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Project: The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki

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#1 LuckyChi7


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Posted 17 April 2018 - 08:46 PM

I briefly talked about it in the live action thread, but I figured this particular topic needed it's own little post.  We should try to make our own little project an alternative Naruto anime fan made series by making some adjustments in order for the narrative to flow so much better and that will allow it to make sense. 




Where do the alteration begins with this series?


It's Quite simple actually. 



1. The Revival of Naruto during the 4th Great Ninja War

  • Scrap the whole speech about Naruto and Sasuke being reincarnation of Ashura and Indra because keeping it in destroys Naruto's hard work ethic he's had since the beginning.  
  • Instead, just have Naruto's revival happen because Minato transfers the Yin Kurama into Naruto. 
  • The Sage of Sixth Paths just gives both Naruto and Sasuke a riddle as to how they can defeat Madara (who is the Sage at the time) and that's all he does. 


2.  The Sun and Moon Seals 

  •  This one is kinda hit and miss because they do have a purpose. I wouldn't say the seals would be necessary for a power up to gain new forms. 
  • Instead, the seals appear because of the healing factors from Sakura and mainly The Yin Kurama's power. The section being placed into Naruto along with small remnants of Yang Kurama is what ultimately forms the Sun Seal for Naruto. 
  • Now as for the Moon Seal for Sasuke it's due Kabuto helping and Karin helping out as well. A combination of the Uzumaki chakra and the powers of the curse mark.. 

(if you guys have a different idea how the Sun and Moon Seals appear on Naruto and Sasuke then I'm perfectly open to any suggestions on that.) 



3.   Naruto's New Bijuu Form


  • I'll be honest I wasn't particular the biggest fan of Naruto's power up form after taking with Hagaromo and just thought the design looked really bland. 
  • Instead, I think what should happen is his cloak not only becomes a darker color because of the Yin Kurama, but also it should flicker between that and his normal form think of how it was in the Chikara filler arc. 


4. Explanation on Sasuke's Rinnegan 

  • Wouldn't call this the best, but you could say it's because of the combination between Karin's Uzumaki bloodline with her chakra and Sasuke's that's able to allow him to gain the Rinnegan. Reason being Karin is an Uzumaki and she is a descendent  of the senju clan. 


5. War's Final Fight: Team 7 VS Madara Uchiha 


  • This is the one I know most if not all of us believe that Madara Uchiha should've been the end all be all for Naruto's generation to face in terms of threats go.  
  • The battle itself will be based on tactics and team work, and yes Sakura will be implemented. 
  • When Madara tries to attack Sakura, Naruto saves her she thanks Naruto and looks to Sasuke with a sigh. 
  • Madara tries to get the better of Team Seven, but Obito steps in to defend them taking the blow. 
  • Naruto avoids calling him the coolest guy ever, Naruto will tell Obito that he can't forgive him after all that's happened, but he at least acknowledges his efforts in saving them. Obito will then smile with a nod, "You're going to face a lot of trials down a head, but whatever you do never change, and Become Hokage." 
  • Obito will lend Kakashi his other eye (somehow) just before turning into dust making the Perfect Susanoo a lot more justifiable then how it was represented in the series. 
  • Madara will insult Obito's efforts, but ultimately it's not Naruto that stands up for Obito, it'll be Kakashi for much obvious reasons of course and it makes sense given Kakashi and Obito's history. 
  • Obito and Rin will reunite in the afterlife similar to the manga only since Obito gave him his eyes before death, they will both part into the afterlife together right then and there, and wishing Naruto luck on his own opportunity *wink wink * lol.
  • Team 7 manages to seal Madara Uchiha bringing an end to the 4th Great Ninja War. 
  • Madara's final word could be, "If only you knew.. Sasuke..." 



6.  Minato's Farewell 

  • This one's a little tricky at least for me as to how the edo hokages overall will depart. For Minato at the very least I would actually have Naruto and Minato have a legit hug that's the first thing. 
  • Naruto will bring up the girl like me comment from his mother, "about the girl I like.." and look back to Sakura briefly then to his father saying "Well you already know, and tell her I've got it from here." Minato nods with a smile, "Yeah I'll be sure to tell her everything."  


7.  Sasuke's Declares Revolution 

  • The only real thing that'll change is Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi agreeing that it's time to dispell the infinite Tsukiyomi, but Sasuke disagrees declaring his revolution for own personal needs. 
  • The biggest thing though is that Sakura will make a stance to Sasuke telling him "For a long time I had hoped things would be different after this, but you keep going on about your vendetta, and I'm just sick of it now Sasuke. No more.. no more will I be holding back!!" and then Sasuke taunts her by saying "Useless" 
  • This causes Sakura to get ticked as the two ultimately have a skirmish, and Naruto tries to intervene, but Kakashi tells him "this is something she has to do." 
  • The skirmish will end with Sasuke besting Sakura via Genjutsu  I know same conclusion of her getting knocked out, but atleast she goes down trying. Naruto gets pissed at Sasuke for pulling a cheap move, but he tells Naruto to follow so they can finally settle things out. 
  • Naruto tells Kakashi he'll be right back and keep an eye on Sakura in the meantime, and then follows Sasuke to The Valley of the End. 


 8.  Naruto vs Sasuke Part II 


  • The fight is going to be the reverse of what happened in the original series. it's going to be a gradual build up from Kunais, to chakra mode and regular Susano, and then Naruto's bijju Mode and Sasuke's perfect Susanoo form. 
  • Something I always imagined is Sasuke using Kirin and Naruto trying to deflect it with like a Massive Rasenshuriken i mean that would be sick. 
  • Mid way through the fight,  we cut to Sakura's inner thoughts of her reflection about where it's all been leading, and then sees a shadow of Naruto in almost like a sunlit canvas causing her to reawaken. She asks Kakashi what's going on, and he fills her in. 
  • After a certain point in the fight,  Sasuke will have the advantage in besting Naruto momentarily. However it is here that Sakura gets back into the fight surprising him as she rides about Katsuyu, and doing the best she can to heal Naruto. 
  • Naruto immeaditely wonders why she's stepping in knowing what happened last time, but She tells him "Stupid, I told you before that next time we're gonna do this together. He smiles as he takes her hand while she Infuses some of her healing chakra into Naruto to give him the chakra.
  • The fight at this point will mirror like the Legendary Sanin with the fights Naruto will summon Gamakichi,  and Sasuke will summon Aoda to assist him in the fight. 
  • The conclusion of the fight is something I wanna get you're thoughts on, but ultimately Naruto and Sasuke will basically be closed to being knocked out. However, Sakura does what she can to tend to Naruto only, and it's Naruto who tells her to also heal Sasuke "for his sake." 
  • Right when she is about to do so, Karin comes in to tending to Sasuke telling Sakura "I can handle it." surprising them with Suigetsu and Jugo standing behind Kakashi who says, "They're finally back together."  thus, concluding the final fight between Naruto and Sasuke. 


9.  The Aftermath 


  • Unlike 699, we will actually go in detail to see how everything is settled from the War.  The Villages, the situation with the Tailed beasts,  Seeing Sasuke sitting in Prison contemplating on the decision of what to do from the officials. Neji's funeral will of course happen. 
  • Thus, we arrive at the day where Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi sees Sasuke and Team Taka off because Sasuke goes into exile due to his past deeds, and the real reason for granting this decision is his efforts in assisting them in taking down Madara and eventually dispelling Infinite Tsukiyomi. 
  • As Team Taka gives their farewells to them, Sakura tells Sasuke that after everything she can't forgive him for what he's done, but she does wish him the best of luck. Karin makes a comment "I'll keep an eye on him." leaving her smiling that there is a change being planted. 
  • Naruto gives Sasuke the headband from before with a hand shake and smiles seeing his best friend off.
  • Kakashi heads back to his office as the new Hokage leaving Naruto and Sakura to walk back alone as the two reflect back on everything from before. 
  • Finally, this brings us to the Bench from chapter 3 which is where Naruto comments to Sakrua how he knows leaving her confused, but then repeats what "Sasuke" said in the chapter leading her to the realization that all this time it was Naruto that said those words. She berates him comedically at first, but then opens her arms around him, and he kisses her forehead saying it's always been beautiful and still is to her."  


10. The Epilogue  


  • Honestly, this is one just honestly the most simple fix. It has nothing to do with the new generation, but instead it'll be getting everyone's perspective on the big day and how it's unbelievable.
  • The entire village has practically gathered near the Hokage Mansion for obvious reasons
  • Sasuke Team Taka walks back into the village for the special ocassion greeted by Sakura.
  • Here we see her clan symbol on the back of her shirt is the Uzumaki symbol and she has four kids. Two twins Shinachiku (six), Sachiko (six) (obviously lol), and a little girl, Hanami (3 years old), and Arashi (1 month old) .
  • Sakura heads to the top with them where we see all Tsunade, Konohamaru, Yamato, Sai, and the other Konoha members there waiting for them. 
  • Sasuke and Karin have a couple kids Anzu Uchiha (best friends with Shina and Sachi) (6 years), Sadara (3 years old) (bffs with Hanami). Karin is pregnant with another child fyi lol
  • It is here where Naruto arrives, and Kakashi bequeaths him as The Seventh Hokage. Thus bringing a true fitting conclusion for Naruto. 




That's basically the overall jest of what I've had in mind when it came to this little project I've been brainstorming over the last  few years. In fact in a lot of ways I actually do wanna see this happen, Find a way to get the NaruSaku community on like a passion project? I think this would be a great way to do it,  what do you guys think? and would anyone wanna  be on board to get this project kickstarted with me? 





FYI,  there will be a series focusing on Shinachiku, Sachiko, Hanami, and Arashi titled either Uzumaki Chronicles/Uzumaki Legacies, but the ideas for those I'm still working on.. For now I think it be good to focus on The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki instead.  Once again, I'd like to know what you guys think. 

Edited by LuckyChi7, 21 April 2018 - 12:08 PM.





#2 catsi563



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Posted 20 April 2018 - 06:20 PM

I'm always available for input


Funny thing is I don't have as much a problem with the Asura Indra thing but id use it in the last movie as a part of the plot there with Kaguya being the main villain in that one. The Sage gives them the power of the twins to finally stop their mother so they can save the world that sort of thing.


maybe even a brief sub plot where the two have it out with each other as the brothers power overwhelms them, but they pull back as their own experiences come to the fore and they find a lasting peace bolstered by their memories of their loved ones Sakura and Karin.


End the last movie with Naruto and Sakuras wedding, and a hint of Sasuke and Karins.

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#3 KClaws_2


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Posted 21 April 2018 - 01:21 AM

If this is going to be a fan manga like tokai's Alternate Last, this is going to take a while. If that's the case, may I suggest getting not just one but several artists who can draw close to Kishi's style so it can be updated regularly.


Story-wise, sounds okay. The one thing you should talk about is Orochimaru and Kabuto. Kabuto, MAYBE could become good (but at this point that's a hard thing to do), but Orochimaru in my mind was supposed to be unredeemable from the get-go. I'd suggest a special where Team 7 gets together one last time to hunt Orochimaru down. 


Nothing really else to add on from me; good luck.

#4 LuckyChi7


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Posted 21 April 2018 - 03:56 AM

I'm always available for input


Funny thing is I don't have as much a problem with the Asura Indra thing but id use it in the last movie as a part of the plot there with Kaguya being the main villain in that one. The Sage gives them the power of the twins to finally stop their mother so they can save the world that sort of thing.


maybe even a brief sub plot where the two have it out with each other as the brothers power overwhelms them, but they pull back as their own experiences come to the fore and they find a lasting peace bolstered by their memories of their loved ones Sakura and Karin.


End the last movie with Naruto and Sakuras wedding, and a hint of Sasuke and Karins.


That is actually a pretty good point honestly speaking I was going to save Kaguya for Shinachiku,  Sachiko, Hanami, and Arash's generation as like the central overarching villain of that particular story. However a story between The Aftermath and The Epilogue is still possble. 


The subplot with the the brother's chakra is actually really nice, and it would make sense. 


Ending the movie with Naruto and Sakura getting married does actually seem very fitting. 




nonetheless, thanks for the suggestion. 


If this is going to be a fan manga like tokai's Alternate Last, this is going to take a while. If that's the case, may I suggest getting not just one but several artists who can draw close to Kishi's style so it can be updated regularly.


Story-wise, sounds okay. The one thing you should talk about is Orochimaru and Kabuto. Kabuto, MAYBE could become good (but at this point that's a hard thing to do), but Orochimaru in my mind was supposed to be unredeemable from the get-go. I'd suggest a special where Team 7 gets together one last time to hunt Orochimaru down. 


Nothing really else to add on from me; good luck.



Actually, I kinda pictured this being like a fan anime project which obviously could take a lot longer, given where to start, but I do think it would be great to people on board at the very least trial and error to see if we can actually get something going. Given how long it's been since the ending I think it's only fair to say we should try something ourselves. 


In terms of using Orochimaru and Kabuto,  I do think it would be kinda interesting seeing him being used as like the final antagonist for the middle chapter between  The Aftermath and The Epilogue timeline. 



Thanks for the suggestions man. 





#5 Phantom_999


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Posted 23 April 2018 - 07:20 PM

I'd say give Naruto more wind manipulation and give him a second element too if possible! :eager: And Give Sakura a "cherry blossom" themed attack too :happy:


#6 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 24 April 2018 - 12:30 AM

If you ask me, some of the ideas you got going on are solid, Chi, though I'd say you also may have to do some tweaking prior to the war, like some of what happened leading up to it, etc. :) That way, you can be able to make any changes to anything you feel wasn't handy or contradicted things said before at all.

#7 ree



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Posted 12 May 2018 - 09:29 AM

if I can give you an idea, why just don't make a time skip in the moment when Naruto goes to train with Killer Bee ? and make him came back just in the war arc ?

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