeed the last Naruto movie but with Boruto: the movie being worked on, looks like it wasn't...

In Topic: Boruto - the movie

22 July 2015 - 02:37 PM


That's the image, 4life

Excuse me, I think I'm seeing things here...


Do I see Naruto getting congratulated by the guys because he got Hinata-hime and Hinata-hime getting congratulated by the girls? Does Sakura really have that "lucky you" face? Does Lee support this nonsense from the background? And is that Sai I see in front of Hinata? SAI?? Of all people??


That's it, I'm buying NATUO The Last just to break it. Talking about some MAJOR pile of s$#t here...

In Topic: DeviantART Artists Unite!

18 July 2015 - 11:46 PM

That's awesome, I finally found some Narusaku fans on Deviantart to watch!

Kinda weird that I've been watching most of you without realizing it!


I don't know if that's classified as art but I mainly work Naruto-related 3d models.


Anyhow, here's my page on da: http://mvegeta.deviantart.com/